
Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury: A Comprehensive Analysis

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Group of students talking in a room.

Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury: A Comprehensive Analysis

If you’re trying to decide between Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury for your undergraduate studies, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth comparison between Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury, covering everything you need to know to find the right fit for you.

Location and Campus Size of Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury

Washington University in St. Louis is located in the bustling city of St. Louis, Missouri, while Middlebury is situated in the small town of Middlebury, Vermont. WUSTL’s campus spans over 169 acres, whereas Middlebury’s campus is spread over 350 acres. While both institutions have beautiful campuses, the size and location of each campus offer different experiences.

Despite being located in a bustling city, WUSTL’s campus is known for its serene and peaceful environment. The campus is filled with green spaces, gardens, and fountains, providing a tranquil atmosphere for students to study and relax. In contrast, Middlebury’s campus is surrounded by the natural beauty of Vermont’s mountains and forests, offering students opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing.

Another notable difference between the two campuses is their architecture. WUSTL’s campus features a mix of modern and traditional buildings, with some structures dating back to the early 1900s. Middlebury’s campus, on the other hand, is known for its historic and picturesque buildings, many of which were built in the 19th century. Both campuses offer unique and beautiful settings for students to learn and grow.

Academics and Majors Offered at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

When it comes to academics, both institutions have a lot to offer. Washington University in St. Louis is known for its strong programs in business, engineering, and the humanities. The school also boasts a nationally recognized medical school. Middlebury, on the other hand, is known for its strength in the liberal arts and has a strong environmental studies program. In terms of majors offered, Washington University in St. Louis has over 90 majors and Middlebury has more than 50 majors.

Group of students walking in the campus.

Additionally, both universities offer a variety of interdisciplinary majors and programs that allow students to explore multiple fields of study. Washington University in St. Louis offers a popular program in Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology, which combines the study of philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology. Middlebury offers a joint major in International Politics and Economics, which combines the study of political science and economics to prepare students for careers in international relations and global business.

Student Life and Extracurricular Activities at Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury

Both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury offers a vibrant student life, with a wide array of clubs and organizations for students to join. WUSTL’s campus has over 400 student organizations, including Greek life, club sports, and community service organizations. Meanwhile, Middlebury has over 150 student-run clubs and organizations, including an outdoor club and an improv group.

At Washington University in St. Louis, students can also participate in a variety of cultural and diversity organizations, such as the Black Student Alliance and the Asian American Association. These organizations provide a space for students to connect with others who share similar backgrounds and experiences, and to celebrate their cultural heritage.

Similarly, Middlebury offers a range of opportunities for students to engage with social justice issues and activism. The college has a strong commitment to sustainability, and students can get involved with organizations like the Environmental Council and the Food Co-op. Additionally, Middlebury has a robust community service program, with opportunities for students to volunteer locally and abroad.

Faculty and Class Sizes at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

Both institutions have dedicated faculty who are experts in their fields. At Washington University in St. Louis, there is a 7:1 student-to-faculty ratio, which allows for small class sizes and personalized attention. Middlebury boasts a 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio, which is also conducive to small class sizes and one-on-one interaction with professors.

Additionally, both universities offer opportunities for students to work closely with faculty outside of the classroom. At Washington University, students can participate in research projects with faculty members, while Middlebury offers a variety of mentorship programs that connect students with professors in their areas of interest. These programs allow for even more personalized attention and guidance from experienced professionals in the field.

Admission Requirements and Acceptance Rates at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

Admission requirements for both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury are competitive, and both schools have selective acceptance rates. Washington University in St. Louis has an acceptance rate of 13%, and Middlebury has an acceptance rate of 13% as well. Both schools require applicants to submit standardized test scores, transcripts, essays, and letters of recommendation.

Close up of a hand using a pencil.

In addition to the required application materials, both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury also consider extracurricular activities, leadership experience, and community involvement when making admissions decisions. Washington University in St. Louis values demonstrated interest in the school, while Middlebury places a strong emphasis on academic rigor and intellectual curiosity. Applicants need to showcase their unique strengths and passions in their application materials to stand out in the competitive admissions process.

Cost of Attendance and Financial Aid Offered at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

For many students and families, the cost of attendance is a major factor in deciding which college to attend. Both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury are private institutions, and tuition and fees can be quite high. However, both schools have generous financial aid policies and offer need-based aid to eligible students. According to U.S. News, the average annual cost for tuition and fees at Washington University in St. Louis is $60,590, and $62,460 for Middlebury.

It is important to note that the cost of attendance includes more than just tuition and fees. Students also need to consider the cost of room and board, textbooks, transportation, and personal expenses. However, both schools offer various resources and opportunities for students to reduce these costs, such as work-study programs, scholarships, and grants.

Alumni Network and Career Opportunities at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury both have strong alumni networks, with graduates working in a variety of industries across the world. Both schools also offer extensive career services and resources to help students secure internships and job opportunities after graduation.

Washington University in St. Louis has a particularly robust alumni network, with graduates working in top companies such as Google, Goldman Sachs, and McKinsey & Company. The university’s Career Center provides students with access to job postings, career fairs, and networking events, as well as one-on-one career counseling and resume reviews.

Similarly, Middlebury’s alumni network spans the globe, with graduates working in fields such as education, government, and non-profit organizations. The Center for Careers and Internships at Middlebury offers a range of services, including career counseling, job and internship search resources, and alumni networking opportunities. The center also hosts career-related workshops and events throughout the year to help students prepare for their future careers.

Research Opportunities and Facilities Available at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

Research opportunities are an important aspect of college education, and both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury offer students ample opportunities for research and innovation. WUSTL has 12 schools and offers students opportunities to work on groundbreaking research projects in fields ranging from engineering to medicine. Middlebury is known for its strong environmental studies program and has several research centers devoted to studying climate change and sustainability.

Students gathered around a table and talking.

Additionally, both universities have state-of-the-art research facilities that provide students with access to cutting-edge technology and equipment. At WUSTL, students have access to the McDonnell Genome Institute, which is one of the world’s leading centers for genomics research. Middlebury has the Franklin Environmental Center, which houses research labs and a greenhouse for studying plant biology and ecology. These facilities provide students with hands-on experience and the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research in their respective fields.

Athletics Programs and Facilities at Both Universities

Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury each have their own unique athletics programs and facilities. WUSTL has an NCAA Division III athletics program and boasts state-of-the-art athletic facilities, including an Olympic-sized swimming pool and a student-run fitness center. Middlebury has a strong NCAA Division III athletics program and is known for its winter sports, including skiing and snowboarding. The college has impressive athletic facilities, including a new fitness center and two ice arenas.

Additionally, Washington University in St. Louis offers a wide range of intramural sports for students who want to participate in athletics at a more casual level. These include basketball, soccer, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee, among others. The university also has a strong club sports program, with teams competing in sports such as rugby, lacrosse, and water polo.

Meanwhile, Middlebury College has a unique program called the “MiddCORE” program, which combines athletics with leadership development. This program is designed to help student-athletes develop skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, which can be applied both on and off the field. Middlebury also has a strong tradition of environmental sustainability, and its athletic facilities are designed with this in mind, featuring energy-efficient lighting and heating systems.

Student Diversity and Inclusion Efforts at Both Universities

Both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury are committed to creating diverse and inclusive communities on their campuses. WUSTL has a dedicated center for diversity and inclusion and offers a range of programs and services to support underrepresented students. Middlebury has a strong commitment to social justice and offers a variety of programs and initiatives to promote inclusivity and equity on campus.

At Washington University in St. Louis, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion offers a variety of resources and programs to support students from diverse backgrounds. These include mentorship programs, cultural celebrations, and workshops on topics such as allyship and intersectionality. Additionally, WUSTL has several student-led organizations focused on promoting diversity and inclusion, such as the Association of Black Students and the Asian-Pacific American Student Association.

Campus Safety and Security Measures at Both Universities

Ensuring the safety and well-being of students is a top priority for both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury. Both schools have dedicated campus security forces and offer resources and support for students who experience a safety or security issue on campus.

Washington University in St. Louis has implemented several additional safety measures in recent years, including the installation of emergency call boxes throughout campus and the implementation of a campus-wide text alert system. The university also offers self-defense classes and safety escorts for students who feel unsafe walking alone at night.

Middlebury has a strong partnership with local law enforcement and emergency services, ensuring quick response in the event of an emergency. The school also has a comprehensive sexual assault prevention and response program, which includes education and training for students, faculty, and staff, as well as a confidential reporting system for survivors of sexual assault.

Student Housing Options at Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury

Both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury offers a variety of on-campus housing options for students. WUSTL has a variety of residence halls and apartment-style living options, whereas Middlebury has a mix of traditional dorms and student houses. Both schools offer a range of housing options to suit students’ needs and preferences.

Two students keeping their dorm room clean.

At Washington University in St. Louis, students can choose to live in themed housing communities, such as the International House or the Green House, which focus on specific interests or lifestyles. Middlebury also offers themed housing options, including language houses where students can immerse themselves in a particular language and culture.

In addition to on-campus housing, both schools also have off-campus housing resources available for students who prefer to live off-campus. These resources include listings for apartments and houses for rent, as well as information on local landlords and property management companies.

Community Engagement Programs and Volunteer Opportunities at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

Community engagement and service are important values for both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury. Both institutions offer a variety of volunteer and service opportunities for students to get involved in their local communities. WUSTL has a dedicated center for community engagement and offers a variety of programs and initiatives to connect students with local nonprofits and social organizations. Middlebury’s Center for Community Engagement has a variety of programs and initiatives to promote civic engagement and social responsibility.

Additionally, both universities also offer alternative break programs, where students can participate in service trips during school breaks. These trips allow students to engage in meaningful service work while also learning about different communities and social issues. WUSTL’s Alternative Breaks program has sent students to locations such as New Orleans, Puerto Rico, and Guatemala. Middlebury’s MAlt program offers trips focused on issues such as environmental sustainability, education, and poverty alleviation.

Sustainability Efforts on Campus at Washington University in St. Louis vs Middlebury

Both Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury are committed to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprints. WUSTL has a dedicated sustainability office and has implemented a variety of programs and initiatives to promote sustainable practices on campus. Middlebury has an active sustainability council and has implemented several programs and initiatives to promote environmental awareness on campus.

A student holding a model of the earth

At Washington University in St. Louis, sustainability efforts extend beyond campus. The university has partnered with local organizations to promote sustainable practices in the surrounding community. Additionally, WUSTL has implemented a green transportation program, which includes a bike share program and electric vehicle charging stations on campus.

Middlebury has also taken steps to reduce waste on campus. The college has implemented a composting program, which diverts food waste from landfills and turns it into nutrient-rich soil for the college’s organic garden. Middlebury also has a zero-waste program for events, which encourages attendees to use reusable dishes and utensils instead of disposable ones.

So there you have it, a comprehensive comparison between Washington University in St. Louis and Middlebury. While each institution has its unique strengths and opportunities, both offer exceptional academic programs, vibrant campus communities, and ample opportunities for students to get involved and make a positive impact. Ultimately, the decision of which school to attend will depend on your individual preferences and priorities. But we hope this side-by-side comparison has provided you with the information you need to make an informed decision.


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