
Designing the Future: Exploring the Dartmouth Architecture Program

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Aerial view of Dartmouth college

Designing the Future: Exploring the Dartmouth Architecture Program

Dive into the Dartmouth architecture program! Unleash your creativity, master design principles, and join a vibrant community of future architects.

If you’re passionate about crafting sustainable, breathtaking spaces that defy conventional norms, then you’re in the right place. Now, let’s dive into the heart of it all: Dartmouth’s architecture program.

This esteemed institution serves as a playground for aspiring architects to develop their skills and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of modern design. So, get ready to be inspired and join us on a journey through the captivating world of Dartmouth’s architectural wonders!

Does Dartmouth have an architecture program?

Does Dartmouth have an architecture program? If you ever wondered where the next generation of visionary architects would come from, look no further than the architecture program at Dartmouth, a unique and inspiring academic experience for students passionate about designing the built environment.

Group of students talking in a table.

With its focus on sustainability, innovation, and creativity, Dartmouth’s architecture program is shaping the future of design and redefining our understanding of space. So let’s dive in and uncover the secrets behind this exceptional program!

A World of Architectural Discovery

Nestled within the prestigious Dartmouth College, the architecture program is an integral part of the Studio Art Department. Aspiring architects have the opportunity to learn from renowned faculty members who are experts in their fields, bringing a wealth of experience and diverse perspectives to the program.

Students are encouraged to experiment with different design approaches, from traditional to avant-garde, exploring the endless possibilities that architecture has to offer.

Overview of the Curriculum and Facilities

Dartmouth’s architecture program is renowned for its innovative and engaging curriculum, which inspires students to think creatively, challenge traditional boundaries, and shape the built environment.

Alongside an impressive array of state-of-the-art facilities, the program offers a truly immersive experience for aspiring architects.

At the heart of the architecture program at Dartmouth lies a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of design to advanced architectural concepts. The program offers a unique blend of theoretical and practical learning, fostering a deep understanding of architecture and its relationship with society, culture, and the environment.

Group of students talking in a room.

Courses at Dartmouth are designed to challenge students intellectually and artistically, pushing them to develop innovative design solutions and explore new ways of thinking.

Core courses in architectural design, history, and theory lay the foundation for students’ understanding of the discipline, while elective offerings provide opportunities to delve into specialized topics such as digital design, urban planning, and sustainable architecture.

To support its curriculum, the Dartmouth architecture program boasts a range of top-notch facilities that provide students with the tools and resources they need to thrive.

To complement the hands-on learning experience, the program also offers cutting-edge digital fabrication and prototyping facilities. The workshop, equipped with advanced tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and CNC machines, enables students to transform their design concepts into tangible models and prototypes.

This hands-on approach helps students understand the relationship between design and construction, preparing them for professional practice.

Beyond the classroom, Dartmouth’s architecture program offers a range of extracurricular activities and opportunities for students to apply their skills in real-world contexts.

From internships and workshops to study abroad programs and design competitions, students are encouraged to expand their horizons and gain valuable experience outside the confines of the campus.

Degrees Offered

If you’re an aspiring architect with a passion for design, innovation, and sustainability, the architecture program at Dartmouth should be at the top of your list. As part of the Studio Art Department at the prestigious Dartmouth College, the program offers a comprehensive educational experience that combines theory, practice, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Read on as we explore the various degrees offered in the architecture program at Dartmouth and provide insight into how each can shape your future in the world of architecture.

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art (Architecture)

Dartmouth’s architecture program offers a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with a focus on architecture. This degree provides a solid foundation in architectural design, history, and theory, as well as hands-on experience in digital fabrication, sustainable design, and urban planning.

The BA in Studio Art with an architecture focus is an ideal choice for students who want to gain a broad understanding of the discipline while also developing their artistic and design skills.

Graduates of this program are well-prepared for a variety of career paths in architecture, design, and related fields, as well as for pursuing advanced degrees in architecture or related disciplines.

Minor in Architectural Studies

For students who are passionate about architecture but want to major in another field, Dartmouth’s architecture program offers a minor in architectural studies.

This minor allows students to explore the discipline of architecture while complementing their primary course of study.

By completing a series of core and elective courses in architectural design, history, and theory, students gain a strong foundation in the principles of architecture and its relationship to other disciplines.

The minor in Architectural Studies is a great option for students who want to broaden their knowledge and understanding of architecture, as well as for those who plan to pursue careers in fields such as urban planning, historic preservation, or environmental design.

What makes Dartmouth architecture unique?

What makes Dartmouth architecture unique? If you’ve ever considered studying architecture but aren’t sure which program is right for you, look no further!

Today, we’ll explore the extraordinary architecture program at Dartmouth College, one of the most prestigious institutions in the United States.

a group of college students walking forward

From its innovative curriculum to its unmatched resources, Dartmouth’s architecture program truly stands out from the crowd. So, without further ado, let’s dive into what makes this program so special.

Intimate Learning

Imagine an academic environment where you’re not just another face in the crowd but an integral part of a close-knit community of learners, thinkers, and creators.

This is precisely what you’ll find at the architecture program at Dartmouth, where small class sizes and personalized attention foster an atmosphere of collaboration, creativity, and intellectual growth.

At the heart of Dartmouth’s architecture program lies a commitment to providing students with an engaging and supportive learning experience.

Group of students talking next to a table.

One of the key elements of this approach is maintaining small class sizes, which enables faculty to offer personalized attention and tailored instruction to each student.

Small class sizes have numerous advantages, including:

  • Enhanced student-faculty interaction: With fewer students in each class, faculty members have more time to engage with each individual, providing personalized feedback, guidance, and mentorship. This close-knit relationship fosters a deeper understanding of the course material and helps students develop the skills they need to succeed in the field of architecture.
  • Greater opportunities for collaboration: In a smaller class setting, students have more opportunities to work together on projects, share ideas, and learn from one another. This collaborative atmosphere not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the professional world, where teamwork and communication are essential.
  • Increased student participation: In large lecture halls, it’s easy for students to feel lost or disconnected from the learning process. Smaller class sizes at Dartmouth encourage active participation, allowing students to ask questions, contribute to discussions, and fully engage with the material.
  • A sense of community: Small class sizes foster a strong sense of camaraderie and belonging among students and faculty. This supportive environment helps students feel more comfortable taking risks, sharing their ideas, and exploring new concepts.

Personalized Attention

The personalized attention provided by Dartmouth’s architecture program goes beyond the classroom. Faculty members serve as mentors and advisors, guiding students through their academic journey and helping them make informed decisions about their educational and career paths.

In addition, the program offers numerous resources and support services tailored to the unique needs of architecture students, such as specialized workshops, guest lectures, and access to cutting-edge design tools and technologies.

These resources, combined with the personalized attention from faculty, ensure that each student has the tools and support they need to thrive in the program.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

At the core of the interdisciplinary approach in the Dartmouth architecture program is the belief that architecture does not exist in a vacuum. Instead, it’s intertwined with various disciplines, such as engineering, environmental studies, digital humanities, and more.

By fostering collaborations between students and faculty from diverse fields, the program promotes a broader understanding of architecture’s role in society and its potential to shape our world.

Three architects talking to each other.

Some of the ways the architecture program at Dartmouth encourages interdisciplinary collaboration include:

  • Joint courses and projects: The program offers courses that bridge the gap between architecture and other disciplines, allowing students to work on projects that integrate multiple areas of expertise. These joint courses and projects enrich the student’s understanding of architecture and equip them with valuable skills that can be applied in their future careers.
  • Cross-disciplinary research opportunities: Students in the architecture program can engage in research projects spanning multiple disciplines. These projects often involve collaboration with faculty and students from other departments, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.
  • Study abroad programs and workshops: Dartmouth’s architecture program offers various study abroad programs and workshops that expose students to international architectural practices and interdisciplinary collaborations. These experiences help students gain a global perspective and broaden their understanding of the complex relationships between architecture, culture, and the environment.

Design Studios

Design studios are the beating heart of Dartmouth’s architecture program, providing students with a hands-on, collaborative environment to explore their creative potential.

The program’s design studios are structured to support a wide range of architectural interests and skill levels, ensuring that each student can find a studio experience that aligns with their passions and goals.

Research Opportunities

In addition to the immersive design studio experience, Dartmouth’s architecture program offers a wealth of research opportunities for students to delve deeper into their architectural interests.

These research projects span a wide range of topics, from historic preservation and cultural analysis to sustainability and new material technologies.

Students can engage in research opportunities through the following:

  • Independent studies: The program encourages students to pursue independent research projects under the guidance of faculty mentors, providing valuable opportunities for intellectual exploration and skill development.
  • Collaborative research with faculty: Students have the chance to work closely with faculty members on their research projects, gaining hands-on experience and valuable insights into the world of architectural scholarship.
  • Research assistantships: Some students may have the opportunity to serve as research assistants for faculty members or other researchers, supporting ongoing projects while developing their research skills and knowledge.
  • Research grants and fellowships: Dartmouth offers various research grants and fellowships to support student research in architecture and related fields, providing financial assistance and resources to help students bring their research ideas to fruition.

Study Abroad Programs

The Dartmouth architecture program offers a variety of study abroad opportunities, allowing students to immerse themselves in new cultural contexts and expand their architectural understanding.

Young woman signing contracts and handshake with a manager

These programs provide invaluable experiences for students as they gain exposure to different design philosophies, construction techniques, and historical contexts that can enrich their own architectural practice.

Some popular study abroad programs for architecture students at Dartmouth include:

  • Semester-long exchange programs: Dartmouth has established partnerships with prestigious architecture schools around the world, allowing students to spend a semester immersed in another country’s architectural culture. These exchange programs provide a unique opportunity to learn from international faculty, collaborate with fellow students from diverse backgrounds, and explore new design approaches.
  • Summer programs and internships: The architecture program also offers a variety of summer study opportunities, such as design workshops, language courses, and internships with international architecture firms. These shorter-term experiences allow students to gain a global perspective while still completing their regular coursework at Dartmouth.
  • Field study programs: Dartmouth’s architecture students can also participate in field study programs that focus on specific architectural themes or regions. These immersive experiences often involve on-site visits, lectures, and hands-on design projects, providing students with a deeper understanding of the architectural landscape in a given location.

International Collaborations

In addition to study abroad programs, the architecture program at Dartmouth fosters international collaborations through various initiatives and partnerships.

These collaborations provide students with opportunities to engage in global architectural discourse and work on projects that span multiple countries and cultures. Some examples of international collaborations in Dartmouth’s architecture program include:

  • Joint design studios and workshops: The program often partners with architecture schools and organizations in other countries to organize joint design studios and workshops, allowing students to work on collaborative projects with international peers and faculty.
  • Cross-cultural research projects: Students and faculty in the architecture program at Dartmouth are involved in various research projects that explore cross-cultural themes and issues, such as the impact of globalization on architectural practice or the role of cultural heritage in contemporary design.
  • Visiting lecturers and critics: The program regularly invites international architects, scholars, and practitioners to participate in lectures, workshops, and design reviews, exposing students to diverse perspectives and inspiring new ideas.

What are the requirements for admission into the Dartmouth architecture program?

What are the requirements for admission into the Dartmouth architecture program? Before you can embark on this exciting journey, it’s important to understand the admission requirements that will help pave your way into this prestigious program.

Read on as we outline the undergraduate admission requirements for the architecture program at Dartmouth, providing you with a roadmap to navigate the application process with confidence and enthusiasm.

Before diving into the specifics of the architecture program, you’ll need to apply to Dartmouth College as an undergraduate student.

As a highly selective Ivy League institution, Dartmouth has a holistic approach to reviewing applications, considering factors such as academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, leadership potential, and personal qualities. Some key components of the Dartmouth College application include:

  • High school transcript: A strong academic record is a crucial component of your application, demonstrating your commitment to learning and intellectual curiosity.
  • Standardized test scores: Dartmouth accepts both the SAT and ACT. While standardized test scores are not the sole factor in the admissions process, they provide valuable context for evaluating your academic preparedness.
  • Letters of recommendation: You’ll need to submit letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors who can speak to your character, potential, and dedication to learning.
  • Personal essay and supplemental essays: The personal essay and supplemental essays provide an opportunity to showcase your personality, interests, and aspirations, giving the admissions committee a glimpse into what makes you unique.
  • Extracurricular activities: Your involvement in extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports, or volunteer work, can highlight your passion, leadership, and commitment to your interests outside the classroom.

Entering Dartmouth’s Architecture Program

While there isn’t a separate application process specifically for the architecture program, it’s important to express your interest in the field throughout your Dartmouth College application. Here are a few ways to showcase your passion for architecture and demonstrate your fit for the program:

  • Highlight relevant coursework: If you’ve taken architecture-related courses in high school, such as drafting, design, or art history, make sure to emphasize these experiences in your application.
  • Showcase your creative portfolio: Although a portfolio is not a requirement for admission to the Dartmouth architecture program, you may choose to submit samples of your creative work, such as drawings, paintings, or models, to demonstrate your artistic abilities and passion for design.
  • Share your experiences: Use your personal essay and supplemental essays to discuss any architecture-related experiences, such as internships, workshops, or travel, that have sparked your interest in the field and shaped your aspirations.
  • Express your commitment: In your application, make it clear that you’re dedicated to pursuing architecture as a major at Dartmouth. This could involve discussing your long-term goals or highlighting how the program’s unique features align with your interests and values.

Portfolio Requirements

A portfolio is a powerful tool for showcasing your artistic talents and architectural vision, and it can play a crucial role in demonstrating your fit for Dartmouth’s architecture program.

At Dartmouth, submitting a portfolio is an optional component of your application, and it’s evaluated separately from your general application materials. If you choose to submit a portfolio, it will be reviewed by the faculty of the Studio Art Department, who will provide feedback to the admissions committee.

This feedback can serve as an additional data point in the holistic evaluation of your application, offering insight into your artistic abilities and potential for success in the architecture program.

Curating Your Portfolio – Tips for Success

Creating a portfolio that reflects your unique vision and talents can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and thoughtful consideration, you can assemble a collection of work that tells your story and showcases your abilities.

Here are some tips to help you curate a successful portfolio for the Dartmouth architecture program:

  • Choose a variety of work: Your portfolio should represent the breadth of your creative interests and abilities. Include examples of different mediums and techniques, such as drawings, paintings, photographs, digital designs, and physical models. This will demonstrate your versatility and adaptability as an artist and designer.
  • Focus on quality, not quantity: A strong portfolio is built on a foundation of high-quality work. Rather than trying to include as many pieces as possible, focus on selecting the projects that best represent your skills, creativity, and growth as an artist.
  • Showcase your architectural interests: While your portfolio can include work from various artistic disciplines, it’s important to include pieces that demonstrate your passion for and understanding of architectural design. This could be through architectural drawings, design projects, or even personal sketches that reveal your interest in the built environment.
  • Tell a story: Your portfolio should tell a cohesive story about who you are as an artist and what drives your creative process. Arrange your work in a way that highlights your artistic journey, showing how you’ve evolved and refined your skills over time.
  • Presentation matters: The way you present your work can have a significant impact on how it’s perceived by the review committee. Take the time to ensure that your portfolio is well-organized, visually appealing, and easy to navigate.

What kind of career opportunities are available to graduates of the Dartmouth architecture program?

What kind of career opportunities are available to graduates of the Dartmouth architecture program? The world of architecture is vast and diverse, offering numerous career paths for those with a passion for shaping the built environment.

Graduates of Dartmouth’s architecture program are well-equipped to excel in a variety of sectors, thanks to their interdisciplinary education and hands-on experiences.

Let’s explore the exciting career opportunities that await Dartmouth’s architecture graduates in architectural firms, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and academia.

Architectural Firms

For many architecture graduates, joining an architectural firm is a natural first step in their professional journey. At these firms, Dartmouth alumni can work on a wide array of projects, ranging from residential and commercial buildings to large-scale urban planning initiatives.

With a solid foundation in design, technology, and sustainability, Dartmouth graduates are well-prepared to contribute to innovative and impactful projects, whether they choose to work for a small boutique firm or a large international company.

Nonprofit Organizations

A growing number of architects are harnessing their skills to make a positive social impact by working with nonprofit organizations. Dartmouth’s architecture graduates can find fulfilling career opportunities with NGOs focused on affordable housing, community development, and environmental conservation, among other causes.

In these roles, alumni can apply their architectural knowledge to design sustainable, inclusive, and accessible spaces that improve the quality of life for communities in need.

Government Agencies

Dartmouth’s architecture graduates can also find rewarding career opportunities in various government agencies, working on public projects such as transportation infrastructure, parks, and civic buildings.

These roles may involve collaborating with urban planners, engineers, and other professionals to create public spaces that meet the needs of diverse populations.

With a focus on sustainable design and social responsibility, Dartmouth alumni are well-suited for these roles, where they can contribute to the development of resilient, vibrant, and environmentally friendly communities.


For those with a passion for research and teaching, a career in academia may be the perfect fit. Dartmouth architecture graduates can pursue advanced degrees and become educators or researchers at universities and other institutions.

In these roles, alumni can shape the future of architecture by inspiring and mentoring the next generation of architects as well as conducting groundbreaking research in areas such as sustainable design, urban planning, and architectural history.

The career possibilities for graduates of Dartmouth’s architecture program are as diverse and dynamic as the field itself.

The versatile and comprehensive education provided by the architecture program at Dartmouth lays the groundwork for graduates to thrive in their chosen paths and make a difference in the world through their work.

If you’re an aspiring architect looking to gain an edge in your college applications, now is the perfect time to take action.

Book an initial consultation with AdmissionSight, a trusted and experienced college admissions consulting service.

Our team of experts will help you navigate the complexities of the application process, showcase your unique talents and experiences, and maximize your chances of being accepted into Dartmouth’s esteemed architecture program.

Don’t miss the opportunity to turn your architectural dreams into reality. Start your journey and book an initial consultation with us today!



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