
Best Classes at Johns Hopkins

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of Johns Hopkins campus.

Best Classes at Johns Hopkins

The best classes at Johns Hopkins can open up a world of opportunities for students seeking to achieve academic excellence and personal growth.

With a focus on innovation, exploration, and excellence, the university has created a learning environment that encourages students to push themselves to their limits and explore new horizons.

But what makes these classes so special, and why does it matter? At their core, Johns Hopkins’ best classes are designed to provide students with a truly transformative educational experience.

Through rigorous coursework, hands-on learning opportunities, and close collaboration with expert faculty, students can develop a deep understanding of their subject matter and gain valuable skills that will serve them well in their future academic and professional pursuits.

Moreover, these classes offer an opportunity for students to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about learning and committed to positively impacting the world.

Whether through a research project, a community service initiative, or simply by engaging in lively classroom discussions, students at Johns Hopkins are empowered to make a difference and contribute to the greater good.

In short, Johns Hopkins’ best classes are about more than just earning a degree or checking off a list of requirements. They are about discovering your passions, challenging yourself to be your best, and creating a future filled with endless possibilities.

So, if you’re ready to take your education to the next level, there’s no better place to do it than at Johns Hopkins University.

Why is choosing the right course essential for college admissions?

Selecting the right course can play a pivotal role in a student’s college admissions journey. For one, admissions officers at elite institutions like Johns Hopkins look for applicants who have pursued rigorous and relevant coursework during their high school years.

Depth Over Breadth

While it’s often encouraged for students to have a broad base of knowledge, it’s equally, if not more, vital for them to delve deeper into subjects they’re passionate about.

This depth showcases a student’s ability to focus and excel in areas of genuine interest, which universities view as a marker of future success in specialized fields.

Preparation for College-level Work

Successfully completing challenging courses in high school indicates a student’s readiness for college-level work.

It’s not just about passing the class but mastering the content, which provides a foundation for higher-level courses in college.

Highlighting Academic Adaptability

A diverse course selection, including classes outside of one’s comfort zone, can illustrate a student’s adaptability and willingness to face and overcome challenges.

For instance, a student inclined towards humanities taking advanced courses in mathematics or sciences demonstrates their ability to thrive in various academic environments.

Demonstrating Initiative and Drive

Enrollment in advanced placement (AP), honors, or other specialized courses, especially those not mandated by the school’s core curriculum, can showcase a student’s initiative.

Such choices suggest a student’s eagerness to go above and beyond the standard expectations.

Validating Passion with Actions

Expressing an interest in a specific field in a college essay or interview is one thing, but having a track record of courses in that domain is tangible evidence.

For instance, a student expressing a desire to study biomedical engineering would bolster their claim by excelling in advanced science and math courses in high school.

Balancing GPA with Course Rigor

While maintaining a high GPA is crucial, admissions officers often evaluate the rigor of courses undertaken in context.

A slightly lower GPA with a more challenging course load can sometimes be more impressive than a perfect GPA with only basic courses.

Making informed and strategic course selections throughout high school can significantly bolster a student’s chances of gaining admission to prestigious institutions like Johns Hopkins.

What are the best classes to take at Johns Hopkins?

What are some of the most recommended courses at Johns Hopkins University? Courses that are interesting and provide a simple passing grade are a true blessing disguised as an opportunity. The students will search the system thoroughly, hoping to find one or two.

Below is a list of the courses that are the best to complete at Johns Hopkins University.

Group of students talking in a room.

1. AS.225.310 (01): Stage Craft

This practical course focuses on the theoretical and technical aspects of stage production. Topics covered include the construction of scenery, sets, and props; the use of lighting, costume design, and cosmetics; audio engineering and stage management; and stage management.

Registering for this program will give you a taste of what it’s like to work in the theatrical industry.

2. ME.120.719: Illustrating Anatomy

As one of the best classes at Johns Hopkins, this is perfect for creative people who enjoy pushing themselves to their limits. Students can draw actual cadavers, anatomical dissections, and various other graphic pictures of the human body.

This is, without a doubt, an enjoyable lesson that does not demand specific professional abilities to achieve a satisfactory grade.

3. ED.893.628 (91): Gaming and Media Design for Learning

The notion of gaming and how it might improve education is investigated in-depth throughout this course. It will focus on learning theories, methods, stimulations, trends, approaches, and other computer and console gaming topics.

4. PY.550.517: Psychoacoustics

This fascinating course covers various topics, including the fundamentals of audio and sound systems, architectural acoustics, and musical acoustics, as well as the psychological and physiological elements of hearing.

Binaural hearing, localization, pitch, duration, loudness, masking, and the auditory physiology of the inner and outer ear are some of the subjects that will be covered in this course.

5. AS.480.622: Branding by Motion Picture

Students will create their own brands, examine commercials and branding videos, and produce screenplays for commercials and other types of films that promote motion pictures as part of this course.

Students will develop an awareness of the inventiveness and critical thought that goes into commercials and an appreciation for the advertising industry’s ability to convince customers to buy their products.

6. ME.120.710: Pen and Ink Illustration

Do you constantly doodle in the margins of your papers instead of taking notes? The use of pen and ink as a medium is the primary point of this particular class.

A series of activities and projects will build upon one another to investigate the various media styles and approaches. Enjoy yourself and get praised for being so creative while you take advantage of this chance.

7. AS.376.250 (01): Introduction to Computer Music

Oh, the joys of taking introductory classes at the university; they are a student’s best buddy. Exploring electronic art music does not require any specific music knowledge.

As one of the best classes at Johns Hopkins, students in this course will understand the historical development of electronic music, become familiar with the fundamentals of acoustics and musical perceptions, study compositional techniques, participate in workshops for creative exploration, and become familiar with works of digital sound art.

Taking this straightforward lesson will save you from reading a mountain of material.

8. BU.420.710 (31): Consumer Behavior

Consumerism has taken over the globe, but is there any scientific basis for what people buy and why they buy them? This course examines the notion of consumer choice-making from the perspectives of three social science disciplines: Psychology, Anthropology, and Sociology.

In this class, students will investigate behavior analysis of customers’ knowledge, attention, attitude, and purchase intention while including marketing techniques, brand loyalty, the persuasive process, design, and promotion.

9. EN.520.445 (01): Audio Signal Processing

This class can interest you if you’re into technology and gadgets. This course explores various speech and audio processing applications in computer interfaces, including speaker identification, pattern recognition, acoustics, music analysis, and many others.

Enjoy experimenting with different kinds of audio processing rather than messing up your GPA.

10. AS.480.653: Communicating for Social Change

Alterations in social conditions are among the most influential types of movement that can occur anywhere in the world.

Students will be exposed to various theoretical frameworks, techniques, advocacy, problems, and real-life examples to decide the communication strategies organizations and people choose to utilize to support and promote their cause.

Are classes at Johns Hopkins hard?

Are the classes at Johns Hopkins challenging? Johns Hopkins University accepts a small fraction of its applicants. For every group of applicants, only a handful are chosen, while the vast majority are not admitted.

Johns Hopkins University has a very stringent admissions policy compared to other educational institutions. It is marginally less competitive than institutions in the Ivy League, but it is far more difficult than most schools in the United States.

A father and his son talking while walking together.

The typical GPA of accepted students at this university is 3.92. You’ll need to have practically perfect grades and be in the upper half of your class if you want to have a chance of competing with other applications and being enrolled in the best classes at Johns Hopkins.

Enrolling in advanced placement (AP) and international baccalaureate (IB) classes is also essential since doing so will raise your GPA and demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are prepared to handle the academic rigor of college-level work.

Through the 2025–2026 application, Johns Hopkins will not require applicants to submit test scores. If you apply without sending in your SAT or ACT results, this will not be held against you as a disadvantage.

The academic standards at Johns Hopkins are well-known for being exceptionally high. Take your school’s most challenging classes to demonstrate that you are prepared to meet rigorous challenges.

What support systems are available for students at Johns Hopkins?

While Johns Hopkins offers a challenging academic environment, it is equally committed to ensuring that every student succeeds. Recognizing that the journey to academic excellence is both rigorous and demanding, the university has established various support systems.

Here’s an in-depth look at some of these resources:

Dedicated Academic Advisors

Each student is paired with an academic advisor who assists them in charting out their academic path, selecting the right courses, and ensuring they are on track for their major or degree program.

These advisors also help students tackle any academic challenges they may encounter, ensuring they always have a guiding hand.

Mental Health Resources

Recognizing the importance of mental well-being, Johns Hopkins offers counseling services, workshops, and support groups.

These resources are designed to help students manage stress, cope with personal challenges, and maintain a healthy mental and emotional balance during their time at the university.

Peer-led Tutoring Sessions

Sometimes, understanding a subject from a peer’s perspective can make all the difference. Johns Hopkins promotes peer-led tutoring sessions where students can get help from their contemporaries who have excelled in particular subjects or courses.

It not only fosters an environment of collaborative learning but also builds a sense of community among students.

Career Counseling

The university’s career center is a hub for students seeking guidance on their future career paths.

From resume building, mock interviews, and internship placements to job fairs and networking events, the center provides comprehensive support to students as they transition from academic life to the professional world.

Networking Events

Johns Hopkins regularly organizes events where students can interact with alumni, industry professionals, and recruiters.

These events provide invaluable opportunities for students to build connections, learn from others’ experiences, and even secure internships or job placements.

Learning Resource Centers

These centers are equipped with resources, study spaces, and tools that students might need for their academic pursuits.

They also host workshops on various skills such as time management, effective note-taking, and exam preparation strategies.

Specialized Support for International Students

Understanding the unique challenges faced by international students, Johns Hopkins offers dedicated orientation programs, language assistance, and cultural exchange events.

These services ensure that students from all over the world feel at home and are equipped to excel academically and socially.

By offering a myriad of support systems, Johns Hopkins ensures that every student, regardless of their background or challenges, has the resources and assistance they need to thrive.

Smart arab guy student with backpack and bunch of books smiling at camera

What is Johns Hopkins known for academically?

What does Johns Hopkins University specialize in academically? The pre-med program at Hopkins is well-regarded, and after graduation, many students continue their education at medical schools.

Based on a post-graduate survey carried out by JHU in 2019, a significant majority of JHU graduates secured admission into medical schools. However, students at JHU diversify their studies across numerous fields and specialties.

JHU offers a dual-degree program, enabling students to earn both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science concurrently.

The university grants students considerable flexibility in their academic choices, with no strict curriculum mandates, although certain distribution requirements exist. Many undergraduates at JHU opt for dual specializations, either pursuing two majors or combining a major with a minor.

In conclusion, taking classes at Johns Hopkins University can be a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience. As a top-ranked research institution, the academic rigor at Johns Hopkins is designed to prepare students for the real-world challenges they will face in their future careers.

Take advantage of the many resources available, such as tutoring services, academic advising, and career centers, to help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

Whether you are a current or prospective student, the best classes at Johns Hopkins can help you reach your full potential and make a meaningful impact in your chosen field.

So, embrace the challenge, work hard, and always keep sight of your goals. The opportunities are endless.

If you are considering attending Johns Hopkins University and exploring its exceptional classes, booking an initial consultation with AdmissionSight is a smart step.

Our admissions experts can guide you in selecting the best Johns Hopkins classes and creating an academic plan that aligns with your interests and goals.

Don’t hesitate to book your initial consultation today and take the first step toward achieving your dreams!


College Admissions

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