
The International Brain Bee

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Young students of language school on color background

The International Brain Bee

Are you fascinated by the mysteries of the human brain? Imagine a competition where your passion for neuroscience turns into an exciting journey of discovery. This is what The International Brain Bee offers – a unique challenge for high school students like you who are curious about the brain.

Whether you dream of becoming a neuroscientist or just love learning about the brain, this competition is your chance to dive deep into the world of neurons and synapses. Here, we’ll explore how The International Brain Bee can be a stepping stone to your dream college and beyond.

What is the International Brain Bee?

The International Brain Bee (IBB) is a fascinating neuroscience competition designed specifically for high school students. Created in 1998 by Dr. Norbert Myslinski, its primary mission is to inspire students to learn about the brain and encourage them to pursue careers in neuroscience. This initiative is particularly significant considering the rising incidence of neurological diseases and the need for future experts in this field.

The IBB works like a spelling bee but focuses on neuroscience topics. It’s a multi-tiered competition starting with local contests. Winners from these contests advance to their national Brain Bee, and the champions from each country compete in the International Brain Bee World Championship. This championship not only tests students’ knowledge but also includes exciting educational programs.

As a student, you might find it exciting to know that the format of the Brain Bee varies. Most commonly, it involves answering questions about the brain, either orally on stage or in written form. Some competitions even include components like neuroanatomy laboratories, patient diagnosis, and group activities, depending on local resources. Your responses to these questions determine your score.

The locations for the International Brain Bee change yearly, and they often coincide with major neuroscience events or conventions. For example, the 2023 championship was held virtually in conjunction with the American Psychological Association’s Convention in Washington, DC.

The International Brain Bee represents an excellent opportunity for you to explore your interest in neuroscience. Whether you see a future in research or clinical practice or just have a curiosity about the human brain, this competition can provide a strong foundation and potentially set you on a path toward a rewarding career in neuroscience.

an image of brain on a CT scan result


Where is the Next International Brain Bee?

The next International Brain Bee is scheduled to take place virtually in conjunction with Neuroscience 2024, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. This event will be held from October 5-9, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. It’s a unique opportunity for you, as a teenage student interested in neuroscience, to participate in an engaging competition and educational social program alongside peers from all around the globe. To be eligible for this World Championship, you must have previously won the highest level of Brain Bee competition in your country.

This format of the event means you can connect with fellow students, experts, and educators in the field of neuroscience from the comfort of your own home or school. Participating in the International Brain Bee not only challenges your knowledge but also opens doors for learning and collaboration in an increasingly interconnected world. Keep an eye on the event’s details as they unfold, and if you’re passionate about neuroscience, this could be a great platform to showcase your skills and learn from others.

Who Can Participate?

1. Age Requirement: To participate in the International Brain Bee, you must be between the ages of 14 and 19. This age range is strictly adhered to, ensuring that all competitors are high school students. It’s crucial to confirm that you fall within this age bracket in the year of the competition​​.

2. High School Status: As the Brain Bee is designed for high school students, you must be currently enrolled in a secondary education institution. This ensures that all participants are at a similar educational level.

3. Nationality and Residence: Typically, you should participate in the Brain Bee competition of the country where you reside or hold citizenship. This rule helps in organizing the competition on a global scale and ensures fair representation of countries at the international level.

4. One-Time Participation: It’s important to note that students may compete in their National Brain Bee and the International Brain Bee only once. This rule is to give as many students as possible the opportunity to experience and benefit from this unique competition.

5. No Prior Participation in International Level: If you have previously participated in the International Brain Bee, you are not eligible to compete again. This rule is in place to maintain the competition’s integrity and provide new students with the opportunity each year.

6. Compliance with Local Competition Rules: Apart from these general guidelines, each local and national Brain Bee may have additional rules or criteria. It’s essential to check with your local Brain Bee organizers for any specific requirements or conditions unique to your region.

These eligibility criteria are designed to ensure a level playing field for all participants and to uphold the integrity of the Brain Bee as a competitive and educational platform for high school students interested in neuroscience.

How Hard Is It to Get Into the International Brain Bee?

The IBB is structured in a three-tiered system. You start by participating in a Local Brain Bee. If you win this, you’ll move on to the National Brain Bee in your country. The winners of each National Brain Bee then compete in the IBB World Championship. This structure means that to reach the international level, you must first excel at both local and national levels, which can be quite competitive.

The competition involves detailed and rigorous testing in various aspects of neuroscience. This includes a written test, neuroanatomy exams, neurohistology sections, and patient diagnosis, where you’ll need to apply your knowledge to real-life scenarios. The content covered is comprehensive, requiring a solid understanding of brain structures, functions, neurological disorders, and more. This level of detail adds to the competition’s difficulty.

The IBB sees participation from students across the globe, with over 25,000 competitors annually from more than 40 countries. This international participation adds to the competitiveness, as you’ll be competing against some of the best young minds in neuroscience from around the world. The high standards and global nature of the competition make it a prestigious event to be a part of.

In summary, getting into the IBB is competitive due to its multi-level structure, the rigorous and comprehensive nature of its testing, the need for intensive preparation, and the global scale of participation. However, if you’re passionate about neuroscience and dedicated to preparing well, participating in the Brain Bee can be an enriching and exciting experience.

How to Join in the International Brain Bee

While competing in this prestigious global neuroscience competition is no small task, the path to participation is clear and direct. Let’s get started on this exciting educational adventure, where your passion for neuroscience can truly shine.

1. Understand the Details: The IBB is similar to a spelling bee but focuses on neuroscience. It’s designed to encourage students to learn about the human brain and inspire them to pursue careers in neuroscience. The competition consists of different formats depending on the location, including oral and written questions, laboratory components, patient diagnosis, and more​​.

2. Participate in a Local Brain Bee: Your journey begins at a local level. Find and register for a Local Brain Bee in your area. This is the first tier of the competition and your gateway to the national and international levels.

3. Prepare for the Competition: Success in the Brain Bee requires dedicated preparation. Past participants have used various methods, including creating flashcards, studying neuroscience materials like the ‘Brain Facts’ book, and engaging in independent research. Regular study and a deep understanding of the topics are crucial. It’s not just about memorizing facts but understanding and applying them.

4. Compete at the National Level: If you win at the local level, you’ll advance to the National Brain Bee. Each country’s National Brain Bee sends one representative to the World Championship.

5. Aim for the International Brain Bee: Winning the National Brain Bee qualifies you for the IBB World Championship. This international event brings together students from around the world to compete and learn together.

6. Utilize Available Resources: Make full use of available study materials and resources provided by various neuroscience education platforms. Engaging with these resources will deepen your understanding and prepare you for the competition.

Remember, the IBB is not just about competing; it’s an opportunity to explore your interest in neuroscience, connect with peers who share your passion, and gain exposure to a potential career path in this exciting field. 

Diverse group of students with young man in wheelchair

The Benefits of Joining the International Brain Bee

Joining the International Brain Bee offers several significant benefits for high school students interested in neuroscience.

1. Educational Advancement and Career Inspiration: Participating in the IBB is a remarkable opportunity to deepen your understanding of the human brain. It’s more than just a competition; it’s a learning journey that introduces you to various aspects of neuroscience, including brain anatomy, neural pathways, and neurological disorders. 

This exposure can ignite a passion for neuroscience, potentially guiding you toward a career in this field. Moreover, the competition format, which includes written tests and oral quizzes, helps develop your critical thinking and communication skills, which is valuable for any future career path​​​​.

2. Global Networking and Collaboration Opportunities: As a participant, you’ll have the chance to meet and collaborate with fellow students from over 50 countries who share your passion for neuroscience. This global network not only enhances your learning experience but also opens doors to diverse perspectives and ideas. Engaging with students, educators, and scientists from around the world can lead to lasting connections and opportunities for collaborative research or study in the future​​​​.

3. Recognition and Rewards: The IBB rewards its participants with certificates, scholarships, travel awards, and trophies. As a winner of a local Brain Bee, you can receive financial support for travel costs to attend the national competition. For the USA Brain Bee Championship of 2023, the prizes were $1,500, $1,000, and $500 for the first, second, and third-place winners, respectively. 

At the international level, the 2023 IBB World Champion received $3,000, a personalized plaque, and a medal, with the second and third-place finishers receiving $2,000 and $1,000, respectively. These rewards not only provide immediate gratification but also enhance your academic and professional resume​​​​.

4. Personal Growth and Development: Competing in the Brain Bee is not just about winning; it’s about personal development. Preparing for and participating in the competition requires dedication, hard work, and time management, which are crucial skills for any future endeavor. You also develop resilience and adaptability, as you navigate through the challenging questions and competition environment. 

Furthermore, the competition encourages you to engage in independent learning and research, fostering a spirit of curiosity and a love for learning that goes beyond textbooks​​​​.

Overall, the International Brain Bee offers a unique blend of educational enrichment, career inspiration, global networking, and personal growth opportunities. It’s an experience that can shape your academic journey and open up a world of possibilities in the field of neuroscience.

How Can the IBB Help With My College Admissions Experience?

Participating in the IBB demonstrates a high level of academic achievement and a specific interest in neuroscience. Colleges often seek students who are not only academically capable but also passionate about their subjects. Your involvement in the IBB indicates that you are willing to challenge yourself beyond the standard curriculum.

This can be especially advantageous if you’re planning to pursue a major in neuroscience, psychology, biology, or related fields. It shows admissions committees that you have a genuine interest in these areas, a key factor in college admissions.

The IBB requires a deep understanding of neuroscience, including complex topics like neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuropharmacology. Preparing for and participating in this competition hones your research skills, as you’ll likely delve into advanced scientific materials beyond typical high school coursework.

These skills are invaluable in college, where you will be expected to conduct independent research and analyze complex information. Demonstrating these abilities through your IBB experience can give you a significant advantage in the admissions process.

The competition’s format, which includes diagnosing neurological conditions and answering challenging questions, tests your problem-solving and analytical skills. These abilities are critical in any academic field and are highly valued by colleges. Excelling in the IBB shows that you can apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, a skill that is essential for success in higher education and beyond.

If you’ve engaged in team-based components of the IBB or have helped to organize local Brain Bee events, this can demonstrate your leadership and teamwork skills. Many colleges look for students who can contribute positively to their campus community, and evidencing your ability to work well with others and lead initiatives is an excellent way to do this.

If you achieve high placement or win awards in the IBB, these accolades can be a powerful addition to your college application. They provide tangible proof of your academic abilities and set you apart from other applicants. Even if you don’t win, the fact that you were ambitious and driven enough to compete can still positively impact your application.

Preparing for a competition like the IBB requires discipline, time management, and perseverance. These qualities are essential for success in college and beyond. Your experience with the IBB can also make for a compelling personal essay, one where you discuss the challenges you faced, the knowledge you gained, and how the experience has shaped your academic and career goals.

Involvement in the IBB can also provide opportunities for you to interact with educators and professionals in the field of neuroscience. These interactions can lead to strong, personalized letters of recommendation for your college applications, as these individuals can attest to your scientific acumen and dedication.

The IBB can connect you with a network of peers and professionals passionate about neuroscience. These connections can lead to further opportunities, such as internships, research projects, and mentorship, which can strengthen your college application and help in your future academic and professional endeavors.

In summary, participation in the International Brain Bee is much more than just an academic competition; it’s an experience that can profoundly impact your college admissions journey. It showcases your academic strengths, personal qualities, and commitment to your field of interest. As you prepare your college applications, remember to highlight not just your achievements in the IBB but also the skills, experiences, and personal growth that came from your involvement in this prestigious competition.

Group of students walking in the campus.

What is the Societal and Industry Relevance of this Competition?

In a world increasingly shaped by scientific advancements, particularly in neuroscience, the IBB plays a crucial role in fostering a new generation of scientists, healthcare professionals, and informed citizens. Let’s delve into how this competition is relevant to society and various industries.

1. Promoting Neuroscience Education: The IBB actively encourages high school students like you to learn about the brain, arguably the most complex and least understood organ in the human body. Doing so helps build a foundation for advanced scientific education and research, which is crucial for societal progress. Understanding the brain can lead to breakthroughs in medicine, psychology, and even fields like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

2. Addressing Brain Disorders: With an aging global population and an increase in neurological disorders, there is a growing need for research and innovation in this area. By stimulating interest in neuroscience among young students, the IBB contributes to the development of future professionals who may eventually help treat and cure these conditions. This contribution is vital for the well-being of society, as it helps address some of the most challenging health issues of our time.

3. Inspiring Future Careers in Neuroscience: The competition exposes you to various aspects of neuroscience, potentially guiding you toward a career in this field. This is significant for the industry, as it ensures a steady inflow of passionate, educated individuals who will contribute to scientific research, medical advancements, and the overall growth of the neuroscience field.

4. Encouraging Scientific Inquiry and Innovation: The IBB promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and scientific inquiry. These skills are essential not just for neuroscience but for any scientific endeavor. As you learn to approach complex problems, analyze data, and propose solutions, you become equipped to contribute to scientific and technological innovation in various fields.

5. Global Collaboration and Cross-Cultural Exchange: The international nature of the IBB fosters global collaboration and cross-cultural exchange. It brings together students from diverse backgrounds, encouraging a global perspective on scientific challenges. This aspect is crucial in an interconnected world where many scientific challenges require international cooperation.

6. Public Awareness and Education: By participating in the IBB, you become an ambassador for neuroscience education among your peers and community. This role is crucial in raising public awareness about brain health, mental illness, and the importance of brain research. Educated individuals can make informed decisions about health and support policies that promote scientific research and healthcare improvements.

7. Influence on the Healthcare Industry: As the competition inspires future neuroscientists and healthcare professionals, it indirectly influences the healthcare industry. Graduates who have been motivated by their IBB experiences may go on to innovate in patient care, healthcare technology, and medical research, thereby improving the quality of healthcare services and patient outcomes.

8. Contribution to Academic Research: Many IBB participants pursue academic careers, contributing to valuable research in neuroscience and related fields. This research can lead to new discoveries, improved clinical practices, and a better understanding of the human brain and behavior, all of which are crucial for the advancement of science and medicine.

9. Ethical and Societal Implications: Neuroscience doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it has profound ethical and societal implications. By engaging with neuroscience early on, you become aware of these implications, whether they concern neuroethics, the impact of neurological research on society, or the responsibility of scientists to the broader community. This awareness is vital for developing responsible future leaders in the field.

Overall, the International Brain Bee is not only an academically enriching experience for you but also plays a significant role in shaping the future of neuroscience and its impact on society and various industries. Through education, inspiration, and collaboration, the IBB contributes to the development of a knowledgeable, ethical, and innovative workforce, capable of advancing scientific understanding and addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

a teacher demonstrating something on the computer

The Role of Mentorship in Enhancing Your Experience

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in enhancing your experience at the International Brain Bee (IBB) competitions. As a participant, the guidance and support you receive from mentors can significantly influence your performance, understanding, and overall journey through the competition. Let’s delve into how mentorship shapes and enriches your experience at the IBB.

Neuroscience is a complex field that often requires guidance to navigate effectively. Mentors, with their expertise and experience, can help break down complex concepts into understandable parts. They can provide you with resources, explain challenging topics, and answer your questions, which can be crucial in building a strong foundation for the competition.

The IBB encompasses various formats, including written tests, oral exams, and practical components like neuroanatomy and patient diagnosis. Mentors can help you develop a strategic approach to preparing for these different formats. They can advise you on study techniques, time management, and prioritize areas of study based on their understanding of the competition’s format and requirements.

Many mentors may have previous experience with the IBB, either as past participants, educators, or organizers. This experience provides them with insights that can be invaluable to you. They can offer tips on what to expect, how to handle the pressure of competition, and strategies to maximize your performance.

A mentor can provide or facilitate research opportunities, which are crucial for developing a deeper understanding of neuroscience. This could include lab work, data analysis, or shadowing professionals in the field. These experiences not only prepare you for the IBB but also contribute to your academic and professional development.

Competitions can be stressful, and having a mentor by your side can be reassuring. They can help build your confidence through positive reinforcement and constructive feedback. They can also teach you how to handle setbacks and learn from mistakes, which is an essential part of competing in high-level academic competitions like the IBB.

Mentors can introduce you to professionals in the field of neuroscience, providing networking opportunities that could be beneficial for your future academic and career choices. They can guide you on potential career paths, educational opportunities, and professional development in the field of neuroscience.

Beyond academic guidance, mentors can play a significant role in your personal growth. They can help you develop skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork, which are essential in any field. A mentor’s support can help you navigate the challenges of the competition while also aiding your personal development.

Throughout your preparation and participation in the IBB, mentors provide ongoing feedback. This feedback is crucial for identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement. Continuous improvement is key in competitions like the IBB, where the level of challenge is high.

Preparing for the IBB can be a long and sometimes isolating journey. Mentors offer emotional support and motivation, helping you stay focused and enthusiastic. They understand the pressures you face and can provide the encouragement needed to keep you engaged and motivated.

Overall, the role of mentorship in your journey through the International Brain Bee cannot be overstated. Mentors provide a combination of academic guidance, strategic preparation, emotional support, and personal development. They can transform your experience from a simple participation in a competition to a rich, educational journey that prepares you not just for the IBB but for future academic and professional endeavors in the field of neuroscience.

How to Build a Strong Network at Brain Bee Competitions

Building a strong network at International Brain Bee (IBB) competitions can significantly enhance your experience and open doors for future opportunities. Networking in this context involves connecting with peers, mentors, and professionals in the field of neuroscience. Here’s how you can effectively build and maintain these valuable connections.

1. Engage Actively During the Competition: The IBB provides a platform where you meet like-minded peers from around the world. Engage with them actively during the competition. Participate in group activities, discussions, and social events organized as part of the competition. These interactions are the first step in building a network.

2. Be Open and Approachable: A friendly demeanor goes a long way. Be open to conversations and willing to share your own experiences and knowledge. Showing genuine interest in others’ work, ideas, and cultures can help forge lasting connections.

3. Exchange Contact Information: Don’t hesitate to exchange contact details like email addresses, social media handles, or phone numbers with your peers and mentors. This simple act can pave the way for future communication and collaboration.

4. Connect with Professionals and Judges: The IBB often involves neuroscience professionals and academics as judges or speakers. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself and ask insightful questions. Expressing your interest in their work can help establish a professional connection.

5. Follow-Up Post-Competition: After the competition, follow up with the people you met. A simple email or message expressing your appreciation for the interaction can be a great way to start a conversation. Staying in touch keeps the network active.

6. Participate in Online Forums and Groups: Join online forums, social media groups, or professional networks related to neuroscience. These platforms can help you stay connected with your IBB peers and meet other neuroscience enthusiasts.

7. Attend Neuroscience Events and Workshops: Participate in neuroscience-related events, workshops, and seminars outside of the IBB. These events are opportunities to meet professionals and expand your network in the field.

8. Volunteer or Intern: Volunteering or interning at neuroscience labs, research institutes, or related organizations can help you meet professionals and gain practical experience, further expanding your network.

9. Mentor or Collaborate with Peers: Offer to mentor younger students interested in the IBB or neuroscience. Similarly, collaborate with peers on projects or research. These activities can strengthen your network and enhance your collaborative skills.

10. Be Active on Professional Networking Platforms: Create and maintain a professional profile on platforms like LinkedIn. Connect with the people you meet, share your achievements, and engage with relevant content.

11. Stay Informed and Share Knowledge: Keep yourself informed about the latest developments in neuroscience. Sharing articles, research findings, and insights with your network can foster engaging discussions and position you as a knowledgeable individual in the field.

12. Respect Cultural Differences: The IBB is an international competition, so you’ll meet people from diverse backgrounds. Being respectful and understanding of cultural differences is key to building a global network.

13. Use Alumni Networks: If the IBB has an alumni network, make sure to be a part of it. Alumni networks are excellent resources for advice, mentorship, and professional opportunities.

14. Be Patient and Persistent: Building a strong network takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts. Regularly participating in neuroscience-related activities and maintaining communication with your connections can gradually expand your network.

Networking at the IBB involves a combination of social skills, professional engagement, and consistent effort. The connections you make can provide academic support, career guidance, and lifelong friendships. Remember, the key to successful networking is mutual respect and the sharing of knowledge and experiences. As you grow your network, you also contribute to the community, making it a valuable resource for others.

Final Thoughts

As we look to the future, your journey with The International Brain Bee is not just about winning a competition; it’s about discovering your potential and opening doors to exciting opportunities in the world of neuroscience.

This experience can be a significant highlight in your college applications, showcasing your dedication and passion. So, whether you’re set on a neuroscience career or just starting to explore your interests, The International Brain Bee is a fantastic way to deepen your understanding and prepare for a bright future. Remember, every great journey begins with a single step – could this be yours?

How AdmissionSight Can Help You With College Admissions

AdmissionSight is a college consulting firm that provides personalized assistance to students throughout the college admissions process. Here are some ways that AdmissionSight can help you:

Admissions strategy: AdmissionSight can help you develop a strategic plan for your college application process. Our professional consultants can assist with identifying schools that are a good fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal goals and help you plan and prioritize your application strategy.

Application review: AdmissionSight can review your application and provide feedback on how to improve it. We can offer suggestions on making your application stand out and highlighting your strengths and unique qualities.

Essay coaching: AdmissionSight can help you craft compelling essays that showcase your personality, goals, and achievements. We can guide you through the essay writing process and provide feedback on your drafts to help you refine your writing.

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Extracurricular planning: AdmissionSight can help you plan and develop your extracurricular activities to make them more impactful and meaningful. We can suggest activities that align with your interests and goals and provide guidance on demonstrating your leadership and initiative.

Overall, AdmissionSight can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the college admissions process to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice.

With a high success rate of over 75%, we have built a strong network in the past decade. Book an initial consultation today, free of charge!


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