
University of Rochester vs Lehigh: Which University is Right for You?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Students lounging around the stairs.

University of Rochester vs Lehigh: Which University is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing a university, there are plenty of options available. However, the University of Rochester and Lehigh University are two of the most popular choices for prospective students. They both have a lot to offer, but how do you decide which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the University of Rochester vs Lehigh and compare their campuses, academic programs, admission requirements, campus experiences, sports and athletics, tuition and financial aid, career opportunities, campus culture, alumni networks, faculty and class size, campus facilities, research opportunities, study abroad programs, and student support services. So let’s get started!

Location: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

The University of Rochester is located in Rochester, New York, which is known for its vibrant arts scene and technology industry. The campus itself is large and sprawling, covering over 707 acres. Lehigh University is located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, a small town with a lot of charm.

The campus itself is also large, covering 2,350 acres. Both universities offer beautiful scenery, but the overall vibe of each campus is quite different. Rochester has a more urban feel, while Lehigh has a more rural feel. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what type of location you prefer.

Aside from the location, both universities have unique features that make them stand out. The University of Rochester is home to the Eastman School of Music, which is one of the top music schools in the country. The campus also has a strong focus on research, with numerous research centers and institutes.

Lehigh University, on the other hand, is known for its strong engineering program and its commitment to sustainability. The university has implemented numerous green initiatives, such as a biodiesel plant and a solar field, to reduce its carbon footprint.

Another factor to consider when comparing the campuses is the surrounding community. Rochester has a diverse population and a thriving arts and culture scene, with numerous museums, galleries, and theaters. Bethlehem, on the other hand, has a strong sense of community and a rich history, with attractions such as the Moravian Museum and the National Museum of Industrial History. Both communities offer plenty of opportunities for students to get involved and explore their interests outside of the classroom.

Academic Programs: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

Both universities offer a wide variety of academic programs, but the University of Rochester is known for its strength in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. It also has a strong arts and humanities program. Lehigh is known for its programs in business, engineering, and the arts and humanities.

Students lounging in the stairs.

Additionally, the University of Rochester offers unique interdisciplinary programs such as the Digital Media Studies program, which combines computer science and media studies, and the Audio and Music Engineering program, which combines electrical and computer engineering with music theory and performance. Lehigh University also offers interdisciplinary programs such as the Integrated Business and Engineering program, which combines business and engineering courses to prepare students for careers in technology management and entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, both universities offer opportunities for students to participate in research and hands-on learning experiences. The University of Rochester has a strong research focus, with opportunities for undergraduate students to work alongside faculty members on research projects. Lehigh interviewsUniversity offers a variety of experiential learning opportunities, including internships, co-op programs, and study abroad programs, to help students gain practical skills and real-world experience in their chosen fields.

Admission Requirements: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

The admission requirements for both universities are fairly similar. Both require a strong academic record, standardized test scores, and extracurricular activities. However, the University of Rochester doesn’t require students to submit SAT or ACT scores. This may appeal to students who struggle with testing anxiety.

In addition to the standard admission requirements, both universities also consider other factors when evaluating applicants. These may include letters of recommendation, personal essays, and interviews. It’s important to research each university’s specific requirements and deadlines to ensure that you submit a complete and competitive application.

Campus Experience: What Student Life is Like at the University of Rochester vs Lehigh

The campus experience at both universities is top-notch. The University of Rochester has a diverse student body, with students from all over the country and the world. There are plenty of organizations and clubs to get involved in, as well as a vibrant arts scene. Lehigh University also has a lively campus community, with a wide variety of student-led organizations, clubs, and activities.

At the University of Rochester, students can take advantage of the city’s many cultural offerings, including museums, theaters, and music venues. The university also has a strong commitment to community service, with many opportunities for students to get involved in local volunteer work.

Lehigh University is known for its strong engineering and business programs but also offers a wide range of majors in the liberal arts and sciences. The campus is located in a beautiful setting, with plenty of outdoor recreational opportunities nearby, including hiking, skiing, and kayaking.

Sports and Athletics: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

Both universities have strong athletics programs. The University of Rochester has 23 Division III teams, while Lehigh University has 25 Division I teams. However, sports and athletics may not be a deciding factor for all students.

In addition to the number of teams, the University of Rochester also offers a wide range of intramural sports for students who want to participate in athletics at a more casual level. These include basketball, soccer, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee.

Students playing frisbee in a field.

Lehigh University, on the other hand, has a strong focus on football and wrestling, with both teams consistently ranking highly in their respective divisions. The university also has a state-of-the-art athletic facility, which includes a 6-lane indoor track, a 25-yard swimming pool, and a weight room.

Tuition and Financial Aid: Which University is More Affordable?

Both universities are private institutions, so tuition can be quite expensive. However, both universities offer generous financial aid packages and scholarships to help offset the cost. It’s important to research each school’s financial aid offerings and compare them to determine which one is more affordable for you.

In addition to financial aid and scholarships, it’s also important to consider the cost of living in the surrounding area. One university may have lower tuition, but if the cost of living in that city is higher, it may end up being more expensive overall. It’s important to factor in all of these costs when making a decision about which university to attend.

Career Opportunities: Which University Offers Better Prospects?

Both universities have strong career centers and offer plenty of opportunities for students to gain practical experience. The University of Rochester has strong connections to the technology industry, while Lehigh University has strong connections to Wall Street. Again, it ultimately depends on your field of study and what type of career you’re interested in.

However, it’s important to note that career opportunities are not solely dependent on university connections. Networking, internships, and personal skills also play a significant role in securing a job after graduation. Both universities offer resources and support for students to develop these skills, such as career fairs, workshops, and mentorship programs.

Additionally, it’s worth considering the location of each university. The University of Rochester is located in upstate New York, which may offer more opportunities in the technology industry within the region. Lehigh University, on the other hand, is located in eastern Pennsylvania, which may provide more opportunities in finance and business in nearby cities like New York and Philadelphia.

Campus Culture: Comparing the Social Experience at the University of Rochester vs Lehigh

The campus culture at both universities is unique. The University of Rochester is known for its quirky and intellectual student body, while Lehigh University has a more traditional campus culture. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to visit each campus and get a feel for the campus culture yourself.

One aspect of campus culture that sets Rochester apart is its emphasis on interdisciplinary studies. The university encourages students to explore different fields of study and offers a variety of interdisciplinary programs. This creates a diverse and intellectually stimulating environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

Three students walking in front of a school building.

On the other hand, Lehigh’s campus culture is centered around its strong sense of community. The university has a tight-knit student body and a supportive network of faculty and staff. This creates a welcoming and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable and supported.

Alumni Network: Which University Offers Stronger Connections?

The alumni network at both universities is strong and active. However, the University of Rochester has a slightly smaller alumni network. Again, this may not be a deciding factor for all students.

Despite the smaller size of the alumni network at the University of Rochester, it has a reputation for being highly engaged and supportive. Many alumni are actively involved in mentoring current students and providing career guidance. Additionally, the university hosts numerous alumni events throughout the year, providing opportunities for networking and professional development.

On the other hand, the larger alumni network at the University of Michigan offers a wider range of connections and resources. With over 500,000 alumni worldwide, Michigan graduates have access to a vast network of professionals in various industries. The university also offers a robust online platform for alumni to connect and collaborate, making it easier for graduates to stay connected and support each other throughout their careers.

Faculty and Class Size: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

The faculty and class size at both universities is comparable. Both universities have a low student-to-faculty ratio, which means that students get personalized attention from their professors. It’s important to note that the teaching styles may differ between professors and departments, so it’s worth talking to current students and faculty members to get a better sense of each university’s teaching style.

At Rochester, the faculty is known for their research and academic excellence. Many professors are actively involved in research projects and often bring their research into the classroom, providing students with hands-on learning experiences. On the other hand, Lehigh’s faculty is known for its industry experience and practical knowledge. Professors often bring their real-world experiences into the classroom, providing students with a more practical approach to learning.

Additionally, both universities offer small class sizes, which allow for more interactive and engaging classroom discussions. At Rochester, classes are typically capped at 20-25 students, while at Lehigh, classes are capped at 15-20 students. This allows for more personalized attention from professors and a greater opportunity for students to participate in class discussions and activities.

Campus Facilities: Which University Offers Better Resources for Students?

Both universities have state-of-the-art campus facilities, including libraries, research labs, and dining halls. However, the University of Rochester is known for its strong technology resources and research facilities, while Lehigh University is known for its strong engineering resources and labs.

Male student reading a book in the hallway.

In addition to these resources, the University of Rochester also offers a variety of specialized centers and institutes, such as the Center for Integrated Research Computing and the Institute of Optics, which provide students with unique opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research and innovation.

On the other hand, Lehigh University has a strong focus on sustainability and offers several green initiatives, such as a LEED-certified building and a campus-wide recycling program, which align with the university’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

Research Opportunities: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

Both universities offer plenty of research opportunities for undergraduate students. The University of Rochester is known for its strong research programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, while Lehigh University is known for its strong research programs in engineering and business.

At the University of Rochester, students have the opportunity to work with world-renowned faculty members who are leaders in their respective fields. The university also offers various research centers and institutes, such as the Center for Visual Science and the Institute of Optics, which provide students with hands-on research experience and access to state-of-the-art facilities.

Lehigh University, on the other hand, offers research opportunities that are closely tied to industry and real-world applications. The university has partnerships with various companies and organizations, which allows students to work on projects that have practical implications and can lead to potential job opportunities after graduation.

Study Abroad Programs: Which University Offers More Opportunities?

Both universities offer plenty of study-abroad opportunities for students. The University of Rochester has partnerships with over 50 universities worldwide, while Lehigh University has partnerships with over 100 universities worldwide. It’s worth researching each university’s study abroad programs to determine which one offers more opportunities in your field of study.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the types of study abroad programs offered by each university. The University of Rochester offers semester-long programs, short-term programs, and faculty-led programs. Lehigh University, on the other hand, offers semester-long programs, summer programs, and internships abroad. Depending on your availability and preferences, one university may offer more suitable study-abroad options for you.

Student Support Services: University of Rochester vs Lehigh

Both universities offer strong student support services, including tutoring, counseling, and career services. The University of Rochester has a strong disability services program, while Lehigh University has a strong international student support program.

Additionally, the University of Rochester offers a comprehensive mental health program, providing students with access to counseling and psychiatric services. The university also has a peer mentorship program, where upperclassmen provide guidance and support to incoming students.

Two students walking in front of a building.

On the other hand, Lehigh University has a robust academic support program, offering resources such as study groups, academic coaching, and workshops on time management and study skills. The university also has a career services center that provides students with career counseling, job search assistance, and networking opportunities.


So, which university is right for you? Ultimately, it depends on your personal preferences and what you’re looking for in a university. The University of Rochester and Lehigh University both have a lot to offer, but they have their strengths and weaknesses. We hope this guide has helped you compare and contrast the two universities and make an informed decision on which one is right for you.

It’s important to consider factors such as location, campus culture, academic programs, and extracurricular activities when making your decision. Additionally, don’t be afraid to reach out to current students or alumni of each university to get a better understanding of their experiences. Remember, choosing a university is a big decision, but with careful consideration and research, you can find the perfect fit for you.

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