
The University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: A Side-by-Side Comparison

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male student sitting and looking at the camera

The University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: A Side-by-Side Comparison

If you’re in the process of selecting a college to attend, you may have narrowed down your choices to the University of Michigan and Dartmouth. These two schools are both well-regarded and offer a range of opportunities for students. However, there are also some key differences between them that you’ll want to consider before making your choice. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at University of Michigan vs Dartmouth and compare them side by side, covering everything from tuition to student life to alumni networks. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better idea of which school is the right fit for you.

Introduction to University of Michigan and Dartmouth

The University of Michigan is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was founded in 1817 and is consistently ranked as one of the top public universities in the country. The university offers over 275 degree programs and has a student body of around 46,000.

Students talking in a table.

Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League research university located in Hanover, New Hampshire. It was founded in 1769 and is the smallest Ivy League school by undergraduate enrollment, with around 4,400 students. Dartmouth offers 57 majors in the arts, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.

Both universities have a strong commitment to research and innovation. The University of Michigan has a long history of groundbreaking research, including the development of the first artificial heart valve and the discovery of the Higgs boson particle. Dartmouth is known for its research in fields such as neuroscience, environmental studies, and digital humanities. Both universities also have a strong focus on community engagement and service, with numerous opportunities for students to get involved in volunteer work and community outreach programs.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Location and Campus Size

Michigan’s campus size is significantly larger than that of Dartmouth, with around 780 acres compared to Dartmouth’s 269. Michigan’s campus is located in the lively college town of Ann Arbor, which offers a range of cultural and recreational activities. Dartmouth’s campus is located in Hanover, a small town in rural New Hampshire. While Hanover may not offer as many amenities as Ann Arbor, it’s surrounded by beautiful natural scenery and is a great location for outdoor enthusiasts.

Additionally, Michigan’s location in the Midwest provides easy access to major cities such as Chicago and Detroit, as well as numerous outdoor recreational opportunities in the Great Lakes region. On the other hand, Dartmouth’s location in New England offers easy access to cities like Boston and New York, as well as opportunities for skiing and other winter sports in the nearby mountains.

Tuition and Financial Aid Comparison

As a private school, Dartmouth’s tuition is significantly higher than Michigan’s for both in-state and out-of-state students. However, Dartmouth also has a generous financial aid program with need-blind admissions, meaning that your financial situation will not be taken into account when deciding whether to admit you. Michigan also offers financial aid, but it is need-based rather than need-blind. Both schools offer a range of scholarships and grants to help offset the cost of tuition.

It’s important to note that while Dartmouth’s tuition may be higher, the school also has a lower student-to-faculty ratio, which means that students may have more opportunities for one-on-one interactions with professors and personalized attention in the classroom. Additionally, Dartmouth has a strong alumni network that can provide valuable connections and resources for students after graduation. Michigan, on the other hand, has a larger student body and may offer more diverse extracurricular activities and research opportunities. Ultimately, the decision between these two schools will depend on individual priorities and goals.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Admissions Requirements Comparison

Michigan and Dartmouth have different admissions requirements. Michigan requires prospective students to submit an application, transcripts, test scores, a personal statement, and letters of recommendation. Dartmouth has a similar application process, but it also requires applicants to submit supplemental essays. Both schools are highly selective and admission is competitive.

College professor explaining to her students about a lesson.

Aside from the standard admissions requirements, Michigan also considers extracurricular activities and community involvement when evaluating applicants. They value well-rounded individuals who have demonstrated leadership skills and a commitment to service. In contrast, Dartmouth places a strong emphasis on academic achievement and intellectual curiosity. They look for students who have a passion for learning and a desire to contribute to the academic community.

It’s important to note that both schools offer need-based financial aid to eligible students. Michigan also offers merit-based scholarships to a select number of incoming freshmen. Dartmouth, on the other hand, has a need-blind admissions policy, meaning that a student’s financial need is not taken into consideration during the admissions process. However, they do require all students to contribute to their education through work-study programs or summer employment.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Academic Programs Comparison

Michigan and Dartmouth offer very different academic programs. Michigan is a large, diverse public university with over 275 degree programs. Students can choose from a wide range of majors, including business, engineering, liberal arts, and more. Dartmouth, on the other hand, is a smaller school with a more focused curriculum. While it also offers a range of majors, students are required to take a set of core courses that aim to provide a broad liberal arts education.

Additionally, Michigan offers a variety of interdisciplinary programs that allow students to combine multiple areas of study. For example, the Program in the Environment combines courses in natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to provide a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues. Dartmouth, on the other hand, offers a unique program called the “D-Plan” which allows students to take off-campus terms at any point during their four years, providing opportunities for internships, research, and study abroad.

Student Life Comparison

Michigan and Dartmouth also have different student life experiences. Michigan is a larger school with a more diverse student body, which means there are more clubs, organizations, and events to choose from. Being in a big college town also means that there are plenty of opportunities for socializing and entertainment. Dartmouth, on the other hand, has a smaller, more close-knit community. Students often form strong bonds with each other and participate in a range of outdoor activities together.

Additionally, Michigan offers a wider range of academic programs and majors compared to Dartmouth. Students at Michigan have the opportunity to explore various fields of study and take classes in different departments. Dartmouth, on the other hand, has a more focused curriculum with a strong emphasis on liberal arts education. This allows students to develop a well-rounded education and critical thinking skills.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Career Opportunities Comparison

Both Michigan and Dartmouth offer strong career opportunities for their graduates. Michigan has a large alumni network and a Career Center that provides a range of services, including career coaching, job search assistance, and access to job listings. Dartmouth alumni are also well-connected and the school has a dedicated center for career development.

However, there are some differences in the types of career opportunities available at each school. Michigan is known for its strong business and engineering programs, which can lead to careers in finance, consulting, and technology. Dartmouth, on the other hand, has a strong focus on liberal arts and sciences, which can lead to careers in fields such as education, healthcare, and public policy.

Group of students talking in a room.

Additionally, both schools offer opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships and co-op programs. Michigan has partnerships with a variety of companies and organizations, both locally and nationally, while Dartmouth has a strong focus on experiential learning through its off-campus programs, such as the Dartmouth Outing Club and the Tucker Foundation.

Alumni Network Comparison

Michigan has a larger alumni network than Dartmouth, but both schools have active alumni communities. Michigan alumni are represented in a wide range of industries and professions, and the Alumni Association offers a range of resources and events. Dartmouth alumni also have a strong presence in various industries and the school has a dedicated alumni network and career center.

However, while Michigan’s alumni network may be larger in size, Dartmouth’s alumni tend to be more tightly knit and connected. This is due in part to the smaller size of Dartmouth’s student body and the close-knit community that is fostered on campus. As a result, Dartmouth alumni often have a strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie towards their alma mater, which translates into a supportive and collaborative alumni network.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Sports and Extracurricular Activities Comparison

Michigan is known for its strong sports programs, particularly its football team. The school offers a wide range of sports and has an extensive athletic infrastructure, including stadiums, gyms, and pools. Dartmouth also has a strong athletics program, but there is less emphasis on sports than at Michigan. Instead, students often participate in outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and kayaking.

However, both universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities beyond sports. Michigan has over 1,500 student organizations, including clubs for community service, cultural interests, and academic pursuits. Dartmouth also has a diverse range of clubs and organizations, with a particular emphasis on outdoor and environmental groups. Both universities encourage students to get involved in extracurricular activities as a way to enhance their college experience and develop leadership skills.

Diversity and Inclusion Comparison

Both Michigan and Dartmouth are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion on campus. Michigan has a range of diversity-centered organizations and initiatives, including multicultural centers and mentoring programs. Dartmouth has a similar commitment to diversity and inclusion and has a number of cultural clubs and support programs for underrepresented students.

Additionally, Michigan has a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan that outlines specific goals and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion across all aspects of campus life. This plan includes initiatives such as increasing the diversity of faculty and staff, expanding diversity training for students and employees, and creating a more inclusive campus climate. Similarly, Dartmouth has a comprehensive diversity and inclusion action plan that includes goals such as increasing the diversity of the student body and faculty, improving campus climate, and promoting cultural competency among all members of the community.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Faculty and Student Ratio Comparison

Michigan has a higher faculty-student ratio than Dartmouth, which means that students may have less individual attention from professors. However, Michigan also has a larger number of professors, which means there is more potential for students to find research or mentorship opportunities. Dartmouth’s smaller class sizes mean that students are able to form closer relationships with faculty members.

Students beings instructed by a teacher.

Another factor to consider is the type of institution. Michigan is a large public university, while Dartmouth is a smaller private college. This can affect the overall culture and atmosphere of the school, as well as the types of resources and opportunities available to students.

Additionally, it’s important to note that faculty-student ratios can vary within different departments or programs at each school. For example, Michigan’s engineering program may have a lower ratio than its humanities program, while Dartmouth’s business program may have a higher ratio than its science program. It’s important for students to research and consider these differences when making their college decisions.

University of Michigan vs Dartmouth: Research Opportunities Comparison

Michigan is a large research university with a strong focus on research. The school has a wide range of research opportunities for students, including research assistantships and independent studies. Dartmouth is also focused on research and has a number of research centers and institutes on campus.

In addition to research assistantships and independent studies, Michigan also offers undergraduate research opportunities through its Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP). This program allows students to work with faculty members on research projects in a variety of fields, including science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities.

Dartmouth also offers unique research opportunities, such as the Dartmouth Outing Club (DOC) First-Year Trips program. This program allows incoming students to participate in a week-long outdoor adventure trip with a small group of peers and two upperclassmen leaders. During the trip, students engage in research projects related to the environment and sustainability, and have the opportunity to present their findings at a symposium at the end of the week.

Campus Technology and Resources Comparison

Both Michigan and Dartmouth offer a range of campus technology and resources, including libraries, computer labs, and study spaces. Michigan has larger and more modern facilities, while Dartmouth has smaller, more intimate spaces. Both schools have Wi-Fi throughout campus and offer a range of technology resources for students.

Michigan’s libraries are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including digital archives and online databases, which provide students with access to a vast array of academic resources. Additionally, Michigan’s computer labs are open 24/7, allowing students to work on projects and assignments at any time of the day.

Dartmouth’s study spaces are designed to foster collaboration and community building. The smaller size of the study spaces allows for more personalized attention from professors and staff, who are readily available to assist students with their academic needs. Dartmouth also offers a range of specialized technology resources, such as virtual reality labs and 3D printing facilities, which provide students with unique opportunities to explore and innovate.

Sustainability Efforts Comparison

Both Michigan and Dartmouth are committed to sustainability and have taken steps to reduce their environmental impact. Michigan has a number of sustainability initiatives, including a green buildings program and a sustainability fellowship program. Dartmouth has a similar commitment to sustainability and has a focus on reducing energy consumption and waste on campus.

Additionally, Michigan has implemented a bike-sharing program to encourage alternative transportation methods and reduce carbon emissions. Dartmouth has also implemented a composting program to reduce food waste and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Choosing Between University of Michigan and Dartmouth

As you can see, University of Michigan and Dartmouth are both excellent schools, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. When deciding which school to attend, consider what factors are most important to you. Do you prefer a larger or smaller school? Are you interested in a wide range of academic programs or a focused curriculum? Do you want a lively college town or a closer connection to nature? By weighing these factors and comparing the schools side by side, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which college is the right fit for you.

Three students talking while walking.

It’s also important to consider the location of each school. University of Michigan is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which is a vibrant college town with plenty of restaurants, shops, and entertainment options. Dartmouth, on the other hand, is located in Hanover, New Hampshire, which is a smaller town with a more rural feel. While both locations have their own unique charm, it’s important to think about which environment you would thrive in the most.

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