
What You Need to Know About Columbia ACT Scores: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Students

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female student taking an exam

What You Need to Know About Columbia ACT Scores: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Students

What is a good ACT score for Columbia?

What is an acceptable ACT score for Columbia? In the competitive world of Ivy League admissions, it’s no secret that Columbia University sets a high bar for prospective students.

As of our last update, the middle 50% of admitted students at Columbia scored between 34 and 35 on the ACT. This means that 25% of admitted students scored below 34, and 25% scored above 35. However, remember that these figures are averages and ranges, not strict cutoffs.

Low Memorial Library at Columbia University with the statue of Alma Mater, New York City

While a high score can significantly improve your chances, Columbia’s holistic admissions process means they also consider many other factors like your academic record, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations.

What is the Columbia ACT code?

What is the ACT code for Columbia? When you take the ACT, you’ll need to know Columbia’s ACT code to ensure your scores are sent correctly. Columbia University’s ACT code is 2717.

It’s always a good idea to double-check the ACT code for the colleges where you’re applying. You can do this by visiting the college’s official website or the ACT’s website. This ensures that your scores go to the correct place, especially when dealing with universities that have similar names or multiple campuses.

If you forget to include Columbia’s ACT code when you take the test, don’t worry. You can request to have your scores sent to Columbia at a later date, although there may be a small fee associated with this.

Does Columbia require an official ACT?

Is an official ACT required by Columbia? Yes, it does. Columbia University requires applicants to submit official test scores directly from the testing agencies. Unofficial test scores or scores reported by the applicants themselves will not be considered.

However, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting disruptions to standardized testing availability, Columbia University has implemented a temporary test-optional policy for the 2023 and 2024 application cycles. This policy means that for these specific application cycles, prospective students can choose whether or not to submit ACT or SAT scores as part of their application.

unidentified student taking a test

Even with this test-optional policy, if you have taken the ACT and feel that your scores accurately reflect your academic potential, it could still be beneficial to include them in your application. As always, you should carefully consider your situation and the strengths of your application when deciding whether to submit test scores.

How important is the ACT score in Columbia’s overall admissions process?

How crucial is the ACT score in the overall admissions process at Columbia? While it’s true that Columbia considers many factors beyond test scores, ACT scores still hold significant weight. They provide a standard measure that Columbia can use to compare applicants from different high schools and regions. They can also indicate an applicant’s readiness for college-level work and potential for academic success.

However, don’t let a less-than-ideal ACT score deter you from applying. Columbia University is interested in your complete academic picture. This includes your high school transcript, the rigor of your high school curriculum, your engagement with extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community involvement, as well as your essays and recommendations.

How does Columbia help prospective students boost their ACT scores?

How can Columbia assist prospective students in improving their ACT scores? Columbia University, being an institution that attracts some of the brightest minds from across the globe, acknowledges the importance of standardized tests like the ACT in the college admissions process. However, as a university, Columbia itself does not directly offer ACT prep courses to prospective students.

Female students looking out the window while thing about Cornell deadlines

That said, Columbia has several initiatives and resources to support high school students in their academic journeys, which indirectly could help boost ACT scores:

Online Resources

Columbia’s admissions website and blog provide a wealth of information about its admissions process, which can help prospective students understand what the university is looking for.

Outreach Programs

Columbia hosts various outreach programs, often in collaboration with high schools and community organizations, aimed at helping prospective students prepare for college.

Remember, while a high ACT score can strengthen your application, Columbia University adopts a holistic admissions process. They consider all aspects of your application in making their decision. A balanced focus on all these areas is just as important as preparing for the ACT.

What should be your ACT strategy for Columbia?

So, what ACT approach should you use for Columbia? Here are some tips:

Start Early

Don’t leave your test prep until the last minute. Give yourself ample time to study and prepare for the ACT. Start by taking a practice test to familiarize yourself with the format and identify areas where you need to focus your studies.

Focus on Weak Areas

Once you’ve identified the sections where you need the most work, allocate more study time to those areas. Use reliable ACT prep books and resources to help you improve.

Take Practice Tests

Regularly take full-length practice tests. This will not only help you gauge your progress but also get you accustomed to the test’s timing and format. Remember, endurance is a crucial part of test-taking!

Healthy Lifestyle

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, balanced meals, and plenty of sleep. Physical health can significantly impact mental agility and test-taking capabilities.

Plan for Retakes

Most students improve their scores on a second or even third attempt at the ACT. Planning for retakes gives you some wiggle room if your first attempt doesn’t go as well as you hoped.

Remember, a high ACT score is an important part of your Columbia University application, but it’s not the only factor. Columbia is interested in admitting well-rounded students who demonstrate academic excellence, personal maturity, and a passion for learning. So while you should strive for a competitive ACT score, also focus on your other requirements as well.

Navigating the college admissions process can be complex and challenging, but with the right preparation and resources, you can increase your chances of success. Don’t let a single test define you or your future at Columbia University or any other institution. Your drive, passion, and resilience are equally important parts of your college application story.

Finally, remember that the journey to college is just that – a journey. It’s about learning, growing, and exploring your interests. So while you’re studying for the ACT, don’t forget to take some time to enjoy the ride. After all, these are experiences and memories you’ll carry with you long after you’ve aced the test.

And there you have it – your comprehensive guide to understanding the Columbia ACT score, brought to you by AdmissionSight. We’re passionate about helping students like you navigate the complex journey of college admissions. Remember, achieving the Columbia ACT score you need is just one step toward your academic goals. With determination, the right resources, and a holistic approach to your college application, you can make your dream of attending Columbia a reality. Continue to reach for the stars, future Lions! At AdmissionSight, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us! 



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