
How to Ace Your Wake Forest University Secondaries

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

medical students wearing scrubs looking at the camera

How to Ace Your Wake Forest University Secondaries

As a prospective medical student, receiving a secondary application from Wake Forest University School of Medicine can be both exciting and daunting. The secondary application is an opportunity to showcase yourself and your qualifications to the admissions committee and demonstrate why you are the right fit for their program. However, as the application process becomes increasingly competitive, it is essential to make sure that your secondary application stands out from the rest. This article will provide you with the tips and strategies you need to ace your Wake Forest University Medical School secondaries.

Understanding Wake Forest University Medical School’s Mission and Values

Before writing your secondary application, it is essential to understand the mission and values of Wake Forest University School of Medicine. This will help you tailor your application to reflect the qualities that Wake Forest values in its students. The medical school’s dedication to research, patient-centered care, diversity, and inclusion are all essential aspects of its mission and values.

The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion

Wake Forest University School of Medicine recognizes that diversity and inclusion are essential to providing quality healthcare. As a medical student, it is crucial to understand the unique needs of diverse patient populations and be able to provide culturally competent care.

In your secondary essays, make sure to highlight your experiences that demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusion. This might include working with underserved communities, volunteering at a health clinic, or participating in community-building initiatives.

medical students wearing scrubs, talking and laughing

For example, you might discuss your experience volunteering at a free health clinic in a low-income community. Through this experience, you were able to witness firsthand the challenges that underserved populations face in accessing quality healthcare. You also learned about the importance of cultural sensitivity and how to communicate effectively with patients from diverse backgrounds.

Emphasis on Patient-Centered Care

Wake Forest University School of Medicine is committed to providing patient-centered care. This means that they prioritize the needs and preferences of their patients and strive to create a comfortable and supportive environment for them.

As a prospective medical student, you should highlight any experience you have working directly with patients or in clinical settings. Whether it’s shadowing a physician or volunteering at a hospital, demonstrating your commitment to patient care can help your application stand out.

For instance, you might discuss your experience volunteering at a hospice center. Through this experience, you were able to provide emotional support to patients and their families during a challenging time. You also learned about the importance of active listening and how to communicate effectively with patients to ensure that their needs and concerns are being addressed.

Commitment to Research and Innovation

Wake Forest University School of Medicine is known for its commitment to research and innovation. They believe that research plays a vital role in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes. If you have research experience, make sure to highlight this in your application. This can include publishing research papers, presenting at conferences, or working in a lab.

For example, you might discuss your experience conducting research on the efficacy of a new cancer treatment. Through this research, you were able to contribute to the medical community’s understanding of this treatment and its potential benefits for patients. You also learned about the importance of collaboration and how working with a team of researchers can lead to more significant discoveries.

Overall, understanding Wake Forest University School of Medicine’s mission and values is crucial to crafting a successful application. By highlighting your experiences that align with their values, you can demonstrate your commitment to becoming a compassionate, skilled, and innovative physician.

Tips for Writing Compelling Secondary Essays

The secondary application is an important opportunity for you to showcase your personality and convince the admissions committee that you are the right fit for their program. Here are some tips for writing compelling secondary essays:

Reflect on Your Experiences and Growth

As you write your secondary essays, take the time to reflect on your personal experiences and how they have influenced your desire to become a doctor. Admissions committees want to see that you have a genuine passion for medicine and an understanding of the challenges and rewards that come with pursuing a medical career.

For example, you may want to reflect on a time when you volunteered at a hospital or clinic and how that experience impacted your decision to pursue medicine. You can also discuss any challenges you have faced along the way and how you have grown as a person and as a future physician.

Show Your Passion for Medicine

Wake Forest University School of Medicine wants to accept students who are truly passionate about medicine and who will bring that passion to their studies and future careers. In your secondary essays, it is important to highlight your passion and enthusiasm for medicine through anecdotes, personal reflections, and memorable experiences.

medical students wearing scrubs, talking and laughing

You may want to discuss a patient interaction that inspired you or a research project that you are particularly proud of. It is important to show the admissions committee that you are not only passionate about medicine but also knowledgeable and committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in the field.

Demonstrate Your Fit with Wake Forest University School of Medicine

The Wake Forest University School of Medicine has a unique culture and academic program. Showcasing how you fit into their program and their culture can make a significant difference in your application. This can include highlighting specific courses or programs that interest you and why they align with your career goals or demonstrating your commitment to community service, which is a key value at Wake Forest.

For example, you may want to discuss how Wake Forest’s emphasis on patient-centered care aligns with your own values and goals as a future physician. You can also discuss any research opportunities or extracurricular activities that you are excited about at Wake Forest.

Proofread and Edit Your Essays

Finally, make sure to proofread and edit your essays carefully. Spelling and grammatical errors can be incredibly damaging to your application. Take the time to re-read each essay multiple times, and consider having someone else read it over to offer feedback and catch any mistakes.

It is also important to make sure that your essays are well-organized and easy to follow. Use clear and concise language, and make sure that each paragraph flows logically into the next. By taking the time to carefully review and edit your essays, you can ensure that you are presenting yourself in the best possible light to the admissions committee.

Common Secondary Essay Prompts and How to Approach Them

As you embark on the journey toward becoming a physician, you will undoubtedly encounter a variety of secondary essay prompts that require thoughtful and introspective responses. Here are some of the most common Wake Forest University School of Medicine secondary essay prompts and tips for addressing them:

The Diversity Essay

When it comes to discussing diversity, it’s important to remember that diversity encompasses a wide range of experiences and identities. If you are asked to write about diversity, consider discussing your background or sharing an experience that has influenced your perspective on diversity and inclusion.

For example, perhaps you grew up in a predominantly homogeneous community and had limited exposure to individuals from different cultural backgrounds. However, your interest in medicine led you to volunteer at a free clinic in a neighboring city, where you had the opportunity to work with patients from a diverse array of backgrounds.

medical students studying in the top medical schools in the US

Reflecting on this experience, you realized the importance of cultural competency in the medical field and the unique perspective you bring to the table as a result of your diverse background.

The “Why Wake Forest University School of Medicine?” Essay

When answering the “Why Wake Forest University School of Medicine?” prompt, it’s important to demonstrate your knowledge of the school’s values and programs. Do your research and highlight specific programs or initiatives that interest you and explain why.

Perhaps you are drawn to Wake Forest’s commitment to community service and social justice, and you appreciate the school’s emphasis on hands-on learning through clinical experiences. Or maybe you are interested in the school’s focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and the opportunities for research and innovation that this approach provides.

The Challenge or Failure Essay

One of the most difficult essay prompts to tackle is the challenge or failure essay. However, this prompt also provides an opportunity to showcase your resilience and adaptability.

Be honest about the challenge you faced, whether it was a personal struggle or an academic setback. Discuss how you overcame it in a way that demonstrates your personal growth and development. Perhaps you struggled with a difficult course in college, but through perseverance and seeking out additional resources, you were able to not only pass the course but also develop a deeper understanding of the material.

The Gap Year or Time Off Essay

If you took time off between college and medical school, use this opportunity to highlight relevant experiences you had or how your time off helped you develop as a person and as a potential future physician.

Perhaps you spent a year working in a healthcare setting, such as a hospital or clinic, and gained valuable insight into the challenges and rewards of working in the medical field. Or maybe you took time to travel and explore different cultures, which helped you develop a greater appreciation for diversity and cultural competency.

Remember, each essay prompt provides a unique opportunity to showcase your strengths and experiences as a potential future physician. Take the time to reflect on your experiences and craft thoughtful, introspective responses that highlight your personal growth and development.

Preparing for the Wake Forest University Medical School Interview

If you are invited for an interview with Wake Forest University School of Medicine, congratulations! This is an exciting opportunity for you to showcase your skills and qualifications to the admissions committee. Here are some tips for preparing for your interview:

Five medical students wearing scrubs as they walk inside the lobby of a medical school

Research the School and Its Programs

Before your interview, it is important to do your research on Wake Forest University School of Medicine. This includes understanding their mission and values, as well as their programs and curriculum. By doing so, you can tailor your interview answers to demonstrate your fit with the program and show that you have a genuine interest in attending the school.

One way to research the school is to visit their website and read about their programs, faculty, and research initiatives. You can also reach out to current students or alumni to get a better understanding of the school’s culture and community.

Practice Common Interview Questions

Another important step in preparing for your interview is to practice answering common interview questions. This can include both general questions about yourself and more specific questions about your experiences and qualifications.

You can practice with a friend or family member, or even record yourself answering questions and review your responses. This can help you identify areas where you may need to improve and build your confidence for the actual interview.

Dress Professionally and Be Punctual

On the day of your interview, it is important to make a good first impression. This includes dressing professionally and arriving on time. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get ready and arrive at the interview location early.

Arriving early can also help you calm your nerves and prepare yourself mentally for the interview. Take a few deep breaths and review your notes before going into the interview.

Send a Thank You Note After the Interview

After your interview, it is important to follow up with a thank you note or email. This can demonstrate your professionalism and continued interest in the program, and can leave a positive impression on the admissions committee.

Make sure to personalize your thank you note and highlight specific aspects of the interview that you found valuable. This can help the admissions committee remember you and your qualifications.

Overall, preparing for your Wake Forest University School of Medicinel interview takes time and effort, but it is well worth it. By doing your research, practicing your interview skills, and presenting yourself professionally, you can increase your chances of being accepted into the program. Good luck!

Additional Resources for Acing Your Wake Forest University Medical School Secondaries

Applying to medical school can be a daunting task, but with the right resources and strategies, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some additional resources that can help you prepare for your secondary application:

Wake Forest University School of Medicine’s Website

One of the best resources for learning about Wake Forest University School of Medicine is the school’s website. Here, you can find detailed information about the programs offered, the faculty and staff, and the admissions process. Take some time to explore the site and get a sense of what makes Wake Forest University Medical School unique.

For example, you might learn about the school’s commitment to community service, its emphasis on interdisciplinary research, or its focus on developing well-rounded physicians who are equipped to meet the challenges of modern healthcare.

Online Forums and Communities

Another great resource for aspiring medical students is online forums and communities. These virtual spaces allow you to connect with other applicants, share your experiences, and get feedback on your application.

For example, you might join a forum for pre-med students, where you can ask questions about the application process, share study tips, and get advice from others who are going through the same thing. You might also consider joining a social media group for Wake Forest University Medical School applicants, where you can connect with others who are interested in the program.

Pre-Med Advisors and Mentors

Finally, don’t forget to seek guidance and advice from your pre-med advisors and mentors. These individuals can offer invaluable support and help you make strategic decisions about your application.

group of medical students sitting and communing at a stair outside of a medical college

Your pre-med advisor, for example, can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as an applicant, suggest ways to improve your application, and provide feedback on your personal statement. They can also help you navigate the complexities of the application process, from selecting which schools to apply to preparing for interviews.

Similarly, a mentor who is already in the medical field can offer insight into what it takes to succeed as a physician, share their experiences of applying to medical school, and offer advice on how to balance the demands of medical school with other aspects of your life.

By following these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of acing your Wake Forest University School of Medicine secondaries and securing your spot in this prestigious program. Remember, the application process can be challenging, but with the right resources and support, you can achieve your goals and become the physician you’ve always wanted to be. Good luck!

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At AdmissionSight, we focus on offering a wide range of services, all aimed at helping students perfect their applications to catch the attention of admissions officers. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about what we offer.



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