
The Harvard Pre-College Summer Program: A Gateway to Academic Excellence

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

A building in Harvard University

The Harvard Pre-College Summer Program: A Gateway to Academic Excellence

The Harvard Pre-College Summer Program is a remarkable opportunity for high school students to experience a taste of college life and academic rigor at one of the world’s most prestigious institutions.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of the program, its application process, the enriching experiences it offers, and how it can be a stepping stone to your dream college.

Program Overview

Harvard’s Pre-College Program is an intensive two-week summer program specifically designed to provide high school students with a glimpse into the world of college. During this time, students get to live on the iconic Harvard campus and engage in a college-level course alongside peers from across the globe.

The hallmark of this program is that it allows students to test their intellect without the burden of letter grades. The non-credit courses are rigorous and foster a stimulating academic environment where students can thrive. With an average class size of just 15 students, you can expect personal attention and active engagement with Ivy League scholars.

The Diverse Campus

Harvard’s Pre-College Program is known for its diversity, making it a melting pot of cultures, languages, and ideas. With students from 72 different countries and representation from all 54 US states and territories, you are sure to broaden your horizons and develop a global perspective.

Front View of Gordon Hall at the Quadrangle of Harvard Medical School

Eligibility and Application

The Pre-College Program is open to rising juniors and seniors who are academically motivated and eager to explore potential majors or simply get a taste of college life. To be eligible for the summer of 2024, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You will graduate from high school and enter college in 2025 or 2026.
  • You must be at least 16 years old by June 22, 2024, and will not turn 19 before July 31, 2024.

Key application deadlines for Summer 2024 are as follows:

  • Early Application and Priority Financial Aid Deadline: January 10, 2024
  • Regular Application and Financial Aid Deadline: February 14, 2024
  • Late Application Deadline: April 10, 2024

Program Activities

In addition to academic enrichment, the Harvard Pre-College Program offers an array of co-curricular activities to ensure a well-rounded experience. These activities provide students with opportunities for creative expression and social interaction, all while stimulating their minds. It’s not just about learning; it’s about making lifelong memories.

Courses at the Harvard Pre-College Program

With nearly 30 courses available for each session, students have a wide range of subjects to choose from. The courses are non-credit and do not have letter grades.

However, students receive a written evaluation from their instructors and a Harvard transcript with a grade of AR (requirements met) or NM (requirements not met) at the end of the program. This can be a valuable addition to your college application.

The Harvard Pre-College Summer Program offers a rich tapestry of courses that span various disciplines, providing a glimpse into the world of college-level learning. In this blog, we will unravel the diverse programs offered by Harvard’s Pre-College Program, giving you insights into the array of subjects you can explore.

Speech, Writing, and Literature

Creative Writing: Dive into the world of storytelling and narrative crafting. Develop your creative voice and refine your writing skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.

English: Explore the intricacies of language, literature, and literary analysis. Engage with classic and contemporary texts to deepen your understanding of the written word.

Expository Writing: Hone your ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively. Expository writing is a valuable skill across various academic disciplines.

Journalism: Uncover the art of investigative reporting, news writing, and ethical journalism practices. Learn how to effectively communicate with a broad audience.

Harvard flag is seen outside the Harvard Cooperative Society (the Coop), a collegiate bookstore on the Harvard University campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Speech: Enhance your public speaking and communication skills. This course is an invaluable asset for future leaders and effective communicators.

Psychology, Medicine, and Public Health

Anthropology: Delve into the study of human societies and cultures, examining the past and present to gain insights into the diversity of human experiences.

Biology: Explore the intricacies of life and living organisms. Study the processes that drive our world, from the microscopic to the macroscopic.

History of Science: Trace the evolution of scientific thought and discovery. Understand how science has shaped the world we live in today.

Psychology: Unearth the complexities of the human mind and behavior. Gain insights into psychological theories, research methods, and human development.

Social Science: Explore the broader social, cultural, and political dimensions that influence our lives and society as a whole.

Law, Politics, Philosophy, and History

Legal Studies: Gain a foundational understanding of the legal system, exploring topics like constitutional law, civil rights, and the principles of justice.

History: Journey through the past to understand the events and individuals that have shaped our world. History is a window into the human experience.

Government: Examine political systems, institutions, and governance structures, fostering an appreciation for the complexities of the political landscape.

Philosophy: Engage in thought-provoking discussions on fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and the nature of reality.

Business and Leadership

Economics: Investigate the principles that underpin economic systems, resource allocation, and decision-making. Understand the forces that shape our financial world.

Digital Media: Navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. Develop skills in media production, communication, and multimedia storytelling.

Management: Explore the dynamics of leadership, team-building, and organizational behavior. Cultivate the skills essential for effective management.

Speech: Further refine your public speaking and communication abilities. Effective communication is a vital skill in the world of business and leadership.

Race, Gender, and Ethics

Philosophy: Delve into ethical dilemmas, moral reasoning, and philosophical approaches to questions of right and wrong.

Psychology: Investigate the psychology of human behavior through the lens of race, gender, and ethics. Gain a deeper understanding of social dynamics and cultural influences.

Sociology: Explore the structure and functioning of human societies, examining the impact of race, gender, and ethical considerations on social systems.

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Delve into gender studies to understand the role of gender and sexuality in society, culture, and history.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM)

Astronomy: Embark on a celestial journey, exploring the wonders of the universe and the science behind the stars, planets, and galaxies.

Biology: Delve into the living world, from cells to ecosystems. Understand the intricacies of life and its interconnectedness.

Computer Science: Dive into the world of programming, algorithms, and technology. Develop your computational thinking and coding skills.

Female students talking outdoors on the sidewalk

Math: Unlock the power of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving. Mathematics is the foundation of many scientific and engineering disciplines.

Physics: Explore the fundamental laws that govern the physical universe. Gain insights into the forces and phenomena shaping our world.

Statistics: Understand the power of data and statistical analysis. Learn how to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Social Science: Broaden your perspective by exploring social and behavioral sciences that help make sense of human behavior and society.

Cost and Financial Aid

The program fee for a 2024 Harvard Pre-College Program session is $5,550. This fee includes tuition, room and board, activity costs, and an accident and sickness insurance plan for the full two weeks. There is also a non-refundable $75 application fee.

Harvard offers a limited number of scholarships to assist eligible students who demonstrate financial need. These scholarships can cover a portion of the tuition, making the program more accessible to a broader range of students.

The Pre-College Experience

Harvard’s Pre-College Program is a two-week immersion in college life. During this time, you’ll live on the Harvard campus, attend classes daily, engage in rigorous study, and participate in program activities. With three two-week sessions each summer, you can choose the one that best suits your schedule.

The experience not only enriches your high school years but also equips you with valuable skills for your college journey. At the end of the program, you receive a written evaluation from your instructor and a Harvard transcript, which can bolster your college application.

College Admissions and Pre-College Programs

Participation in a Pre-College Program like Harvard’s can significantly benefit your college admissions prospects. Successfully completing such a program demonstrates your ability to excel in a college-level course and shows admissions committees your dedication and motivation.

Moreover, Harvard’s Pre-College Program includes college readiness activities like workshops on writing college admissions essays, seminars on understanding the financial aid process, and panels with admissions officers from colleges nationwide. This ensures that you are well-prepared for the college admissions and application process.

Why Choose Harvard’s Pre-College Program?

Harvard’s Pre-College Program combines the academic rigor of an Ivy League education with the fun of living, studying, and socializing with peers from diverse backgrounds. Whether you’re engaging in meaningful class debates, showcasing your talents in a talent show, or exploring the vibrant city of Boston, you’ll create memories that last a lifetime.

Applying for this incredible experience is the first step in your journey. Complete the information request form to receive important deadlines and helpful resources, setting you on a path toward an extraordinary academic adventure.

The Harvard Pre-College Summer Program offers a unique opportunity for high school students to immerse themselves in college life, learn from world-class scholars, and enhance their college applications. With a focus on academic excellence, diverse experiences, and ample support, this program can be a pivotal point in your educational journey.

If you aspire to attend an Ivy League institution or simply seek to explore your academic passions, consider applying to Harvard’s Pre-College Program. It’s not just a summer program; it’s a transformative experience that can shape your future. Apply, learn, grow, and pave the way to your dream college.

How Does Participation in the Harvard Pre-College Summer Program Affect College Admission?

Participating in the Harvard Pre-College Summer Program can be a significant boost to your college admission prospects. Here’s how:

Academic Excellence: Harvard’s Pre-College Program allows students to take college-level courses in a wide range of subjects. Successfully completing a rigorous, non-credit course demonstrates your ability to thrive in a challenging academic environment.

Diverse group of students with young man in wheelchair

Instructor Evaluation: At the end of the program, students receive a written evaluation from their instructors. This evaluation can be a valuable addition to your college application, as it provides insights into your academic performance, work ethic, and potential as a college student.

Diverse Experience: The program’s diverse and immersive experience can set you apart. It shows admissions committees that you’re open to new perspectives, can adapt to diverse environments, and are eager to engage with peers from all over the world.

College Readiness: The Pre-College Program includes activities and workshops that prepare students for the college admissions process. From writing college admission essays to understanding financial aid, you’ll gain insights that can make the application process smoother.

What Skills Can Students Acquire Through the Harvard Pre-College Summer Program?

Participating in the Harvard Pre-College Summer Program is not just about boosting your college application. It’s also a transformative experience that equips you with a range of valuable skills:

Advanced Academic Skills: The rigorous course content challenges you to think critically, analyze complex topics, and engage in meaningful discussions. These skills are invaluable for college and beyond.

Independence: Living on the Harvard campus, you’ll learn to navigate the responsibilities of daily life, from managing your schedule to taking care of your needs independently.

Global Perspective: With students from around the world, you’ll gain a global outlook. Exposure to different cultures, languages, and backgrounds broadens your horizons and fosters cultural competence.

Time Management: The demanding schedule of classes, study sessions, and activities will teach you how to manage your time efficiently—a crucial skill for college success.

Tips for Applicants

If you’re considering applying to the Harvard Pre-College Summer Program, here are some essential tips to enhance your application:

Start Early: Begin the application process well in advance of the deadline. Early applications often have priority for financial aid, and you’ll have more time to prepare a strong application.

Show Enthusiasm: In your application essay, convey your genuine enthusiasm for the program and your desire to learn and grow. Highlight how this experience aligns with your academic and personal goals.

Highlight Your Achievements: Emphasize your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences that demonstrate your commitment to learning and personal growth.

Financial Aid: If you require financial aid, don’t hesitate to apply. Harvard offers scholarships to eligible students. Make sure to complete the financial aid application along with your program application.

Plan Your Course: Review the course offerings carefully and choose a course that aligns with your interests and goals. Ensure it’s something you’re passionate about.

Prepare for the Interview: If you are selected for an interview as part of the application process, be ready to discuss your goals, interests, and why you want to be part of the program.

The Harvard Pre-College Summer Program is a gateway to academic excellence, personal growth, and enhanced college admission prospects. By showcasing your dedication to learning, global perspective, and independent spirit, you can make the most of this incredible opportunity.

Apply early, express your enthusiasm, and prepare to embark on a transformative journey that can open doors to your dream college.

The Importance of Pre-College Summer Programs

As a high school student, the transition to college can feel like a distant horizon, both exciting and intimidating. The prospect of leaving the familiar hallways of your high school for the uncharted territories of college campuses can be both thrilling and overwhelming.

This is where pre-college summer programs come into play, providing a bridge to ease the transition and offering a host of benefits to prepare you for higher education.

1. Academic Preparation

Pre-college summer programs offer a taste of the academic challenges you’ll face in college. These programs typically include college-level courses in a variety of subjects. Whether you’re interested in science, literature, business, or any other field, there’s a pre-college program for you.

Engaging in these courses allows you to experience the rigors of college-level academics before you even step foot on a university campus.

college student leaning against campus wall

This early exposure to college coursework can be transformative. It helps you to become familiar with higher academic expectations, study habits, and time management skills, ensuring you’re better equipped to excel in your college courses.

2. Exploration of Interests

Many high school students aren’t entirely certain about their future majors or career paths. Pre-college summer programs provide an excellent opportunity to explore a range of subjects without the pressure of making a permanent decision. You can delve into areas you’re curious about or even test the waters in fields you haven’t considered before.

These experiences help you identify your true passions and interests, making it easier to choose a major or career direction when you enter college. By the time you’re a college freshman, you’ll have a much clearer idea of what you want to pursue academically.

3. Personal Growth

The journey from high school to college isn’t just about academic preparation—it’s also about personal growth. Pre-college programs encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. You’ll meet new people, make friends from diverse backgrounds, and adapt to new environments.

This experience can boost your confidence, independence, and social skills, all of which are vital in college life. The challenges and experiences you face during a pre-college program can help you become more resilient and adaptable, preparing you for the complexities of adulthood.

4. College Readiness

Beyond academics and personal growth, pre-college programs often include workshops and sessions designed to enhance your college readiness. You’ll learn about the college admissions process, how to write effective essays, and how to secure financial aid or scholarships.

These invaluable insights can help you navigate the often daunting college application process with greater ease and success.

5. Networking Opportunities

Building a strong network is essential in both college and your future career. Pre-college summer programs offer the chance to connect with professors, fellow students, and college administrators.

These connections can be advantageous when seeking letters of recommendation, research opportunities, or internship placements in the future. Building a strong network early on can open doors to a wealth of opportunities down the road.

6. College Credits and Resume Boost

Some pre-college programs offer the opportunity to earn college credits or receive a transcript of completed coursework. This can give you a head start on your college degree and demonstrate your commitment to learning on your college applications.

A woman in the hallway of the campus

In addition, the completion of a pre-college program can be a significant addition to your resume. It showcases your dedication to academic excellence, personal growth, and your readiness for college, which can impress college admissions officers and future employers alike.

In conclusion, pre-college summer programs offer a multitude of benefits that make them an essential stepping stone in your academic journey.

They provide academic preparation, personal growth, the chance to explore your interests, and college readiness, all while building a network that can serve you well throughout your life.

As you prepare to embark on your college adventure, consider the invaluable advantages that a pre-college program can offer in shaping your path to success.


College Admissions

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