
Johns Hopkins Class of 2025 Statistics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male and female college students standing at a doorway

Johns Hopkins Class of 2025 Statistics

In this comprehensive overview, we will delve into Johns Hopkins University’s Class of 2025 class statistics. The analysis covers the admission process, student demographics, academics, scholarships, financial aid, on-campus housing, and student life. It provides an in-depth understanding of the university’s incoming first-year class.

Understanding the Admission Process

The admission process at Johns Hopkins University is highly competitive and transparent. The university looks for accomplished students with intellectual curiosity, a commitment to their communities, and aspirations to make a significant societal impact.

When it comes to the admission process at Johns Hopkins University, it is not just about grades and test scores. The admissions committee uses a holistic review process, which means they consider all elements of an application. This includes coursework, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, and the student’s personal statement.

Johns Hopkins University values non-academic achievements and qualities, recognizing that a well-rounded individual brings more than just high-flying academics. They believe in nurturing students who excel academically and are passionate about making a difference in their communities and the world.

Admission Criteria for Johns Hopkins

When evaluating applications, the admissions committee at Johns Hopkins University considers a wide range of factors. They believe in the rigor of the applicant’s high school coursework, looking for students who have challenged themselves academically. They also pay close attention to the applicant’s extracurricular activities, seeking individuals who have demonstrated leadership, initiative, and a commitment to their interests.

Recommendation letters play a crucial role in the admission process as well. They provide insight into the applicant’s character, work ethic, and potential for success at Johns Hopkins. The personal statement is another critical component, allowing students to showcase their unique experiences, aspirations, and how they align with the university’s mission.

Application Timeline and Deadlines

At Johns Hopkins, prospective students have two application periods: Early Decision and Regular Decision. Early Decision is a binding agreement, meaning that if a student is accepted under this plan, they must attend Johns Hopkins.

The Early Decision deadline typically falls in the first week of November. This option is ideal for students who have identified Johns Hopkins as their top choice and are ready to commit to attending if admitted. Applying early decisions can demonstrate a student’s genuine interest in the university and may increase their chances of acceptance.

The Regular Decision deadline is in early January for students who prefer to explore multiple options before making a final decision. This allows applicants more time to consider their choices and submit their most robust application carefully.

Prospective students must plan and meet all deadlines regardless of the application period. This includes gathering all necessary documents, completing the application form, and submitting required standardized test scores.

Overall, the admission process at Johns Hopkins University is designed to identify exceptional individuals who will thrive academically, contribute to the community, and positively impact the world. It is a rigorous process that values academic achievements, personal qualities, and accomplishments.

Breakdown of Admitted Students

Johns Hopkins University has offered admission to 1,652 applicants for the Class of 2025 from a pool of 33,236 applicants. They will join the 824 students provided early-decision access in December and February.

students looking out into the university

When examining the demographic profile of admitted students, it becomes evident that significant diversity marks the Johns Hopkins University Class of 2025. The demographics reveal a broad range of cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds among the incoming first-year students. This diversity is a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and enriching academic environment.

In identifying the value of campus diversity, Johns Hopkins is dedicated to assembling a class that reflects various experiences, perspectives, and interests. By bringing together students from different walks of life, the university aims to create a vibrant and dynamic community where students can learn from one another and broaden their horizons.

Demographic Profile of Admitted Students

Let’s delve deeper into the demographic profile of the admitted students at Johns Hopkins University. The Class of 2025 comprises individuals from various ethnic backgrounds, including but not limited to African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, and Caucasian. This diverse representation ensures that students encounter many perspectives and cultural experiences at the university.

Furthermore, the socioeconomic backgrounds of admitted students vary widely, with individuals coming from low-income, middle-class, and high-income households. This socioeconomic diversity enriches the academic environment and fosters a sense of empathy and understanding among students as they learn to appreciate the challenges and opportunities that individuals from different economic backgrounds face.

Geographic Distribution of Admitted Students

Johns Hopkins University’s reputation as a global institution is evident in the geographic distribution of admitted students in the Class of 2025. The university attracts students from all fifty states, showcasing its appeal across the United States.

From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene landscapes of rural Montana, students from various regions of the country bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the Johns Hopkins community.

But the global reach of Johns Hopkins extends far beyond the borders of the United States. The Class of 2025 also includes students from numerous foreign countries, spanning continents and cultures. From China to Canada, Australia to Zimbabwe, these international students contribute to the university’s diverse tapestry, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experiences from their home countries.

The geographic diversity of admitted students not only enhances the cultural fabric of the university but also provides opportunities for cross-cultural learning and collaboration. Students can engage with peers from different parts of the world, broadening their global perspectives and preparing them to navigate an increasingly interconnected and diverse society.

Academic Profile of Admitted Students

Examining admitted students’ academic profiles provides a further understanding of what Johns Hopkins University looks for in its students.

View of computer engineers working on a project.

Johns Hopkins University is known for its rigorous academic standards and attracts students who excel academically. The university seeks students with exceptional academic achievements and a solid commitment to their education.

When reviewing applications, the admissions committee at Johns Hopkins University considers various factors, including high school GPA, test scores, and the rigor of the applicant’s coursework.

High School GPA and Test Scores

Students admitted to the Class of 2025 are academically excellent. The majority graduated at or near the top of their high school classes and returned average SAT scores significantly above the national average.

A high school GPA is essential to a student’s academic performance and potential. Admitted students typically have impressive GPAs, reflecting their dedication to their studies and ability to excel in a challenging educational environment.

In addition to high school GPA, standardized test scores are also considered during admissions. Johns Hopkins University values well-rounded students who have excelled in their coursework and standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT.

Students admitted to Johns Hopkins University often achieve scores well above the national average, demonstrating their strong academic abilities and potential for success in college.

It’s important to note that while high school GPA and test scores are significant factors in the admissions process, Johns Hopkins University takes a holistic approach to reviewing applications. To understand the student’s potential, the university considers other aspects of an applicant’s profile, such as extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, and personal essays.

Preferred Majors and Fields of Study

Johns Hopkins is renowned for its pre-medical and biomedical engineering programs. However, the interests of the Class of 2025 span a range of fields, including political science, psychology, computer science, international studies, and more.

female nurse in scrubs showing heart gesture and smiling

While Johns Hopkins University is well-known for its vital programs in the sciences and healthcare fields, the university offers a wide range of majors and fields of study to cater to the diverse interests of its students.

Students admitted to Johns Hopkins University are passionate about their chosen fields and have demonstrated a solid academic foundation in their intended areas of study. The university values students who are intellectually curious, motivated, and eager to make a positive impact in their respective fields.

Whether students are interested in pursuing a career in medicine, engineering, social sciences, humanities, or any other discipline, Johns Hopkins University provides a supportive and challenging academic environment that fosters growth and encourages students to pursue their passions.

Furthermore, the university offers numerous research opportunities, internships, and study abroad programs that allow students to gain practical experience and broaden their horizons.

Overall, the academic profile of admitted students at Johns Hopkins University reflects its commitment to excellence and dedication to nurturing its students’ intellectual potential. The university seeks individuals who are not only academically accomplished but also possess the drive, curiosity, and passion to make a difference in their chosen fields.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Johns Hopkins University is committed to making its exceptional education affordable. They understand that tuition and other expenses can significantly concern students and their families. That’s why they offer a comprehensive financial aid program to help alleviate the financial burden and make a Johns Hopkins education accessible to all.

Group of students walking in the campus.

At Johns Hopkins, financial need should never hinder receiving a world-class education. That’s why nearly half of the students in the Johns Hopkins Class of 2025 receive some form of financial aid. The dedicated financial aid office works closely with students and their families to determine their eligibility for various financial aid packages.

Overview of Financial Aid Packages

The university considers various factors, including a family’s income, assets, and other financial obligations. The goal is to ensure that every student admitted to Johns Hopkins can attend, regardless of their financial circumstances.

The need-based aid program is designed to cover 100% of a family’s demonstrated financial need. This means that if a family shows a certain level of need, the university will work to provide a package of financial assistance that meets that need. The financial aid package may include scholarships, grants, work-study opportunities, and student loans.

The scholarships and grants are awarded based on financial need, academic merit, and other factors. The university offers many scholarships to help make a Johns Hopkins education more affordable. These scholarships can significantly reduce the overall cost of attendance for students and their families.

In addition to scholarships and grants, the university also offers work-study opportunities. These opportunities allow students to earn money to help cover their educational expenses while gaining valuable work experience. Work-study positions are available both on and off-campus, providing students with a variety of options to choose from.

The university offers student loans for students who still need additional financial assistance. The financial aid office can provide guidance and support in navigating the loan application process and help students understand their repayment options.

Scholarships Available for the Class of 2025

The university offers a variety of scholarships to incoming first-year students, allowing them to further their education without the burden of excessive student debt. One is the Hodson Trust Scholarship, awarded to students with outstanding academic performance and leadership potential. This scholarship covers tuition and fees and provides additional funding for research, internships, and other educational opportunities.

Another scholarship available to incoming first-year students is the Charles Westgate Scholarship in Engineering. This scholarship is specifically designed for students who have a passion for engineering and have demonstrated exceptional aptitude in the field. Recipients of this scholarship receive financial support throughout their undergraduate studies, allowing them to focus on their education and pursue their engineering dreams.

Another scholarship program worth mentioning is the Baltimore Scholars Program. This program aims to support talented students from the local community and provide them with the resources they need to succeed at Johns Hopkins. Recipients of this scholarship receive financial assistance, mentorship opportunities, and access to a network of fellow Baltimore Scholars.

Ready to Be Part of the Next Exceptional Class at Johns Hopkins?

You’ve just delved deep into the Johns Hopkins Class of 2025 statistics, gaining invaluable insights into what it takes to join this prestigious institution. But statistics are just numbers; your unique story makes you stand out.

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