
NYU vs Harvard: Which University is Right for You?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Female student sitting on a podium

NYU vs Harvard: Which University is Right for You?

Choosing between two renowned universities like NYU and Harvard can be a daunting experience. While both universities have some similarities, they also have distinct differences that can significantly impact your academic and personal goals. This article will explore the various factors you should consider when deciding between NYU vs Harvard. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better idea of which university is the right fit for you.

Location: Differences in Urban Life

One of the most significant differences between NYU and Harvard is their location. NYU is located in the heart of Greenwich Village in New York City, while Harvard is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside Boston. NYU’s location provides students with an energetic, diverse, and artistic atmosphere, while Harvard’s suburban location provides a more tranquil and academic environment. Choosing between these two types of environments depends on your personality and lifestyle preferences.

Another factor to consider when comparing the locations of NYU and Harvard is the cost of living. New York City is known for its high cost of living, with expensive housing, food, and entertainment options. On the other hand, Cambridge has a lower cost of living, with more affordable housing and a lower overall cost of living. This may be an important consideration for students who are on a tight budget or who want to save money while attending college.

Students working on a school work while sitting.

Campus Culture: NYU vs. Harvard

The campus culture at NYU and Harvard is also significantly different. NYU has a vibrant and diverse student body that creates an exciting and lively social scene. In contrast, Harvard has a more reserved and academic culture that can sometimes feel intense and competitive. However, Harvard’s culture fosters an academic environment that produces some of the world’s most successful leaders and innovators. On the other hand, NYU’s culture encourages students to pursue their passions and develop creative solutions to societal problems.

Another notable difference between the campus cultures at NYU and Harvard is the level of student involvement in extracurricular activities. At NYU, there are countless clubs and organizations for students to join, ranging from cultural and political groups to sports teams and performing arts ensembles. This allows students to explore their interests and connect with like-minded individuals outside of the classroom. At Harvard, while there are still many extracurricular opportunities available, the focus is more on academic and research pursuits. This can lead to a more specialized and focused student body, but may also limit opportunities for students to explore diverse interests.

Faculty and Academics: A Comparative Analysis between NYU vs Harvard

The faculty and academic programs at NYU and Harvard are both world-renowned. NYU has over 20 schools and colleges that offer an extensive range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. Harvard is an Ivy League institution with a reputation for academic excellence and intellectual rigor. The faculty members at both universities are experts in their respective fields, and they are committed to helping students achieve their academic goals.

However, there are some differences between the two universities when it comes to their academic programs. NYU is known for its strong programs in the arts, media, and business, while Harvard is renowned for its programs in law, medicine, and public policy. Additionally, NYU has a more diverse student body, with students from over 130 countries, while Harvard has a more selective admissions process and a smaller student body.

Admissions: How to Get into NYU vs Harvard

Gaining admission into NYU and Harvard is highly competitive. Both universities receive thousands of applications each year and have stringent admission requirements. However, NYU and Harvard have slightly different admission criteria. NYU evaluates applicants based on their GPA, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations. Harvard takes a more holistic approach to admission and considers applicants’ intellectual potential, character, and achievements, among other factors.

It is important to note that both NYU and Harvard have highly selective admission rates. In 2020, NYU had an acceptance rate of 15%, while Harvard had an acceptance rate of just 4.9%. This means that applicants need to have exceptional academic and extracurricular achievements to stand out from the thousands of other applicants.

Additionally, both universities offer various resources to help applicants navigate the admission process. NYU has an admissions blog and offers virtual information sessions and campus tours. Harvard has a dedicated admissions website and offers virtual information sessions and webinars. It is recommended that applicants take advantage of these resources to gain a better understanding of the admission process and to showcase their interest in the university.

Student Life: Clubs, Activities, and Social Scene

The student life at NYU and Harvard is diverse and engaging. NYU offers over 500 clubs and organizations, including cultural, political, sports, and social clubs. Harvard also has a wide range of student organizations, including sports teams, volunteer groups, and academic clubs. Both universities provide opportunities for students to interact and socialize with their peers, whether through student government, cultural events, or Greek life.

Group of students smiling at the camera.

Additionally, both NYU and Harvard have a vibrant social scene. NYU is located in the heart of New York City, providing students with access to a wide range of cultural events, nightlife, and entertainment. Harvard is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is also home to a thriving arts and culture scene. Both universities also offer a variety of on-campus events, such as concerts, movie screenings, and guest lectures, which provide students with opportunities to socialize and connect with their peers.

Cost of Attendance: NYU vs Harvard

Attending NYU or Harvard can be expensive. NYU has a higher tuition and living expenses than Harvard. However, NYU provides students with an extensive range of financial aid options, including grants, merit scholarships, loans, and work-study programs. Harvard also offers generous financial aid packages to its students.

It is important to note that the cost of attendance can vary depending on the program and degree level. For example, NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts has a higher tuition rate than its College of Arts and Sciences. Similarly, Harvard’s graduate programs may have different tuition rates than its undergraduate programs. It is important for students to research and compare the cost of attendance for their specific program of interest before making a decision.

Alumni Network: Which University Has Better Connections?

Both NYU and Harvard have loyal and successful alumni who have gone on to achieve great things in their careers. However, the alumni networks at NYU and Harvard are unique. NYU’s alumni network is more diverse and encompasses a broader range of industries and sectors. Harvard’s alumni network is more exclusive and focused on producing leaders in politics, international relations, and business.

Despite the differences in their alumni networks, both NYU and Harvard offer valuable resources and opportunities for their graduates. NYU’s alumni network provides access to a wide range of events and networking opportunities, including industry-specific events and mentorship programs. Harvard’s alumni network, on the other hand, offers a more exclusive and tight-knit community, with opportunities for alumni to connect with each other through regional clubs and affinity groups.

Job Prospects After Graduation: A Comparison

NYU and Harvard offer excellent job prospects to their graduates. NYU’s location in New York City provides students with access to a vast network of job opportunities in various industries. Harvard’s reputation for academic excellence and leadership creates many job opportunities for its graduates. However, Harvard’s graduates tend to get more job offers from the top management consulting and investment banking firms.

Another factor to consider when comparing job prospects after graduation is the alumni network of each university. NYU has a large and diverse alumni network, with many successful graduates in fields such as media, entertainment, and technology. Harvard’s alumni network is also extensive, but it is known for its strong connections in politics, law, and finance. Graduates from both universities can benefit from networking with alumni, as it can lead to job opportunities and mentorship.

Study Abroad Opportunities at NYU vs Harvard

Both NYU and Harvard provide students with extensive study abroad opportunities. NYU has a network of global sites in Abu Dhabi, Shanghai, London, and many others. Harvard has many international study programs that enable students to experience different cultures and languages. Both universities value international experiences and encourage their students to study abroad.

Additionally, NYU and Harvard offer various scholarships and financial aid options to support students who wish to study abroad. NYU’s Office of Global Programs provides need-based grants and scholarships, as well as assistance with external funding opportunities. Harvard offers a range of funding options, including grants, scholarships, and loans, to help students cover the costs of studying abroad. These resources make it possible for students from diverse backgrounds to take advantage of the valuable learning experiences that studying abroad can offer.

Diversity and Inclusion: How Do the Universities Compare?

Diversity and inclusion are crucial aspects of university life. NYU and Harvard have both been criticized for their lack of diversity in the past. However, in recent years, both universities have taken significant steps to promote diversity and inclusion on their campuses. NYU has a more diverse student body than Harvard, and it has implemented several initiatives to promote inclusion and equity. Harvard has recently launched a plan to make its campus more diverse and inclusive.

Group of students smiling in the camera.

In addition to these efforts, NYU has also established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force, which is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to promote diversity and inclusion across the university. The task force has launched several programs, including a mentorship program for underrepresented students and a diversity training program for faculty and staff.

Similarly, Harvard has established a Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Task Force, which is focused on creating a more inclusive campus culture. The task force has developed a set of recommendations for promoting diversity and inclusion, including increasing the diversity of the faculty and staff, expanding support for underrepresented students, and creating a more inclusive curriculum.

Campus Resources and Facilities: Which University Offers More?

NYU and Harvard both have state-of-the-art facilities and resources that provide students with a world-class educational experience. NYU has modern facilities that include libraries, laboratories, and theaters. Harvard has one of the world’s largest academic libraries and dozens of research centers and institutes. Both universities have excellent resources for students to engage in their academic pursuits.

However, NYU also offers unique resources such as the Tisch School of the Arts, which provides students with access to cutting-edge technology and equipment for film, television, and theater production. Additionally, NYU has a robust study abroad program that allows students to study in over 50 countries around the world, providing them with a global perspective on their education.

On the other hand, Harvard has a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, with programs such as the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, which combines the fields of medicine, engineering, and science. Harvard also has a world-renowned business school, the Harvard Business School, which offers a rigorous MBA program and executive education programs for professionals.

Research Opportunities at NYU vs Harvard

NYU and Harvard are both research-intensive universities that offer students ample opportunities to engage in research activities and contribute to their respective fields. NYU has several interdisciplinary research centers that promote collaboration and innovation among faculty and students. Harvard has a long history of research excellence and has produced several Nobel laureates and MacArthur fellows.

One of the unique research opportunities at NYU is the ability to participate in the university’s Global Research Initiatives program. This program allows students to conduct research in various locations around the world, including Abu Dhabi, Shanghai, and Tel Aviv. Additionally, NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering has a strong focus on research in emerging technologies such as cybersecurity and robotics.

Harvard, on the other hand, has a strong emphasis on research in the social sciences and humanities. The university’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science is a leading research center in the field of social science, while the Mahindra Humanities Center promotes interdisciplinary research in the humanities. Harvard also has a number of research centers dedicated to specific fields, such as the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Athletics Programs: Comparing Sports Teams and Facilities

Athletics programs are an integral part of university life. NYU and Harvard both have competitive sports teams and world-class athletic facilities. NYU’s athletics program is known for its strong emphasis on physical fitness and wellness. Harvard’s athletics program is known for its excellence in sports like basketball and rowing.

However, there are some differences between the two universities’ athletics programs. NYU offers a wider range of sports teams, including fencing, volleyball, and water polo. Harvard, on the other hand, has a stronger focus on individual sports like tennis and squash.

In terms of facilities, both universities have state-of-the-art gyms and training centers. However, NYU’s Coles Sports Center also includes a rock climbing wall and an indoor track, while Harvard’s Malkin Athletic Center has a swimming pool and a dance studio.

Campus Safety and Security: Which University is Safer?

Campus safety and security are critical considerations for students and their families. NYU and Harvard both have robust safety and security measures in place to ensure the wellbeing of their students. NYU has a 24/7 campus security patrol and multiple emergency response systems. Harvard has a campus police force and a 24/7 security escort program. Both universities have low crime rates on their campuses.

Female student clutching her book while smiling at the camera.

In conclusion, choosing between NYU and Harvard requires careful consideration of various factors, including location, campus culture, faculty, admissions, student life, cost of attendance, alumni network, job prospects, study abroad opportunities, diversity and inclusion, campus resources, research opportunities, athletics programs, and campus safety and security. Ultimately, your decision should be based on your academic and personal goals, campus environment preferences, and financial circumstances. We hope that this article has provided you with the necessary information to make an informed decision about which university is right for you.

It is important to note that campus safety and security is not just limited to the measures put in place by the university. Students also play a crucial role in ensuring their own safety. Both NYU and Harvard offer various resources and programs to educate students on personal safety and self-defense. Additionally, students can take steps such as traveling in groups, being aware of their surroundings, and reporting any suspicious activity to campus security. By working together with the university and taking personal responsibility, students can create a safer campus environment for everyone.


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