
Breaking Barriers: Engineer Girl Essay Contest

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of a woman writing in a table.

Breaking Barriers: Engineer Girl Essay Contest

Empower the next generation of female engineers and unlock limitless potential with the Engineer Girl Essay Contest—a platform for girls to showcase their innovative ideas and pave the way for a brighter future.

This is an annual writing competition organized by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in the United States.

The main objective of the competition is to encourage young girls to pursue careers in engineering and to promote gender diversity in the field. The contest requires participants to write an essay on a topic related to engineering.

The essay must be submitted through the contest website by the specified deadline. The essay topics are chosen each year by the NAE and are based on current engineering challenges and trends.

Students with different nationalities taking a test on a table.

This is a great opportunity for young girls to showcase their writing skills and learn about the field of engineering. By participating in the contest, girls can learn about the various engineering disciplines and the challenges that engineers face in their work.

They can also gain insight into the role that engineers play in solving some of the world’s biggest problems, such as climate change, energy sustainability, and public health.

Moreover, the contest helps to address the gender gap in engineering. According to a report by the National Science Foundation, women make up only 13% of the engineering workforce in the United States.

This underrepresentation is due in part to the lack of exposure and encouragement that young girls receive in the field of engineering. This aims to address this gap by providing girls with an opportunity to explore their interest in engineering and learn about the career options available to them.

A woman smiling in front of a laptop

In conclusion, this essay contest is an excellent initiative that promotes gender diversity in engineering and encourages young girls to pursue careers in the field.

The contest provides a platform for girls to showcase their writing skills and learn about the exciting and rewarding opportunities available in engineering. By participating in the contest, girls can gain confidence in their abilities and feel inspired to pursue their dreams of becoming engineers.

How does the Engineer Girl Essay Contest work?

How does the Engineer Girl Essay Contest work? This is an annual writing competition designed to encourage young women to explore and pursue careers in engineering.

Female student holding a folder in a room with her classmates.

One of the most important aspects of the contest is the eligibility criteria. In this blog post, we will explore the eligibility criteria for the contest and discuss what it takes to participate.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationality: It is open to girls from all over the world. Participants do not have to be citizens or residents of the United States to enter.
  • Age: The contest is open to girls in grades 3-12, which means that participants must be between the ages of 8 and 18 years old.
  • Essay topic: Participants must write an essay on the given topic. The essay must be original and written in English.
  • Entry submission: Participants must submit their essays online through the official website. The submission form requires participants to provide basic information, including their name, school, and grade level.
  • Parental consent: For participants under the age of 13, parental consent is required. A parent or guardian must provide consent for the participant to enter the contest.
  • Multiple entries: Participants are allowed to submit only one entry per year. If more than one entry is submitted, only the first entry will be considered.

Submission Guidelines

The Engineer Girl Essay Contest is an annual competition designed to encourage young women to explore and pursue careers in engineering.

In this blog post, we will explore the submission guidelines for the essay contest.

  • Essay topic: The essay topic changes every year and is designed to encourage young women to explore the world of engineering. Participants must write an original essay on the given topic.
  • Language: All essays must be written in English.
  • Submission form: Participants must submit their essays online through the Engineer Girl website. The submission form requires participants to provide basic information, including their name, school, and grade level.
  • Document format: Essays must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format. The document should be double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins.
  • Essay content: Essays should be well-written and focused on the given topic. The essay should clearly articulate the writer’s thoughts and ideas on the topic and demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter. The essay should be organized and include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Original work: The essay must be the original work of the participant. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and any essay found to be plagiarized will be disqualified.
  • Deadline: The submission deadline is typically in February or March. Participants must submit their essays before the deadline to be eligible for consideration.
  • Notification: Winners will be notified by email or phone. The winners’ names and essays will be posted on the Engineer Girl website.

In conclusion, the submission guidelines for this contest ensure that all entries are original and well-written and that the contest is fair and transparent.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the contest, be sure to carefully review the submission guidelines and follow them closely to ensure your entry is eligible for consideration.

Prizes and Awards

The following are the prizes and awards for the Engineer Girl Essay Contest:

  • Cash prizes: The winners of this contest receive cash prizes. The cash prizes range from $100 to $500, depending on the grade level of the participant. The first-place winner in each grade level category receives a cash prize of $500, while the second and third-place winners receive $250 and $100, respectively.
  • Recognition: Winners are recognized on the Engineer Girl website. The winning essays are posted on the website, along with the names of the winners and their schools. This recognition can be a valuable addition to a student’s resume or college application.
  • Publication: In some cases, winning essays may be published in engineering publications or other media outlets. This can provide even greater recognition for the winner and help to inspire other young women to explore careers in engineering.
  • Opportunities: Winning the contest can open up new opportunities for young women in engineering. For example, some winners may be invited to participate in engineering programs or attend conferences where they can learn more about engineering and meet other women in the field.
  • Certificate of Achievement: All participants receive a certificate of achievement for their participation in the contest. This certificate can be a valuable addition to a young woman’s portfolio or college application.

How are the essays for the Engineer Girl Essay Contest judged?

How are the essays for the Engineer Girl Essay Contest judged? The following are the judging criteria for this contest:

Judging Criteria

  • Relevance to the topic: The first and most important criterion is the relevance of the essay to the given topic. The essay must clearly and concisely address the topic and demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Creativity and originality: The judges are looking for essays that are creative, original, and engaging. They want to see unique perspectives on the topic and essays that are thought-provoking and interesting to read.
  • Clarity and organization: Essays should be well-organized and clearly written. The essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, with each paragraph logically connected to the next.
  • Writing quality: The judges are looking for essays that are well-written and free of errors. Essays should be grammatically correct, with proper spelling and punctuation.
  • Supporting evidence: Essays should be supported by evidence and examples that demonstrate the writer’s understanding of the topic. The evidence should be relevant and clearly explained.
  • Adherence to guidelines: Essays must adhere to the submission guidelines, including the length requirement and the format. Essays that do not follow the guidelines may be disqualified.
  • Originality and plagiarism: All entries must be original pieces of work produced by the participant. Copying or presenting someone else’s work as your own is not allowed and will result in immediate disqualification. The contest strictly prohibits plagiarism in any form.
  • Judging standards: Judging is conducted anonymously, and the judges are instructed to evaluate essays based on the above criteria. Judges may assign scores based on relevance to the topic, creativity, and originality, clarity and organization, writing quality, supporting evidence, and adherence to guidelines.
  • Fairness: The judging process is fair and transparent. The judges are selected for their expertise in engineering and writing, and they are committed to evaluating essays objectively and fairly.
  • Results: Winners are selected based on the highest scores assigned by the judges. The winners’ names and essays are posted on the Engineer Girl website, and winners are notified by email or phone.

Importance of Originality and Creativity in Essays

The following are reasons why originality and creativity are important in the Engineer Girl Essay Contest:


Originality is a crucial aspect of the contest. The judges are looking for essays that are unique and demonstrate original thinking.

Originality is important because it showcases the writer’s individual perspective and ideas on the given topic. It is an opportunity for participants to share their insights and creativity and to stand out from other entries.


Creativity is another important aspect of the contest. Creativity can take many forms, including unique approaches to the topic, the use of anecdotes, personal experiences, or creative writing techniques.

Creativity is important because it can make an essay more engaging and interesting to read. Creative essays can inspire and motivate the reader and showcase the writer’s ability to think outside the box.

Importance of Originality and Creativity

Originality and creativity are important in this contest because they demonstrate the writer’s ability to think critically and independently. Original and creative essays can help inspire and motivate other young women to explore careers in engineering.

They can also provide new insights and perspectives on the topic, helping to expand our understanding of engineering and its impact on the world.

In addition, originality and creativity can help participants stand out from the competition. With so many entries, it is important to have an essay that is unique and engaging.

A well-written, original, and creative essay can help a participant stand out and be recognized as a winner or an honorable mention.

Tips for Writing an Original and Creative Essay

  • Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm and develop your ideas. This will give you time to revise and refine your essay.
  • Brainstorm: Think about the topic and jot down any ideas that come to mind. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and explore new ideas.
  • Be yourself: Write in your own voice and express your unique perspective on the topic.
  • Use anecdotes and personal experiences: Share your own experiences that relate to the topic. This can make your essay more relatable and engaging.
  • Be descriptive: Use descriptive language and creative writing techniques to make your essay more engaging and interesting to read.

By following the above tips and guidelines, participants can write essays that are engaging, thought-provoking, and unique.

How can participating in the Engineer Girl Essay Contest benefit young girls interested in STEM?

How can participating in the Engineer Girl Essay Contest benefit young girls interested in STEM? The competition is a great opportunity for young girls who are interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

This contest provides numerous benefits for girls that can help them grow both personally and professionally.

In this blog post, we will explore four of the most significant benefits of participating in the contest: exposure to STEM fields, the development of writing skills, networking opportunities, and a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

Exposure to STEM Fields

One of the primary benefits of participating in this contest is exposure to STEM fields. Young girls who participate in the contest can learn about various engineering disciplines, including civil, electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering.

This exposure can help girls decide if a career in engineering is right for them. Additionally, by researching and writing about engineering, girls can learn about the real-world applications of STEM, including how engineers are solving some of the world’s most pressing problems.

This can inspire girls to pursue a career in STEM and make a positive impact on the world.

Development of Writing Skills

Another benefit of participating in this contest is the development of writing skills. Writing is an essential skill in any field, and the contest provides an opportunity for girls to practice and improve their writing.

By researching and writing about engineering, girls can also learn how to communicate complex ideas effectively, a skill that is critical in any STEM field. Additionally, the contest gives girls the opportunity to receive feedback on their writing from experts in the field, which can help them further improve their writing skills.

Networking Opportunities

Participating in this contest also provides networking opportunities for young girls interested in STEM.

By submitting an essay, girls can connect with engineers and other STEM professionals who can provide guidance and support as they pursue their careers.

These connections can be invaluable, as they can help girls navigate the STEM field, find internships and job opportunities, and learn about the latest advancements in their area of interest.

Boost in Confidence and Self-Esteem

Finally, participating in the Engineer Girl Essay Contest can also provide a boost in confidence and self-esteem for young girls. By researching and writing about engineering, girls can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the subject, which can boost their confidence.

Additionally, by submitting their essays, girls can feel proud of their accomplishments and see their hard work pay off. This sense of achievement can be incredibly empowering and can help build self-esteem.

If you are a young girl interested in STEM, consider participating in this contest and taking advantage of the many benefits it has to offer!

What are some tips for writing a winning essay for the Engineer Girl Essay Contest?

What are some tips for writing a winning essay for the Engineer Girl Essay Contest? With so many submissions, it can be difficult to stand out and write a winning essay.

In this blog post, we will provide some tips to help you write a winning essay for this competition.

Choose a Topic That Interests You

The first and most important tip for writing a winning essay for the Engineer Girl Essay Contest is to choose a topic that interests you. When you write about a topic that you are passionate about, it will show in your writing, and your essay will be more engaging and enjoyable to read.

View of young woman writing in a desk.

Additionally, by choosing a topic that interests you, you will be more likely to do the necessary research and put in the time and effort required to write a winning essay.

Develop a Clear and Concise Thesis Statement

Once you have chosen your topic, the next step is to develop a clear and concise thesis statement. Your thesis statement should state the main argument of your essay and provide a roadmap for the rest of your writing.

A clear and concise thesis statement will help keep your essay on track and ensure that your argument is easy to follow.

Use Examples to Support Your Argument

When writing your essay, it is essential to use examples to support your argument. Examples can help illustrate your points and make your writing more convincing. When selecting examples, try to choose real-world examples that are relevant to your argument and help bring your ideas to life.

View of young woman studying in a table.

Edit and Proofread Your Essay Before Submitting

Finally, before submitting your essay, it is crucial to edit and proofread your work. Editing and proofreading will help you catch any errors and improve the overall quality of your writing.

Make sure to read your essay carefully and pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If possible, have someone else read your essay and provide feedback.

To conclude, writing a winning essay for this contest requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success and write an essay that stands out from the crowd.

The Engineer Girl Essay Contest is a fantastic opportunity for young girls interested in STEM fields to showcase their knowledge and writing skills.

Participating in the contest does not only provide exposure to STEM fields, help develop writing skills, and offer networking opportunities, but it can also give young girls a competitive edge in their college applications.

Winning or participating in the contest demonstrates a strong interest and aptitude for STEM, which is highly valued by colleges and universities.

For students who are serious about their college applications, it is important to put their best foot forward and make their applications stand out.

This is why AdmissionSight is here to help. Our team of experts can provide personalized guidance and support to help students craft winning college applications. From essay writing and test preparation to college selection and application strategy, we have the experience and expertise to help students achieve their goals.

So, if you are a young girl interested in STEM and looking to increase your chances of success, book an initial consultation today and let us help you take your college applications to the next level and achieve your dreams!


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