
Notre Dame vs Pomona: A Look at the Matchup

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Female teacher talking to her students.

Notre Dame vs Pomona: A Look at the Matchup

As two highly regarded universities, Notre Dame and Pomona both offer exceptional educational experiences. However, there are notable differences between the two schools that prospective students should consider before making a decision.

In this article, we will compare Notre Dame vs Pomona across various categories to help you make an informed choice.

Location and Campus: How do the two schools compare?

Notre Dame is situated in South Bend, Indiana, while Pomona is located in Claremont, California. Notre Dame has a traditional college campus feel with Gothic architecture and a large amount of green space, while Pomona has a more modern and streamlined look. Both campuses are easily accessible by car and public transportation, with Notre Dame located near major highways and Pomona close to local train stations.

Despite their differences in location and campus style, both Notre Dame and Pomona offer a variety of extracurricular activities for students. Notre Dame has a strong athletic program, with a focus on football and basketball, while Pomona has a thriving arts scene, with numerous music and theater performances throughout the year. Additionally, both schools offer a range of clubs and organizations, allowing students to pursue their interests and connect with like-minded individuals.

Group of students walking in the campus.

Another factor to consider when comparing the two schools is their academic offerings. Notre Dame is known for its strong programs in business, engineering, and the sciences, while Pomona is highly regarded for its liberal arts curriculum. Both schools have a rigorous academic environment, with dedicated faculty and resources to support student success.

Notre Dame vs Pomona Academic Programs: Are there any significant differences between the two?

Notre Dame offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across its colleges of Arts and Letters, Business, Engineering, and Science. Pomona’s academic strengths lie in its liberal arts offerings, with a focus on social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Both schools are highly ranked in their respective areas of expertise and offer rigorous academic curriculum.

However, there are some significant differences between the two schools’ academic programs. Notre Dame places a strong emphasis on its Catholic identity and offers a variety of courses and programs related to theology and religious studies. In contrast, Pomona has a more secular approach to education and does not have a specific religious affiliation.

Three caucasian students talking to each other.

Additionally, Notre Dame has a renowned business school, the Mendoza College of Business, which offers undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs. Pomona, on the other hand, does not have a business school and instead focuses on its liberal arts curriculum.

Notre Dame vs Pomona Student Body: What are the demographics of students at each school?

Notre Dame has a slightly larger student population, with over 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students combined. Pomona has a smaller student body, with just over 1,600 undergraduate students. Both schools have a diverse student body with students representing a range of different ethnicities, nationalities, and backgrounds.

At Notre Dame, the majority of students are Catholic, with approximately 80% of the student body identifying as such. Pomona, on the other hand, has a more diverse religious population, with students practicing a variety of religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism.

Group of students talking.

In terms of gender, both schools have a relatively equal split between male and female students. However, Notre Dame has a slightly higher percentage of male students, with 53% male and 47% female, while Pomona has a slightly higher percentage of female students, with 51% female and 49% male.

Notre Dame vs Pomona Admission Process: How does the application process differ for Notre Dame and Pomona?

Both Notre Dame and Pomona have highly selective admission processes, with acceptance rates below 20%. Notre Dame requires applicants to submit the Common Application and supplemental essays, while Pomona has its own application and requires additional writing supplements. Both schools also consider factors such as extracurricular activities, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation in their admissions decisions.

However, there are some differences in the way the two schools evaluate applicants. Notre Dame places a strong emphasis on demonstrated leadership and service, while Pomona values intellectual curiosity and academic achievement.

Additionally, Notre Dame offers an Early Action option for applicants who wish to receive an admissions decision earlier in the process, while Pomona only offers Regular Decision. It is important for applicants to carefully research and understand the unique admissions criteria and processes of each school before applying.

Notre Dame vs Pomona Cost of Attendance: Which school is more expensive, and is it worth it?

Notre Dame and Pomona are both private institutions with high tuition costs. Notre Dame’s tuition is over $67,301, while Pomona’s is over $58,000. However, both schools offer financial aid to eligible students, and many students find the investment in their education to be worth it due to the high-quality academic programs and opportunities for post-graduation success.

It’s important to note that the cost of attendance goes beyond just tuition. Students also need to consider the cost of room and board, textbooks, and other expenses. However, both schools have resources available to help students manage these costs, such as work-study programs and scholarships.

A female student using a laptop.

Another factor to consider when evaluating the cost of attendance is the return on investment. Both Notre Dame and Pomona have strong alumni networks and high job placement rates, which can lead to higher earning potential after graduation.

Additionally, the academic programs at both schools are highly regarded and can provide students with valuable skills and knowledge that can benefit them throughout their careers.

Athletics: How do Notre Dame and Pomona compare in terms of sports performance?

Notre Dame is known for its strong athletics program, particularly in football, basketball, and soccer. Pomona is a Division III school and does not offer athletic scholarships, but it has a range of competitive sports teams and active club sports programs.

Despite the differences in athletic scholarships and division level, both Notre Dame and Pomona have a strong commitment to sports performance and physical fitness. Both schools offer state-of-the-art athletic facilities, including gyms, weight rooms, and sports fields, to support their athletes.

Additionally, both schools prioritize the well-being of their athletes, providing access to sports medicine and physical therapy services to help prevent and treat injuries.

Alumni Networks: What opportunities are available for graduates from each school?

Both Notre Dame and Pomona have extensive alumni networks that offer opportunities for career development and mentorship. Notre Dame has a well-established Alumni Association with chapters throughout the country and numerous job and networking events. Pomona also has an active alumni network, with various events, workshops, and conferences designed to help graduates connect with each other and advance their careers.

In addition to career development and mentorship opportunities, both Notre Dame and Pomona alumni networks also offer various resources for personal growth and community involvement.

Group of students smiling at the camera.

Notre Dame’s Alumni Association hosts service projects and volunteer opportunities, allowing graduates to give back to their local communities. Pomona’s alumni network offers cultural events and social gatherings, providing opportunities for graduates to stay connected with each other and with the college.

Career Prospects: Which school has a better track record for job placement and career advancement?

Both schools have impressive career outcomes for their graduates, with high job placement rates and competitive salaries. Notre Dame has a strong reputation for business and finance-related careers, while Pomona has a tradition of producing successful graduates in education, the arts, and social justice fields.

However, it is important to note that the career prospects also depend on the individual student’s interests, skills, and networking abilities. Both schools offer extensive career services and opportunities for internships and networking events, which can greatly enhance a student’s job prospects.

Furthermore, it is worth considering the location of each school and its proximity to potential job opportunities. Notre Dame is located in South Bend, Indiana, which has a growing tech industry and a strong presence of financial institutions.

Pomona, on the other hand, is located in Claremont, California, which is known for its thriving arts and entertainment scene, as well as its proximity to major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Social Scene: What is campus life like at Notre Dame and Pomona, and how do they differ?

Notre Dame is known for its spirited campus culture and active student life. On-campus events and traditions, such as football games, residence hall activities, and service projects, are popular among students. Pomona has a more laid-back campus atmosphere, with a focus on intellectual engagement and community involvement. Students participate in cultural events, volunteer projects, and discussion groups.

Despite their differences, both Notre Dame and Pomona offer a variety of extracurricular activities for students to get involved in. Notre Dame has over 500 student organizations, ranging from academic clubs to service groups. Pomona also has a diverse range of clubs and organizations, including a student-run organic farm and a literary magazine.

When it comes to social life, Notre Dame has a strong Greek presence, with over 30% of students participating in Greek life. Pomona, on the other hand, does not have any fraternities or sororities on campus. Instead, students often socialize through events hosted by their residence halls or through off-campus activities in the surrounding area.

Campus Safety: Are there any notable differences in safety measures on campus between the two schools?

Both schools prioritize campus safety and have extensive measures in place to ensure the well-being of their students. Notre Dame has its own police department, and Pomona is part of a consortium of Claremont colleges that share public safety resources.

However, there are some notable differences in the specific safety measures implemented by each school. Notre Dame has a comprehensive emergency notification system that includes text messages, emails, and phone calls to alert students of any potential threats on campus. Pomona, on the other hand, has a student-run escort service that provides safe transportation for students walking alone on campus at night.

Additionally, Notre Dame requires all students to complete a mandatory online safety training program, which covers topics such as sexual assault prevention and active shooter situations. Pomona offers similar training programs, but they are optional for students to complete.

Research Opportunities: Which school offers better research opportunities for students?

Both Notre Dame and Pomona offer research opportunities for students, but they differ in their approach. Notre Dame emphasizes faculty-led research projects, with many professors receiving funding for their studies. Pomona has a more student-driven research model, with students working on independent projects and collaborating with faculty members on research initiatives.

Notre Dame’s research opportunities are often focused on the sciences, with a strong emphasis on biology and chemistry. Students have the opportunity to work in state-of-the-art labs and participate in cutting-edge research projects. Pomona, on the other hand, offers research opportunities across a wide range of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences. Students can work on projects related to history, psychology, and economics, among others.

Both schools offer unique benefits when it comes to research opportunities. Notre Dame’s faculty-led approach provides students with the chance to work closely with experienced researchers and gain valuable skills. Pomona’s student-driven model, on the other hand, allows students to take ownership of their research projects and explore their interests in a more independent way. Ultimately, the best choice for a student will depend on their individual goals and interests.

Student Support Services: How do Notre Dame and Pomona compare in terms of providing resources for students such as tutoring, counseling, etc.?

Both schools offer extensive support services for students, including academic advising, tutoring, counseling, and health services. Notre Dame has a strong emphasis on faith-based counseling and spiritual support, while Pomona has a more secular approach with a range of mental health resources available to students.

In addition to these services, Notre Dame also offers a variety of career development resources, including job fairs, networking events, and internship opportunities. Pomona, on the other hand, has a strong focus on community engagement and social justice, with resources such as service learning programs and volunteer opportunities.

Both schools also have dedicated offices for students with disabilities, providing accommodations and support for those with physical, learning, or mental health challenges. Notre Dame’s office is called the Sara Bea Disability Services, while Pomona’s office is called the Disability Resources Center.

Extracurricular Activities: What clubs, organizations, and activities are available at each school?

Both schools have a diverse range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations available to students. Notre Dame has over 500 student organizations, including cultural groups, athletic teams, and service clubs. Pomona has a strong commitment to student activism and social justice causes, with groups dedicated to environmentalism, human rights, and intersectional identities.

Additionally, both schools offer opportunities for students to create their own clubs and organizations based on their interests and passions. Notre Dame has a student-led club registration process, where students can propose and create new clubs with the support of the university. Pomona has a similar process, with a focus on empowering students to take initiative and lead their own projects and initiatives.

Student Housing Options: How do living arrangements differ between Notre Dame and Pomona?

Both schools offer on-campus housing options to students, with Notre Dame having a larger variety of residence halls and dormitories available. Pomona offers a more traditional residential college experience, with all students living in campus-owned housing.

Overall, both Notre Dame and Pomona offer top-tier educational experiences and exceptional career outcomes for their graduates. Your choice between the two schools should ultimately depend on your personal preferences and academic goals.

It is worth noting that while Notre Dame offers a wider range of housing options, Pomona’s campus-owned housing is known for its high quality and comfortable living spaces. Additionally, Pomona’s residential college system fosters a strong sense of community among students, with each college having its own unique traditions and events. Notre Dame, on the other hand, has a larger student body and therefore a more diverse range of living options to choose from.


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