
How to Get into Georgetown: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Georgetown: Admission Requirements and Tips

Gaining admission to Georgetown University is a challenge. With its prestigious reputation and rigorous academic standards, Georgetown is a highly sought-after destination for many aspiring college students. Its low acceptance rate reflects the intense competition applicants face.

In this article, we’ll provide clear, actionable steps and tips, empowering you to craft a compelling application that resonates with the Georgetown admissions committee. Let this be your first step towards achieving your dream of joining the Hoya community.

Overview of Georgetown

Established in 1789, Georgetown University is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit-affiliated institution of higher education in the United States. Located in Washington, D.C., the university is positioned in a dynamic and politically rich environment, offering students unique academic and cultural opportunities.

In terms of global and national recognition, Georgetown University stands out. In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2024, Georgetown was ranked 187th globally. On a national scale, the 2024 edition of the US News Best Colleges placed Georgetown at 22nd, further solidifying its status as a top-tier institution.

Georgetown’s alumni network boasts significant figures, such as former U.S. President Bill Clinton, highlighting the university’s impact on global leadership. In academia, Glenn Seaborg, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist, once graced Georgetown’s faculty, underlining its strong academic influence.

Georgetown University is renowned for its exceptional international relations, political science, and law programs. These programs are academically rigorous and deeply intertwined with the university’s location in the nation’s capital, providing unparalleled opportunities for practical experience and networking.

Understanding Georgetown’s rich history, prestigious standing, and distinguished programs should inform your application approach. Your application needs to reflect an understanding of the university’s values and an eagerness to engage with its unique opportunities.

How Hard Is It to Get into Georgetown?

Georgetown University’s acceptance rate, consistently below 15.5% over the past five years, speaks volumes about the selectivity of the university. This low acceptance rate means that Georgetown only admits a small fraction of its applicants, indicating a highly competitive admissions process.

This rate reflects Georgetown’s rigorous standards and high expectations for incoming students. It also underscores the importance of a well-crafted, comprehensive application that stands out in a pool of highly qualified candidates.

Georgetown’s acceptance rate

In recent years, Georgetown University has maintained an extremely selective acceptance rate:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 14%
Class of 2024 15.5%
Class of 2025 11.7%
Class of 2026 12%
Class of 2027 13%

This tight acceptance rate indicates the university’s commitment to admitting only the most qualified and well-rounded students. It reflects a competitive landscape where academic excellence, extracurricular achievements, and personal qualities all play critical roles in the admissions process.

For the Class of 2027, for example, Georgetown University admitted 3,263 students out of a pool of 25,519 total applicants. This results in an overall acceptance rate of approximately 13%.

Prospective students should view this acceptance rate as a realistic indicator of the competitive nature of Georgetown’s admissions. It’s not meant to discourage but to emphasize the importance of a strong and well-rounded application.

Understanding this rate helps set realistic expectations and focus on crafting an application that truly stands out.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

While individual qualifications are crucial, several broader institutional factors significantly influence Georgetown’s acceptance rate:

  • Application Trends: The number of applications received each year affects the acceptance rate. Increased applications can lead to a more competitive environment and a lower acceptance rate.
  • University’s Enrollment Goals: Georgetown’s target size for each incoming class plays a role. Limited spots mean heightened competition among applicants.
  • Institutional Priorities: The university may prioritize certain areas each year, such as diversity, international representation, or specific academic strengths, impacting the types of applicants admitted.
  • External Factors: Changes in higher education trends, shifts in demographic factors, and even global events like the COVID-19 pandemic can influence the number of applicants and the university’s acceptance criteria.

Georgetown Admission Requirements

As you prepare your application for Georgetown University, it’s essential to understand the various components that will be evaluated:

  • GPA: Your GPA is a vital indicator of your academic ability. Georgetown seeks students who have demonstrated excellence in a challenging academic environment. A high GPA is crucial, but it’s also important to show that you’ve taken demanding courses.
  • Test Scores: Georgetown requires you to submit standardized test scores (SAT or ACT). While these scores are important to your application, remember that Georgetown uses a holistic review process. Your scores need to be competitive, but they are one part of a larger picture.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Your involvement in extracurricular activities can set you apart. Georgetown looks for students who show leadership, commitment, and a breadth of interests, especially those who make meaningful contributions to their communities.
  • Essays: The essays provide a platform for you to express your personality, writing abilities, and alignment with Georgetown’s values. Authenticity and depth in your essays are key to making a memorable impact.
  • Recommendation Letters: Strong recommendations from teachers or mentors who can speak to your academic and personal strengths are essential. These letters should offer deeper insights into your character and potential.
  • Interview: A required part of the application process, the alumni interview offers a unique opportunity for personal interaction. This interview allows you to demonstrate directly why you are a good fit for Georgetown and learn more about the university from someone who has experienced it firsthand.

The admission process at Georgetown takes a holistic approach to evaluate your fit for the university. It begins with a thorough review of your academic records, then moves to an assessment of your extracurricular activities, the quality of your essays, the strength of your recommendation letters, and your performance in the required alumni interview.

This comprehensive process aims to identify candidates who are not only academically adept but also resonate with Georgetown’s values and community spirit. Each application component helps the admissions committee understand who you are and what you could bring to their campus.

What Does Georgetown University Look for in Students?

Georgetown University seeks students who embody specific values and characteristics, aligning with its mission and ethos. Understanding these values is crucial for applicants, as it helps them tailor their applications to demonstrate how they fit into Georgetown’s community.

Showcasing these attributes can significantly enhance your chances of admission by illustrating that you’re academically qualified and a well-rounded individual who can contribute positively to the university’s culture.

By focusing on these values in your application, you can effectively communicate to Georgetown University that you are a candidate who aligns with the qualities they seek in their students:

1. Academic performance

Above all, Georgetown values strong academic performance. This includes high grades in challenging courses, robust standardized test scores, and an intellectual curiosity. Academic excellence is the cornerstone of Georgetown’s student body, reflecting the university’s commitment to high educational standards.

2. Accomplishments outside the classroom

Georgetown also looks for achievements beyond academics. This encompasses leadership roles, extracurricular activities, sports, arts, or any other areas where you have excelled or made significant contributions. These achievements demonstrate your initiative, passion, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities.

3. Commitment to community

A dedication to community service and involvement is highly valued. Georgetown seeks individuals with a strong sense of social responsibility and a commitment to positively impacting their communities. This aligns with the university’s Jesuit tradition of “men and women for others.”

4. Personal qualities

Personal qualities such as integrity, resilience, empathy, and a global perspective are essential. Georgetown looks for students who embody these characteristics, as they indicate individuals who will thrive academically and contribute to a diverse and dynamic campus environment.

Georgetown GPA and SAT Requirements

Your GPA and SAT scores are critical to your application to Georgetown University. These metrics are key indicators of your academic readiness and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic environment.

Your GPA reflects your academic performance and demonstrates your ability to handle challenging coursework. Georgetown looks for students who have consistently achieved high grades, especially in advanced-level classes. A strong GPA suggests that you are prepared for the demanding nature of college academics.

On the other hand, your SAT scores provide a standardized assessment of your skills in critical areas like reading, math, and writing. High SAT scores complement your GPA by demonstrating your strengths in these fundamental areas. Georgetown uses these scores to evaluate your preparedness for college-level coursework and to compare you against other applicants.

Together, your GPA and SAT scores give the admissions committee at Georgetown a clearer understanding of your academic capabilities. They are crucial in making your application competitive, especially given the university’s selective nature and high academic standards. Excelling in these areas can significantly boost your chances of admission to Georgetown.

Georgetown GPA Requirements

Georgetown University does not explicitly state a minimum GPA requirement for applicants. However, the average unweighted GPA of admitted students is typically around 3.9. This high average indicates the level of academic excellence that Georgetown expects from its prospective students.

A 3.9 GPA places you in a highly competitive academic standing, not just within the context of Georgetown University but also nationally. This level of academic achievement demonstrates consistent excellence in high school coursework, particularly in more challenging classes.

When looking at these GPA statistics, you should view them as a benchmark for the caliber of students Georgetown typically admits. While it’s not a strict cutoff, this average GPA reflects the high academic standards at Georgetown and the level of competition you’re up against.

GPA recommendations

To enhance your chances of admission to Georgetown University, aiming for an unweighted GPA close to or above 3.9 is crucial. Here are specific strategies to help you achieve this goal:

  • Actively seek challenging coursework such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors classes. Excelling in these courses demonstrates your ability to handle college-level work and intellectual rigor.
  • Strive for consistency in your grades across all subjects. Consistently high grades, rather than a sporadic performance, will showcase your academic abilities more effectively.
  • Develop strong time management and organizational skills. Balancing demanding courses with extracurricular activities requires efficient planning and prioritization.
  • Feel free to ask for help from teachers or tutors if you’re struggling with a particular subject. Early intervention can prevent a dip in your GPA.
  • Actively participating in class discussions and projects can enhance your understanding of the material, which can translate into better grades.
  • Consider taking summer or online courses to bolster areas where you need improvement or to advance in subjects you excel in.

Georgetown Course Requirements

Understanding the course requirements and recommendations is crucial when applying to Georgetown University. These requirements not only demonstrate your readiness for specific programs but also show your commitment to a well-rounded, comprehensive secondary education.

Recommended courses

Georgetown highly recommends taking the following courses in high school:

  • English (4 years): Four years of English are recommended to ensure proficiency in critical reading, writing, and comprehension skills.
  • Social Studies (Minimum 2 years): At least two years of social studies, including history and government, are recommended to develop a strong foundation in understanding societal structures and historical contexts.
  • Modern Language (Minimum 2 years): Proficiency in a modern language is important, particularly for students interested in the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics or the Walsh School of Foreign Service.
  • Mathematics (Minimum 2 years): A strong foundation in mathematics is essential. Students eyeing concentrations in math, science, the School of Nursing, or the School of Health should pursue at least four years, including advanced algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.
  • Natural Science (Minimum 1 year): At least one year of natural science is necessary, with three years recommended for nursing or health majors. This includes biology and chemistry, which are crucial for understanding basic scientific principles.
  • Advanced Courses for Business Majors: Students interested in the McDonough School of Business should have at least three years of mathematics, including advanced algebra, trigonometry, and ideally calculus, as they are required in the program. Two years of natural science are also recommended.

Course selection tips

When selecting your high school courses, consider the following:

  • Choose courses that align with your intended major or area of interest. For instance, prioritize advanced science and math courses if you’re leaning towards a science or health-related major.
  • Opt for advanced-level courses (AP, IB, Honors) when possible. This shows your willingness to engage with challenging material, a quality Georgetown values.
  • While it’s important to challenge yourself, also ensure that you can maintain a strong GPA. Balance rigor with your ability to perform well.
  • If you’re interested in international relations or linguistics, emphasize modern language learning to demonstrate your preparedness for these global-focused programs.

Georgetown SAT Requirements

Georgetown does not explicitly state an absolute minimum SAT score requirement, but the SAT scores of admitted students provide insight into the competitive landscape of admissions:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1450 1410 1540

A typical SAT score at Georgetown (around 1450) is significantly higher than the national average, reflecting the university’s high academic standards. This score level demonstrates proficiency and competitive standing within Georgetown’s applicant pool and among college-bound students nationwide.

Scoring at or above the 75th percentile (1540) places you in the top quarter of applicants in terms of SAT scores. It strongly indicates your competitive academic abilities and can positively influence your application.

If your SAT score falls at or near the 25th Percentile (1410), you’re below the average range of scores for accepted students. While not disqualifying, it suggests that other aspects of your application, like your GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities, need to be particularly strong.

When interpreting these statistics, consider them benchmarks where your SAT scores should ideally fall to be competitive at Georgetown. While a lower score doesn’t automatically preclude admission, it does mean that other elements of your application should compensate for it.

SAT recommendations

Aim for an SAT score at or above the 75th percentile (1540) to strengthen your application to Georgetown. This score will place you in a strong position within the pool of applicants and can significantly enhance the competitiveness of your application.

Here are some strategies to help you achieve this goal:

  • Start your SAT prep well in advance. Give yourself enough time to understand the format, work on weaker areas, and build confidence.
  • Regularly take full-length practice tests under timed conditions. This helps familiarize you with the test’s format and improves your time management skills.
  • Identify and focus on improving your weak areas. Targeted practice can lead to significant score improvements in critical reading, math, or writing.
  • Utilize reputable SAT prep books, online resources, and practice questions. Quality materials accurately represent the test and effective strategies for tackling different question types.
  • If you need more than self-study, consider enrolling in an SAT prep course or hiring a tutor, especially if you have specific areas of difficulty.
  • Understand and practice key test-taking strategies, such as the process of elimination, time allocation for different sections, and guessing tactics for uncertain answers.
  • Regular and consistent study is more effective than cramming. Set a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Develop a positive mindset towards the test and learn stress management techniques. A calm and focused mind during the test can significantly affect your performance.

Georgetown ACT Requirements

Georgetown University does not specify an absolute minimum ACT score requirement, but the ACT scores of admitted students offer a clear picture of what the university looks for:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
33 32 35

An average ACT score of 33 at Georgetown is relatively high compared to national averages, underscoring the university’s stringent academic standards. This score demonstrates your ability to perform well in a competitive and academically rigorous environment, both at Georgetown and nationally.

Scoring at or near the 75th percentile (35) indicates you’re among the top quarter of applicants in terms of ACT scores. This can significantly strengthen your application, highlighting your strong academic potential.

If your ACT score is around the 25th percentile (32), you’re at the lower end of the range for accepted students. It suggests that other areas of your application, such as your GPA, essays, and extracurriculars, need to be exceptionally strong to compensate.

When considering these statistics, use them as a guide to understand where your ACT scores should ideally be to remain competitive in the Georgetown applicant pool. While a lower score isn’t an outright disqualifier, it means that other parts of your application must be particularly robust.

ACT recommendations

To bolster your application to Georgetown, aim for an ACT score at or above the 75th percentile (35). Achieving this score places you in a strong position among applicants and can significantly enhance your chances of admission.

Here are strategies to help you achieve this:

  • Begin your ACT preparation well in advance. This gives you ample time to familiarize yourself with the test format and identify areas needing improvement.
  • Regular practice tests are crucial. They help you get used to the timing and pressure of the actual test and track your progress.
  • Identify your weaker sections and allocate more time to improving these areas. Whether it’s English, Math, Reading, or Science, targeted practice can lead to significant score improvements.
  • Invest in reputable ACT preparation materials. High-quality resources can accurately represent the test and effective strategies for each section.
  • If self-study isn’t yielding the desired results, consider an ACT prep course or personal tutoring, especially for areas where you struggle.
  • Familiarize yourself with effective test-taking strategies, such as answering easier questions first, managing time wisely, and making educated guesses when necessary.
  • Establish and maintain a regular study schedule. Consistency is vital to retaining information and improving skills.
  • Ensure you’re well-rested and healthy on test day. Adequate sleep and proper nutrition can significantly impact your focus and performance.
  • Develop techniques for managing test anxiety. Staying calm and composed can greatly enhance your ability to perform well on the test.

Is Georgetown Test-Optional?

Georgetown University requires standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) as part of the application process. Unlike many other universities that have moved towards a test-optional policy, especially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Georgetown has maintained its stance on the necessity of these scores for a complete evaluation of applicants.

Georgetown’s decision to continue requiring standardized test scores stems from its commitment to a comprehensive and holistic review of each applicant. The university believes that these scores provide valuable information about an applicant’s academic preparation and potential for success in a rigorous academic environment.

As an applicant to Georgetown, you must include SAT or ACT scores with your application. This requirement underscores the importance of performing well on these tests as part of your overall application strategy.

While Georgetown evaluates candidates holistically, considering factors such as GPA, essays, extracurricular activities, and recommendation letters, your standardized test scores remain a crucial component of your application. Preparing adequately for these exams is essential to ensure your scores reflect your true academic potential and strengthen your application to Georgetown.

Does Georgetown Superscore SAT and ACT?

Georgetown University adopts a unique approach to standardized test scores. It superscores the SAT, which means the admissions committee considers the highest scores from each section across all the SAT dates.

However, for the ACT, Georgetown takes a slightly different approach. The university requires you to submit scores from all test sittings and does not formally superscore the ACT, but they will review the highest scores achieved in each section across all dates.

As an applicant, this policy has several implications. For SAT takers, you can focus on improving individual sections in subsequent SATs, knowing that Georgetown will consider the highest scores from each section, regardless of the test date. This can alleviate pressure and allow you to strategize your preparation and retesting efforts.

For ACT takers, although Georgetown does not formally superscore the ACT, they do consider the highest section scores across all sittings. Therefore, retaking the ACT and improving in specific areas can still benefit your application. Be prepared to submit all of your ACT scores, as this comprehensive view helps Georgetown better understand your academic abilities.

Understanding Georgetown’s policy allows you to plan your test-taking strategy accordingly. You may retake the SAT or ACT to improve specific sections, knowing that your highest scores will be considered. This approach can help you optimize your standardized test performance as part of your overall application to Georgetown University.

Georgetown Application Essays

The application essays for Georgetown University play a pivotal role in the admissions process. These essays allow you to showcase your personality, intellectual curiosity, and alignment with Georgetown’s values.

Unlike test scores and GPAs, essays allow you to express your story, perspectives, and motivations. They allow the admissions committee to see beyond your academic achievements and understand who you are as a person and how you would contribute to the Georgetown community.

For the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, Georgetown requires three specific essays:

  • Special Talents or Skills Essay (250 words): This essay is your chance to showcase any unique talents or skills you haven’t highlighted elsewhere in your application. Be specific and provide examples or anecdotes to illustrate your talents.
  • Personal or Creative Essay (approximately 1 page, single-spaced): In this essay, you’re invited to share more about yourself in a personal or creative format. This is an opportunity to discuss your identity, skills, and talents. Let your personality shine through, and focus on what makes you unique.
  • Significant School or Summer Activity Essay (approximately 1/2 page, single-spaced): Here, you should discuss an activity that has been particularly meaningful to you. Whether it’s a school project, a summer program, or an extracurricular activity, reflect on its significance and how it has impacted you.

Essay tips

When writing your Georgetown application essays, consider the following tips:

  • Given the word limits, it’s important to be concise yet thorough in your responses. Make every word count and get straight to the point.
  • Use these essays to reflect on your experiences and how they have shaped you. Be reflective and authentic when discussing a talent, your identity, or an important activity.
  • Through your essays, demonstrate why you would be a good fit for Georgetown’s community. Align your responses with the values and qualities that Georgetown cherishes.
  • Ensure your essays are free from grammatical errors and typos. A well-written essay reflects your attention to detail and dedication.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask teachers, mentors, or family members for feedback. Fresh perspectives can help refine your essays.

Georgetown Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters are a vital component of your application to Georgetown University. They give the admissions committee insights into your academic abilities, character, and potential from those who have worked closely with you.

These letters can corroborate and enhance the information you’ve provided in other parts of your application, giving a more complete picture of who you are as a student and an individual.

Georgetown requires two specific recommendation letters for its application process. The first is from a school counselor or principal. This letter should speak to your overall academic performance, character, and contributions to your school community.

The second letter must be from a teacher familiar with your academic abilities and personal skills. This teacher should be able to provide detailed examples of your academic achievements and classroom contributions.

Recommendation letters tips

Take these tips into consideration when seeking recommendation letters:

  • Select individuals who know you well and can provide specific examples of your strengths and accomplishments. Your teacher should be someone who has taught you recently and in a subject area that aligns with your intended field of study.
  • Help your recommenders by providing them with a resume or a summary of your academic and extracurricular achievements and any specific points you’d like them to address. This will make it easier for them to write a comprehensive and personalized letter.
  • Ask for your recommendation letters well in advance of the application deadline. This gives your recommenders ample time to write a thoughtful and detailed letter.
  • Talk with your recommenders about your interest in Georgetown and what you hope to achieve there. The more they understand your aspirations, the better they can tailor their letters to align with Georgetown’s values and expectations.
  • After your recommenders agree to write a letter, follow up with them periodically to ensure they remember the deadline. After they’ve submitted the letters, remember to thank them for their time and effort.

Extracurricular Activities for Georgetown Application

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in your application to Georgetown University. These activities demonstrate your interests, skills, and personality beyond what’s reflected in your academic record. Georgetown values students who engage actively in their communities and show leadership, initiative, and a commitment to causes or interests that are important to them.

Your extracurricular involvement highlights your ability to balance multiple responsibilities, work collaboratively with others, and contribute to a diverse and vibrant campus community.

Extracurricular activities tips

Effectively showcase your extracurricular activities by doing the following:

  • Rather than listing a large number of activities, emphasize those where you have had significant involvement, leadership roles, or a sustained commitment. Depth of engagement in a few activities is often more impressive than minimal involvement in many.
  • Choose extracurriculars that align with your interests and future goals. If you’re interested in a specific field of study, try to engage in activities related to that field.
  • Highlight any leadership positions you’ve held or initiatives you’ve led. Georgetown looks for evidence of leadership potential in its applicants.
  • Discuss the impact of your activities. This can be the difference you made in your role, the skills you developed, or how you influenced others.
  • A diverse range of activities can showcase your well-rounded character. This might include sports, arts, volunteering, clubs, or part-time work.
  • Choose activities that genuinely interest you, as your passion and commitment are more likely to shine through.
  • When listing your activities, briefly describe your role and achievements. This helps the admissions committee understand the scope and significance of your involvement.

Georgetown Interview

The interview for Georgetown University is a critical component of your application. Conducted by a Georgetown Alumni Admissions Program member, this interview provides a unique opportunity for the admissions committee to learn about you beyond your written application.

It’s a chance for you to demonstrate your interest in the university, articulate your goals and aspirations, and showcase your personality and communication skills. The interview also allows you to ask questions and learn more about the university from someone who has experienced it firsthand.


Interview tips

To achieve an excellent interview, take note of the following tips:

  • Research Georgetown University thoroughly, including its programs, values, and culture. Being well-informed shows your genuine interest in the university.
  • Consider common interview questions, such as your reasons for applying, academic and career goals, and extracurricular activities. Practice articulating your thoughts clearly and confidently.
  • Be yourself. The interview is about assessing your achievements and understanding who you are as a person. Share personal stories and experiences that highlight your unique qualities.
  • Explain why Georgetown is the right fit for you and how you can contribute to the university community. Align your interests and goals with what the university offers.
  • Have a list of questions about Georgetown that you genuinely want to know. This demonstrates your proactive approach and eagerness to learn more about the university.
  • Dress appropriately for the interview, be punctual, and thank the interviewer for their time. Professionalism leaves a positive impression.
  • After the interview, take some time to reflect on what you discussed. This can be useful for any follow-up communications and for your personal assessment of how the interview went.

Specific Areas that Can Boost Your Georgetown Application

In a highly competitive admissions landscape like Georgetown University’s, enhancing both your academic and extracurricular profiles is key. Engaging in targeted activities and programs can significantly elevate your application, showcasing your talents, interests, and commitment.


Engaging in research opportunities demonstrates your ability to conduct in-depth study and contribute to academic knowledge, a quality highly regarded by Georgetown.

  • Simons Summer Research Program: This prestigious program offers high school students the opportunity to engage in hands-on science, math, or engineering research at Stony Brook University. Participating in this program demonstrates a commitment to academic exploration and can enhance your profile for a research-focused university like Georgetown.
  • Research Science Institute (RSI): Hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), RSI brings together high school students for intensive research in science, engineering, and mathematics. This experience showcases your ability to engage in high-level academic work and critical thinking.


Success in academic competitions showcases your expertise and dedication in specific subjects, reflecting a strong intellectual capacity.

  • Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): Participation in this global science competition demonstrates your ability to apply scientific knowledge and innovation, qualities Georgetown values.
  • American Mathematics Competitions (AMC): Excelling in this prestigious mathematics competition can highlight your analytical and problem-solving skills, reinforcing your academic strengths in a field valued at Georgetown.

Summer programs

Participation in reputable summer programs indicates your enthusiasm for learning and exploring academic interests beyond the classroom.

  • Georgetown Summer Program: Georgetown University’s own summer programs offer a wide range of subjects, from international relations to science and arts. Engaging in these programs shows direct interest in and alignment with Georgetown’s academic environment and resources.
  • Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC): Aimed at students interested in advanced mathematics, this program develops mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills, attributes that Georgetown finds desirable.


Gaining experience through internships in your field of interest can provide practical skills and a deeper understanding of your chosen discipline.

  • NASA High School Internship: A NASA internship can provide hands-on experience in science and technology, showing your initiative and ability to work in challenging environments.
  • Congressional Internships: Given Georgetown’s location in Washington, D.C., an internship with a congressional office can provide insight into government and politics, complementing many of Georgetown’s esteemed programs.


Your engagement in the arts can reflect your creativity and passion, adding depth to your application.

  • National YoungArts Foundation: This esteemed program identifies and nurtures young artists, offering a platform for your artistic talents to be recognized and developed.
  • Interlochen Arts Camp: Known for its excellence in arts education, Interlochen provides an immersive experience, helping you hone your skills in music, theater, dance, or visual arts.


Participation in sports showcases your ability to work as part of a team, your discipline, and the balance you maintain between athletics and academics.

  • AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) Sports: Competing in AAU sports at a high level can highlight your dedication and leadership abilities, both on and off the field.
  • Junior Olympics: Achieving success in the Junior Olympics demonstrates athletic skill, resilience, and the ability to excel under pressure.

School clubs

Involvement in school clubs can reveal your leadership qualities and your capacity to engage in diverse interests.

  • Model United Nations: Active participation in Model UN, particularly in leadership roles, shows your grasp of global issues and diplomatic skills, resonating with Georgetown’s focus on international relations.
  • Science Olympiad or Robotics Club: Leadership or active involvement in these clubs can underscore your problem-solving skills and aptitude in STEM fields.

Community service

A solid commitment to community service reflects your empathy and drive to contribute to society, resonating with Georgetown’s community-oriented values.

  • Key Club or Interact Club: Leadership roles in these organizations can exhibit your dedication to service and ability to inspire others.
  • Local Nonprofit Volunteer Work: Consistent volunteering, particularly in leadership roles, highlights your commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.

Georgetown Application Requirements

Understanding the application requirements for Georgetown University is crucial for a successful application. These requirements form the foundation of your application, showcasing your academic achievements, personal skills, and preparedness for university-level study.

Mandatory requirements

  • Georgetown Application: This is the first step in your application process. It creates your official admissions file and initiates the process of scheduling the required alumni interview. Complete the Georgetown Application as soon as possible to expedite the admissions process.
  • Application Supplement: After submitting the Georgetown Application, you’ll need to complete and submit the Application Supplement. Be thorough and thoughtful in filling out the Supplement to ensure all aspects of your application are well-represented.
  • Secondary School Report and Transcript: This report provides insight into your academic background. Ensure your transcript includes all relevant coursework and grades to reflect your academic history accurately.
  • Recommendation Letters: Georgetown requires two recommendation letters: one from a counselor or principal, and one from a teacher. Choose recommenders who know you well and can provide specific examples of your strengths.
  • Application Fee or Waiver: This $75 fee is required with your application. Check your eligibility for an application fee waiver to ease the financial burden.
  • SAT/ACT Scores: Official score reports must be sent directly from the testing service. Georgetown does not participate in Score Choice, so be prepared to submit all your test scores.
  • SAT Subject Tests Scores (if taken before January 2021): These scores are considered if available. If you have SAT Subject Test scores, include them to strengthen your application.
  • Alumni Interview: This is part of the application process and is conducted between September and February for first-year applicants. Prepare for your interview by researching Georgetown and reflecting on how you align with the university’s values and programs.

Optional requirements

  • Supplemental Materials in Art, Music, Theater, and Dance: If you have significant talent in these areas, you can submit additional materials for evaluation. Only submit this supplement if your talent is integral to your profile and you plan to pursue it at Georgetown.
  • English Language Proficiency Tests (for non-native speakers): Georgetown recommends, but does not require, results from an English language proficiency test for students who attend a school where English is not the language of instruction. Consider submitting these scores if English is not your first language or the primary language of instruction at your school.

How to Apply to Georgetown

Applying to Georgetown University involves a series of well-planned steps, each crucial for a successful application. This guide will provide you with an understanding of the application process, organized into five major phases.

1. Preparation

This initial phase typically starts in your junior year of high school. Concentrate on achieving strong grades, particularly in challenging courses, and actively participate in extracurricular activities that reflect your interests and demonstrate leadership qualities.

Begin preparing for standardized tests like the SAT or ACT, aiming to score within or above the average range for Georgetown. Also, thoroughly research Georgetown’s programs, values, and culture, as this knowledge is essential for your essays and interview.

2. Application initiation

Start the application process a few months before the deadlines. The first step is to complete and submit the Georgetown Application, which establishes your official admissions file and initiates the alumni interview process. Prepare well for this interview, as it is a significant aspect of your application.

3. Completing the application

After submitting the Georgetown Application, focus on the Application Supplement, which includes additional essays and important information about your candidacy. Secure recommendation letters from a teacher and a school counselor, ensuring they provide insights into both your academic and personal strengths. Ensure your high school transcript and standardized test scores are sent to Georgetown as well.

4. Post-submission

After submitting your application, if you’re applying for financial aid, submit the necessary forms like the CSS Profile and FAFSA by the deadlines. Additionally, if there are any significant updates or accomplishments post-submission, such as new awards or achievements, inform the admissions office.

5. Awaiting and responding to the decision

Once you receive your decision, be ready to respond. If accepted, you must confirm your attendance and submit any required deposits. If the decision is not in your favor, consider your alternate college options or the possibility of reapplying in the future.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Georgetown

Georgetown University offers a structured process for submitting supplemental materials as part of its application process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through it.

Georgetown University accepts supplemental materials for review, especially for students demonstrating substantial and well-developed talents in specific fields like art, music, theater, and dance.

These materials are reviewed by the respective departments, but it’s important to note that the final admissions decisions are made by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions based on the general application materials.

Most successful applicants submit only the required materials, and in rare instances, a department may provide a statement about a student’s exceptional credentials to be added to their admissions file.

Submission methods

The Common Application is the primary method for submitting your application to Georgetown University.

For supplemental materials related to art, music, theater, and dance, you will need to follow specific guidelines provided by the respective departments.

For music-related supplemental materials, submit them electronically via Slideroom by the respective admissions deadlines (November 1st for Early Action and January 10th for Regular Decision).

If you’re interested in submitting a portfolio for the Studio Art program, it should contain no more than 20 images, and each file should not exceed 5 MB. Time-based files (like videos or animations) should be no longer than 5 minutes. Applicants may also choose to submit a brief artist’s statement or captions for each work.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Submit the Georgetown Application. This form creates your official admissions file and allows the university to track and connect any documents or standardized testing sent in support of your application.
  2. After submitting the Georgetown Application, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your application account to begin working on your application supplement.
  3. Complete the application supplement. This includes providing names and email addresses of your recommenders and completing other required sections by the application deadline.
  4. If you have an exemplary talent in art, music, theater, or dance, prepare your supplemental materials as per the specific department’s guidelines.
  5. Submit your supplemental materials. For music submissions, use the Slideroom platform. For studio art portfolios, ensure that your images and time-based files adhere to the specified requirements.
  6. Regularly check your email and the Georgetown Applicant Portal for updates and follow-up instructions.

Remember, while supplemental materials can enhance your application, they are not required, and most applicants are successful with just the general application materials.

Georgetown Scholarships and Financial Aid

Georgetown University offers a range of financial aid options to assist students in meeting the cost of attendance. The financial aid is awarded based on demonstrated need, and the university does not offer academic or merit-based scholarships.

Georgetown University provides need-based scholarships to eligible undergraduates, with award amounts varying from $1,000 to over $60,000 annually, tailored to fulfill students’ entire demonstrated financial need.

Regarding federal aid, Georgetown offers grants like the Pell Grant and SEOG to financially needy students as determined by the FAFSA. It also provides both subsidized and unsubsidized federal loans, with subsidized loans accruing interest only after post-graduation.

Furthermore, student employment opportunities are available, particularly for those eligible for work-study awards based on their financial need.

To apply for financial aid, students must complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile, which helps determine federal and Georgetown-specific aid eligibility.

Georgetown’s commitment to financial aid aims to ensure a diverse student body, regardless of economic background, offering a comprehensive mix of scholarships, grants, employment, and loan options.

Georgetown Regular Decision vs Early Action

Georgetown University offers two application options: Early Action and Regular Decision.

Early Action offers the advantage of receiving admission decisions early without a commitment to enroll. It permits applications to other Early Action or Regular Decision programs, excluding binding Early Decision ones.

Applications not accepted in Early Action are reconsidered during the Regular Decision process, which has a similar acceptance rate as Early Action.

As an applicant, your choice between Early Action and Regular Decision should depend on your preparedness and preference. If Georgetown is your top choice and your application materials are ready early, applying for Early Action can be beneficial.

However, if you need more time to strengthen your application or are considering applying to any binding Early Decision programs elsewhere, Regular Decision might be more suitable.

Georgetown Application Deadlines

For Georgetown University’s application process, the deadlines are as follows:

  • Early Action: November 1.
  • Regular Decision: January 10.

These deadlines are crucial for the timely consideration of your application.

How Hard Is It to Get into Georgetown?

Gaining admission to Georgetown University is a highly competitive process. As one of the nation’s top universities, Georgetown has a reputation for its rigorous academic standards and selective admissions. The university typically receives a large number of applications from highly qualified students, making the acceptance rate relatively low.

To understand how challenging it is to get into Georgetown, it’s essential to consider its acceptance rate. The acceptance rate is the percentage of applicants who are offered admission. For Georgetown, this rate has fluctuated over the years but generally remains low compared to many other universities. This low acceptance rate indicates that only a small fraction of those who apply are admitted.

The university evaluates applicants based on various factors. Academic achievements, such as high school grades and standardized test scores (like the SAT or ACT), are crucial. However, Georgetown also looks beyond numbers. They seek students who demonstrate leadership, community involvement, and other personal qualities that align with the university’s values.

Prospective students should aim to excel academically while also engaging in extracurricular activities, community service, and leadership roles. A well-rounded application that showcases academic prowess character and personal growth is essential for standing out in the competitive applicant pool.

Benefits of Attending Georgetown

Attending Georgetown University offers numerous benefits that extend beyond its prestigious academic reputation. Georgetown provides unique opportunities for learning and growth, both inside and outside the classroom.

  • Academic Excellence: Georgetown is known for its rigorous academic programs. Students have access to a wide range of courses and can learn from professors who are experts in their fields.
  • Networking Opportunities: Being in the nation’s capital, Georgetown offers unparalleled networking opportunities. Students can connect with influential figures in politics, international affairs, and other fields.
  • Internship Opportunities: The university’s location in D.C. also means that students have access to a variety of internship opportunities with government agencies, non-profits, and other organizations.
  • Diverse Student Body: Georgetown’s commitment to diversity brings together students from all over the world, providing a rich cultural environment and a global perspective on various issues.
  • Strong Alumni Network: Georgetown’s alumni network is vast and influential, which can be beneficial for career opportunities after graduation.
  • Commitment to Social Justice: The university has a strong commitment to social justice, which is integrated into its curriculum and community activities.

How Can an International Student Get into Georgetown?

Georgetown University, renowned for its dynamic blend of cultural and political influence, extends a warm invitation to international students aspiring to join its vibrant community. With information sessions held globally, the university aims to familiarize prospective students with the array of academic and extracurricular opportunities it offers.

Application Process and Key Deadlines

International applicants must adhere to the same procedures and timelines as U.S. citizens. Notably, Georgetown practices a “Need-Blind” admissions policy, applicable to all candidates, regardless of their financial circumstances. Consequently, submitting a Statement of Finances alongside the application is unnecessary. Prospective students can apply online via the First Year Application webpage or, if needed, contact the regional admissions officer to receive a mailed application.

Testing Requirements and Policies

Georgetown University mandates the submission of SAT and/or ACT scores, an integral part of its holistic review process. However, acknowledging the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the university offers leniency to those unable to access testing centers. Such applicants are encouraged to apply sans test scores and will be provided a form post-application deadline to explain their situation.

  • SAT (Code 5244): Georgetown evaluates only the Verbal (EBRW) and Math components, considering the highest scores from multiple test dates.
  • ACT (Code 0668): The university reviews the English, Math, Reading, and Science sections, requiring all individual scores from each test date, as it does not participate in the ACT’s super score option.
  • SAT Subject Tests: These are no longer required following their discontinuation in 2021. However, scores from tests taken before this are still considered.

Students engaged in Advanced Placement (AP) curricula are encouraged to submit their AP scores as supplementary material. Georgetown’s comprehensive review process demands the submission of all SAT, ACT, and/or SAT Subject test scores, as it does not partake in Score Choice.

English Language Proficiency

For students from non-English instruction schools, Georgetown recommends (but does not require) proficiency test results from the DET, IELTS, or TOEFL.

Final and Projected Examination Results

Applicants completing final examinations like the A-Levels or International Baccalaureate should submit both projected and final results through their Secondary School Report.

Financial Aid Considerations

While Georgetown maintains a Need-Blind policy for all applicants, international students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents and seek financial aid must indicate this on their application and submit a CSS/Financial Aid Profile. Admitted students will be informed about their financial aid status or any missing documents in early April.

International students aiming to gain admission to Georgetown University should focus on meeting standardized test requirements (or providing valid reasons for their absence), showcasing their academic prowess through final and projected exam results, and understanding the financial aid process if applicable. With thorough preparation and adherence to Georgetown’s specific guidelines, international students can navigate the admissions process effectively.

How to Get into Georgetown as a Transfer Student

Transferring to Georgetown University presents a unique opportunity for students seeking to join one of its prestigious undergraduate programs. Georgetown’s transfer admissions process is competitive, with acceptance rates ranging around 10-15%. To enhance your chances of gaining admission as a transfer student, it is crucial to understand the requirements and expectations set forth by the university.

Academic Excellence

Georgetown typically admits transfer candidates with a college/university GPA in the range of approximately 3.7-4.0. This indicates a high level of academic achievement in a curriculum comparable to what Georgetown offers. Therefore, maintaining excellent grades in your current college coursework is fundamental.

Credit Requirements

Georgetown requires transfer students to complete a minimum of four semesters of degree credit, equating to 60 credit hours, at the university. This means that candidates who will have fewer than 60 transferable credits at the time of transferring are the most suitable applicants. Typically, current college sophomores or first-year students fall into this category.

Application Components

The application process involves several critical components. Firstly, candidates must complete the Georgetown University Transfer Application, including the Transfer Supplement. This application requires detailed information about your academic and extracurricular achievements. In addition to the application, you must submit your college/university transcript, high school transcript, a Dean’s Report (or a letter of clearance from your current institution), a letter of recommendation from a professor, and standardized test scores if you have been out of high school for five or fewer years.


It is essential to adhere to the application deadlines to ensure that your application is considered. The application and all supporting documents should be submitted by the specified deadline.

Financial Aid

Georgetown is committed to need-blind admission and meets the full demonstrated financial need of all admitted U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents. If you require financial aid, submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile by the specified deadline, indicating Georgetown University as a recipient.

Alumni Interviews

While alumni interviews are a part of Georgetown’s admission process, they may not be included in the transfer process for certain admission cycles. It’s important to check the latest updates from the university regarding this aspect of the application.

To conclude, the key to a successful transfer application to Georgetown lies in demonstrating academic excellence, understanding and meeting the credit requirements, meticulously preparing your application materials, adhering to deadlines, and navigating financial aid if necessary. Transfer applicants should thoroughly research and prepare to align their application with Georgetown’s high standards and unique requirements.

Can an Average Student Get into Georgetown?

Gaining admission to prestigious universities like Georgetown University is a challenge that many aspiring college students face. While the perception may be that only academically exceptional students are accepted, the reality is more nuanced, especially in the case of Georgetown University, which adopts a holistic approach to its admissions process. This approach provides opportunities for students who may consider themselves “average” in academic terms.

Understanding the holistic admissions process is key. Unlike a purely metric-driven approach, where grades and test scores are the sole focus, Georgetown evaluates candidates on a spectrum of attributes. This includes academic performance, certainly, but also encompasses extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, and the quality of personal essays.

The advantage of this approach for students who may not have top-tier grades or test scores is that it allows them to showcase other strengths. For example, a student with average grades but exceptional leadership skills or unique extracurricular achievements might still catch the attention of the admissions committee.

This leads to the importance of showcasing unique qualities. Every student has a unique set of experiences, talents, and perspectives. When applying to Georgetown, it’s crucial to highlight what sets you apart.

This could be a distinctive talent, a diverse cultural background, or an unusual perspective shaped by personal experiences. These unique attributes can make an application stand out even if academic metrics are not at the very top of the scale.

Another critical aspect of the application process is the preparation of strong personal essays and securing compelling letters of recommendation. Essays offer a chance to convey your personality, motivations, and how you envision contributing to the Georgetown community. They are a platform to articulate your story, your goals, and how your experiences have shaped you.

Similarly, letters of recommendation provide insight into your character and abilities from the perspective of teachers or mentors who know you well. Strong recommendations and well-crafted essays can significantly enhance your application, offering a more rounded picture of who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

Lastly, demonstrating a genuine interest in Georgetown can play a significant role. Universities, including Georgetown, appreciate students who are truly enthusiastic about becoming part of their community. This interest can be shown in various ways: visiting the campus, engaging with admissions officers, participating in university-organized events, or even through application essays. Showing that you have a deep and thoughtful interest in the university can be a point in your favor.

How to Get into Georgetown with a Low GPA?

While a high GPA is a significant factor in college admissions, a lower GPA does not make admission to Georgetown University impossible. Here are strategies to strengthen your application:

  • Strong Standardized Test Scores: If your GPA is on the lower side, aim for high scores on standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. This can help offset a lower GPA.
  • Exceptional Essays: Write compelling and introspective essays. This is your chance to explain any circumstances that may have affected your GPA and to demonstrate your readiness for college-level work.
  • Highlight Improvements: If your GPA improved over time, make sure this is evident in your transcript. An upward trend in grades can show resilience and an improved work ethic.
  • Extraordinary Talents or Experiences: If you have unique talents, significant achievements, or have had unusual experiences, highlight these in your application. They can provide context to your academic performance and add depth to your profile.
  • Strong Recommendations: Obtain letters of recommendation that speak to your academic potential, character, and how you’ve overcome challenges.
  • Explain Your Situation: If there are extenuating circumstances that contributed to your low GPA, such as personal or family issues, explain these in your application. It’s important to be honest and provide context.

In conclusion, while getting into Georgetown University, particularly as a transfer student or with a low GPA, can be challenging, it is not out of reach. A well-rounded application that showcases your unique strengths, talents, and determination can make a significant difference. Remember, each part of your application offers an opportunity to demonstrate why you would be a great fit for Georgetown.

What Makes Georgetown Unique?

Georgetown University, nestled in the heart of Washington, D.C., holds a unique position among American educational institutions. Its distinctiveness stems from a blend of historical richness, strategic location, and a strong emphasis on international relations and politics. Founded in 1789, Georgetown is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit-affiliated university in the United States. This heritage deeply influences its educational philosophy, emphasizing ethics, social justice, and a commitment to serving others.

The university’s location in the nation’s capital significantly shapes its character and opportunities. It offers students unparalleled access to governmental agencies, non-profits, and international organizations, thus integrating practical, real-world experiences with academic learning. Programs in international relations, political science, and public policy are particularly renowned, benefiting from the proximity to the epicenter of American politics.

Another hallmark of Georgetown is its global outlook. It attracts a diverse student body from around the world and encourages a global perspective in its curriculum. Georgetown also boasts strong alumni connections, with graduates often moving into influential positions in various sectors, both in the U.S. and internationally. This network enriches the learning environment and enhances career opportunities for students.

In terms of student life, Georgetown fosters a tight-knit community. The campus culture is steeped in traditions, such as the annual Homecoming weekend and the Celebration of Georgetown Basketball. Furthermore, the university’s Jesuit tradition encourages students to engage in reflection, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and their role in the world.

What Does the Georgetown Application Look Like?

The Georgetown application process is distinctive and reflective of its commitment to a holistic review of each applicant. Unlike many other universities, Georgetown does not participate in the Common Application system. Instead, it utilizes its application portal, which allows the university to tailor its application to better align with its values and criteria.

Key components of the Georgetown application include:

  • High School Transcript and Grades: Academic performance is a crucial criterion. Georgetown seeks students who have demonstrated excellence in a rigorous academic environment.
  • Standardized Test Scores: Georgetown requires either the SAT or ACT scores. These scores provide an additional metric for assessing academic preparedness.
  • Recommendation Letters: Letters from teachers and counselors offer insights into the applicant’s character, work ethic, and potential contributions to the Georgetown community.
  • Essays: The application includes several essays. These are vital in understanding the applicant’s personality, interests, and fit for Georgetown. The prompts typically ask about the student’s goals, experiences, and reflections on certain topics.
  • Interview: While not mandatory, interviews are encouraged as they offer a chance for personal interaction and further assessment of the applicant’s suitability for the university.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Georgetown values well-rounded individuals. Participation in extracurricular activities, community service, and leadership roles are important aspects of the application.
  • Special Talents or Experiences: Unique talents or experiences can be highlighted in the application, giving further context to the applicant’s background and the potential diversity they would bring to campus.

Is Georgetown a Good School for You?

Determining if Georgetown is a good fit depends on various factors aligning with your personal and academic goals. Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Academic Programs: Assess if Georgetown offers strong programs in your areas of interest. Its strengths in international relations, politics, and public policy are notable, but it also has robust programs in other fields.
  • Location and Opportunities: Consider if the urban setting and proximity to the heart of the U.S. government align with your career aspirations. The location offers unique internships and networking opportunities.
  • Campus Culture and Community: Reflect on whether Georgetown’s values and campus life resonate with you. Its Jesuit identity, emphasis on service, and a tight-knit community are defining aspects.
  • Competitiveness and Academic Rigor: Evaluate if you thrive in a competitive and intellectually challenging environment. Georgetown is known for its rigorous academic standards.
  • Global Perspective: If having a global outlook and being part of an internationally diverse student body is important to you, Georgetown could be a strong match.
  • Alumni Network: Consider the value of a well-connected alumni network, especially in fields like politics, law, and international affairs.

Georgetown University stands out with its rich tradition, strategic location, and strong focus on global affairs and public service. When considering if it’s the right school for you, it’s crucial to align its offerings and culture with your personal and educational aspirations.

How Selective is Georgetown?

Georgetown University is one of the most prestigious and selective universities in the United States. Known for its strong emphasis on academics, global perspectives, and Jesuit values, Georgetown attracts thousands of applications each year from students across the globe. But how selective is Georgetown?

The selectivity of Georgetown can be measured by its acceptance rate, which is the percentage of applicants who are offered admission. Historically, Georgetown’s acceptance rate has been quite low. For the Class of 2027, it was at 13%. This low acceptance rate indicates a highly competitive admissions process.

To understand this selectivity, it’s important to consider the applicant pool. Georgetown typically receives applications from students with impressive academic records, strong test scores, and a diverse range of extracurricular achievements. The university values students who excel academically and demonstrate leadership, community service, and a commitment to their personal growth and development.

In terms of numbers, the average SAT and ACT scores for admitted students are generally in the top percentile. Alongside standardized test scores, Georgetown also places a significant emphasis on high school GPA, rigor of secondary school record, and the quality of the student’s essay and recommendations.

However, selectivity is not just about numbers. Georgetown’s holistic approach to admissions means that each application is reviewed in its entirety. This approach allows the admissions committee to consider the student’s unique experiences, background, and potential contributions to the Georgetown community.

Should You Apply to Georgetown?

Deciding whether to apply to Georgetown University is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your academic interests, career goals, and personal preferences. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

  • Academic Fit: Georgetown offers a wide range of undergraduate programs, with notable strengths in international relations, politics, and public policy, owing to its proximity to the nation’s capital. If your academic interests align with these areas, Georgetown could be an excellent fit.
  • Campus Culture and Values: As a Jesuit institution, Georgetown places a high value on service, social justice, and ethical leadership. If these values resonate with you and you’re looking for a campus culture that fosters intellectual and personal growth, Georgetown might be the right place for you.
  • Competitiveness: Given its selectivity, you should consider your academic standing in relation to the typical admitted student profile. This includes evaluating your GPA, test scores, and extracurricular achievements.
  • Financial Considerations: Georgetown meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need of its students, which is an important factor for many applicants. However, it’s important to research and understand the financial aid process and the potential cost of attendance.
  • Career Goals: Georgetown’s location in Washington D.C. offers unique opportunities for internships and networking, particularly in government, international affairs, and non-profit sectors. If these align with your career aspirations, Georgetown could provide you with valuable experiences and connections.

In the end, the decision to apply should be based on a thorough evaluation of how well Georgetown aligns with your personal and academic goals.

How Does Georgetown Review Applications?

Understanding how Georgetown University reviews applications is crucial for prospective students. Georgetown employs a holistic review process, which means that they consider the entire application, rather than focusing solely on numerical indicators like GPA and test scores. Here’s a closer look at the key components of this process:

  • Academic Record: This is a primary focus in the application review. The admissions committee looks at your high school grades, the rigor of your courses, and your overall academic trajectory.
  • Standardized Test Scores: Georgetown requires either the SAT or ACT. These scores are considered in the context of your academic record and provide another metric for assessing academic preparedness.
  • Essays: Georgetown’s application includes a personal essay and a few short answer questions. These essays offer you a chance to showcase your personality, writing ability, and how your experiences have shaped you.
  • Recommendations: Letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors provide insight into your academic abilities and character. These letters often highlight aspects of your personality and work ethic that aren’t visible through grades and test scores.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Your involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, and other interests outside of the classroom are vital. Georgetown looks for students who will contribute to the campus community in diverse and meaningful ways.
  • Interview: While not mandatory, an alumni interview can provide additional context to your application and allow you to discuss your interests and aspirations.
  • Demonstrated Interest: Although not as heavily weighed as other factors, demonstrated interest can play a role. This includes interactions with the admissions office, campus visits, and attendance at Georgetown events.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Georgetown values a diverse student body. This includes diversity in all forms – cultural, socioeconomic, geographic, and experiential.

Each application is reviewed by multiple members of the admissions committee, ensuring a comprehensive and fair evaluation. It’s important to remember that there’s no exact formula for gaining admission to Georgetown. Each application is unique, and the admissions committee seeks to build a well-rounded, diverse incoming class.

Does Georgetown Require Interviews?

Georgetown University has a unique approach to the admissions process, particularly concerning interviews. Unlike some other universities, Georgetown considers interviews as a significant part of its application process. However, it’s important to note that these interviews are not mandatory for all applicants.

The interviews at Georgetown are primarily conducted by alumni volunteers. These sessions provide a valuable opportunity for prospective students to discuss their interests, experiences, and aspirations. More importantly, it offers a chance for the university to get a more personal insight into the applicant, beyond what is presented in essays and transcripts.

While Georgetown does not require interviews for every applicant, and not receiving an interview invitation should not be taken as a negative indicator, it’s highly recommended to participate if given the opportunity. An interview can serve as a platform to showcase your enthusiasm for the university, articulate your academic and professional goals, and demonstrate how you can contribute to the Georgetown community.

In summary, while interviews at Georgetown are not mandatory for all, they are an important aspect of the application process for those who are offered this opportunity. Engaging in an interview can provide a more rounded view of your application and allow you to personally express your desire to join the Georgetown community.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Georgetown?

When it comes to extracurricular activities for gaining admission to Georgetown University, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Georgetown, like many top-tier institutions, looks for students who show passion, leadership, and commitment in their activities outside of the classroom.

The key is not the number of extracurriculars you engage in, but the depth of your involvement and the impact you’ve made. Georgetown values students who have demonstrated leadership, whether that’s as a captain of a sports team, a leader in a student organization, or a founder of a community service project. They also appreciate consistency and long-term commitment to activities, as this shows dedication and perseverance.

Innovative and entrepreneurial endeavors are also highly regarded. If you’ve started a club, organized a large event, or launched a small business or a community project, these experiences can significantly bolster your application. Georgetown seeks students who are not only academically gifted but also capable of bringing positive change and contributing actively to their community.

Ultimately, the best extracurricular activities for Georgetown are the ones that genuinely interest you and where you have taken an active role. Authenticity in your application is key; admissions officers can usually tell when a student is participating in an activity just for the sake of college applications.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Georgetown?

Your personal statement is a crucial component of your application to Georgetown University. It’s your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee and provide insights into who you are beyond your grades and test scores. When writing your personal statement for Georgetown, consider the following points:

  • Reflect on Your Experiences: Choose experiences that have significantly influenced your academic journey, personal growth, or career aspirations. Georgetown seeks students who are reflective and can articulate their experiences and what they’ve learned from them.
  • Showcase Your Personality: Your personal statement should give the admissions committee a glimpse of your personality. Are you curious, creative, or particularly driven? Use anecdotes and specific examples to bring these traits to life.
  • Align with Georgetown’s Values: Research Georgetown’s values and mission. If there are aspects of their values that resonate with you, such as a commitment to social justice or global awareness, make sure to highlight how your experiences and goals align with these values.
  • Be Authentic and Honest: Authenticity is crucial. Your personal statement should be genuinely reflective of your personality and interests. Avoid exaggerating or fabricating experiences.
  • Focus on Your Growth: Georgetown is interested in how you have grown from your experiences and how they have prepared you for the challenges of a rigorous academic environment. Discuss how your experiences have shaped your aspirations and how they align with what Georgetown offers.

Your personal statement for Georgetown should be a well-crafted narrative that showcases your unique experiences, aligns with the university’s values, and demonstrates your personal growth. Remember, this is your chance to make your application stand out with your individual story.

How Do You Write a Georgetown Supplemental Essay?

Writing a supplemental essay for Georgetown University involves a deep understanding of what the university is looking for and an ability to reflect on your own experiences and aspirations in alignment with these values. Georgetown, known for its commitment to forming global citizens and leaders, seeks students who can contribute significantly to their campus and the world beyond.

Understand the Prompt

Firstly, it’s crucial to understand the prompt of the Georgetown supplemental essay. Each year, the university may have different questions or themes for applicants to address. These prompts are designed to gauge your critical thinking, self-awareness, and commitment to the values Georgetown holds dear, such as leadership, service, and intellectual curiosity.

Reflect Your Fit with Georgetown

Your essay should demonstrate how you align with these values. Reflect on your experiences, whether they are academic achievements, community service, leadership roles, or personal challenges, and how they have shaped your worldview and aspirations. Georgetown is interested in how your experiences have prepared you for the rigorous academic environment and diverse community at the university.

Be Authentic and Self-Reflective

Authenticity is key. Admissions officers can tell when a student is being genuine versus when they are saying what they think the university wants to hear. Your essay should be a reflection of your true self, your passions, and how you see Georgetown helping you to achieve your goals.

Write Clearly and Concisely

In terms of writing style, clarity and conciseness are important. Use straightforward language and ensure that your essay is well-structured and easy to follow. Proofreading is essential to avoid grammatical errors and typos, as these can detract from the overall impression of your essay.

What Enrichment Opportunities Will Help You Get into Georgetown?

To strengthen your application to Georgetown University, engaging in enrichment opportunities that align with your interests and the university’s values can be highly beneficial. Georgetown looks for well-rounded students who have excelled academically and shown commitment and leadership in other areas.

Academic Enrichment

Taking challenging courses in high school, such as Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes, can demonstrate your readiness for college-level work. Participating in academic competitions, summer programs, or research projects can also show your intellectual curiosity and dedication to learning.

Community Service and Leadership

Given Georgetown’s emphasis on service and leadership, involvement in community service projects, leadership roles in clubs or organizations, and other forms of civic engagement can significantly strengthen your application. These experiences reflect a commitment to contributing positively to society, a trait highly valued by Georgetown.

Extracurricular Activities

Participating in extracurricular activities that align with your interests, whether they are in the arts, sports, or other areas, is also important. These activities demonstrate your ability to balance academic and other commitments, and they offer insight into your character and personal interests.

Unique Experiences

Any unique experiences that have contributed to your personal growth or understanding of the world can be valuable. Whether it’s travel, a particular project, or a personal challenge you’ve overcome, these experiences can make your application stand out.

Do You Need to Take AP Courses to Get into Georgetown?

While taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses is not a strict requirement for admission to Georgetown University, it can be beneficial in showcasing your academic preparedness and ability to handle challenging coursework.

AP Courses Demonstrate Rigor

Georgetown, like many competitive universities, looks for students who have challenged themselves academically. Taking AP courses and performing well in them demonstrates that you are ready for the rigorous academic environment at Georgetown. It shows that you are capable of handling college-level work and are committed to academic excellence.

Balance is Key

However, it’s important to balance course rigor with your overall well-being and interests. Taking too many AP courses at the expense of your health, extracurricular involvement, or personal interests is not advisable. Colleges, including Georgetown, look for well-rounded students who have achieved a balance in their high school careers.

Consider Your School’s Offerings

It’s also important to consider the offerings at your high school. Some schools may not offer a wide range of AP courses. Georgetown’s admissions officers take the context of your school into account, evaluating your course choices within what is available to you.

Focus on Your Strengths

Focus on taking AP courses in subjects where you are strong and interested. Excelling in a few AP courses can be more impressive than struggling in many. Georgetown values depth in subjects that interest you over breadth without focus.

In conclusion, while AP courses can enhance your application, they are just one part of a holistic admissions process at Georgetown. It’s important to pursue academic challenges that align with your abilities and interests, while also engaging in activities that reflect your character and passions.

Does Georgetown Accept AP Credit?

Advanced Placement (AP) exams, administered by the College Board, are an opportunity for high school students to demonstrate their proficiency in various subjects, potentially earning college credit or placement into advanced courses. Students often wonder how these scores impact their college admissions and academic journey, especially at prestigious institutions like Georgetown University.

Georgetown University has a specific policy regarding AP credits. The university recognizes the effort and knowledge demonstrated by high-achieving students in AP courses. However, Georgetown’s approach to AP credit is somewhat more conservative compared to some other universities.

Georgetown accepts AP scores for placement purposes but not always for credit. This means that a high score on an AP exam can allow a student to enroll in higher-level courses in certain subjects, demonstrating readiness for more advanced material. However, this does not necessarily reduce the number of credits a student needs to graduate. For specific policies, students must refer to the most current Georgetown University Undergraduate Bulletin or contact the university directly.

The rationale behind this approach is rooted in Georgetown’s educational philosophy. The university values a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of core subjects, something it feels is best achieved through coursework completed on campus. This ensures that all students, regardless of their high school background, receive a uniform level of education in key areas.

For students planning to apply to Georgetown, this policy means that while AP scores are valuable for placement, they should not expect these scores to significantly shorten their time to degree completion. However, excelling in AP courses and exams can still strengthen an application by demonstrating a student’s ability to succeed in college-level coursework.

Will Georgetown Look at Your Social Media?

Georgetown University, like many other institutions, has not publicly stated that it systematically reviews applicants’ social media accounts as part of the admissions process. However, this does not mean that students should be careless about their online presence.

Admissions offices are increasingly aware of the digital footprint left by applicants. While it may not be standard practice to examine every applicant’s social media profiles, content that is publicly available and easily accessible could potentially impact an application if it comes to the attention of admissions staff. This could happen in various ways – for example, through a search by a curious admissions officer or a report from a third party.

Therefore, it is wise for students to manage their social media profiles responsibly. Content that reflects poorly on a student’s character or judgment, such as inappropriate images, offensive comments, or evidence of dishonesty, can adversely affect their chances of admission, not just at Georgetown but at any institution. It’s important to remember that social media can be a double-edged sword – it can harm as well as help an application, depending on the content.

To be safe, students should review their online presence, ensuring that their social media profiles reflect the same level of maturity and responsibility that they present in their application essays and interviews.

Will Visiting Georgetown Help You Get In?

Many students wonder if visiting a college campus can improve their chances of being admitted. When it comes to Georgetown University, the answer is nuanced.

Georgetown, like most universities, does not explicitly state that visiting the campus will increase an applicant’s chances of admission. Admissions decisions are primarily based on academic achievements, extracurricular activities, essays, recommendations, and other factors outlined in the application process. However, visiting the campus can have indirect benefits.

Firstly, a visit to Georgetown can provide students with a deeper understanding of the university’s environment and culture. This insight can be invaluable when writing application essays or preparing for interviews. Applicants who can articulate why Georgetown is the right fit for them, referencing specific experiences from their visit, may have a more compelling application.

Moreover, demonstrating interest in a college can sometimes play a role in admissions decisions, especially in cases where an applicant’s qualifications make them a borderline candidate. While campus visits are just one way to show interest, engaging in informational sessions, tours, or meetings with faculty during a visit can signal a genuine enthusiasm for the university.

In conclusion, while visiting Georgetown University won’t guarantee admission, it can enrich an applicant’s understanding of the university and potentially strengthen their application by demonstrating their interest and helping them to tailor their application materials more effectively.


This guide has outlined the key aspects of applying to Georgetown University, covering application requirements, the significance of GPA and SAT/ACT scores, and the choice between Early Action and Regular Decision.

We’ve also discussed the importance of essays, recommendation letters, extracurricular activities, and the financial aid options available to prospective students.

While competition for admission to Georgetown is intense, remember that a well-crafted application can significantly enhance your chances. Focus on showcasing your unique strengths, aligning your application with Georgetown’s values, and maintaining a solid academic and extracurricular profile.

Stay motivated and use each component of your application to highlight different facets of your personality and achievements.

We can help you figure out how to get into Georgetown

At AdmissionSight, we specialize in helping students navigate the competitive admissions landscape.

Our expertise can guide you in enhancing your application to Georgetown, from perfecting essays to advising on extracurricular activities. With our support, you can present a compelling application that stands out.

Contact us for a free consultation to start your journey toward achieving your Georgetown aspirations.


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