
National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC)

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

musical instruments laid against a sky blue wall

National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC)

The National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1898 with the aim of promoting music education and performance in the United States. The federation is made up of over 200,000 members and 7,000 music-related organizations, including music clubs, professional music organizations, and colleges and universities. The NFMC is dedicated to advancing music education and promoting excellence in performance.

What is the history of the National Federation of Music Clubs?

What is the background of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC)? The National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) has a long and storied history that dates back over a century.

Founded in 1898, the federation was established with the aim of promoting music education and performance in the United States.

The idea for the federation was first conceived by Frances Elliott Clark, a music teacher, and composer from Illinois.

A set of musical instruments with music sheets in the middle

Clark was concerned about the lack of opportunities for musicians to perform and receive recognition for their talent, and she believed that a national organization could help to promote music education and provide opportunities for musicians across the country.

Clark’s vision was shared by a group of music educators and club leaders who gathered at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893.

These leaders recognized the need for a national organization that could promote music education and provide opportunities for musicians to perform and compete at the highest level.

Over the next several years, Clark and her colleagues worked tirelessly to establish the NFMC. They wrote bylaws, established a board of directors, and recruited members from across the country. In 1898, the federation was officially incorporated, with Clark serving as its first president.

In its early years, the NFMC focused primarily on promoting music education and performance among women’s clubs.

Women’s clubs were a major force in American culture at the time, and the federation recognized the important role that they could play in promoting music education and performance.

The federation’s first major program was its biennial music festival, which was held in 1900 in St. Louis, Missouri. The festival attracted over 2,000 participants from across the country and was a resounding success.

Over the next several years, the federation continued to expand its programs and activities, offering a wide range of opportunities for musicians of all ages and levels of experience.

During World War II, the NFMC played an important role in supporting the war effort. The federation sponsored concerts and other events to raise money for war bonds and provided music and entertainment to troops stationed overseas.

In the post-war years, the NFMC continued to grow and expand its programs. The federation established a variety of competitions, scholarships, and grants to support musicians and promote music education.

It also began to focus more on professional musicians, sponsoring conferences and workshops for music educators and performers.

Today, the NFMC is a thriving organization with over 200,000 members and 7,000 music-related organizations. The federation continues to promote music education and performance through its festivals, competitions, scholarships, and outreach programs.

It is committed to promoting the highest standards of excellence in music performance and education, and to providing opportunities for musicians of all ages and levels of experience.

What is the purpose of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC)?

What is supposed to be accomplished by taking part in NFMC?  The federation is dedicated to advancing music education and promoting excellence in performance.

Its purpose is to provide a wide range of programs and opportunities for musicians of all ages and levels of experience and to promote the highest standards of excellence in music performance and education.

The NFMC’s mission is to promote the study and appreciation of music, to encourage and support music education and performance, and to enhance the professional status of musicians.

Pencil and music sheet

The federation is committed to providing opportunities for musicians to develop their skills, receive recognition for their talent, and advance their careers.

The NFMC is also committed to promoting music education in schools and communities. The federation sponsors a variety of outreach programs, including music camps and workshops for young musicians, and provides resources and support for music educators.

What are the benefits of joining NFMC?

What are the advantages of being a member of the NFMC? Joining the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) can offer a wide range of benefits to musicians of all ages and levels of experience. In the lines that follow, we will explore some of the many benefits of joining the NFMC.

Access to Music Festivals and Competitions

One of the main benefits of joining the NFMC is the opportunity to participate in music festivals and competitions.

Two students playing with their instruments

These events provide a chance for musicians to perform and receive feedback from expert judges. Participants are also eligible to receive awards and scholarships.

Scholarships and Grants

The NFMC offers a variety of scholarships and grants to help musicians further their education and advance their careers. These awards are based on merit and financial need and are available to members of the federation.

Scholarships and grants are available for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for professional musicians.

Junior Composer Contest

The NFMC’s Junior Composer Contest provides an opportunity for young composers between the ages of 18 and 30 to have their works performed and evaluated by professionals. Winners receive cash prizes, and their works are published in the federation’s music journal.

Music sheet, headset, a guitar and a pen on a table

Networking Opportunities

Joining the NFMC can provide opportunities for musicians to network with other musicians, music educators, and music professionals. Members can attend workshops, conferences, and other events to meet and connect with others in the field.

Networking can lead to new opportunities for performances, collaborations, and other professional endeavors.

Music Education Resources

The NFMC is committed to promoting music education in schools and communities. Members have access to a variety of resources and support for music educators, including workshops, camps, and other educational programs. The federation also provides resources for music students, such as practice tips and sheet music.

Performance Opportunities

The National Federation of Music Clubs provides opportunities for musicians to perform at a variety of events, including its biennial convention. Winning performers from local, state, and national festivals are invited to perform at the convention.

The federation also sponsors concerts and other events to promote music education and performance.

Recognition and Prestige

Being a member of the NFMC can bring recognition and prestige to musicians. Members have access to opportunities to perform, compete, and receive awards and scholarships.

Winning awards or scholarships from the federation can add to a musician’s resume and help to further their career.

What are the events that NFMC organizes?

What kinds of events does the NFMC often put on? One way that the federation accomplishes its missions is through the various events and programs that it organizes.

Below are the different types of events that the NFMC organizes and the benefits that they offer to musicians of all ages and levels of experience.

Music Festivals and Competitions

One of the most popular events that the NFMC organizes is music festivals and competitions. These events provide a platform for musicians to perform and receive feedback from expert judges.

Participants are also eligible to receive awards and scholarships. Competitions include the Biennial Young Artist and Ellis Duo-Pianists competitions, among others.

The Biennial Young Artist competition is one of the most prestigious events organized by the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). This competition is open to young musicians who are between the ages of 18 and 26 who have already achieved a high level of performance in their chosen instrument or voice.

The competition offers significant prizes and opportunities for winners, and it has helped launch the careers of many successful musicians.

The Biennial Young Artist competition takes place every two years, and it is held in conjunction with the NFMC national convention. Musicians must first compete at the local, state, and regional levels in order to qualify for the national competition.

Meanwhile, the Ellis Duo-Pianists competition is a unique event that celebrates the art of duo-piano performance. It provides a platform for talented pianists to showcase their skills and connect with other musicians, and it helps to promote the art of classical music to audiences across the country.

Winning the National Ellis Duo-Pianists title is a significant achievement, and it offers many opportunities for the winners.

In addition to receiving a cash prize, the winners are invited to perform at a range of events across the country, including recitals, concerts, and music festivals.

The competition has helped to identify and support some of the most talented duo-pianists in the country, and it continues to be an important event for the NFMC and for the world of classical music.

Junior Composer Contest

The NFMC’s Junior Composer Contest provides an opportunity for young composers between the ages of 18 and 30 to have their works performed and evaluated by professionals.

The submissions are judged by a panel of distinguished composers and educators, who evaluate each composition based on criteria such as originality, technical proficiency, musicality, and creativity. The contest is intense, with each participant vying for the top prizes and recognition.

Winners are awarded monetary awards, and their compositions are included in the music journal published by the federation.


The biennial convention is one of the biggest events that the NFMC organizes. The convention brings together musicians, music educators, and music professionals from all over the country.

Attendees can participate in workshops, concerts, and other events, and have the opportunity to network with others in the field.

The convention also features performances by winning musicians from local, state, and national festivals.

Music Education Programs

The NFMC is committed to promoting music education in schools and communities. The federation offers a variety of music education programs, including workshops, camps, and other educational programs. These programs provide resources and support for music educators and music students.

Performance Opportunities

The NFMC provides opportunities for musicians to perform at a variety of events. Winning performers from local, state, and national festivals are invited to perform at the convention.

The federation also sponsors concerts and other events to promote music education and performance.

Scholarships and Grants

The National Federation of Music Clubs offers a variety of scholarships and grants to help musicians further their education and advance their careers.

Scholarship application form with keyboard and pen

Scholarships and grants are available for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for professional musicians.

Music Competitions for Youth

The NFMC organizes a variety of music competitions for young musicians, including the Junior Festival program.

These competitions provide a platform for young musicians to showcase their talent and receive feedback from expert judges. Participants are also eligible to receive awards and scholarships.

Music Therapy Program

The NFMC also offers a music therapy program that supports the use of music as a therapeutic tool. The program provides resources and support for music therapists and music therapy students.

How does one become a part of NFMC?

How does one sign up to become a member of the NFMC? Below are the steps one can take to become a part of the NFMC.

Find a Local Club

The first step in becoming a part of the NFMC is to find a local club in your area. The NFMC has over 3,500 local clubs across the United States, which are affiliated with state federations.

These clubs typically meet on a regular basis and offer a range of music-related activities, including festivals, concerts, and educational programs. To find a local club, visit the NFMC website and click on the “Find a Club” tab.

Attend Meetings

Once you have identified a local club, the next step is to attend a meeting. This is a great way to meet other members and learn more about the club’s activities and programs. Most clubs are open to new members and will welcome you with open arms.

Become a Member

To become a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, you must join a local club. Membership fees vary depending on the club and the state federation.

In addition to the membership fee, some clubs may require an audition or evaluation process. Once you have been accepted as a member, you will receive access to a range of benefits, including educational resources, scholarships, and performance opportunities.

Participate in Activities

As a member of the NFMC, you will have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities, including festivals, competitions, and educational programs.

These activities provide opportunities to improve your skills, receive feedback from expert judges, and connect with other musicians.

What is the future like for NFMC?

What does the foreseeable future hold for the NFMC? The National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) has a bright future ahead.

As one of the oldest and most prestigious music organizations in the United States, the NFMC has been instrumental in promoting the art of music education and performance for over 120 years.

While the organization has faced its share of challenges over the years, it has remained resilient and has continued to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of its members.

Looking ahead, the future of the NFMC looks promising. The organization has already taken significant steps to modernize and streamline its operations.

For example, the NFMC has embraced digital technology, with the launch of its new website and online registration system, which has made it easier for members to participate in events and access information.

In addition, the NFMC has continued to expand its reach and influence in the world of music education and performance.

The organization has established partnerships with other music organizations, such as the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) and the American Composers Forum, to promote music education and support emerging musicians.

The NFMC has also been instrumental in advocating for music education in schools and communities across the country.

The NFMC has also continued to evolve its programs and events to meet the changing needs of its members.

For example, the organization has expanded its Junior Festival program to include more genres of music, such as jazz, contemporary, and world music.

The NFMC has also developed new initiatives, such as the Music in Our Schools program, which provides resources and support to music teachers and students across the country.

Looking to the future, the NFMC is well-positioned to continue its mission of promoting music education and performance.

With its strong legacy and commitment to excellence, the organization is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of classical music in the United States and beyond.

Segue to AdmissionSight

The National Federation of Music Clubs is an important organization for musicians and music educators in the United States.

The federation provides a wide range of programs and opportunities for musicians of all ages and levels of experience and is committed to promoting the highest standards of excellence in music performance and education.

Whether you are a student, a professional musician, or a music lover, the NFMC has something to offer.

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