
Georgetown vs Vassar: Which College is Right for You?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female student checking her smart phone

Georgetown vs Vassar: Which College is Right for You?

Deciding which college to attend can be a daunting task. With so many choices available, it can be difficult to determine which school is the best fit for you. Two schools that you may be considering are Georgetown and Vassar. Both offer a quality education and unique campus experiences. But which one is the right choice for you? This article aims to help you make an informed decision by comparing the various aspects of Georgetown vs Vassar.

Location and Campus Size: Georgetown vs Vassar

One of the most significant differences between Georgetown and Vassar is their location. Georgetown is located in Washington, D.C., while Vassar is in Poughkeepsie, New York. Georgetown’s campus is relatively small, covering only 104 acres, while Vassar’s campus is spread out over 1,000 acres.

Georgetown’s location in the nation’s capital means that there are numerous opportunities for internships and networking. The city is also full of cultural attractions, including museums and historic landmarks. In contrast, Vassar’s location provides a more secluded and peaceful campus environment and gives students easy access to the scenic Hudson River Valley.

Another difference between Georgetown and Vassar is the type of community they offer. Georgetown is known for its pre-professional atmosphere, with many students pursuing careers in politics, law, and business. In contrast, Vassar has a strong liberal arts focus, with a diverse range of majors and a commitment to social justice. This difference in community can impact the types of extracurricular activities and events offered on each campus, as well as the overall student experience.

Academic Offerings at Georgetown vs Vassar

Georgetown and Vassar both offer a wide range of academic programs. Georgetown has a strong reputation for its political science, international relations, and business programs. Vassar, on the other hand, is known for its excellent programs in the liberal arts.

Georgetown’s undergraduate programs are divided into four schools: Georgetown College, the School of Nursing & Health Studies, the Walsh School of Foreign Service, and the McDonough School of Business. Vassar offers 50 different areas of study across four academic divisions: arts, natural sciences and mathematics, social sciences, and interdisciplinary programs.

In a classroom, students are listening to the lecture

Georgetown University is located in Washington D.C., which provides students with unique opportunities to engage in internships and research projects with government agencies and international organizations. Vassar College, on the other hand, is located in Poughkeepsie, New York, which offers students a more rural and secluded campus environment.

Both Georgetown and Vassar offer study abroad programs for their students. Georgetown has a campus in Qatar, which allows students to study in the Middle East and gain a unique perspective on international relations. Vassar has partnerships with universities in over 50 countries, allowing students to study in a variety of locations around the world.

Comparing the Admissions Process of Georgetown vs Vassar

The admissions process for Georgetown and Vassar both require submitting standardized test scores, high school transcripts, essays, and letters of recommendation. Georgetown is a more competitive school with an acceptance rate of 12%, while Vassar has a slightly higher acceptance rate of 20%. Both schools offer early decision options for applicants who are certain they want to attend the school.

However, there are some differences in the admissions process between Georgetown and Vassar. Georgetown places a greater emphasis on standardized test scores, with the middle 50% of admitted students scoring between 1420-1550 on the SAT and 32-35 on the ACT.

Vassar, on the other hand, takes a more holistic approach to admissions and considers factors such as extracurricular activities, community involvement, and demonstrated interest in the school. Additionally, Vassar is test-optional, meaning that applicants can choose not to submit standardized test scores if they feel that they do not accurately reflect their academic abilities.

Financial Aid Options at Georgetown and Vassar: Which One is More Affordable?

The cost of attending both Georgetown and Vassar is high, with tuition and fees exceeding $50,000 per year. However, both schools offer need-based financial aid to help offset these costs. Georgetown also offers merit-based aid, while Vassar does not.

It’s important to note that Georgetown’s location in Washington, D.C., means that the cost of living in off-campus housing can be quite expensive. Vassar, in contrast, offers affordable on-campus housing options.

Another factor to consider when comparing the affordability of Georgetown and Vassar is the availability of work-study programs. Both schools offer these programs, which allow students to work part-time on campus to earn money to help pay for their education. However, Georgetown has a larger number of work-study positions available, which can make a significant difference in a student’s ability to cover their expenses.

Student Life at Georgetown vs Vassar: A Comparative Analysis

Georgetown and Vassar both offer a diverse array of extracurricular activities and clubs. Georgetown is known for its athletic programs, with its men’s basketball team being particularly popular. Vassar offers many student-led organizations, including political and advocacy groups, cultural clubs, and social groups.

College life outside of extracurriculars can also vary between Georgetown and Vassar. Georgetown has a more traditional campus culture, with fraternities and sororities playing a significant role in student life. In contrast, Vassar is known for its progressive values and inclusive community.

Students lounging in the campus.

Another difference between Georgetown and Vassar is the size of the student body. Georgetown has a larger student population, with over 7,000 undergraduate students, while Vassar has just over 2,400. This can impact the sense of community on campus, with smaller schools often fostering a closer-knit community.

Additionally, the location of the two schools can also play a role in student life. Georgetown is located in Washington D.C., providing students with access to a wealth of political and cultural opportunities. Vassar, on the other hand, is located in Poughkeepsie, New York, a smaller town with a more relaxed pace of life. This can impact the types of activities and events available to students off-campus.

Faculty Quality and Student-to-Teacher Ratio at Georgetown vs Vassar

Both Georgetown and Vassar have highly qualified faculty members. At Georgetown, 90% of professors hold a Ph.D. or other terminal degree, while Vassar has a student-faculty ratio of 8:1, with an average class size of just 17 students.

Georgetown’s faculty-to-student ratio is slightly higher, with an average class size of around 14 students. However, this smaller class size is not necessarily indicative of a better education.

It is important to note that while faculty quality and student-to-teacher ratio are important factors to consider when choosing a college, they are not the only factors that contribute to a student’s education. Other factors such as campus culture, extracurricular activities, and access to resources should also be taken into account when making a decision.

Extracurricular Activities at Georgetown vs Vassar: Which College Offers More Opportunities?

Georgetown and Vassar both have a wealth of extracurricular activities. Georgetown offers over 200 student organizations, clubs, and teams, ranging from sports teams to community service organizations. Vassar also provides numerous opportunities for students to get involved, including sustainability initiatives, music clubs, and art exhibitions.

One key difference between the two schools is that Georgetown has a stronger athletic program, with varsity teams in 29 sports and a well-known men’s basketball team. In contrast, Vassar does not offer varsity sports but instead has a strong emphasis on intramural and club sports.

Another difference between the two schools is the availability of research opportunities. Georgetown is located in Washington D.C., providing students with access to numerous research institutions and government agencies.

The university also has a strong emphasis on undergraduate research, with opportunities for students to work with faculty members on research projects. Vassar, on the other hand, has a smaller campus and is located in a more rural area, but still offers research opportunities through its various academic departments and partnerships with other institutions.

Additionally, both schools offer unique extracurricular activities that cater to specific interests. Georgetown has a student-run fashion magazine and a club dedicated to entrepreneurship, while Vassar has a student-run organic farm and a club focused on social justice issues. Students at both schools have the opportunity to explore their passions and interests outside of the classroom and to connect with like-minded individuals through these organizations.

Social Scene at Georgetown vs Vassar: A Closer Look

The social scene at Georgetown and Vassar can vary significantly. Georgetown has a more traditional campus culture, with many parties and events hosted by fraternities and sororities. Vassar, in contrast, is known for being more laid-back, with students creating their social events and preferring gatherings such as study groups and film screenings.

Another notable difference between the social scenes at Georgetown and Vassar is the diversity of events. While Georgetown’s parties and events tend to be centered around Greek life, Vassar offers a wider range of activities that cater to different interests and backgrounds. For example, Vassar has a strong arts community, with regular performances and exhibitions, as well as a variety of cultural clubs and organizations that celebrate diversity and inclusivity.

Career Opportunities for Graduates of Georgetown vs Vassar

Both Georgetown and Vassar have excellent records for placing graduates in successful careers. Georgetown is well-known for its excellent business and political science programs, with many graduates going on to work in government, banking, and consulting. Vassar graduates often pursue careers in the arts, nonprofits, and social justice organizations.

Both schools offer career services to their students and have a robust network of alumni who can provide guidance and mentorship to current students.

Georgetown also has a strong reputation for placing graduates in the technology industry, with many alumni working for major tech companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. The university offers a variety of computer science and engineering programs, as well as opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience through internships and research projects.

On the other hand, Vassar has a growing number of graduates pursuing careers in the healthcare industry. The college offers pre-med and nursing programs, as well as opportunities for students to gain clinical experience through partnerships with local hospitals and clinics. Many Vassar alumni have gone on to become doctors, nurses, and healthcare administrators.

Housing and Dining Options at Georgetown vs Vassar Compared

Georgetown and Vassar have very different housing and dining options. Georgetown requires all students to live on campus for their first two years and then offers numerous options for off-campus housing. In contrast, Vassar requires students to live on campus for their entire four years but provides a variety of affordable and sustainable on-campus housing

Both schools offer a variety of dining options, including cafeteria-style food and meal plans. Georgetown also has a vast selection of off-campus restaurants and cafes, including popular chains such as Starbucks.

It is worth noting that while Vassar requires students to live on campus for all four years, they do offer a range of housing options to choose from. These include traditional dormitories, suites, apartments, and even theme houses that cater to specific interests or communities. Additionally, Vassar has committed to sustainability and offers environmentally-friendly housing options, such as LEED-certified buildings and a student-run organic farm.

Athletics Programs Comparison: Georgetown vs Vassar

As previously mentioned, Georgetown has a strong emphasis on athletics, with varsity teams in 29 sports. Vassar, in contrast, does not have varsity sports but instead offers a robust intramural and club sports program.

Both schools take athletics seriously and offer opportunities for students to get involved in sports, whether it’s at a competitive level or as a recreational activity.

View of Sports equipments stack on the wall.

Georgetown’s athletic facilities are top-notch, with state-of-the-art equipment and resources available to student-athletes. The school also has a strong tradition of success in many sports, including basketball, soccer, and lacrosse.

On the other hand, Vassar’s intramural and club sports program is highly inclusive and allows students of all skill levels to participate in a variety of sports. The program also offers unique opportunities, such as Quidditch and broomball, that may not be available at other schools.

Alumni Networks of Georgetown vs Vassar: Which is Stronger?

Both Georgetown and Vassar have alumni networks that are active and involved in their respective communities. Georgetown has a notable presence in Washington, D.C., while Vassar’s alumni are spread out across the country and even internationally.

Alumni networks offer students and graduates the opportunity to connect with professionals and build valuable connections that can benefit them throughout their careers. Both schools have alumni associations and networking events.

Georgetown’s alumni network is particularly strong in the fields of politics, law, and business, due to its location in the nation’s capital. Many alumni hold influential positions in government and the private sector, making it a valuable network for students interested in those fields. Vassar’s alumni network, on the other hand, has a strong presence in the arts and humanities, with many graduates pursuing careers in writing, publishing, and the performing arts.

In addition to traditional networking events, both schools have also embraced social media as a way to connect alumni. Georgetown has a large and active alumni group on LinkedIn, while Vassar has a strong presence on Facebook and Twitter. These online communities allow alumni to stay connected and share job opportunities and other resources with each other.

Campus Safety Comparison: Georgetown vs Vassar

Campus safety is a top priority at both Georgetown and Vassar. Georgetown has its own campus police department and offers a shuttle service that runs throughout the day and night. Vassar’s campus is also well-lit and patrolled by security personnel.

Both schools have relatively low crime rates, but Georgetown’s location in an urban area means that there is a higher risk of crime outside of campus grounds.

It is important to note that both Georgetown and Vassar have implemented various safety measures to ensure the well-being of their students. Georgetown has emergency call boxes located throughout the campus, and Vassar has a system in place for students to easily report any safety concerns. Additionally, both schools offer self-defense classes and have resources available for students who may have experienced any form of harassment or assault.

Diversity and Inclusivity Comparison: Georgetown vs Vassar

Diversity and inclusivity are important factors to consider when choosing a college. Georgetown and Vassar have different demographics and student populations.

Georgetown has a majority-white student body, with around 4% of students being African American and Hispanic. Vassar, in contrast, has a more diverse student population. Vassar is known for its inclusive community and commitment to social justice issues.

Group of students smiling at the camera.

One factor that contributes to Vassar’s diverse student population is its need-blind admissions policy. This means that the college does not consider an applicant’s ability to pay when making admissions decisions, which allows for a more diverse pool of applicants. Additionally, Vassar has a strong commitment to supporting underrepresented students through programs such as the ALANA (African American, Latino/a, Asian American, and Native American) Center and the LGBTQ+ Center.

Georgetown, on the other hand, has made efforts to increase diversity in recent years. The university has implemented a diversity and inclusion action plan, which includes initiatives such as increasing the number of underrepresented faculty and staff and providing diversity and inclusion training for all members of the community. Georgetown also has a number of student organizations dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity on campus.


Choosing the right college is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Georgetown and Vassar both offer a quality education and unique campus experiences. When deciding which school is right for you, it’s important to consider factors such as location, academic offerings, financial aid, student life, faculty quality, extracurricular activities, career opportunities, housing, dining options, athletics, alumni networks, campus safety, and diversity and inclusivity. By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision and select the college that is the best fit for you.

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At AdmissionSight, we focus on offering a wide range of services, all aimed at helping students perfect their applications to catch the attention of admissions officers. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about what we offer.


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