
Music Teachers National Association Competitions (MTNA)

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female piano teacher helping her student learn how to play the piano

Music Teachers National Association Competitions (MTNA)

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions represent a pinnacle of achievement in student music competitions in the United States. Every year, these competitions draw thousands of young, talented musicians from across the country, offering them a platform to showcase their skills, compete for prestigious awards, and gain national recognition.

These competitions are deeply integrated into the educational journeys of the participants, serving as a significant milestone in their musical careers.

What Are the MTNA Competitions?

The MTNA Competitions are a series of performance and composition contests organized annually by the Music Teachers National Association. These competitions are divided into categories based on age and musical discipline, including Piano, String, Voice, Woodwind, Brass, Chamber Music, and Composition Competitions.

Piano and music sheet

The contests are structured in three tiers – State, Division, and National levels – with the winners of each state advancing to the divisional competitions and division winners proceeding to the national finals. The national finals are a prestigious event held during the annual MTNA National Conference. The MTNA also offers Chamber Music Competitions, which differ slightly, consisting of only two tiers: a preliminary round and a final round held at the MTNA National Conference.

What Is the Importance of the MTNA Competitions?

Recognized as some of the country’s most successful and prestigious student competitions, the Music Teachers National Association Competitions play a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of musicians.

They provide invaluable educational experiences for students and teachers, fostering a deep pursuit of musical excellence. By participating in these competitions, young artists gain national exposure and recognition and the opportunity to receive critical feedback from esteemed judges and engage with peers who share their passion for music.

The competitions celebrate and honor the students and their teachers’ hard work and achievements, contributing significantly to developing their musical skills and careers.

Who Can Participate in the MTNA Competitions?

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions are open to a wide range of participants, primarily targeting young musicians honing their skills and talents. These competitions are structured to accommodate different age groups and specialties, offering a unique opportunity for young artists to demonstrate their musical prowess on a national platform.

Age and Category Requirements

The MTNA Competitions are meticulously categorized to cater to various age groups and musical disciplines. These categories include:

  • Elementary (Composition Only): Aimed at children aged 5–10 as of January 1, 2024.
  • Junior: For ages 11–14, encompassing competitions in Composition, Piano, String, and Woodwind.
  • Senior: Designed for ages 15–18, this category includes Piano Duet (one piano/four hands) with at least one student aged 15–18. Competitions cover Composition, Brass, Piano, Piano Duet, String, Voice, and Woodwind.
  • Young Artist: For ages 19–26, covering Composition, Brass, Piano, String, Voice, and Woodwind.
  • Chamber Music (3–6 performers): Ensemble members must be aged 18–29, with competitions in String and Wind.

Requirements for Entrants

To take part in the activity, the entrants must fulfill certain requirements or standards that have been established. The entrants must meet these eligibility criteria to participate in the competitions:

  • They must be studying with a teacher who is either a member of MTNA or pays the Nonmember Teacher Fee of $150.
  • Entrants must be U.S. Citizens or hold a valid U.S. visa or permanent residence card (green card) throughout the competition year.
  • They are required to reside in the U.S. during the competition year.
  • Entrants must fulfill the age requirements stipulated for their respective competition category.

Participants can enter any MTNA competition they are eligible for but can do so in only one state. The choice of state depends on the location of permanent residence or the state where instruction takes place, which is particularly relevant for distance learning scenarios.

Requirements for Teachers

Teachers play a crucial role in preparing entrants for the Music Teachers National Association Competitions and must adhere to certain requirements:

  • Teachers must be fully aware of and ensure compliance with the entrant requirements.
  • The teacher listed on the registration will be considered the teacher of record throughout the competition year. In case of a change in teachers, past and present teachers will be recognized as teachers of record.
  • The teacher and the entrant must be different from one another.
  • Teachers must reside in the U.S. during the competition year.
  • MTNA Member Teachers must have paid their active membership dues before submitting competition registrations. MTNA collegiate members must also pay active membership dues to enter students.
  • Nonmember Teachers are encouraged to pay MTNA membership dues; otherwise, a Nonmember Teacher fee will be assessed at the time of registration.

How Are the MTNA Competitions Structured?

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions are meticulously organized into a three-tiered system designed to challenge and progressively showcase young musicians’ talents. This structured approach enhances the competitive spirit and provides a comprehensive educational experience for the participants.

piano notes

The MTNA meticulously orchestrates these competitions to ensure they cater to diverse musical talents and age groups, reflecting the organization’s commitment to nurturing and recognizing young musical talents at various stages of their artistic development.

Three-Tiered Competition System

The core structure of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is based on a three-tiered system comprising State, Division, and National levels. This system allows for broad-based participation at the initial stages, gradually narrowing down to the most outstanding performances at the national level.

Each tier serves a distinct purpose: the State competitions act as the primary entry point and educational phase, the Division level serves as an intermediate stage where performers compete on a larger scale, and the National level is where the most exceptional talents are recognized and celebrated.

This tiered approach not only encourages broader participation but also ensures a high standard of performance and competition as participants advance.

State Level Competitions

The first tier of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is the State level. These competitions are the entry point for all participants and are held in various states nationwide. States can conduct these competitions either as live events or through video submissions, providing flexibility and accessibility to participants.

Winners or representatives from each state’s competitions then advance to the next tier. The State-level competitions are integral as they set the stage for the competitive journey, offering young musicians their first taste of the competitive environment that MTNA fosters.

National Finals Details

The culmination of the MTNA Competitions is the National Finals, a prestigious event that showcases the top talents from across the country. Held annually at the MTNA National Conference, the National Finals bring together winners from the Division competitions to compete at the highest level.

This final stage of the competition is not just about winning; it is a celebration of musical excellence, an opportunity for national recognition, and a platform for extraordinary young musicians to shine.

The National Finals are a testament to the rigorous standards and the high level of performance that the Music Teachers National Association Competitions uphold, making it a highly anticipated event in the musical calendar.

What Are the Key Dates for the 2023-2024 Competitions?

Critical dates characterize the Music Teachers National Association Competitions for the 2023-2024 period, each marking an important phase in this prestigious event. These dates are essential milestones for participants, guiding them through the registration process, state and division competitions, and culminating in the highly anticipated national finals.

stage and a grand piano

Adherence to these dates is crucial for all involved, as they dictate the tempo of the competition and ensure a seamless progression from one stage to the next.

Registration Deadlines

The registration deadline is the first pivotal date in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions calendar. For the 2023-2024 competitions, the deadline for all Performance and Composition Competitions levels was set for September 13, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This deadline is non-negotiable and marks the cut-off for entries into the competition. Ensuring registration by this date was imperative for participants wishing to compete.

Additionally, the competitions feature Chamber Music categories, with the registration for these opening on November 1, 2023. The final submission deadline for Chamber Music registration and video submissions was December 6, 2023, also at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. These deadlines are crucial for effectively organizing and scheduling the subsequent competition stages.

Dates for State and Division Competitions

Following the registration phase, the Music Teachers National Association Competitions progress to the State level competitions. These are the initial tiers of the competition, where participants first showcase their talents.

The state competitions can be held live or through video submissions, depending on the state’s decision. The dates for these state competitions vary by region and are determined by local organizers.

Participants who emerge victorious or as representatives from these state competitions advance to the Division level. The Division competitions represent an intermediary stage, further scrutinizing the talents before they reach the national spotlight. Again, the dates for these Division competitions may differ based on geographical and organizational factors.

Schedule for the National Finals

The climax of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is the National Finals, scheduled to take place from March 16 to March 20, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia. This competition segment brings together the most outstanding participants from across the nation, all converging for a final showdown of musical mastery.

The National Finals are not merely a contest but a grand celebration of musical artistry, showcasing the highest levels of performance and talent. Held during the MTNA National Conference, this event attracts a wide audience, including music educators, professionals, and enthusiasts, all eager to witness the culmination of a year-long journey of musical excellence.

The National Finals are a testament to young musicians’ dedication, skill, and passion, marking a pinnacle of achievement in music education and performance.

What Are the Different Competition Categories?

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions, renowned for their breadth and depth, offer diverse categories to accommodate young musicians at various stages of their artistic development. These categories are thoughtfully designed to challenge and showcase talents across different age groups and musical disciplines.

A woman playing piano

From elementary school students just beginning their musical journey to young artists refining their craft at a higher level, the MTNA competitions provide a platform for all to shine.

Elementary Level Competitions

At the elementary level, the Music Teachers National Association Competitions focus exclusively on composition. This category is tailored for young composers aged between 5 and 10 years as of January 1, 2024.

It’s an opportunity for these budding musicians to explore and express their creativity in composition at an early age. By offering this category, MTNA nurtures the foundational skills of composition, encouraging young children to develop their musical ideas and creativity. It’s a unique aspect of the MTNA competitions, emphasizing performance skills and the creative music-making process.

Junior Level Competitions

The Junior Level of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions caters to children aged 11 to 14 as of January 1, 2024. This category expands the scope of the competition, including composition and performance in Piano, String, and Woodwind.

The Junior Level is crucial as it accommodates the transitional phase of musical development, where students refine their skills and explore deeper aspects of musical performance and composition. This level is a significant step from the elementary category, offering young musicians a more challenging and competitive environment.

Senior and Young Artist-Level Competitions

The Senior and Young Artist levels of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions represent the more advanced stages of musical competition. The Senior level is open to participants aged 15 to 18 and includes various disciplines such as Composition, Brass, Piano, Piano Duet, String, Voice, and Woodwind.

The Young Artist level is designed for ages 19 to 26 and encompasses the same disciplines as the Senior level. These highly competitive categories cater to more experienced musicians who have honed their skills and are ready to showcase their talents on a larger stage.

Including diverse disciplines at these levels highlights the MTNA’s commitment to supporting and recognizing excellence in various musical talents. The Senior and Young Artist levels are pivotal for those looking to make a significant mark in their musical journey, often serving as a stepping stone to professional careers in music.

How Do Entrants Prepare and Register for the Competitions?

Preparing for and registering for the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is a multi-faceted process that requires careful planning, rigorous practice, and attention to detail. This journey begins long before the actual competition dates, involving meticulous preparation both musically and administratively.

College student listening to music as she works on her homework.

For entrants, the path to these prestigious competitions is paved with dedicated practice, strategic planning, and a thorough understanding of the registration process.

Preparing for the Competition

Preparing for the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is an intense and rewarding process. It begins with selecting the appropriate repertoire, which should align with the competition requirements and showcase the entrant’s strengths and musicality.

This is followed by a period of dedicated practice, where technical skills are honed and interpretative insights are developed. Finally, entrants often engage in mock performances or recitals, which serve as invaluable opportunities to experience performing under pressure and receive feedback, helping them to refine their performances for the actual competition.

Registration Process

To successfully register for the Music Teachers National Association Competitions, entrants must follow a detailed process:

  • Determine Eligibility and Category: Entrants must first identify the correct competition category based on age and musical discipline. Understanding each category’s specific requirements and rules is crucial to ensure eligibility.
  • Complete the Online Registration Form: The registration process is conducted via the MTNA website. Entrants must accurately fill in all required information, including personal details, competition category, and repertoire. It’s important to double-check all entries for accuracy to avoid issues later.
  • Submit the Required Fees: Enters must pay the entry fees and the registration form. These fees vary depending on the competition category and level. Ensuring timely payment of these fees is essential, as late payments can result in disqualification from the competition.

Additional Fees and Requirements

Apart from the basic entry fee, there are additional financial and procedural considerations in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions:

  • Teacher Membership or Nonmember Fee: A nonmember teacher fee is applicable if the entrant’s teacher is not an MTNA member. This fee is in addition to the entry fee and must be paid at the time of registration.
  • Video Submission Fees for Division Competitions: There is an additional video submission fee for entrants advancing to the division level. This fee covers the cost of processing and evaluating the video submissions in the division competition.
  • Adherence to Competition Rules and Guidelines: Beyond financial requirements, entrants must ensure that their competition repertoire aligns with the MTNA guidelines and that they adhere to all rules related to performance and composition submissions. This includes following specific regulations regarding music selection, performance duration, and submission formats.

Understanding and following these guidelines and requirements is critical for successful participation in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions.

What Are the Unique Features of the MTNA Competitions?

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions stand out in music competitions due to their distinctive features extending beyond the traditional boundaries of musical contests. These features contribute not only to the prestige of the competitions but also to the comprehensive development of the participants.

Piano and music sheet

The MTNA Competitions are recognized for offering a blend of educational enrichment, professional growth opportunities, national recognition, and a celebration of musical diversity across various instruments and categories.

Educational and Professional Opportunities

One of the most significant features of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is the plethora of educational and professional opportunities they offer. Participants benefit from masterclasses, workshops, and feedback sessions, which are integral to the competition experience. These educational interactions allow young musicians to learn from esteemed professionals, gain insights into advanced techniques, and receive constructive critique on their performances.

Moreover, the competitions serve as a professional stepping stone for many participants, exposing them to the music industry, networking opportunities, and potential career pathways. The MTNA Competitions assess musical talents and contribute to shaping young musicians’ professional trajectories.

National Recognition and Awards

Participation in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions brings with it the potential for national recognition and prestigious awards. Winners and outstanding participants often receive accolades that resonate throughout the music community, bolstering their profiles and opening doors to further opportunities.

These awards are not just acknowledgments of musical proficiency but are also a testament to the young musicians’ hard work, dedication, and commitment. The recognition gained at these competitions can be a significant highlight in the participants’ resumes, often attracting attention from music schools, conservatories, and professional circles.

Diversity of Instruments and Categories

Another hallmark of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is the diversity of instruments and categories featured. Unlike many music competitions focusing on a limited range of instruments or genres, the MTNA Competitions encompass a wide spectrum, including piano, strings, woodwinds, brass, voice, and even composition.

This diversity reflects the MTNA’s commitment to fostering musical excellence across various disciplines, offering a platform for young artists irrespective of their chosen musical focus. Including multiple categories allows for a richer, more inclusive competition experience, showcasing a broad array of musical talents and styles. This diversity enriches the participants’ experience and contributes to the vibrancy and dynamism of the competitions themselves.

What Is the Role of Music Teachers in the MTNA Competitions?

In the Music Teachers National Association Competitions, music teachers play an integral and multifaceted role beyond mere instruction. Their involvement is pivotal to the participants’ success, serving as mentors, guides, and essential links to the competition’s requirements and standards.

Students in a music class

The role of music teachers in these competitions is a testament to their influence in shaping the next generation of musicians, reflecting the core mission of the MTNA to support and advance the growth of music education.

Guidance and Mentorship by Teachers

Music teachers in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions provide invaluable guidance and mentorship to their students. They are responsible for selecting suitable repertoire that adheres to the competition guidelines and showcases each student’s unique strengths and talents.

Teachers work closely with students to refine their technique, interpretive skills, and performance presence. The mentorship extends beyond musical instruction, encompassing emotional support and encouragement, helping students navigate the pressures and challenges of competitive performance.

Teachers also play a critical role in preparing students for adjudication, offering insights into what judges may look for and how to present their pieces effectively.

Compliance with MTNA Teacher Requirements

Participation in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions requires strict compliance with specific teacher requirements set by the MTNA. Teachers must ensure they are active members of the MTNA or pay the required nonmember teacher fee. This requirement underscores the MTNA’s commitment to maintaining a high standard of music education among participants.

Furthermore, teachers are responsible for being well-informed about the competition rules, deadlines, and procedures, ensuring their students are adequately prepared and registered for the events. Compliance with these requirements is crucial, as it not only reflects the professionalism of the teachers but also safeguards the integrity and smooth operation of the competitions.

Role in the Development of Participants

The role of music teachers in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions extends significantly to the personal and artistic development of the participants. Teachers are instrumental in nurturing their students’ musical growth, helping them develop technical proficiency, artistic expression, and personal confidence.

They often serve as role models and advisors, guiding students through musical and personal growth. The relationship between teacher and student in the context of these competitions can be transformative, often impacting students’ future musical pursuits and career choices. Teachers’ involvement in the MTNA Competitions reflects their dedication to fostering excellence and shaping well-rounded musicians.

How Do the MTNA Competitions Benefit Young Musicians?

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions offer various benefits that extend far beyond the prestige of winning. These competitions are a powerful catalyst for young musicians’ personal and professional growth.

American Protege International Competition of Romantic Music

They provide a platform for showcasing talent and holistic development in musicality and career progression. The value of these competitions in nurturing young musicians’ skills and opening doors to new opportunities is immeasurable.

Enhancing Performance Skills

Participating in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is a rigorous but rewarding journey that significantly enhances a young musician’s performance skills. These competitions provide an environment that encourages participants to strive for excellence.

Preparing for these competitions involves intense practice, deepening musical understanding, and refinement of technique. Moreover, the experience of performing in a competitive and professional atmosphere helps build stage confidence and presentation skills.

Feedback from esteemed judges and interaction with peers also contribute to a learning experience that helps hone their craft, encouraging young musicians to push their boundaries and explore new dimensions in their performance.

Opportunities for Networking and Exposure

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions are not just about competition but also a hub for networking and gaining exposure in the music community. These events attract some of the most talented young musicians, educators, and professionals nationwide, providing a unique opportunity for participants to connect with like-minded individuals and industry professionals.

Such interactions can lead to meaningful connections, mentorship opportunities, and exposure to different musical perspectives and styles. Networking in such an environment can open doors to collaborative projects, performance opportunities, and valuable contacts that can be beneficial in the long term.

Educational and Career Advancement

Participating in the MTNA Competitions often serves as a stepping stone for educational and career advancement for young musicians. The recognition and accolades can be significant additions to a musician’s portfolio, enhancing their prospects for admission to prestigious music schools and conservatories.

Furthermore, educational institutions and potential instructors favorably view the experience and exposure gained through these competitions. For many young musicians, success in these competitions can also lead to scholarships, grants, and other support for further musical education.

In the long run, the experience, skills, and recognition garnered from participating in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions play a crucial role in shaping the future professional paths of these young artists.

What Are the Unique Challenges and Rewards of the MTNA Competitions?

The Music Teachers National Association Competitions present a unique set of challenges and rewards that significantly contribute to the growth and development of young musicians. These challenges test the participants’ resilience, skill, and determination, while the rewards offer recognition, satisfaction, and opportunities that extend well beyond the realm of the competition.

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

One of the significant challenges faced by participants in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is performance anxiety. Performing in front of an audience and a panel of judges can be daunting, especially for young musicians.

This anxiety is not just about playing the right notes; it’s about delivering a technically proficient and emotionally expressive performance under pressure. Overcoming this challenge requires not just practice but also mental preparation.

Participants learn to manage their nerves, focus their energy, and channel their emotions into their performances. The experience of dealing with performance anxiety in such a competitive environment is invaluable, as it teaches resilience and helps young musicians develop coping strategies that are beneficial throughout their musical careers.

The Experience of Competitive Participation

Participating in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions is an experience that encompasses much more than the mere act of competing. It involves preparation, a journey where participants delve deeply into their chosen pieces, understanding every nuance and perfecting every note.

The preparation process and the actual competition days provide a rich learning experience. Participants are exposed to various musical styles, interpretations, and levels of expertise, broadening their musical horizons. The competitive environment also fosters a sense of discipline and motivates participants to strive for excellence, not just for the competition but for their personal musical journey.

Recognition and Prizes for Winners

For those who emerge victorious, the rewards of the Music Teachers National Association Competitions are manifold. Winners receive national recognition, a significant milestone in a young musician’s career.

This recognition often opens doors to new opportunities, such as invitations to perform at prestigious venues, scholarships for further musical education, and increased interest from potential teachers and conservatories.

The prizes awarded vary from monetary rewards to further exposure and professional development opportunities. Beyond the tangible rewards, winners also experience a sense of personal achievement and validation of their hard work and dedication. This recognition is an encouragement and a motivator, inspiring them and their peers to continue pursuing their passion for music.

How Can Participants and Teachers Prepare for Future Competitions?

Preparation for future Music Teachers National Association Competitions requires a strategic approach for participants and their teachers. These competitions are highly competitive and prestigious, so the preparation goes beyond regular practice routines.

It involves targeted strategies, learning from past experiences, and setting clear goals for future events. Effective preparation not only enhances the chances of success in the competitions but also contributes significantly to the musical development of the participants.

Effective Practice Strategies

Effective practice is key for participants in the Music Teachers National Association Competitions. This involves more than just repetitive playing; it requires a focused approach that includes understanding the technical and emotional aspects of the chosen pieces.

Participants should work on developing a practice schedule that balances technical exercises, repertoire practice, and performance simulations. It’s important to break down pieces into manageable sections, focusing on challenging areas and gradually integrating them into the whole piece.

Including mock performances in the practice can help deal with performance anxiety and improve stage presence. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding their students through these practice strategies, providing insights that can help in refining technique and interpretation.

Utilizing Feedback from Past Competitions

One of the most valuable resources for preparing for future Music Teachers National Association Competitions is the feedback from past events. Participants and teachers should review judges’ comments and audience feedback to identify areas of strength and improvement.

This feedback provides an objective perspective on the performance, offering insights that might need to be apparent during self-assessment. It’s important to approach this feedback constructively, using it as a tool to enhance future performances. Teachers can assist in interpreting this feedback, helping students to understand and implement it effectively in their practice and performance approach.

Planning and Goal Setting for Upcoming Events

Preparation for future competitions also involves strategic planning and goal setting. Participants and teachers must set clear, achievable goals for each preparation phase. This includes selecting an appropriate repertoire that suits the participant’s style and skill level, aligning with the competition’s requirements.

Setting timelines for mastering technical aspects, interpretation, and performance readiness is also crucial. Teachers can aid in creating a roadmap for preparation, ensuring that all aspects of the competition – from repertoire selection to performance nuances – are covered.

Regular check-ins on progress against these goals can help maintain focus and make necessary adjustments in the preparation plan. This structured planning and goal-setting approach ensures a comprehensive and well-rounded preparation for the Music Teachers National Association Competitions.

Explore How AdmissionSight Can Guide Your Path to Musical Excellence

Interested in taking your musical talents to prestigious platforms like the Music Teachers National Association Competitions? AdmissionSight is here to help you navigate the intricacies of combining your musical pursuits with academic excellence.

At AdmissionSight, we understand that being a musician is more than just a hobby; it’s a significant part of your identity and can play a crucial role in your college application. Whether you’re aiming for conservatories or Ivy League universities, our tailored guidance can help you align your musical accomplishments with your academic goals. Our services include:

  • Strategic Application Planning: We’ll help you integrate your musical achievements into your college application, highlighting how your dedication to music reflects your overall character and commitment.
  • Portfolio Development: For those applying to music programs, we’ll assist you in preparing a compelling portfolio that showcases your talent and dedication to music.
  • Essay Writing Guidance: Let us help you craft essays that eloquently express your musical journey and how it has shaped your personal and academic life.

Unlock your full potential both as a musician and a student with AdmissionSight. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward harmonizing your musical and academic aspirations.


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