
UT Austin Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

UT Austin Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

What is UT Austin’s Acceptance Rate?

UT Austin’s acceptance rate is an important metric measuring the proportion of applicants offered admission each year. For the class of 2027, UT Austin’s acceptance rate is 29.12%. This means that out of every 100 students who apply, approximately 29 are offered admission.

However, it is crucial to understand that the acceptance rate is just one aspect of the admissions process. UT Austin takes a holistic approach to evaluating applicants, considering factors such as academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation. The university seeks to build a diverse and dynamic student body that will contribute to the campus community.

UT Austin considers various factors beyond grades and test scores when evaluating applications. The admissions committee reviews each applicant’s extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community involvement, and personal essays. They seek students who not only excel academically but also show a genuine passion for learning, a desire to make a positive impact on society, and the potential to contribute to the UT Austin community.

UT Austin’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education is evident in its comprehensive curriculum. Students can choose from a wide range of majors and minors, allowing them to pursue their academic interests and develop a deep understanding of their chosen field. The university also emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, offering internships, research opportunities, and study abroad programs that enhance students’ educational experiences and prepare them for successful careers.

Aerial view of the University of Texas at Austin.

The campus is also home to numerous student organizations, clubs, and sports teams, providing ample opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities and form lasting friendships. Furthermore, UT Austin boasts an esteemed faculty of accomplished scholars and experts in their respective fields. Professors are dedicated to delivering high-quality instruction and mentoring, guiding students throughout their academic journey. They encourage critical thinking, foster intellectual curiosity, and inspire students to reach their full potential.

While UT Austin’s acceptance rate may be low, it reflects its commitment to maintaining a highly selective and academically rigorous environment. Prospective students should view this as an opportunity to showcase their unique qualities and demonstrate their readiness to thrive in a challenging academic setting. UT Austin offers a transformative educational experience that prepares students for success in their chosen careers and empowers them to impact the world positively.

Early Action and Early Decision

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) does not offer Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) for undergraduate admissions. All students must apply using the ApplyTexas platform or Common App by December. The university utilizes a regular decision and rolling admissions process, where the earlier you submit your application, the better your chances.

Trends in UT Austin’s Acceptance Rates

Over the years, UT Austin’s acceptance rate has fluctuated, reflecting the ebb and flow of application numbers and the university’s admission criteria. It is essential to remember that the acceptance rate is influenced by various factors, such as the number of applications received, the academic qualifications of the applicants, and the available spots in each program.

Year Applicants Admittees Acceptance Rate
2022-2023 not specified not specified 29.12%
2021-2022 not specified not specified 31.41%
2020-2021 not specified not specified 28.75%
2019-2020 not specified not specified 32%
2018-2019 not specified not specified 31.8%

While the acceptance rate of 29.12% may appear low, it is important to note that UT Austin receives many applications each year. This competitive environment underscores the university’s commitment to academic excellence and its rigorous evaluation process.

Moreover, UT Austin is dedicated to providing access to education for students from all backgrounds. The university offers various financial aid programs and scholarships to ensure that talented individuals can pursue their educational goals, regardless of their financial circumstances.

UT Austin also takes pride in its diverse student body, which enriches the learning experience for everyone. Students come from all 50 states and over 120 countries, bringing a wide range of perspectives and cultural backgrounds. This diversity fosters a vibrant and inclusive community where students can learn from one another and broaden their horizons.

UT Austin’s acceptance rate is just one aspect of the university’s admissions process. It is a reflection of the competitive nature of the institution and its commitment to selecting the most qualified and diverse student body. As a leading public research university, UT Austin continues to attract top-tier students and make significant contributions to academia and society.

Group of students looking at a tablet computer outdoors in urban background.

UT Austin Admissions Statistics

Alongside the UT Austin acceptance rate, one crucial factor that greatly influences admission decisions is the standardized test scores of applicants, namely the SAT and ACT. The middle-50% SAT scores for the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) are 1230-1480, and the middle-50% ACT Composite score is 29-34. UT Austin’s average SAT score composite is 1355, with the 25th percentile New SAT score being 1240 and the 75th percentile SAT score being 1470.

These scores provide a general idea of the scores that successful applicants to UT Austin typically achieve. It’s important to note that while standardized test scores are considered, UT Austin also uses a holistic review process that considers various factors, including GPA, class rank, and other application components.

Regarding academic achievements, UT Austin seeks students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to their studies and excelled in challenging coursework. The university looks for applicants who have taken a rigorous curriculum, including advanced placement (AP) or international baccalaureate (IB) courses and have achieved high grades. Additionally, the admissions committee considers the strength of the applicant’s high school, taking into account factors such as class rank and the overall academic reputation of the institution.

Extracurricular involvement is another important aspect of the admissions process at UT Austin. The university values students who have shown dedication to their interests and have positively impacted their communities. Whether through participation in sports, leadership roles in student organizations, or volunteering for local nonprofits, applicants are encouraged to highlight their involvement outside the classroom. Admissions officers are particularly interested in applicants who have demonstrated leadership skills and taken on responsibilities showcasing their ability to make a difference.

While academic achievements and extracurricular involvement are crucial, UT Austin greatly emphasizes an applicant’s personal qualities. The university seeks students who are not only intellectually curious but also demonstrate a strong sense of character, integrity, and resilience. Admissions officers are interested in learning about applicants’ unique experiences, personal challenges, and how they have grown. Essays and personal statements allow applicants to share their stories and convey their passion, values, and aspirations.

Furthermore, UT Austin takes a holistic approach to admissions, considering each applicant as a whole rather than solely focusing on their academic record. The university values diversity and seeks to build an inclusive community representing various backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. Admissions officers carefully review each application, considering factors such as socioeconomic background, first-generation college status, and any obstacles or hardships an applicant may have overcome.

The admissions statistics for UT Austin reflect the competitive nature of the application process. To increase their chances of admission, prospective students should strive to excel academically, engage in meaningful extracurricular activities, and showcase their personal qualities. UT Austin values students who are accomplished and demonstrate a genuine passion for learning and a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities.

An Overview of UT Austin

UT Austin is a flagship and prestigious public research university in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. With a sprawling campus spanning 431 acres, it offers various academic programs across various disciplines. Established in 1883, UT Austin has evolved into one of the leading universities in the United States.

UT Austin’s campus is not just a place for academic pursuits but also a hub of cultural and artistic activities. The university hosts numerous events yearly, including music concerts, theater performances, and art exhibitions. Students can immerse themselves in a vibrant, creative atmosphere fostering intellectual and artistic growth.

One of the standout features of UT Austin is its commitment to research and innovation. The university is home to several research centers and institutes, where groundbreaking discoveries are made in fields such as medicine, engineering, and computer science. Students can work alongside world-renowned faculty members and contribute to cutting-edge research projects.

What is UT Austin looking for?

UT Austin seeks to admit students who demonstrate academic excellence and a strong commitment to personal growth, leadership, and community engagement. The university values diversity in all its forms and actively seeks students from diverse backgrounds who can contribute to the campus’s collective intellectual and cultural environment.

While strong grades and test scores are important, UT Austin’s admissions committee comprehensively evaluates applicants. They consider factors such as challenging coursework, involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, leadership experiences, and unique personal qualities that highlight an applicant’s potential for academic success.

UT Austin understands that every applicant is unique and brings different strengths and experiences to the table. The university looks for individuals with a passion for learning, a drive to make a positive impact, and a willingness to contribute to the UT Austin community.

Here are some aspects UT Austin typically looks for in applicants:

  1. Academic Excellence:
    • Strong academic performance in high school, including a challenging curriculum, high GPA, and competitive standardized test scores (SAT or ACT).
  2. Class Rank:
    • UT Austin often considers class rank, as it provides context for an applicant’s academic standing relative to their peers.
  3. Extracurricular Involvement:
    • Involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and commitment to passions and interests outside the classroom.
  4. Essays and Personal Statements:
    • Thoughtful and well-written essays or personal statements provide insight into an applicant’s personality, experiences, and aspirations.
  5. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Strong letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or others who can speak to an applicant’s character, achievements, and potential contributions to the university community.
  6. Diversity and Inclusion:
    • UT Austin values diversity and actively seeks students from various backgrounds. Applicants who can contribute to diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures on campus are highly regarded.
  7. Demonstrated Interest:
    • While not always a primary factor, expressing genuine interest in UT Austin through campus visits, interactions with admissions events, or other means may positively impact an application.
  8. Special Talents or Achievements:
    • Recognition of special talents, achievements, or unique experiences that set applicants apart and contribute to the overall richness of the student body.
  9. Community Involvement:
    • Engagement in community service, volunteer work, or other activities that demonstrate a commitment to positively impacting the community.
  10. Resilience and Perseverance:
    • An applicant’s ability to overcome challenges, setbacks, or obstacles, showcases resilience and determination.

It’s important to note that admission criteria can change, and UT Austin may adjust its considerations over time. Prospective applicants should refer to the university’s official admissions website or contact the admissions office for the most up-to-date and specific information.

Young woman

How hard is it to get into UT Austin?

Getting into UT Austin can be difficult, especially for out-of-state and international students. The university has a competitive admissions process, and the UT Austin acceptance rate is 29.12%. Some factors that contribute to the difficulty of getting into UT Austin include:

  • High academic standards: UT Austin requires strong academic performance, focusing on GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores.
  • Competitive applicant pool: The university receives many applications, with 59,767 applications for the fall of 2022 alone. This makes the admissions process highly selective.
  • Top 6% rule: UT Austin automatically accepts students in the top 6% of their high school class. This policy contributes to the difficulty of admission, as it increases the competition for available spots.
  • Holistic review process: UT Austin uses a holistic review process, considering factors such as extracurricular activities, application essays, and personal interests. This approach adds another layer of complexity to the admissions process.

Despite these challenges, students who are deeply motivated to attend UT Austin can increase their chances of admission by focusing on academic performance, and extracurricular activities, and demonstrating personal growth

UT Austin Popular Programs

UT Austin offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines. Some of the popular and notable programs at UT Austin include:

  1. McCombs School of Business:
    • Undergraduate and graduate programs in business administration, finance, marketing, accounting, and management.
  2. Cockrell School of Engineering:
    • Renowned for programs in various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and aerospace engineering.
  3. College of Natural Sciences:
    • Programs in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and other natural sciences.
  4. Moody College of Communication:
    • Comprehensive programs in communication studies, journalism, advertising, radio-television-film, and public relations.
  5. College of Liberal Arts:
    • A diverse range of programs in the humanities, social sciences, languages, and cultural studies.
  6. Jackson School of Geosciences:
    • Programs in geology, geological sciences, environmental science, and sustainability.
  7. College of Fine Arts:
    • Programs in art and art history, music, theatre, and dance, offer a creative and artistic environment.
  8. School of Nursing:
    • Undergraduate and graduate programs in nursing, preparing students for careers in healthcare.
  9. Dell Medical School:
    • Focused on innovative medical education, research, and healthcare delivery.
  10. School of Architecture:
    • Programs in architecture, interior design, community and regional planning, and sustainable design.
  11. LBJ School of Public Affairs:
    • Graduate programs in public policy, global policy studies, and public affairs.
  12. College of Education:
    • Programs in education, counseling, and human development.

These are just a few examples, and UT Austin offers numerous other programs and interdisciplinary opportunities. As program offerings may change and expand, prospective students are encouraged to explore the university’s official website or contact the respective academic departments for the most up-to-date information on popular programs and majors.

How to know which major is for you

Choosing a major can be a significant decision that impacts your academic and career path. Here are some steps to help you determine which major is the right fit for you:

  1. Self-Reflection:
    • Reflect on your interests, passions, and hobbies. Consider what subjects you enjoy studying and find intellectually stimulating. Think about activities that make you lose track of time or topics you enjoy discussing with others.
  2. Strengths and Skills:
    • Identify your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? Your strengths and skills can guide you toward majors that align with your abilities and talents.
  3. Career Exploration:
    • Explore potential careers associated with different majors. Research job prospects, industries, and the skills required for various professions. Consider talking to professionals in fields you find interesting.
  4. Take Introductory Courses:
    • Enroll in introductory courses in different disciplines. Many universities allow students to explore a variety of subjects before declaring a major. Intro courses can provide a taste of what each major entails.
  5. Talk to Academic Advisors:
    • Schedule meetings with academic advisors or career counselors. They can provide guidance, discuss your academic interests, and help you explore majors that align with your goals.
  6. Networking and Informational Interviews:
    • Connect with professionals in different fields through networking events or informational interviews. Gain insights into their career paths, daily responsibilities, and the educational background required for their roles.
  7. Internships and Volunteering:
    • Participate in internships or volunteer opportunities related to different fields. Practical experience can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day aspects of various professions.
  8. Consider Interdisciplinary Options:
    • Explore interdisciplinary majors that combine multiple fields of study. These programs may allow you to integrate your interests and pursue a unique academic path.
  9. Evaluate Coursework and Requirements:
    • Review the coursework and requirements for potential majors. Consider whether the classes are engaging and whether the major aligns with your long-term goals.
  10. Seek Guidance from Mentors:
    • Seek advice from mentors, teachers, or professionals in your network. They may share their experiences, offer insights, and provide valuable advice on choosing a major.
  11. Personal Values and Goals:
    • Consider your values and long-term goals. What kind of impact do you want to make in your career? Choose a major that aligns with your values and contributes to your life goals.
  12. Be Open to Change:
    • Keep in mind that it’s okay to change majors. Your interests and goals may evolve as you gain exposure to different subjects and experiences.

Prospective students must explore the complete list of majors offered at UT Austin and consider their interests and career goals when choosing a major. Additionally, students often have the flexibility to pursue interdisciplinary studies and customize their academic paths.

Male students studying in his dorm room.

UT Austin Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for UT Austin can vary slightly depending on whether you are applying as a freshman or transfer student. Here are general guidelines for both:

Freshman Admission Requirements:

  1. High School Diploma or Equivalent:
    • Completion of a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  2. Recommended High School Coursework:
    • UT Austin recommends completing a balanced and challenging high school curriculum, including advanced coursework such as honors, AP, or IB classes.
  3. Class Rank:
    • Submission of class rank is encouraged, and it is considered as part of the application review process.
  4. Test Scores:
    • Submission of standardized test scores (SAT or ACT). UT Austin accepts scores from either exam, and they do not have a preference for one over the other.
  5. Essays:
    • Completion of the ApplyTexas essays or Coalition Application essays. These essays allow applicants to showcase their personal experiences, aspirations, and perspectives.
  6. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Submitting letters of recommendation is optional but can be included as part of the application.
  7. Application Fee:
    • Payment of the non-refundable application fee.

Transfer Admission Requirements:

  1. College Transcripts:
    • Submission of official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.
  2. GPA:
    • A competitive GPA from previous college coursework.
  3. Course Prerequisites:
    • Completion of specific course prerequisites, especially for the major to which the student is applying.
  4. Essays:
    • Completion of the ApplyTexas essays or Coalition Application essays.
  5. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Submitting letters of recommendation is optional but can be included as part of the application.
  6. Application Fee:
    • Payment of the non-refundable application fee.

It’s important to note that admission requirements may be subject to change, and applicants should check the official UT Austin admissions website for the most up-to-date information and any additional requirements specific to the academic program they are interested in. Additionally, UT Austin has a holistic admissions process, considering various factors beyond grades and test scores.

UT Austin Interview Tips

UT Austin does not typically require interviews as part of the undergraduate admissions process. However, some programs or scholarships may require interviews, and students may have the opportunity to participate in optional interviews. If an interview is required or offered, it is important to prepare in advance by researching the university and the program, practicing answering common interview questions, and dressing professionally. Here are some tips that may be helpful:

  1. Research the Program or Scholarship:
    • Understand the specific program or scholarship for which the interview is being conducted. Know the key values, goals, and expectations of the program.
  2. Know Your Application:
    • Be prepared to discuss the information you provided in your application, such as your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal experiences.
  3. Review Common Interview Questions:
    • Familiarize yourself with common interview questions and think about how you would answer them. This includes questions about your strengths, weaknesses, experiences, and goals.
  4. Connect with Current Students or Alumni:
    • If possible, reach out to current students or alumni of the program or scholarship. They can provide insights into the interview process and share their own experiences.
  5. Practice with Mock Interviews:
    • Practice answering questions in a mock interview setting. This can be done with a friend, or family member, or even by recording yourself and reviewing your responses.
  6. Be Ready to Discuss Your Goals:
    • Have a clear understanding of your academic and career goals. Be prepared to articulate how the program or scholarship aligns with these goals.
  7. Highlight Your Strengths:
    • Identify your strengths and be ready to discuss how these strengths will contribute to the program or scholarship.
  8. Prepare Questions:
    • Come up with thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the program and your preparedness.
  9. Dress Professionally:
    • If the interview is conducted in person or via video, dress professionally to make a positive impression.
  10. Stay Calm and Confident:
    • Take a deep breath and remain calm during the interview. Confidence is key, but remember to be genuine and authentic in your responses.
  11. Follow Up:
    • After the interview, consider sending a thank-you email expressing your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the program or scholarship.

Remember that interview processes can vary, so it’s essential to follow any specific instructions provided by UT Austin for the particular program or scholarship you are applying to. It is also important to remember that UT Austin uses a holistic review process, and while interviews may be a factor in some cases, they are not the sole determinant of admission.

Key Application Deadlines for UT Austin

UT Austin has different application deadlines depending on the applicant type and enrollment term:

Freshman Applicants (U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or Texas high school graduates):

    • Priority Deadline for Summer/Fall Enrollment: November 1
    • Application Deadline for Summer/Fall Enrollment: December 5
    • Priority Decisions Released: February 1
    • All Decisions Released: March 1
    • Application Deadline for Spring Enrollment: September 1

Transfer and Graduate Students:

  • Application deadlines vary by program and can be found on the UT Austin admissions website.

The application deadlines for transfer and graduate students vary by program and are available on the UT Austin admissions website. It is important to note that UT Austin uses a holistic review process, and applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.

View of a student smiling at the camera.

Tuition Costs at UT Austin for 2023-2024

The tuition costs at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

  • Texas Residents: $78,232
  • Nonresidents: $90,742

Additionally, there are differential tuition rates for students in specific colleges:

  • McCombs School of Business: $550/1,100 (resident/non-resident) per semester
  • Cockrell School of Engineering: $550/1,100 (resident/non-resident) per semester
  • College of Natural Sciences: $250/500 (resident/non-resident) per semester

When evaluating tuition costs at UT Austin, prospective students and their families should consider several key factors:

  1. Residency Status:
    • Tuition rates vary for Texas residents and non-residents. Texas residents typically benefit from lower in-state tuition rates, while non-residents pay higher out-of-state rates.
  2. Undergraduate or Graduate Level:
    • Tuition costs differ between undergraduate and graduate programs. Graduate programs often have higher tuition rates.
  3. College or School:
    • Different colleges or schools within UT Austin may have varying tuition rates based on the program of study.
  4. Credit Hours:
    • Tuition is typically assessed on a per-credit-hour basis. The number of credit hours taken per semester will affect the overall tuition costs.
  5. Fee Structure:
    • In addition to tuition, students may incur fees for services, facilities, and activities. These fees can include technology fees, student services fees, and health insurance fees.
  6. Housing and Living Expenses:
    • While not directly tuition, living expenses, including housing, meals, and other costs, contribute to the overall cost of attendance.
  7. Financial Aid and Scholarships:
    • Availability of financial aid, grants, scholarships, and work-study opportunities can significantly impact out-of-pocket expenses for students.
  8. Residence Hall vs. Off-Campus Housing:
    • Choosing between living on-campus in a residence hall or off-campus in an apartment can affect overall living costs.
  9. Textbooks and Supplies:
    • Budgeting for textbooks, supplies, and other educational materials is essential, as these costs can add to the overall educational expenses.
  10. Transportation:
    • Considering transportation costs, including commuting or travel expenses, is crucial for students who may live off-campus.
  11. Personal Expenses:
    • Budgeting for personal expenses, such as health insurance, personal items, and entertainment, is essential for a comprehensive financial plan.
  12. In-State Tuition Waivers or Exemptions:
    • Some students may be eligible for in-state tuition waivers or exemptions based on specific criteria, such as military service or special programs.

It’s advisable for prospective students to review the UT Austin website thoroughly, contact the financial aid office, and utilize online calculators to estimate the total cost of attendance and explore available resources to manage tuition expenses effectively.

UT Austin Scholarships

UT Austin offers a variety of scholarships to support students in their academic pursuits. Scholarships at UT Austin can be based on various criteria, including academic achievement, leadership, community involvement, and financial need. Here are some examples of scholarship opportunities available at UT Austin:

  1. Forty Acres Scholars Program:
    • This highly competitive and prestigious scholarship program covers full tuition, fees, a living stipend, and a variety of enrichment experiences. It is awarded to outstanding incoming freshman students.
  2. University-wide Scholarships:
    • UT Austin offers various university-wide scholarships that are open to both incoming and current students. These scholarships are typically based on academic merit, leadership, and other accomplishments.
  3. College and Departmental Scholarships:
    • Many colleges and academic departments within UT Austin have their own scholarship programs. These scholarships may be specific to particular majors or fields of study.
  4. First-Year Scholarships:
    • UT Austin provides scholarships for incoming first-year students based on their high school academic achievements, standardized test scores, and other criteria.
  5. Transfer Scholarships:
    • Scholarships are available for transfer students with outstanding academic performance at their previous institutions.
  6. Endowed Scholarships:
    • UT Austin has a range of endowed scholarships established by donors to support students in various disciplines. These scholarships may have specific eligibility criteria.
  7. Financial Aid and Grants:
    • In addition to scholarships, UT Austin administers various need-based financial aid programs, including grants, work-study opportunities, and loans.
  8. External Scholarships:
    • Students are encouraged to explore external scholarship opportunities offered by private organizations, foundations, and community groups. UT Austin’s financial aid office can provide guidance on finding external scholarships.
  9. National Merit Scholarships:
    • UT Austin participates in the National Merit Scholarship Program, providing financial support to students who have achieved National Merit recognition.
  10. Dell Scholars Program:
    • This scholarship is available to students who have overcome significant obstacles to pursue their education. It provides financial support, resources, and mentoring.

Students are advised to check the UT Austin scholarship website regularly, speak with the financial aid office, and explore opportunities through their academic departments for the most up-to-date information on available scholarships and eligibility criteria. Additionally, it’s essential to meet application deadlines and requirements for each scholarship opportunity.

Front view of the UT Austin main building with students walking on the staircase.

Student Life at UT Austin

Student life at UT Austin is vibrant, diverse, and filled with various academic, cultural, and extracurricular activities. Here’s an overview of the dynamic student life at UT Austin:

  1. Campus Culture:
    • UT Austin boasts a lively campus culture with a diverse student body. The university values inclusivity and provides a supportive environment for students from various backgrounds and identities.
  2. Academic Opportunities:
    • With a comprehensive range of academic programs and renowned faculty, UT Austin offers students the opportunity to engage in rigorous coursework, research projects, and hands-on learning experiences.
  3. Student Organizations:
    • UT Austin has a vast array of student organizations catering to diverse interests. These include academic clubs, cultural organizations, recreational clubs, and professional associations. Students can join or create clubs to connect with like-minded peers.
  4. Residence Life:
    • On-campus housing provides students a close-knit community and convenient access to academic buildings and campus resources. Residence halls often host social events and activities to foster community.
  5. Sports and Athletics:
    • UT Austin is known for its strong athletic programs, particularly the Longhorns, competing in the NCAA Division I. Students can attend sporting events, and the vibrant school spirit is evident during football games at Darrell K Royal–Texas Memorial Stadium.
  6. Arts and Culture:
    • The university supports a rich cultural scene with art galleries, theaters, and music performances. Students can explore their creative side through participation in visual and performing arts.
  7. Recreation and Fitness:
    • The Gregory Gymnasium and other campus recreation facilities offer students a place to stay active. Fitness classes, intramural sports, and outdoor recreation opportunities promote a healthy and active student lifestyle.
  8. Career Services:
    • UT Austin provides comprehensive career services to help students explore career paths, find internships, and connect with potential employers. Workshops, career fairs, and networking events are regularly organized.
  9. Community Engagement:
    • The university encourages community involvement through volunteer programs, service-learning courses, and civic engagement initiatives. Students have the chance to make a positive impact on the local community and beyond.
  10. Diversity and Inclusion:
    • UT Austin is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus. Students can engage in dialogue about diversity through cultural events, workshops, and discussions that promote understanding and inclusivity.
  11. International Opportunities:
    • UT Austin provides global perspectives through study abroad programs, international exchange opportunities, and global research initiatives, allowing students to broaden their horizons and connect with peers worldwide.
  12. Social Events:
    • Various social events, including concerts, festivals, and campus traditions, offer students opportunities to relax, socialize, and create lasting memories with their peers.

UT Austin’s vibrant student life contributes to a well-rounded educational experience, ensuring that students excel academically and develop personally and socially during their time at the university.

College students play in the snow near the University of Texas fountain and tower.

Considering that the national average is 68%, it’s safe to say that the student satisfaction rate at UT Austin is incredibly high. To give you a more concrete idea of what you can expect as a student at UT Austin, here’s a review of the college from a current freshman:

“The University has a great campus environment. The professors and faculty are always willing to help and there are a lot of activities and organizations that make campus feel like home.” – Anonymous UT Austin Freshman 2020

Academics at UT Austin

UT Austin is renowned for its academic excellence and offers a diverse range of programs across various disciplines. Here’s an overview of the academic landscape at UT Austin:

  1. Comprehensive Academic Programs:
    • UT Austin provides a wide array of undergraduate and graduate programs, encompassing disciplines such as arts and humanities, natural sciences, engineering, business, social sciences, health professions, and more.
  2. Renowned Faculty:
    • The university boasts a distinguished faculty composed of experts, scholars, and researchers who contribute significantly to their respective fields. Students have the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with leading academics.
  3. Research Opportunities:
    • UT Austin is a research-intensive institution, offering students numerous opportunities to engage in groundbreaking research projects. Research centers and institutes across various disciplines provide a platform for innovation and discovery.
  4. Innovative Teaching Methods:
    • Faculty members at UT Austin employ innovative teaching methods to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and intellectual curiosity. The university embraces a dynamic learning environment that extends beyond traditional classroom settings.
  5. Honors Programs:
    • The university offers honors programs for academically motivated students, providing an enriched and challenging educational experience. Honors students may have access to specialized coursework, research opportunities, and smaller class sizes.
  6. Internship and Experiential Learning:
    • UT Austin emphasizes the importance of experiential learning, offering internship programs, cooperative education opportunities, and hands-on experiences that connect academic knowledge with real-world applications.
  7. Liberal Arts Core Curriculum:
    • The university’s core curriculum ensures a well-rounded education by exposing students to a broad range of subjects, including literature, natural sciences, social sciences, and cultural diversity.
  8. McCombs School of Business:
    • The McCombs School of Business at UT Austin is highly regarded for its business programs. It offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, including MBA programs, and is known for its strong emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation.
  9. Cockrell School of Engineering:
    • The Cockrell School of Engineering is recognized for its cutting-edge research and engineering programs. Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities and collaborate on projects with real-world implications.
  10. College of Natural Sciences:
    • The College of Natural Sciences is committed to advancing scientific knowledge. It offers programs in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science, providing a foundation for careers in research and industry.
  11. College of Liberal Arts:
    • The College of Liberal Arts offers a diverse range of programs in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts. Students gain critical thinking skills and a deep understanding of human cultures.
  12. Jackson School of Geosciences:
    • The Jackson School of Geosciences is a leader in earth and environmental science education and research. It offers programs in geology, geological sciences, and environmental science.

UT Austin’s commitment to academic excellence, coupled with its emphasis on research, innovation, and experiential learning, creates an environment where students can thrive and prepare for successful careers in their chosen fields.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

UT Austin boasts a vibrant and diverse array of clubs and extracurricular activities, providing students with opportunities to explore their interests, engage with their community, and build lifelong connections. Here are some specific examples:

  1. Texas Student Government (TSG):
    • TSG represents the student body and advocates for student interests. It offers opportunities for students to get involved in governance, leadership, and community service.
  2. Texas Blazers:
    • Texas Blazers is a service organization that focuses on leadership development, community service, and fostering a sense of tradition. Members participate in various philanthropic activities.
  3. Texas Orange Jackets:
    • Orange Jackets is a women’s service organization that promotes leadership, scholarship, and service. Members engage in community outreach and organize events to enhance school spirit.
  4. University Unions Student Events Center (UNION):
    • UNION plans and hosts a wide range of campus events, including concerts, lectures, and cultural celebrations, providing students with opportunities for entertainment and cultural enrichment.
  5. Texas Spirits:
    • Texas Spirits is a spirit and service organization that promotes school traditions, community service, and personal growth. Members are known for their commitment to serving the university and the broader community.
  6. Horns for Health:
    • Horns for Health is a student organization focused on healthcare initiatives and community service. Members engage in activities to promote health and wellness on campus and beyond.
  7. McCombs Diversity Council:
    • This council within the McCombs School of Business promotes diversity and inclusion. It organizes events, workshops, and discussions to foster a supportive and inclusive business school community.
  8. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) – UT Student Branch:
    • The UT Austin branch of IEEE provides a platform for students interested in electrical engineering, computer science, and related fields. The organization hosts workshops, competitions, and networking events.
  9. Texas Sunshines:
    • Texas Sunshines is a volunteer organization that focuses on bringing joy to individuals facing challenging circumstances. Members engage in various service projects and initiatives to spread positivity.
  10. Longhorn Entrepreneurship Agency (LEA):
    • LEA is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship among UT Austin students. It provides resources, mentorship, and events for aspiring entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and ventures.
  11. Texas 4000 for Cancer:
    • Texas 4000 is a nonprofit organization focused on fighting cancer. Students involved in Texas 4000 participate in a long-distance bike ride to raise awareness and funds for cancer research.
  12. Society of Women Engineers (SWE):
    • SWE promotes the involvement and success of women in engineering and technology fields. The organization hosts networking events, workshops, and outreach programs to support women pursuing STEM careers.

These examples represent just a fraction of the numerous clubs and organizations available at UT Austin. Whether students are interested in community service, professional development, cultural exploration, or academic pursuits, there are countless opportunities for involvement and personal growth on campus.

 Darrell K Royal Texas Memorial Stadium at the campus of University of Texas.

Notable UT Austin Alumni

UT Austin has a prestigious alumni community and has made significant contributions to various fields. Here are some notable UT Austin alumni:

  1. Matthew McConaughey:
    • Academy Award-winning actor known for roles in films such as “Dallas Buyers Club,” “Interstellar,” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.”
  2. Walter Cronkite:
    • Iconic broadcast journalist and former anchor of the CBS Evening News is often referred to as “the most trusted man in America.”
  3. Farrah Fawcett:
    • Actress and pop culture icon best known for her role in the television series “Charlie’s Angels.”
  4. Laura Bush:
    • Former First Lady of the United States, advocate for education and literacy, and author.
  5. Roger Clemens:
    • Baseball legend and seven-time Cy Young Award winner, known for his exceptional pitching career in Major League Baseball.
  6. Neil Spelce:
    • Emmy Award-winning journalist and media executive, recognized for his contributions to the field of broadcasting.
  7. Mark Hurd:
    • Former CEO of Oracle Corporation and former CEO of Hewlett-Packard (HP).
  8. Catherine Crier:
    • Emmy Award-winning journalist, television host, and legal commentator.
  9. Renée Zellweger:
    • Academy Award-winning actress known for her roles in films like “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” “Jerry Maguire,” and “Chicago.”
  10. Michael Dell:
    • Founder and CEO of Dell Technologies, a global technology company.
  11. John Scalzi:
    • Bestselling science fiction author and former president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
  12. Red McCombs:
    • Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder of Clear Channel Communications.
  13. Karen Hughes:
    • Former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, serving under President George W. Bush.
  14. Marcia Gay Harden:
    • Academy Award-winning actress known for her roles in films such as “Pollock” and “Mystic River.”
  15. Tommie Smith:
    • Olympic gold medalist and track and field legend, known for his iconic protest gesture at the 1968 Summer Olympics.

These alumni represent a diverse range of accomplishments and have left a lasting impact in fields such as entertainment, journalism, business, sports, and public service. Their success reflects the quality of education and the diverse opportunities available at UT Austin.


With an acceptance rate of 29.12%, UT Austin maintains its position as a prestigious institution that carefully selects its incoming students. As you embark on your journey to apply to UT Austin, remember to focus not only on achieving academic excellence but also on showcasing your unique qualities and contributions. By understanding the university’s admissions processes, you can enhance your chances of gaining admission to this esteemed institution and embark on an exciting academic journey at UT Austin.

a group of college students walking side by side in a hall way

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