
How to Get Published in the International Journal of High School Research

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

College students walking in the campus.

How to Get Published in the International Journal of High School Research

A study shows that when students get involved in research, they become more interested and confident in STEM subjects. And when they get pumped about these subjects, they’re more likely to consider a career in STEM later on and succeed. That’s where places like the International Journal of High School Research (IJHSR) come in. They give young minds a chance to share their ideas and get a taste of how research works.

Ready to share your research findings with the world? We’ve got your back. We’ll walk you through the whole process of submitting your work to IJHSR. We’ll also cover everything from what kind of topics they’re interested in to tips for writing a really great research paper.

What Is the International Journal of High School Research?

The International Journal of High School Research is a peer-reviewed, open-source journal where high school students can share their research projects. It’s a place where students can publish their work, and it’s run by a nonprofit group called Terra Science and Education. They’re the same folks who organize the Genius Science Olympiad and are connected to the big Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair.

Psychology Majors at Johns Hopkins

Since it started in 2019, IJHSR has become a big deal in the world of high school research. It covers lots of different subjects, like science, technology, engineering, math, and even social and behavioral sciences. It’s a pretty popular journal and is read by people all over the world, thanks to being listed in places like EBSCO and Google Scholar.

Getting your work published in IJHSR is a big deal. It’s like showing off your research on a really big stage. Plus, being published in a journal that’s reviewed by experts can help a lot when you’re applying to college. And it’s not just about bragging rights—seeing what other students are doing around the world can be inspiring and help you grow as a researcher.

International Journal of High School Research Submission Guidelines

Before you submit your work to the International Journal of High School Research, let’s go over what you need to know.


If you’re a high school student, you’re eligible to submit your research to IJHSR. The journal is open to submissions from students and their mentors all around the globe. And if you’ve won awards at science fairs—regional, national, or international—sending in your work can help you showcase it to a wider audience.


Before you submit your work, think about who should be listed as an author. Anyone who helped with the research design, execution, data analysis, or writing should be included. If someone’s contribution was smaller, they can still be recognized in the acknowledgments.

Once your article is accepted, you can’t change the list of authors anymore, so choose wisely. The corresponding author will be the main point of contact for any questions or requests after publication.

Accepted manuscripts

IJHSR accepts two types of manuscripts:

  • Original research: This should showcase the new experimental data and discoveries you’ve made. Make sure your work hasn’t been published elsewhere and highlight what makes it unique.
  • Review article: This is a deep dive into existing research on a specific topic. It summarizes what’s already out there and points out where there’s room for more exploration. IJHSR is pretty selective with review articles—only 2 to 3 make it into each issue—so aim for depth and insight.

The journal’s scope includes science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). When you submit your article, use the categories and subcategories provided by IJHSR as your keywords. This helps them slot your work into the right spot and make sure it reaches the right audience.

Manuscript format

Use the appropriate template for your submission type. You can download the IJHSR Research Article Template for original research submissions or the IJHSR Review Article Template for literature review submissions.

There are no page limits for submissions to IJHSR.


Alongside your manuscript, provide at least three suggested reviewers for your paper. These reviewers should be experts outside of your organization who were not involved in your research. They could be individuals you referenced in your paper, professionals you admire, or potential collaborators for the future.

Female teacher talking to her students.

Reach out to these reviewers beforehand to confirm their availability. This step streamlines the review process and enhances the likelihood of a comprehensive evaluation of your manuscript.

Review process

Once you’ve submitted your paper to IJHSR, it will undergo the following:

Process Description
Initial Review The Editor-in-Chief takes a look to make sure everything’s in order—the format, style, checks for plagiarism using Turnitin, and ensures the citations are correct. If there are any formatting hiccups, your paper might get sent back to you for a quick fix-up. Make sure to use the provided template during this step.
External Review If the Editor gives the thumbs up, your paper heads off to two or more external experts in the field for their independent scientific opinions. These reviewers might suggest some tweaks before your paper gets the green light, or they might decide it’s not the right fit. Depending on their feedback, the Editor might ask for specific changes before giving the final go-ahead.
Publication Payment Once you’ve made those tweaks and your paper gets the all-clear, it’s time to settle the publication fee. Don’t worry, it’s a straightforward process—you can pay by credit card, and they’ll send you a link to do it online. And if you’re eligible, there’s also the option to apply for a fee waiver or a reduction scholarship.
Copyediting and Final Approval Once the fee’s sorted (or you’ve been granted a scholarship), your paper moves on to the copy editors to get it all polished up for the journal. You’ll get a copy to look over for any last-minute errors. Only after you give the final nod of approval will your article be lined up for the next available issue.

This whole process can take anywhere from 4 to 8 months. It depends on how many changes are needed and how quickly you’re able to make those adjustments.


You’re welcome to send in your manuscript to the journal anytime—there aren’t any specific deadlines to worry about. This gives you the freedom to submit your work when you feel it’s ready. The journal puts out online issues every other month.

Submission fees

There’s a publication fee of $250 for articles accepted for publication in IJHSR.

But eligible students in the U.S. who qualify for free or reduced lunch can apply for fee reductions or waivers. To request a fee scholarship, send an email to [email protected] along with your scholarship request and supporting documentation.

As part of the publication process, each author of an accepted paper will receive two printed copies of the journal.

How to submit

When your article’s good to go, just shoot it over to [email protected] as a single document. Don’t forget to name it “LastName_FirstName” or “LastName_LastName_LastName” if there are multiple authors. And if there are any images, like figures or formulas, make sure to send those separately in high resolution and .png format in the same email with the article.

Before hitting send, make sure your article is all polished up and follows the guidelines. Missing the mark on these could mean your paper gets turned away without even being reviewed.

Tips for Getting Published in the International Journal of High School Research

So, you’ve got your sights set on getting your work published in the International Journal of High School Research? Let’s break down some tips to help you make it happen:

A woman studying

1. Pick a cool topic.

First things first, choose a topic that’s both interesting and relevant. Think about what gets you excited in the world of science, tech, engineering, or math. Maybe there’s a gap in what’s already out there, or maybe there’s a hot topic that needs more exploration.

For example, if you’re into environmental science, you could study microplastics and their impact on local water sources. It’s all about finding something fresh and important that’ll grab people’s attention.

2. Do a thorough research.

Now it’s time to hit the books (and the internet). Dive into existing research to see what’s already been said about your topic. Check out places like Google Scholar or PubMed. Take notes on what’s already out there and see where your work can fit in.

And don’t forget to gather your own data too. Whether it’s through experiments, surveys, or simulations, make sure you’re collecting solid info to back up your findings.

3. Keep it simple and clear.

When you’re writing up your research, clarity is key. No need to dazzle folks with fancy words or confusing jargon. Keep it simple. Start by outlining your ideas so you don’t get lost in the weeds. Use plain language that anyone can understand. Instead of saying “utilize,” just go with “use.”

Be straight to the point—every sentence should count. If something doesn’t add value, toss it out. Also, keep your sentences active. “We did the experiment” beats “The experiment was done by us” any day. Make it easy for everyone to follow along.

Each paragraph should tackle one idea at a time. Make sure your manuscript is easy on the eyes too—clear headings and organized sections are your friends here.

4. Nail the format and cite right.

Nobody likes a rebel when it comes to journal submissions. Follow IJHSR’s guidelines to the letter. Use the right template and stick to the font, margins, and headings they want. They’ve got templates for a reason, so use them wisely.

And when it comes to citing stuff, don’t slack off. Use the style they ask for, and be consistent. If you mention a study, make sure it’s in your bibliography. Keep those in-text citations matching up too. Use citation tools out there to help you keep track of all this. Stay organized and avoid any accidental plagiarism.

5. Bring on the good data and analysis.

Make sure your data is solid. Run those experiments, surveys, or simulations like a pro. Measure everything you need to measure, and keep it consistent. Throw in some control groups and repeat those experiments to be sure. Quality data equals quality results.

Once you’ve got your numbers, crunch them right. Use the right tools and techniques to analyze your data and show it off with tables, graphs, and charts. Make it easy for folks to see what’s what.

And don’t forget to explain what it all means. Connect your findings to what’s already out there and show why it matters. Strong data and smart analysis? That’s how you make your student research shine.

a female student understanding how to start a college application essay

6. Give your paper a once-over (or three).

So, you’ve finished your draft—nice work! Now, before you send it off, give it a good look-over. But here’s the trick: take a breather first. Come back to it with fresh eyes. Read through a few times, focusing on different things each time.

First, tackle the grammar and punctuation. Then, make sure everything makes sense and flows well. Sure, tools like spell checkers can catch the basics, but nothing beats a human eye. Pay attention to how your sentences sound, your word choices, and how everything fits together. You want your paper to be a smooth read for anyone who picks it up.

7. Seek feedback.

Don’t go it alone—get some backup! Share your draft with folks you trust, especially those who know their stuff. Mentors are gold here. They can give you pointers on your methods, your analysis, all that good stuff.

And don’t forget your peers—they might have some smart ideas too. Host feedback sessions where you all dig into the nitty-gritty of your paper. Take notes on what they say and use it to make your paper even better. Working together like this not only boosts your paper’s quality but also sharpens your skills as a researcher.

8. Stay flexible and ready to tweak.

Okay, now the reviewers have had their say. Don’t stress—it’s all part of the game. Take their comments in stride and use them to make your paper stronger. Look for the main areas they want you to polish up—maybe it’s your methods, your data, or how you’ve laid things out.

Take their advice seriously and get to work. Make a plan to tackle each point they raise and keep track of what you’ve done. And keep it pro—even if you don’t agree with everything they say. Show them you’re committed to making your paper the best it can be.

International Journal of High School Research Sample Papers

Another great way to get a feel for what the International Journal of High School Research looks for is by reading some of the articles they’ve already put out. Let’s take a peek at a couple and see what we can learn.

Paper 1: Privacy Considerations in Medical Technology: Role of Federated Learning and Differential Privacy in Wearable Devices by Ayaan Waqar


Ayaan Waqar’s paper is all about privacy in medical technology. This one’s diving into the world of wearable devices and how AI plays into it. Waqar’s done some serious digging, pulling in research from 2019 to 2023 to see how AI, especially machine learning, is shaking up healthcare. The paper’s not just singing AI’s praises though—it’s also shining a light on the privacy concerns that come with it. It’s all about finding that balance between tech advancement and keeping folks’ info safe.

What makes the paper good

The study’s got a thorough literature review. Waqar’s combed through tons of top-notch journals in both medical and computer sciences, laying down a rock-solid foundation for their research. They’re backing their claims up with loads of evidence.

Side view of a woman using her laptop.

And when it comes to privacy concerns, they’re laying it out plain and simple. They’re walking readers through the risks of data breaches with wearable tech, making sure everyone understands just how serious the issue is. And when it comes to solutions, they’re not just tossing out ideas—they’re diving deep into how stuff like Differential Privacy (DP) can beef up security in wearable sensors.

Waqar’s paper is looking to the future too. It’s pointing out how stuff like DP in Federated Machine Learning (FML) is something that could shape the future of healthcare. They’re not just doing research for research’s sake—they’re laying down the groundwork for what comes next. It’s all about pushing the envelope and seeing where this tech can take us.

Paper 2: Individual Perspectives on Liberal Democracy: Insights from World Values Survey by Mason Kong


Mason Kong studies how folks see democracy, especially at a time when a lot of people are worried about it taking a hit. This paper finds out that how satisfied people are with their political system doesn’t always line up with the usual ways we measure democracy. Instead, stuff like how folks feel about the military stepping in when the government’s not cutting it and whether they’re joining in on strikes—those are the real game-changers when it comes to democratic evaluations. Plus, there’s a strong link between how people feel about their own wallets and what they think about democracy.

What makes the paper good

For starters, the study’s got data—lots of it. With a dataset this big—90,000 responses from more than 60 countries—Kong is able to paint a picture of democracy that’s truly global. And by doing that, they’re giving us a deeper understanding of democracy that we might not get otherwise.

But it’s not just about the numbers. Kong’s thinking outside the box. They’re flipping traditional ideas of democracy on their head and showing us that there’s more to it than meets the eye. By looking at unconventional indicators like attitudes toward military intervention, they’re challenging us to think differently about how we measure democracy. They’re also showing us that our personal economic experiences play a big role in how we see democracy in action.

With data, innovation, and a fresh perspective, Kong’s study is changing the game and giving us a whole new way to think about democracy.


Getting published in the International Journal of High School Research is no small feat. It takes careful planning, loads of research, and an eagle eye for detail.

But you’re not just adding another paper to your collection. Each submission is a chance to contribute something meaningful to the academic community. So, as you set your sights on excellence, keep pushing forward. Stay persistent, keep aiming high. Who knows? Your work could make a real impact on the world.

View of a female student working in front of her computer.


What research topics does the International Journal of High School Research accept?

They’re open to all areas of science. Research topics can be in behavioral and social sciences, technology, engineering, and math.

What is the acceptance rate of the International Journal of High School Research?

It’s pretty selective—around 20-30%. They’re looking for top-notch submissions that really stand out.

Does the International Journal of High School Research charge fees?

There’s a $250 publication fee. But if you qualify for free or reduced lunch in the US, you can apply for waivers or scholarships.

When is the deadline for submission to the International Journal of High School Research?

No need to stress about deadlines here. IJHSR accepts submissions on a rolling basis all year round, so you can take your time and submit when you’re ready.

What is the citation style of the International Journal of High School Research?

Stick to ACS format for citations. Anything else won’t fly with the journal. Use those superscript numbers for your in-text citations, matching up with the references section.


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