
How to Write the Common App Essay

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

A close up look of an application paper being filled out by a female student

How to Write the Common App Essay

As a student applying to college, your Common App essay plays a critical role in painting a vivid and personal picture of who you are beyond grades and test scores. This guide on how to write the Common App essay will walk you through the steps of crafting a captivating essay that will impress college admissions officers and increase your chances of being accepted into your dream school.

Understanding the Purpose of the Common App Essay

The Common App essay isn’t just another college essay – it is your opportunity to reveal your true personality, demonstrate your creative prowess, and convince admissions officers that you are a unique individual who has a lot to offer their institution.

A woman sitting on a desk while typing.

When it comes to college admissions, the Common App essay holds a special place. It serves as a gateway for you to showcase your abilities beyond your academic achievements. While your grades and test scores provide a glimpse into your intellectual capabilities, the Common App essay allows you to present a more comprehensive picture of who you are.

Imagine yourself as a puzzle, with each piece representing a different aspect of your identity. The Common App essay acts as the glue that brings these pieces together, allowing admissions officers to see the complete picture of your character, values, and life experiences.

The Role of the Common App Essay in College Admissions

Colleges look for students who are more than just academically inclined. They want individuals who can bring their diverse experiences, perspectives, and interests to the campus. The Common App essay provides colleges with this holistic view of you as a person, not just a student. It is a window into your personality, character, values, and life experiences.

Through the Common App essay, admissions officers gain insight into your passions, motivations, and the unique qualities that set you apart from other applicants. It allows them to understand how you might contribute to the campus community, both academically and socially. This essay is your chance to demonstrate your potential to thrive in a college environment and make a positive impact on those around you.

Furthermore, the Common App essay serves as a tool for colleges to assess your writing skills. It showcases your ability to craft a compelling narrative, articulate your thoughts effectively, and engage readers. Admissions officers are not only interested in what you have to say but also how you say it. Your writing style and voice play a significant role in capturing their attention and leaving a lasting impression.

What Admissions Officers Look for in a Common App Essay

The key things admissions officers look for in a Common App essay are reflection, insight, mental agility, resilience, and the ability to effectively articulate thoughts and ideas. They want to see evidence of self-reflection and introspection, as this demonstrates your capacity for personal growth and maturity.

Admissions officers also value critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze situations from different perspectives. They want to see that you can think outside the box, challenge assumptions, and approach problems with creativity and innovation. Your essay should showcase your mental agility and intellectual curiosity.

Resilience is another trait that admissions officers seek in a Common App essay. They want to know how you have overcome challenges and setbacks in your life. Sharing stories of perseverance and resilience can demonstrate your ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity.

Lastly, admissions officers pay close attention to your writing style and voice. They want to see that you can express yourself clearly and effectively. Your essay should be engaging, well-structured, and free of grammatical errors. A strong and compelling voice can captivate the reader and make your essay memorable.

Overall, the Common App essay is an opportunity for you to shine. It allows you to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives. By crafting a thoughtful and well-written essay, you can make a lasting impression on admissions officers and increase your chances of getting accepted into your dream college.

Deciphering the Common App Essay Prompts

One of the most intimidating parts of the college application process can be deciphering the Common App essay prompts. It’s crucial to comprehend each prompt fully to write an essay that effectively responds to it.

a male student studying intently

When it comes to the Common App essay prompts, understanding the nuances of each one is essential. These prompts are carefully crafted to elicit unique and personal responses from applicants. They are designed to give you the opportunity to share something meaningful about yourself, to delve into your experiences, and to showcase your individuality.

Breaking Down Each Common App Essay Prompt

Each of the seven Common App prompts is designed to give you the opportunity to share something meaningful about yourself. They range from discussing a background, identity, or talent that is meaningful to you to describing a problem you would like to solve to sharing a story of a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure.

For example, Prompt 1 asks you to reflect on a background, identity, or talent that is significant to you. This prompt invites you to explore your cultural heritage, personal passions, or unique skills that have shaped your identity. It encourages introspection and self-discovery, allowing you to showcase your individuality and the factors that have influenced your personal growth.

Prompt 2, on the other hand, challenges you to delve into a problem you would like to solve or a belief you hold dear. This prompt presents an opportunity to showcase your critical thinking skills, your ability to analyze complex issues, and your passion for making a difference.

Whether you choose to discuss a global issue or a personal challenge, this prompt allows you to demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and your commitment to creating positive change.

Prompt 3 invites you to share a story of a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. This prompt encourages you to reflect on moments of adversity and how you overcame them. It provides a platform for you to showcase your resilience, determination, and growth mindset.

By sharing your experiences of overcoming obstacles, you can demonstrate your ability to learn from setbacks and your capacity for personal development.

Choosing the Right Prompt for You

Choosing the right prompt is not about what you think admissions officers want to hear but rather about selecting a prompt that allows you to express your true self. Consider which prompt resonates most with you and provides the best platform to articulate your authentic experiences and aspirations.

When selecting a prompt, it’s important to choose one that aligns with your personal values, interests, and experiences. Reflect on your own journey, your passions, and the moments that have shaped you. Which prompt allows you to tell a story that truly represents who you are and what you believe in?

Remember, the goal of the Common App essay is to provide admissions officers with a deeper understanding of who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

It’s an opportunity to showcase your unique perspective, your values, and your potential contributions to the college community. So, choose a prompt that allows you to authentically express yourself and share your story in a compelling and meaningful way.

Crafting Your Common App Essay

Once you have a clear understanding of the prompts, the next step is to start crafting and writing your Common App essay. This stage involves developing a unique theme, creating a well-structured narrative, and writing with clarity and authenticity.

Image of a hand holding a pen and writing on a paper

When it comes to developing a unique and compelling theme, it can be the most challenging part of the process. However, it is also the most vital for making your essay stand out among the thousands of applications.

The theme of your essay should not only reflect who you are as an individual, but it should also echo across your other application elements, weaving a connected narrative that provides a comprehensive view of you as a compelling and multifaceted individual.

Consider the experiences, values, or passions that define you. What sets you apart from other applicants? What makes you unique? These are the questions you should ask yourself when brainstorming for a theme.

Perhaps it’s a personal journey that has shaped your perspective on life or a particular interest that has driven you to pursue it further. Whatever theme you choose, ensure that it is authentic and genuinely reflects who you are.

Structuring Your Essay Effectively

Once you have established your theme, it’s time to structure your essay effectively. A well-structured essay has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the essay. It should provide a glimpse into what the reader can expect and make them eager to continue reading.

The body of your essay is where you delve into the meat of your story. This is where you can provide examples, anecdotes, or experiences that support your theme and showcase your unique qualities.

Be sure to organize your thoughts logically and coherently, using paragraphs to separate different ideas or aspects of your story. Each paragraph should flow smoothly into the next, creating a seamless narrative that keeps the reader engaged.

Finally, the conclusion should tie everything together, leaving the reader with a deep understanding of why you are a good fit for their institution. It should summarize the main points of your essay and reinforce your theme.

Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion, as it may disrupt the overall flow of your essay. Instead, focus on leaving a lasting impression and making a strong case for why you should be considered.

Writing with Authenticity and Clarity

Authenticity and clarity are key when it comes to writing your Common App essay. An authentic essay showcases your sincere voice and allows the reader to get a genuine sense of who you are as a person.

Avoid trying to impress the reader with overly complex language or excessive use of vocabulary. Instead, focus on being yourself and expressing your thoughts and experiences in a genuine and relatable way.

Clarity is equally important. Your ideas should be relayed effectively, without any confusion or ambiguity. Keep your language simple and straightforward, ensuring that your message is easily understood. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may alienate the reader. Instead, strive for clarity and precision in your writing.

Remember, the Common App essay is an opportunity for you to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. It is your chance to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

Take the time to develop a compelling theme, structure your essay effectively, and write with authenticity and clarity. With these elements in place, your Common App essay will truly shine.

Revising and Polishing Your Common App Essay

A great essay isn’t written; it’s rewritten. Revision is an integral part of the writing process, and polishing your essay until it shines is what ultimately differentiates a good essay from a great one.

Self-Editing Techniques for Your Essay

Start by reading your essay out loud to identify awkward phrasing and unnatural language. Use online grammar and spell check tools, but do not rely on them completely. Keep an eye out for inconsistencies in your story and areas where you can provide more detail or clarity.

A woman in the library writing on her notebook

Seeking Feedback and Making Revisions

Don’t be afraid to seek out feedback. Show your essay to a trusted teacher, mentor, or family member, and be open to their critiques. Use their feedback to make revisions. Remember, criticism can be constructive and can make your essay more effective.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Common App Essay

While a well-rewritten essay can capture an admissions officer’s attention, many writers fall prey to certain common traps.

Overused Topics and Clichés to Steer Clear of

Overused topics can include being team captains or community service experiences. These topics, while potentially important to you, can be harder to make unique because of their frequent usage. Also, beware of clichés such as dare to be different, where it’s not the cliché itself that’s problematic, but rather the lack of originality it signifies.

Pitfalls in Tone and Style to Be Aware of

Writing your essay in a tone that isn’t genuinely yours can be a red flag for admissions officers. Don’t try to sound overly academic if that’s not your natural voice. Also, don’t overuse the thesaurus. It doesn’t impress anyone and can make your essay hard to read. Remember, authenticity is key.

By following these guidelines on how to write the Common App essay and dedicating sufficient time and effort, you can craft a powerful essay that accurately reflects who you are and persuades colleges that you would be a valuable addition to their campus community.

Having all the necessary information is important before choosing any course of action. AdmissionSight is always here to assist you with any questions or concerns. We have more than ten years of expertise assisting students in successfully navigating the challenging admissions process.

Consult with AdmissionSight and find out what we can do to help you get into the school of your choice by ensuring that you are sufficiently aware and well-prepared for the application process.


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