
Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a smiling man with his chin rested on the books while facing the camera

Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University

For those considering Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University, there are many similarities and differences to consider. In this article, we will take a detailed look at a variety of factors that can impact your decision, including location and setting, campus size and facilities, rankings, admission requirements and rates, majors and programs, faculty quality, student life, athletics programs, alumni networks, career prospects, social scene, tuition fees, diversity, and campus safety. By the end of this article, you should have a well-rounded understanding of both universities and be better equipped to make an informed decision.

Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University: Location and Setting

Washington and Lee University is located in historic Lexington, Virginia, a small town in the Shenandoah Valley. With a population of just over 7,000, Lexington is a quiet and picturesque town surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. Colgate University is located in Hamilton, New York, a scenic village in upstate New York. With a population of just under 4,000, Hamilton is a small and safe community with a strong sense of community. Both universities are nestled in beautiful, natural surroundings, providing a peaceful and inspiring setting for learning and personal growth.

Washington and Lee University is known for its stunning campus, which features a mix of historic and modern buildings. The campus is also home to a number of outdoor spaces, including a botanical garden and a nature preserve, which provide students with opportunities to explore and connect with nature. Colgate University, on the other hand, boasts a campus that is both beautiful and sustainable. The university has made a commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented a number of environmentally friendly initiatives, such as a bike share program and a campus garden.

Both universities offer students a unique and immersive learning experience. At Washington and Lee, students have the opportunity to participate in the university’s signature program, the Washington and Lee Experience, which allows them to explore their interests and passions through a combination of academic and co-curricular activities. At Colgate, students can take advantage of the university’s liberal arts curriculum, which emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and intellectual curiosity. With their beautiful settings, a strong sense of community, and commitment to academic excellence, Washington and Lee University and Colgate University are both excellent choices for students seeking a transformative college experience.

Washington and Lee University and Colgate University: Campus Size and Facilities

Washington and Lee University have a relatively small campus, with just over 430 acres of land. The university has a total of 44 buildings that are mostly situated close together, making it easy to navigate. Colgate University is slightly larger, with a campus spanning over 553 acres and a total of 75 buildings. Both universities have impressive facilities, including modern libraries, state-of-the-art laboratories, and recreational facilities that accommodate a wide range of interests and activities.

View of a shelves placed next to each other.

However, Washington and Lee University have a unique feature that sets it apart from Colgate University. The university has a beautiful, historic chapel that serves as the centerpiece of the campus. The Lee Chapel and Museum is a National Historic Landmark and is home to the final resting place of General Robert E. Lee. The chapel also hosts a variety of events, including concerts, lectures, and religious services.

Rankings of Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University

The rankings of a university can often be a deciding factor for many students. According to U.S. News & World Report, Washington and Lee University is currently ranked #21 among national liberal arts colleges in America. Colgate University is ranked slightly higher, at #21. Both universities also consistently rank highly in various academic disciplines and programs.

Additionally, both Washington and Lee University and Colgate University have a strong commitment to community service and engagement. Washington and Lee University has a program called “Generals in Service” which encourages students to volunteer in the local community and beyond. Colgate University has a similar program called “Upstate Institute” which connects students with community organizations and projects. These programs not only benefit the communities they serve but also provide valuable learning experiences for the students involved.

Admission Rates and Requirements at Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University

Admission rates and requirements can vary greatly between universities. For the academic year, the admission rate for Washington and Lee University was 20%, while the rate for Colgate University was slightly higher, at 23%. Both universities require high academic achievement, with an average SAT score of 1410 for Washington and Lee and 1410 for Colgate. They also place significant emphasis on extracurricular activities, community service, and essays.

a book on SAT

Washington and Lee University and Colgate University also have unique requirements for their applicants. Washington and Lee University require all applicants to submit a teacher recommendation, while Colgate University requires two teacher recommendations. Additionally, Washington and Lee University offer an optional interview for applicants, while Colgate University does not.

Both universities also have specific programs and opportunities for their students. Washington and Lee University offers a program called the Johnson Scholarship, which provides full tuition, room, and board for select students. Colgate University has a strong emphasis on study abroad programs, with over 100 programs in 50 countries available to their students.

Washington and Lee University and Colgate University: Majors and Programs Offered

Both universities offer a range of undergraduate majors and programs, covering a wide variety of fields, including sciences, humanities, social sciences, and more. At Washington and Lee, popular majors include business, economics, and politics. At Colgate, popular majors include psychology, English, and economics. Both universities also offer specialized programs, including study abroad opportunities and research opportunities.

Additionally, Washington and Lee University offer a unique interdisciplinary program called “Poverty and Human Capability Studies,” which focuses on understanding and addressing poverty from a multidisciplinary perspective. Colgate University offers a program called “Thought Into Action,” which provides students with the resources and mentorship to turn their entrepreneurial ideas into successful ventures. Both universities also have strong pre-professional programs, including pre-law and pre-med tracks.

Faculty Quality at Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University

Faculty quality is a key factor in the quality of education at any university. Both Washington and Lee University and Colgate University have highly qualified faculty, with an emphasis on small class sizes and personalized attention for students. According to Niche.com, 84% of faculty members at Washington and Lee hold a doctorate degree, while 97% of faculty members at Colgate hold a terminal degree in their field. Students at both universities have the opportunity to work closely with experienced and knowledgeable professors.

Female professor taking in front of the class.

In addition to their highly qualified faculty, both Washington and Lee University and Colgate University offer a wide range of research opportunities for students. At Washington and Lee, students can participate in the Johnson Opportunity Grant program, which provides funding for independent research projects. Colgate University offers the Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute, which supports collaborative research projects across multiple disciplines.  These opportunities allow students to gain hands-on experience and work closely with faculty members on cutting-edge research.

Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University: Student Life

Student life is a crucial part of the university experience. Both universities offer a vibrant and engaging campus life, with a variety of extracurricular activities and organizations for students to participate in. From intramural sports and outdoor clubs to cultural and academic organizations, there is no shortage of ways for students to get involved. At Washington and Lee University, student organizations include the Chess Club, College Republicans, and Columbia Journalism Review. At Colgate, there are over 200 student organizations, including the Debate Society, the Outing Club, and the Thirteen A Capella Group.

Additionally, both universities offer a strong sense of community and support for their students. At Washington and Lee University, students can take advantage of the Student Affairs Office, which provides resources and support for academic and personal success. Colgate University offers a similar support system through its Office of Undergraduate Studies, which provides academic advising, tutoring, and other resources to help students thrive. With these resources and a welcoming campus community, students at both universities can feel supported and empowered to achieve their goals.

Athletics Programs

Sports can be an important part of the university experience for many students. Washington and Lee University is a Division III school and boasts a strong athletic program, with 23 varsity sports teams and high national rankings. Colgate University is also a Division III school, with 25 varsity sports teams, including ice hockey, football, and lacrosse. Both universities place a strong emphasis on athletic achievements and participation, offering robust sports programs for all students to enjoy.

Unidentified man preparing to kick a ball in a football field.

Washington and Lee University’s athletic program has a long history of success, with numerous conference championships and NCAA tournament appearances. The school’s football team, in particular, has a strong following and regularly competes for the conference title. Additionally, the university offers a variety of intramural and club sports, allowing students of all skill levels to participate in athletics.

Colgate University’s athletic program is also highly regarded, with many of its teams consistently ranked in the top 25 nationally. The school’s ice hockey team has a particularly strong reputation, having won multiple conference championships and made several appearances in the NCAA tournament. Colgate also offers a variety of fitness classes and recreational activities, such as yoga and rock climbing, for students who prefer non-competitive sports.

Alumni Networks of Washington and Lee University vs Colgate University

One of the key benefits of attending a university is the opportunity to build a network of professional contacts and connections. Both universities have strong alumni networks, providing graduates with access to a range of professional and personal opportunities. Washington and Lee University is known for its highly engaged alumni network, with graduates working in a variety of fields, including politics, law, and finance. Colgate University is also known for its successful alumni, with a network that includes CEOs, entrepreneurs, and professionals around the world.

Washington and Lee University’s alumni network is not only highly engaged but also very supportive of current students. Many alumni return to campus to speak with students, offer mentorship, and provide internship and job opportunities. This level of involvement helps to create a strong sense of community and connection between current students and alumni.

Colgate University’s alumni network also offers a variety of resources and support for graduates. The university hosts networking events and career fairs and provides access to job postings and career counseling services. Additionally, the alumni network has a strong philanthropic presence, with many graduates giving back to the university through donations and volunteer work.

Career Prospects for Graduates of Washington and Lee University and Colgate University

Graduates of Washington and Lee University and Colgate University enjoy a high level of success in their chosen fields. According to PayScale.com, the median salary for a Washington and Lee University graduate is $53,254, while the median salary for a Colgate University graduate is $44,883. Both universities have a strong reputation and graduates are highly sought after by top employers. Many students also go on to pursue graduate degrees, adding to their value in the job market.

However, there are some differences in the career prospects for graduates of these two universities. Washington and Lee University have a strong focus on business and law, with many graduates going on to work in these fields. On the other hand, Colgate University has a strong liberal arts program, which prepares graduates for a wide range of careers in fields such as education, journalism, and the arts. Additionally, Colgate University has a strong alumni network, which can be beneficial for graduates seeking job opportunities or career advice.

Social Scene Comparison: Washington & Lee and Colgate

When it comes to social life, both universities offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for students. Washington and Lee University have a unique social scene, with a strong fraternity and sorority culture that is a significant part of campus life. However, the university has made strides in promoting inclusivity and has expanded its social offerings in recent years. Colgate University, on the other hand, has a more diverse social scene, with a variety of events and activities throughout the year, including performances, lectures, and guest speakers. Both universities offer a vibrant social environment, providing students with ample opportunities to build lasting relationships and connections.

One notable aspect of Washington and Lee’s social scene is the tradition of “Fancy Dress,” a formal event where students dress in black tie attire and attend a ball. This event has been a longstanding tradition at the university and is a highlight of the social calendar. Colgate University also has its own unique traditions, such as the “Disco Inferno” dance party held annually during the winter semester. These events add to the already diverse social scene at Colgate and provide students with even more opportunities to socialize and have fun.

Tuition Fees Comparison: Which is More Affordable, Washington & Lee or Colgate?

Tuition fees can be a major factor in the decision-making process for many students and families. According to the College Board, the average tuition and fees for Washington and Lee University for the academic year are around $64,525, while the average costs for Colgate University are around $67,000. However, both universities offer financial aid and scholarship programs, making it possible for many students to offset their costs.

It is important to note that the cost of attendance goes beyond just tuition and fees. Other factors such as room and board, textbooks, and personal expenses can also add up. At Washington and Lee University, the estimated cost of attendance for the academic year is around $82,200, while at Colgate University, it is around $83,800. It is crucial for students and families to consider all of these expenses when making a decision about which university to attend.

Diversity on Campus: A Comparison between WashU & Colgate

Both Washington and Lee University and Colgate University are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive campus community. Washington and Lee University has made significant efforts in recent years to increase diversity among its student body and faculty, with initiatives such as the Johnson Scholarship, which provides full-tuition scholarships for students from diverse backgrounds. Colgate University has a longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion, offering a range of programs and initiatives, including the Office of Undergraduate Studies and Resources for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (RIDE).

Group of students doing a thumbs up and smiling

Despite their shared commitment to diversity, there are some differences between the two universities. For example, Washington and Lee University have a higher percentage of students from the southern United States, while Colgate University has a higher percentage of students from the northeastern United States. Additionally, Washington and Lee University have a higher percentage of students who identify as conservative, while Colgate University has a higher percentage of students who identify as liberal.

Both universities recognize the importance of diversity not only in terms of race and ethnicity, but also in terms of socioeconomic status, gender identity, and sexual orientation. They both offer resources and support for students from underrepresented backgrounds, including mentorship programs, affinity groups, and cultural centers. By fostering a diverse and inclusive campus community, both Washington and Lee University and Colgate University are preparing their students to be global citizens who can navigate and thrive in an increasingly diverse world.

Campus Safety Comparison: How Safe Are the Campuses of WashU & Colgate?

When it comes to campus safety, both universities have a strong record. According to Niche.com, Washington and Lee University has an A+ rating for campus safety, with low crime rates and a well-trained security force. Colgate University also has a strong safety record, with a full-time police force and a range of safety programs and initiatives. Both universities prioritize the safety and well-being of their students.

Security guard patrolling the campus

However, it is important to note that campus safety is not just about crime rates and security measures. Both universities also prioritize mental health and well-being as a crucial aspect of campus safety. WashU offers a range of mental health resources, including counseling services and support groups, while Colgate has a comprehensive wellness program that includes mental health services, stress management workshops, and mindfulness programs. By prioritizing both physical and mental safety, these universities create a safe and supportive environment for their students to thrive in.


Choosing the right university is a major decision, and requires careful consideration of a range of factors. By comparing Washington and Lee University and Colgate University on the criteria outlined in this article, students can better understand the similarities and differences between the two universities, and make an informed decision about their future. Whether it’s the beautiful campus setting, strong academic programs, or vibrant student life, both universities have a lot to offer, making it a difficult choice for those looking for the perfect fit. Ultimately, the decision will come down to the individual student and what they value most in their university experience.

It’s important to note that while both universities have strong academic programs, they differ in their areas of expertise. Washington and Lee University is known for its strong programs in business, law, and journalism, while Colgate University is known for its strong programs in the natural sciences, particularly geology and environmental studies. Students should consider their intended major and career goals when making their decision.

Another factor to consider is the location of the universities. Washington and Lee University is located in Lexington, Virginia, a small town with a population of around 7,000. Colgate University, on the other hand, is located in Hamilton, New York, a small village with a population of around 4,000. While both locations offer a peaceful and picturesque setting, students should consider their preferences for urban or rural environments when making their decisions.


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