
The NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male student studying intently

The NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing

Unleash your inner wordsmith and seize the chance to shine with the prestigious NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing—where creativity, passion, and talent unite to celebrate literary excellence!

Writing is a powerful tool for communication, self-expression, and personal growth. It can help individuals articulate their thoughts and ideas, engage with others, and make a positive impact on the world.

Recognizing excellence in writing is an essential way to promote the importance of writing and encourage writers to continue developing their skills.

By recognizing excellent writing, we acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and creativity that go into producing high-quality written works.

This recognition can be a source of motivation and inspiration for writers, giving them the confidence to continue exploring their craft and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Close up of a hand writing in a table.

Recognizing excellence in writing can also help cultivate a culture of literary excellence, where writing is seen as a valuable and respected art form.

This can lead to more opportunities for writers, such as scholarships, grants, and publishing opportunities. Additionally, it can inspire the next generation of writers to take up the pen and pursue their own writing careers.

Finally, recognizing excellence in writing can have a positive impact on society as a whole. Writing has the power to change minds, inspire action, and bring people together. By recognizing and celebrating excellent writing, we can help promote a more informed, engaged, and compassionate society.

The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Achievement Awards in Writing is an annual program that recognizes outstanding writing achievement by high school students in the United States.

The contest provides students with an opportunity to showcase their writing talents, earn recognition for their work, and gain access to valuable educational resources and scholarships.

What is the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing?

What is the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing? The program was established in 1957 to encourage high school students to develop their writing skills and to recognize excellence in writing.

The National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing is one of the most prestigious awards for high school writers in the United States. Each year, hundreds of students from across the country submit their writing works to the program, hoping to earn recognition for their hard work and creativity.

A writer scribbling in her notebook.

Over the years, the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing has recognized many talented high school writers who have gone on to become successful writers in their own right.

The program is a testament to the NCTE’s commitment to promoting excellence in writing education and encouraging young writers to pursue their passion and develop their skills.

Purpose and Goals of the Award

The goals of the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing are aligned with the NCTE’s mission to improve the quality of literacy education in the United States. The program aims to:

  • Encourage and support high school students in developing their writing skills: The program provides a platform for students to showcase their writing talents and offers them an opportunity to receive feedback and guidance from expert educators.
  • Recognize and celebrate outstanding writing achievement by high school students: The program recognizes students who have demonstrated exceptional writing ability and encourages them to continue pursuing their literary goals.
  • Foster a love of writing and reading among high school students: By celebrating excellent writing and encouraging young writers, the program helps to create a culture of literacy and lifelong learning.
  • Promote writing as a means of self-expression, critical thinking, and social change: Writing is a powerful tool for communication, personal growth, and social change. The NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing recognizes the potential of writing to make a positive impact in the world and encourages students to use their writing skills to make a difference.
  • Provide opportunities for high school students to access educational resources and scholarships: The program provides students with access to valuable educational resources and scholarships that can help them further develop their writing skills and pursue their literary dreams.

By achieving these goals, the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing helps to create a community of young writers who are passionate about writing and committed to developing their skills and making a positive impact in the world.

What are the eligibility criteria for the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing?

What are the eligibility criteria for the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing? As an aspiring student writer, you might be wondering what the eligibility criteria are for these coveted awards.

View of a student writing in a table.

Here, we’ll explore the key aspects of the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing, focusing on the eligibility criteria and submission requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Grade Level: Applicants must be sophomores and juniors in the current academic school year.
  • School Membership: The applicant’s school must be a member of the NCTE, which can be verified on the organization’s website.
  • Nomination: Each school may nominate up to eight students for the award, depending on the current total enrollment in grades 10, 11, and 12. These nominations should be made by an English/Language Arts teacher or another faculty member familiar with the student’s writing abilities.
  • Residency: Applicants must be residents of the United States, and its territories, or enrolled in Department of Defense Education Activity schools.

Submission Requirements

Once the eligibility criteria are met, applicants must prepare the following materials for submission:

  • Best Work: A written piece showcasing the student’s best writing, which may include essays, short stories, poetry, or a combination of genres.
  • Themed Writing: A written piece in response to a specific theme provided by the NCTE. The theme changes annually and can be found on the NCTE website.
  • Formatting: Both writing samples must be typed, double-spaced, and use a standard 12-point font. Pages should be numbered, and the applicant’s name and school should not appear on the documents.
  • Application Form: A completed application form, available on the NCTE website, must be submitted along with the writing samples. The form will require basic information about the applicant, their school, and nominating teacher.
  • Submission Deadline: The deadline for submissions typically falls in mid-February. Ensure that all materials are submitted on time to avoid disqualification.

Eligible Types of Writing

To be eligible for the award, students must submit original pieces of writing in one or more of the following genres:

Argumentative Writing

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents a position or an opinion on a particular topic or issue.

It is meant to persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view, using evidence and logical reasoning to support the argument. The NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing accepts argumentative essays that are clear, concise, and well-structured.

Informative Writing

Informative writing is a type of writing that provides information to the reader about a particular subject or topic.

It can take the form of a report, a news article, or an essay. The National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing accepts informative writing that is well-researched and accurate and presents information in a clear and concise manner.

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is a type of writing that tells a story or describes an experience. It can be fictional or non-fictional and take many different forms, such as a short story, a memoir, or a personal essay.

Young collage student using computer and mobile device studying online.

The National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing accepts narrative writing that is engaging, well-structured, and effectively communicates the writer’s message.


Poetry is a form of writing that uses language to express emotions, ideas, and experiences. It often uses literary devices such as rhyme, meter, and imagery to create a unique and powerful expression of language.

The National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing accepts poetry that is original, expressive, and demonstrates a mastery of poetic techniques.

Analytical Writing

Analytical writing is a type of writing that examines and analyzes a particular subject or topic. It requires critical thinking and the ability to analyze data, evidence, or other information in order to draw conclusions or make judgments.

The NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing accepts analytical writing that is well-researched, well-organized, and effectively communicates the writer’s analysis.


The submission deadline for the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing varies by state, but most states have a submission deadline in December or January. It is important for students to check with their state’s NCTE affiliate organization for the exact deadline for their state.

Late submissions will not be accepted, so it is important for students to start early and carefully review their work before submitting.

Tips for Submission of Entry

To ensure a successful submission for the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing, students should consider the following tips:

  • Start early: Students should begin working on their writing pieces well in advance of the submission deadline to allow ample time for revisions and edits.
  • Review guidelines: Students should carefully review the submission guidelines to ensure that their writing meets the requirements for the award.
  • Proofread: Students should carefully proofread their writing to ensure that it is free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Follow instructions: Students should follow all instructions for submission carefully, including formatting and file type requirements.

What are the benefits of winning the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing?

What are the benefits of winning the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing? Winning the award can be a significant accomplishment for students and can open doors to future writing opportunities. Read on as we discuss the benefits of winning this competition.


The National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing are highly respected and recognized within the writing community. Winning the award can provide students with a sense of pride and accomplishment for their hard work and dedication to writing.


Winning the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing can also provide exposure for students within the writing community.

Winning the award can lead to opportunities to participate in writing workshops or conferences, providing students with valuable networking opportunities and access to experienced writers and professionals in the field.

Furthermore, winning the award can inspire and motivate students to continue pursuing their passion for writing. The recognition and exposure gained from the award can boost their confidence and encourage them to continue honing their writing skills.

Scholarship Opportunities

Many colleges and universities offer scholarships for exceptional writing skills, and winning the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing can significantly enhance a student’s chances of being awarded these scholarships.

the word scholarship flashed unto a laptop screen

Furthermore, several organizations and foundations offer writing scholarships, fellowships, and grants that are specifically targeted toward high school students. These scholarships can provide financial support for students pursuing writing as a career and can help cover the costs of higher education.

Publication Opportunities

The National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing provides a unique opportunity for students to get their work published in Voices from the Middle, an NCTE publication.

This publication reaches a broad audience of educators, researchers, and professionals in the writing community, providing an excellent platform for students to showcase their work and gain exposure.

Additionally, winning the award can lead to publication opportunities in other literary magazines or writing contests. Getting published in these venues can provide valuable exposure for students, further enhancing their writing credentials.

Networking Opportunities

This award is recognized nationally, and winning it can serve as an excellent conversation starter at writing conferences, workshops, and other writing-related events. Additionally, students can connect with previous award recipients and gain insights into their experiences, writing processes, and career paths.

Career Prospects

Winning the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing can open doors to exciting career prospects in the writing industry. The writing industry is vast, and career prospects range from journalism, publishing, and technical writing to creative writing, screenwriting, and poetry.

Winning the award can serve as an excellent addition to a student’s academic and writing portfolio, demonstrating their exceptional writing skills and potential to prospective employers. Additionally, the award can provide students with a competitive edge when applying for internships or writing-related jobs.

What are some tips to win the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing?

What are some tips for improving writing skills to win the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing? Winning the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing requires exceptional writing skills and potential.

Students must demonstrate their ability to write coherently, creatively, and persuasively. Developing these skills takes time, effort, and practice. Here, we will discuss some tips for improving students’ writing skills to win this prestigious writing competition.

Read widely and write regularly.

By reading books, articles, and other writing pieces, students can gain insights into different writing styles, techniques, and approaches. They can also expand their vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.

Writing regularly can help students develop their writing skills, practice new writing techniques, and experiment with different writing styles.

Seek feedback and revise.

Seeking feedback from teachers, peers, and writing professionals can help students identify areas for improvement and refine their writing.

Students should be open to feedback and willing to revise their writing based on the feedback they receive. Revision is an essential part of the writing process, and students should not be afraid to make changes to their work to improve it.

Practice different writing styles and techniques.

Practicing different writing styles and techniques can help students develop their writing skills and discover their strengths and weaknesses as writers.

Students can experiment with different writing styles, such as descriptive, narrative, and persuasive writing. They can also practice different writing techniques, such as imagery, metaphor, and allusion.

Pay attention to grammar and style.

Paying attention to grammar and style is essential for writing clear and effective prose. Students should strive to use correct grammar, punctuation, and syntax in their writing. They should also pay attention to their writing style, ensuring that it is clear, concise, and engaging.

Use writing prompts.

Writing prompts can help students overcome writer’s block and provide a starting point for their writing. Students can find writing prompts online or create their own. Writing prompts can help students practice different writing techniques and experiment with different writing styles.

Developing strong writing skills takes time and effort, but with dedication and practice, students can achieve their goals and become successful writers.

College admissions officers value strong writing skills, and winning an award like the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing can demonstrate a student’s potential and ability to excel academically.

By participating in this competition, students can showcase their writing skills, gain valuable experience, and increase their chances of getting accepted into their dream college.

At AdmissionSight, we understand the importance of strong writing skills in the college admissions process.

Our team of expert counselors can provide you with personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals. We offer initial consultations to help you get started and provide comprehensive college admissions services to help you navigate the process from start to finish.

Book an initial consultation with us today to get started on your path to success!


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