
Write Your Way In: Exploring Writing Internships for High School Students

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a group of student looking through their notes while one of them is writing something on the glass board

Write Your Way In: Exploring Writing Internships for High School Students

In today’s fiercely competitive college admissions landscape, it is more important than ever for high school students to find ways to stand out. One powerful avenue to unlock your potential and significantly enhance your college admissions prospects is through writing internships for high school students.

This guide lets you explore the world of writing internships specifically for high school students and highlight how they can elevate your college applications.

Whether you aspire to be a novelist, journalist, or content creator, writing internships offer a unique pathway to demonstrate your dedication, passion, and talent.

Importance of High School Internships

High school internships has become increasingly significant in today’s competitive academic and professional landscape, providing invaluable benefits to students. These opportunities allow high schoolers to gain real-world experience, explore potential career paths, and develop crucial skills highly sought after by colleges and employers alike.

By participating in internships, students can bridge the gap between theoretical classroom knowledge and practical application, gaining hands-on experience in their areas of interest. These experiences provide a deeper understanding of various industries and offer exposure to professional environments, networking opportunities, and mentorship from seasoned professionals.

highschool students posing for the camera

High school internships demonstrate a student’s proactive approach to learning, initiative, and commitment to personal and professional growth.

Admissions committees increasingly recognize the value of internships in evaluating candidates, as they provide evidence of a student’s ability to thrive in challenging environments, adapt to new situations, and contribute meaningfully to organizations.

Furthermore, internships allow students to develop crucial transferable skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and time management, which are highly valued in college and beyond.

The importance of high school internships should be emphasized more. They provide practical experience, skill development, career exploration, networking opportunities, and personal growth.

By participating in high school internships, you will not only enhance your chances of college admissions but also gain a deeper understanding of your passions and goals. So, seize the opportunity, explore internships in your desired field, and embark on a transformative journey that will shape your future success.

What Does a Writing Intern Do?

What does a writing intern do? As a high school writing intern, your role will encompass a range of exciting and valuable responsibilities.

Primarily, you will engage in various tasks that contribute to the production and refinement of written content. This could involve creating blog posts, articles, social media content, or marketing materials for an organization or publication.

Writing internships for high school students might also include conducting research, fact-checking, and collaborating with other team members to ensure the accuracy and coherence of the content.

View of a student writing in a table.

Additionally, you may have the opportunity to refine your writing skills in different genres and styles. Writing interns often receive guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals who can help them develop their craft and provide feedback on their work.

This exposure to diverse writing styles and the chance to experiment with different formats will enhance your versatility as a writer.

In some cases, you might be involved in editing and proofreading tasks, where you can refine your attention to detail and strengthen your language proficiency.

As a writing intern, you will likely engage in discussions about content strategy and brainstorming sessions, and contribute creative ideas to enhance the overall quality of the written materials.

Furthermore, writing interns frequently collaborate with graphic designers, marketing teams, and editors, allowing you to gain a holistic understanding of the creative process and the importance of teamwork in producing effective and engaging written content.

One of the most valuable aspects of a writing internship is the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field.

By working alongside experienced writers, editors, and content creators, you can gain valuable insights into the industry, expand your professional network, and establish relationships that may benefit you in the future.

Ultimately, as a high school writing intern, you will have the chance to immerse yourself in a dynamic and creative environment, honing your writing skills, gain industry-specific knowledge, and building a portfolio of work that showcases your abilities. This experience will not only bolster your college applications but also provide a solid foundation for future academic and professional endeavors in the field of writing.

How to Find Writing Internships?

Are you a high school student with a passion for writing, looking to gain practical experience and enhance your college applications? Finding the right writing internship can be an exciting opportunity to develop your skills and take a glimpse of the professional world.

From utilizing online resources and networking within writing communities to tapping into school resources, we will discuss strategies to uncover a wide range of writing internships.

a female student studying inside a library

Here are some valuable tips on how to find writing internships for high school students:

Research Online Platforms

Explore specialized websites and online platforms that cater specifically to high school students seeking internships. Websites like LinkedIn and Chegg Internships offer a wide range of internship opportunities, including those in writing and content creation.

Utilize School Resources

Take advantage of your school’s career center or guidance office. They may have resources and connections to help you find writing internships that align with your interests and goals.

Additionally, your school’s English or journalism department might have leads on local internship opportunities.

Network within Writing Communities

Join online writing communities or forums where professionals and aspiring writers connect. Engaging with these communities can provide insights into potential internship opportunities, industry trends, and advice from experienced individuals.

An open laptop placed on top of a table near a window.

Websites like LinkedIn and writing-focused social media groups can be excellent resources for networking.

Local Organizations and Publications

Research local newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, marketing agencies, and non-profit organizations that may offer writing internships for high school students. Contact these organizations directly, expressing your interest and inquiring about internship opportunities.

Local businesses, such as marketing firms or content agencies, may also be seeking writing interns to assist with their projects.

Seek Recommendations

Consult with your teachers, mentors, or other trusted individuals who may be aware of writing internships in your community or have connections in the writing industry. They can provide valuable recommendations or introduce you to potential internship opportunities.

Tailor Your Search

When looking for writing internships, consider the specific areas of writing that interest you, such as creative writing, journalism, technical writing, or content marketing. Target your search accordingly, focusing on internships that align with your preferred writing style or industry.

Craft a Strong Application

Once you identify potential writing internships, carefully review their application requirements and deadlines. Prepare a well-crafted resume and cover letter that highlight your writing skills, academic achievements, and any relevant experiences. Customize your application materials to showcase your passion for writing and why you are an ideal candidate for the internship.

Remember, finding the right writing internship may require persistence and proactive efforts. Start your search early, stay organized, and be proactive in reaching out to potential opportunities.

A writing internship can not only provide practical experience but also allow you to build a strong portfolio, expand your network, and gain valuable insights into the writing industry.

So, dive into the search process, make the most out of the opportunity, and embark on an enriching journey that propels your writing skills to new heights.

Choosing and Applying to Writing Internships

Securing a writing internship can be a pivotal opportunity to develop your skills, network with professionals, and enhance your resume.

Writing internships for high school students can help them gain real-world exposure, develop essential skills, and make meaningful connections within the industry. However, navigating the selection and application process can be challenging, especially for high school students.

Here is a quick guide for choosing and applying to writing internships:

Identify Your Interests

Begin by clarifying your specific writing interests. Are you passionate about creative writing, journalism, technical writing, or content marketing? Understanding your niche will help you focus your search and target internships that align with your goals and aspirations.

Research Available Opportunities

As discussed earlier, dive into the vast pool of writing internships available. Explore online platforms dedicated to internships, such as LinkedIn or Chegg Internships, and search for writing-focused positions. Check local organizations, publishing houses, media outlets, and marketing agencies that may offer writing internships.

Additionally, tap into your school’s career center, English department, or guidance office for potential leads.

Consider Internship Requirements

Carefully review the requirements and expectations of each internship. Take note of application deadlines, necessary materials, and any specific qualifications or skills they seek. This information will help you prioritize and tailor your applications accordingly.

Young woman attending an online class in a room.

Customize Your Application Materials

Craft a compelling resume and cover letter that highlight your writing skills, relevant coursework, and any previous writing experiences. Showcase your passion for writing and demonstrate how your unique perspective can contribute to the internship.

Tailor your application materials to each internship, emphasizing specific skills or experiences that align with their requirements.

Showcasing Your Writing

Some internships may request writing samples. Select your best work that aligns with the internship’s focus. If you don’t have previously published pieces, consider creating original samples that demonstrate your writing style and abilities.

Ensure your writing samples are error-free, engaging, and showcase your creativity and storytelling skills.

Proofread and Polish

Before submitting your application, carefully proofread your resume, cover letter, and any other documents. Ensure proper grammar, spelling, and overall coherence. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to ensure your application materials are polished and professional.


After submitting your applications, it is good practice to follow up with a thank-you email or note to express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest. This simple gesture demonstrates your professionalism and enthusiasm.

The process of choosing and applying to writing internships requires time, effort, and careful consideration. Be proactive in seeking out opportunities, showcase your unique writing abilities, and present yourself as a passionate and dedicated candidate.

With persistence and a well-crafted application, you can secure a writing internship that opens doors to valuable experiences, skill development, and potential future career opportunities.

Long-Term Benefits of Writing Internships

Writing internships for high school students offer more than just a temporary experience; they provide a wealth of long-lasting benefits that can shape your academic and professional trajectory.

From skill development and portfolio building to networking opportunities and enhanced job prospects, we will explore the profound impact that writing internships can have on your writing journey.

Now, let’s delve into some long-term benefits of writing internships.

Skill Development

Writing internships provide an ideal environment for honing your writing skills. Through practical experience, you will enhance your ability to craft engaging content, improve your grammar and language proficiency, and develop solid attention to detail. These transferrable skills will be invaluable throughout your academic and professional life.

Building a Portfolio

Writing internships offer an excellent opportunity to make a work portfolio. As you contribute to real-world projects, you can showcase your writing samples and demonstrate your versatility to potential employers or college admissions committees.

A strong writing portfolio will set you apart and demonstrate your ability to produce high-quality content.


Engaging in a writing internship allows you to connect with professionals in the field. Building relationships with experienced writers, editors, and industry experts can open doors to mentorship opportunities, recommendations, and potential job prospects. These connections can serve as valuable resources as you progress in your writing career.

Industry Insights

Writing internships provide an insider’s view of the writing industry. You will gain firsthand knowledge of the latest trends, techniques, and best practices. Understanding the industry landscape and the demands of different writing fields will position you as a knowledgeable and adaptable writer.

Professional Growth

Writing internships foster personal and professional growth. You will develop essential skills like time management, collaboration, and meeting deadlines. Working in a professional environment will expose you to real-world challenges and help you develop a strong work ethic. These qualities will contribute to your success in future academic pursuits and professional endeavors.

Enhanced Job Prospects

Writing internships on your resume can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. Employers often value practical experience, and having a writing internship under your belt demonstrates your commitment, initiative, and ability to contribute to their organization.

Internships can give you a competitive edge and increase your chances of securing future job opportunities.

Clarifying Career Goals

Participating in writing internships can help you gain clarity about your career goals. Exposure to different writing jobs and industries can help you identify areas you are passionate about and want to pursue further.

Whether it is creative writing, journalism, or technical writing, internships allow you to explore various paths and make informed decisions about your future career.

Participating in writing internships as a high school student offers a plethora of long-term benefits that extend far beyond the internship experience itself. From developing essential skills and building a strong portfolio to networking with industry professionals and enhancing job prospects, writing internships have the power to shape your future as a writer.

By taking the time to research and apply for writing internships, you can set yourself apart from other applicants and demonstrate your passion and commitment to the field.

So, embrace the journey, invest in your writing skills, and seize the opportunities that writing internships offer. Your dedication and hard work will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.

College admissions experts like AdmissionSight are vital in assisting high school students seeking writing internships and in navigating the college admissions process. These experts possess in-depth knowledge of the application process and understand what colleges seek in prospective students.

Additionally, our experts provide invaluable guidance on finding relevant writing internships and identifying opportunities that align with students’ interests and goals.

By working closely with AdmissionSight, high school students can gain a strategic advantage in pursuing writing internships and achieving their college admissions goals. Schedule an appointment for an initial consultation with our experts today!


College Admissions

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