
How to Get Published in the Curieux Academic Journal

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Female student smiling at the camera.

How to Get Published in the Curieux Academic Journal

Meet Siddhant Jhawar, a determined junior at Daly College in Indore, India. Despite facing numerous hurdles, Siddhant successfully published a research paper exploring the intriguing connection between crude oil prices and the Nigerian economy. Thanks to the invaluable support and resources from the Curieux Academic Journal, Siddhant’s insightful study bridging social sciences and mathematics came to fruition.

If you want to be like Siddhant and have your research featured in the Curieux Academic Journal, we’re here to help. This article will guide you through the journal’s submission guidelines and provide essential research writing tips.

What Is the Curieux Academic Journal?

The Curieux Academic Journal is a youth-led nonprofit founded in 2017. It publishes outstanding research by high school and middle school students. Based in California, the journal has editors from across the United States.

a young girl being home schooled by a woman

Since its inception, the Curieux Academic Journal has served hundreds of students. It offers a space for young researchers to showcase their work. The journal’s community projects and climate change advocacy efforts further support student growth. These initiatives are designed to improve academic writing skills and provide meaningful opportunities for students to pursue their passions.

Submitting your paper to Curieux is a great way to gain experience in academic writing, learn from editors, and see your ideas flourish. Open to submissions from all academic subjects, including the sciences and humanities, the journal helps students nationwide reach their potential and deepen their research skills.

Curieux Academic Journal Submission Guidelines

Here’s everything you need to know before you submit to the Curieux Academic Journal.

Who can submit?

To submit to the Curieux Academic Journal, you must be a middle school, high school, or undergraduate student. The journal is run by students, for students, so it exclusively accepts submissions from this group.

What works are accepted?

You can submit a wide range of academic writing to the Curieux Academic Journal. The journal accepts:

This inclusive approach allows you to explore and share your interests, no matter your academic focus. Whether you’re investigating scientific phenomena or analyzing historical events, your work is welcome.

Manuscript requirements

When preparing your manuscript for submission, follow specific formatting guidelines:

  • Your paper should be correctly cited in MLA format, including in-text citations where necessary.
  • Submit your paper as a Google Document link, ensuring the Curieux Academic Journal’s email has editing access.
  • The submission should not exceed 20 pages (1.15 spaced, Times New Roman, font-size 12), excluding the works cited page.

Refer to the example article provided by the journal for additional formatting details.

Review process

After submission, your manuscript goes through a peer review process:

  • Two editors will separately review your article to decide if it is suitable for publication in the Curieux Academic Journal. They will check for academic integrity, factual accuracy, and grammatical correctness.
  • Once they make a decision, the editors will either recommend your paper for admission or reject it.

This thorough review ensures that only high-quality work is published.

Submission fees

Submitting articles to the Curieux Academic Journal is free. However, there are publication fees once your paper is accepted:

  • Fast-Track Review: $250 publication fee
  • Seasonal Review: $200 publication fee

These fees support the journal’s community outreach efforts. If you need financial aid, you can email the journal at [email protected], and they will work to accommodate your needs.


The Curieux Academic Journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Meaning, you can submit anytime.

The Curieux Academic Journal offers two publishing pathways: Fast-Track Review and Seasonal Review. Both pathways involve peer reviews by two separate editors. The Fast-Track Review will notify you of acceptance within three weeks of submission. The Seasonal Review will inform you when the next issue is released.

If your article is accepted, expect it to be published within two to three months.

Young woman using a laptop while sitting on a couch.

How to submit

To submit your paper for consideration, complete the submission form available on the journal’s website. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you have any additional questions, email the journal at [email protected]. This process ensures that your submission is properly tracked and reviewed efficiently.

Tips for Getting Published in the Curieux Academic Journal

To increase your chances of getting published in the Curieux Academic Journal, follow these essential tips.

1. Choose a compelling and original topic.

Original topics demonstrate your ability to think critically and contribute new insights to existing academic discussions. Instead of writing a general paper on climate change, focus on a specific aspect like the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems in California. This not only narrows down the scope but also makes your paper unique.

2. Conduct thorough research.

Use a variety of sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites, to gather comprehensive information. For example, if you’re writing about the effects of social media on teenage mental health, include data from psychological studies, surveys, and expert interviews. This depth of research ensures that your paper is well-supported and credible, which is essential for academic integrity.

3. Structure your paper clearly.

This logical flow makes your paper easy to follow and understand:

  • Start with a strong introduction that outlines your research question and thesis statement.
  • Follow this with well-organized body paragraphs, each focusing on a single point that supports your thesis.
  • Use headings and subheadings to guide the reader through your argument.

4. Use credible sources.

Ensure that you cite peer-reviewed journals, books by reputable authors, and authoritative websites. If you are writing about the effects of nutrition on adolescent health, for example, referencing studies from journals like The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition or books by experts in the field will strengthen your arguments. Avoid using non-academic sources like Wikipedia or blogs, as they may not provide verified information.

5. Write in a clear and concise style.

Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex sentences. For example, instead of saying, “The implementation of renewable energy systems has the potential to significantly mitigate the adverse impacts of anthropogenic climate change,” you can write, “Renewable energy systems can reduce the impacts of climate change.” This simplification makes your paper more accessible and ensures that your arguments are easily understood by a broad audience, including the journal’s editors.

6. Stick to the journal’s formatting guidelines.

Review the specific requirements for the Curieux Academic Journal. Use Times New Roman, font-size 12, 1.15 spacing, and MLA citation format. Ensure your paper, including the title page, headings, and works cited page, complies with these guidelines. Double-check that your document does not exceed the 20-page limit (excluding works cited). Adhering to these formatting rules shows that you respect the journal’s standards and are serious about your submission.

7. Proofread for grammar and spelling errors.

After finishing your draft, take a break before revisiting it with fresh eyes. Use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway to catch common mistakes, but also manually review your paper for nuances that software might miss. A polished paper reflects your attention to detail and professionalism, increasing the likelihood of acceptance.

Young man using a laptop in a table.

8. Get feedback from peers or mentors.

Share your draft with classmates, teachers, or anyone knowledgeable in your field. They can offer suggestions on clarity, coherence, and argument strength. For instance, a peer might notice a gap in your logic or suggest additional sources to bolster your argument. Constructive criticism helps you refine your paper, making it more robust and ready for submission.

9. Revise based on feedback.

After gathering comments, create a list of actionable items to address. If feedback indicates that your conclusion is weak, rewrite it to better summarize your findings and reinforce your thesis. Similarly, if someone points out unclear sections, rewrite them for clarity. Revising ensures that you address any weaknesses in your research paper, making it stronger and more compelling for the editors of the Curieux Academic Journal.

Curieux Academic Journal Sample Papers

One good way to boost your chances of getting published in the journal is to read up on their featured articles. Let’s take a look at some of them:

1. “The Role of Plant Hormones in Shaping the Plant Root Microbiome” by Juezi Huang


This review investigates how plant hormones, specifically salicylic acid and jasmonic acid, influence the plant root microbiome. It summarizes experimental techniques commonly used in plant-microbiome interaction research.

Additionally, it discusses the physiological roles of these hormones and the factors that might trigger changes in hormone levels. The review also proposes possible pathways through which plant hormones influence the root microbiome composition.

Why it was accepted

  • This article was accepted because it provides a comprehensive overview of a specific aspect of plant biology that is both innovative and detailed.
  • The author’s ability to summarize complex experimental techniques and propose new pathways demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject.
  • The clear, well-organized presentation of information makes it accessible to readers, aligning with the journal’s mission to publish high-quality, student-led research.

2. “From Mao to Modernity: China’s Rise in the 21st Century” by Ziyi Wei


This essay explores the transformation of China into a potential global superpower in the 21st century. It examines China’s methods to achieve this status, including economic initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative, technological advancements, and geopolitical strategies.

The essay discusses the economic, social, and geopolitical implications of China’s rise, analyzing both the positive and negative outcomes. It concludes that while China presents threats of digital authoritarianism, it also offers opportunities for economic growth and geopolitical stability.

Why it was accepted

  • This article was accepted due to its comprehensive analysis of a complex and timely topic.
  • The author effectively combines historical context, current events, and future projections to provide a nuanced understanding of China’s global ascent.
  • The detailed examination of China’s strategies and their implications demonstrates critical thinking and thorough research, aligning with the journal’s standards for high-quality student-led research.

3. “Predicting Stock Prices Using Machine Learning” by Vikram Krishnaswamy


This project designed a predictive model to accurately forecast changes in stock prices for technology sector companies. It utilized data from quarterly reports and macroeconomic sources such as FRED, AlphaVantage, SEC EDGAR, and Yahoo! Finance.

a student coding using 3 laptops

The data was processed into training sets for regression and classification models, which were then used to predict stock prices. The paper includes a discussion on model accuracy, practical applications, and the most influential data points for predictions.

Why it was accepted

  • This article was accepted due to its innovative approach to a challenging problem using advanced machine learning techniques.
  • The author demonstrated a clear understanding of both the financial and technical aspects involved, offering a well-rounded analysis of stock price prediction.
  • The use of diverse data sources and rigorous methodology underscores the paper’s credibility and relevance, meeting the journal’s standards for high-quality research and practical applicability.

Curieux Academic Journal Community Outreach

The Curieux Academic Journal not only offers a platform for young researchers to publish their work but also engages in various community outreach activities. These initiatives aim to support students’ growth, provide valuable resources, and encourage academic and extracurricular development.

1. Curieux Scholarship Award

The Curieux Academic Journal is dedicated to helping students explore their passions and expand their curiosity by providing unique tools and research opportunities. Believing that research should be accessible to all students regardless of background, the journal sponsors a scholarship to help students achieve their research goals.

Applicants are expected to submit a project proposal detailing a project they wish to pursue, including its financial cost. The journal will support three individuals who demonstrate significant academic or extracurricular interest with a $500 scholarship each.

Application guidelines

  • Applicants must be current middle or high school students.
  • Students must submit a detailed project proposal, including an outline of the research project, projected timeline, projected costs, and rationale for the study.
  • Projects must not harm or injure humans or other animals.
  • Projects must not involve significant risks, including toxic chemicals, dangerous bacterial strains, or other hazards.
  • Applications open on April 1st and close on June 20th at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.
  • Winners will be announced around mid-July.

To apply, head over to the Curieux Scholarship Award application portal.

2. Curieux Climate Change Advocacy

The Curieux Academic Journal has an upcoming initiative focused on climate change advocacy. This project aims to educate and empower students to take action on climate issues.

While details are still being finalized, you can stay informed by visiting their website and entering your email address for updates.

3. Curieux Open Positions

The Curieux Academic Journal also invites you to volunteer and become a part of their team. Joining their team will help you learn how journal publications work and provide valuable experience in academic publishing.

They are currently offering open positions to dedicated high school and undergraduate students. If you are interested in science or humanities, you may apply for any of the positions listed below:

Position Job Description
  • Provide constructive feedback to writers.
  • Collaborate with other editors to decide on submissions.
  • Specialize in specific subject areas.
  • Time commitment: 3-4 hours per week.
Editorial Leader
  • Manage either humanities or STEM editorial teams.
  • Ensure deadlines are met and approve papers.
  • Foster a collaborative atmosphere among editors.
  • Time commitment: 5 hours per week.
Outreach Manager
  • Search for and manage collaborations with high schools and organizations.
  • Encourage students to publish their writings.
  • Time commitment: 1-2 hours per week.
  • Ensure approved papers contain accurate and non-misleading information.
  • Time commitment: 2 hours per week.
Communication Manager
  • Answer questions and organize submissions via email.
  • Check and inform relevant applicants and editors.
  • Time commitment: 2 hours per week.
Graphic Artist/General Artist
  • Create cover art for journal issues and website pages.
  • Time commitment: 2 hours per week.
Project Manager
  • Plan, organize, and lead future journal projects.
  • Work with the editor-in-chief and assistant editor-in-chief.
  • Time commitment: 2 hours per week.

To apply, click the application link. Check out their page as well for updates on available positions.


The Curieux Academic Journal provides an exceptional space for young researchers to publish their work, gain valuable experience, and engage in meaningful community outreach. By understanding the submission guidelines, utilizing the provided tips, and exploring the journal’s sample papers, you can enhance your chances of being published.

Plus, the journal’s various community initiatives, such as the Curieux Scholarship Award and Climate Change Advocacy, offer further opportunities for growth and impact. Joining Curieux opens doors to invaluable learning experiences and the chance to make a real difference.


What research topics does the Curieux Academic Journal accept?

The Curieux Academic Journal accepts a wide range of research topics across various disciplines, including social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, and interdisciplinary studies. They encourage innovative and original research that contributes to academic knowledge.

What is the acceptance rate of the Curieux Academic Journal?

The acceptance rate of the Curieux Academic Journal is around 60-70%. This indicates a competitive but achievable selection process for quality research submissions.

Does the Curieux Academic Journal charge fees?

Submitting articles to the Curieux Academic Journal is free. However, there are publication fees once your paper is accepted. The Fast-Track Review has a $250 publication fee, while the Seasonal Review has a $200 publication fee. If you need financial aid, you can email the journal at [email protected].

When is the deadline for submission to the Curieux Academic Journal?

The Curieux Academic Journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. There is no specific deadline, allowing researchers to submit their work at any time throughout the year.

What is the citation style of the Curieux Academic Journal?

The Curieux Academic Journal uses the MLA (Modern Language Association) citation style. Ensure your references and citations follow this format when preparing your manuscript.


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