
Notre Dame Cost of Attendance

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of the campus of University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame Cost of Attendance

The University of Notre Dame is renowned for its rigorous academics, strong community rooted in Catholic traditions, commitment to public service, successful athletics, and extensive global alumni network. As Notre Dame continues to be a top choice for students seeking a well-rounded, high-quality education, prospective students must consider the Notre Dame cost of attendance.

This blog post aims to demystify the financial implications of attending Notre Dame, breaking down the annual cost, financial aid options, and budgeting tips, and examining the ultimate question: Is a Notre Dame education worth the investment?

Let’s navigate the financial landscape of one of America’s most prestigious universities, providing you with the insights needed to make an informed decision about your academic future.

How Much Does It Cost to Go to Notre Dame for One Year?

Understanding the cost of attendance is critical to planning your college journey. Students and parents often ask, “How much does it cost to go to Notre Dame for one year?”

The estimated Notre Dame cost of attendance for the 2023-2024 academic year is $83,271.

A father and his son talking while walking together.
Now, let’s delve into the various components that make up the cost of attending this prestigious university.

The lion’s share of this cost comes from tuition and fees, amounting to $62,693. This is the heart of your investment – it pays for your access to Notre Dame’s world-class faculty, robust academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and participation in enriching extracurricular activities. Your tuition ensures that you receive the whole Notre Dame educational experience.

Room and board is another significant cost, listed at $17,378. Notre Dame’s residential life is integral to the university’s culture, providing students with a tight-knit community and enhancing their learning experience outside the classroom.

This cost covers standard accommodation, typically shared with one or more roommates, and a comprehensive meal plan. If you prefer a single-room setup, you should plan for an extra $500 annually.

Books and supplies are estimated to cost around $1,250. This covers textbooks and other academic materials that you will need throughout the academic year. Remember, knowledge is an investment, and these tools are essential for your academic success.

Personal expenses, which approximately cost $1,200, is another component of your total cost. This amount can cover various personal needs, such as toiletries, laundry, and entertainment. While this is an estimate, your actual personal expenses may vary based on your lifestyle and personal choices.

Now, given Notre Dame’s diverse student body hailing from all corners of the country, a standard transportation allowance of around $750 has been factored in. This cost can fluctuate between $500 and $1,000 depending on your specific situation, such as how often and how far you travel.

While these figures provide a clear picture of the Notre Dame cost of attendance, bear in mind that these are averages, and actual costs may vary. Also, it is wise to plan for potential annual increases in these costs.

As you prepare for your Notre Dame experience, keep these components in mind, as they provide a comprehensive financial roadmap of your anticipated college journey.

Financial Aid Options at Notre Dame

Navigating the Notre Dame cost of attendance can feel daunting, but this renowned university is committed to making quality education accessible to all qualified students. By meeting 100% of every student’s demonstrated financial need, Notre Dame ensures that finances do not bar the door to educational opportunities.

In fact, during the 2022-23 academic year, 70% of all undergraduates received some form of financial aid, with the median need-based scholarship for incoming first-year students being $55,100.

Two women checking something on a site.

Notre Dame sources financial aid from various avenues, including institutional, private, federal, and state student aid programs. Undergraduate students who adhere to the annual financial aid application protocols are considered for all the available institutional and federal aid programs.

Let’s now explore the financial aid options at Notre Dame.

Scholarships & Grants

  • Notre Dame Scholarships: All admitted students who have undergone the financial aid process are automatically in the running for all University need-based scholarship programs.
  • Notre Dame Club Scholarships: Around 150 Notre Dame clubs present need-based scholarships from their distinct geographic regions. All financial aid applicants are considered for these club scholarships. Clubs will inform students about extra steps like interviews or essays if required.
  • Federal Pell Grant: This need-based grant is offered to eligible undergraduate students. During the 2022-2023 academic year, the Pell Grant award ranged from $692 to $6,895.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG): This grant helps students with exceptional financial need. The SEO Grants can range from $100 to $4,000 annually, as per the guidelines established by the Department of Education and the Office of Financial Aid.
  • State-Sponsored Scholarships and Grants: Students hailing from states like Indiana and Vermont may qualify for scholarships or grants from their home state’s scholarship programs.
  • Merit-Based Scholarships: Notre Dame provides a limited number of merit scholarships to first-year students who have shown extraordinary accomplishment, leadership, commitment to service, and intellectual promise. While there is no separate application, students are encouraged to apply for need-based financial aid due to the competitive nature and limited number of merit scholarships.
  • Private Scholarships: Numerous private organizations offer scholarships to Notre Dame students. You can search for these scholarships by reaching out to civic, professional, religious, and other community organizations. Websites like the College Board’s Scholarship Search and FinAid! also provide a wealth of information.

Student Employment

A sizable 45% of Notre Dame undergraduates work part-time on campus every year, typically putting in 6-7 hours per week. This helps students to manage their personal expenses. Students are paid bi-weekly directly to their personal bank accounts.

Federal Work-Study-eligible students can choose to work either on campus or for a community service agency. A student’s eligibility can be reviewed in the Financial Aid Notification.

View of students talking to each other.

Students can find employment opportunities through the Student Jobs JOBboard. They must take the initiative to find their own positions as jobs are not assigned and should reach out to specific departments to explore potential job openings directly.


Loans constitute another financial aid option, where students or parents borrow money for college, which must be repaid with interest.

  • Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan (for students): Depending on the student’s need as determined from FAFSA and other aid received, the student may qualify for a “subsidized” or an “unsubsidized” loan. For subsidized loans, interest is not charged while the student is enrolled at least half-time, and during deferment periods. Unsubsidized loans, on the other hand, begin accruing interest after disbursement.
  • Notre Dame Subsidized Loan (for students): This need-based loan offered by the University requires repayment with interest once the student is no longer enrolled as an undergraduate at Notre Dame.
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loan (for parents): This loan provides a borrowing option for parents of dependent undergraduate students. This loan program is not need-based but will be based on a parent’s credit history.
  • Private Loans (for students): After maximizing federal aid opportunities, students may consider private loan programs. But these should be approached with caution due to the varying terms and conditions.

ROTC Scholarships

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) offers scholarships on a competitive basis to students exhibiting merit and personal qualifications. These scholarships may cover up to the full cost of tuition, books, and fees, along with an in-school subsistence.

Veteran Benefits

Notre Dame also supports veterans and their families by aiding regarding the use of their Veteran Affairs (VA) benefits. The University participates in the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and Yellow Ribbon Program.

Understanding the wealth of financial aid options available at Notre Dame can make your dream of studying at this prestigious university a reality. With adequate planning and the right financial aid package, your investment in your future at Notre Dame can become a comfortable financial journey.

Tips for Managing the Notre Dame Cost of Attendance

Undoubtedly, the pursuit of higher education is a substantial investment. When considering a renowned institution like the University of Notre Dame, it is essential to understand the full spectrum of costs associated with attendance and how to manage them effectively.

View of the main building of the University of Notre Dame

Here are some tips for managing the Notre Dame cost of attendance to help you navigate the financial landscape of your college journey at Notre Dame.

Understand the Complete Picture

The first step in effectively managing the cost of attendance is understanding what it comprises. Costs extend beyond tuition fees to include room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses, and transportation. For instance, a single room at Notre Dame can cost approximately $500 more annually than a shared room.

Additionally, the transportation allowance fluctuates between $500 and $1,000 depending on individual circumstances. Taking these components into account can help you formulate a comprehensive financial plan.

Apply for Financial Aid in a Timely Manner

Notre Dame is dedicated to meeting 100% of every student’s demonstrated financial need. With a considerable portion of the student body receiving some form of financial aid, it is worthwhile to submit your applications as early as possible.

a female student typing in her laptop

Completing the FAFSA and the university’s financial aid procedures promptly will maximize your eligibility for aid.

Leverage Scholarship Opportunities

Never underestimate the potential of scholarships. Besides the need-based scholarships offered by Notre Dame, there are also merit-based scholarships for those with outstanding achievements, leadership, service commitment, and intellectual potential.

Additionally, private scholarships from various civic, professional, religious, and community organizations can substantially offset college costs. Dedicate time to research and apply for these opportunities.

Consider Work-Study Programs and Part-Time Employment

Nearly half of Notre Dame undergraduates work on campus each year. Work-study programs can be an excellent way to manage personal expenses while gaining valuable experience.  Check the student jobs board for potential opportunities, and consider federal work-study if you qualify.

Create and Stick to a Budget

Financial discipline is a critical aspect of managing college costs. Develop a realistic budget that caters to all your expenses, from textbooks and laundry to personal entertainment. Apps and online tools can help you track your spending and savings, promoting better financial habits.

Save on Books and Supplies

Textbooks can be surprisingly costly. Consider renting, buying used, or using digital versions to save money. Also, selling your books at the end of each semester can help recover some of these costs. For supplies, buy in bulk where possible and always look for student discounts.

Manage Your Loans Wisely

If you need to take out federal loans to fund your education, make sure to understand the terms and repayment schedules.

While private loans can bridge the gap when other sources of funding are exhausted, they should be a last resort due to their often less favorable terms and conditions. Carefully compare interest rates, fees, and loan limits before selecting a private loan.

Managing the Notre Dame cost of attendance requires planning, discipline, and an understanding of all the financial resources available. Keep these strategies in mind to make your Notre Dame education a rewarding investment in your future.

Is the University of Notre Dame Worth It?

Choosing a university is a significant decision that has long-term impacts on one’s career and life. With its rich academic offerings, strong community values, and robust financial aid options, the University of Notre Dame offers more than just a degree—it provides an enriching experience that is often deemed worthwhile by its students and alumni.

From an academic perspective, Notre Dame is consistently ranked among the top national universities. Its dedication to academic excellence, research, and a liberal arts education fosters critical thinking, creativity, and a broad knowledge base in its students. The diverse array of majors and programs means you can pursue your passions while preparing for a fulfilling career.

Beyond academics, Notre Dame’s commitment to community service and its deep-rooted Catholic traditions inspire students to become responsible and compassionate leaders. The lifelong friendships formed and the strong alumni network are bonuses that can open doors to many opportunities post-graduation.

The Notre Dame cost of attendance is also a considerable investment, but it’s essential to remember that the university meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for students. With numerous financial aid options, scholarships, and work-study programs, Notre Dame strives to make quality education accessible to all.

Choosing where to pursue your higher education is an influential decision, often filled with various considerations and apprehensions. When contemplating, “Is the University of Notre Dame worth it?” it is imperative to evaluate both the substantial educational investment and its multifaceted benefits.

While the Notre Dame cost of attendance is a significant factor to consider, the superior academic training, enduring community values, and boundless opportunities that Notre Dame presents make it an investment with high potential returns.

Remember, the value of education extends beyond its monetary cost—it is an investment in your future and an experience that shapes your worldview.

As you make this pivotal decision, consider not only the immediate financial impact and the long-term advantages and transformation a Notre Dame education can offer.

AdmissionSight is an expert in the college admissions process and can significantly assist students aiming for a spot at the University of Notre Dame. Given the competitive nature of admissions at Notre Dame, evidenced by the 2022 statistics, where out of 26,509 first-year applicants, only 3,420 were admitted, having a specialized guide like AdmissionSight can be a game-changer.

With our experts’ in-depth understanding of the selection process, we can help enhance your application to stand out in the highly competitive pool, highlighting your unique strengths and aligning them with Notre Dame’s values and expectations.

Consult with our admissions experts today!


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