
Johns Hopkins vs Emory University: Which University is Right for You?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female studing smiling while being interviewed

Johns Hopkins vs Emory University: Which University is Right for You?

Choosing the right university can be a daunting task for any prospective student. With the multitude of options available, it is crucial to compare and contrast different universities to determine which one is the best fit for you. In this article, we will compare Johns Hopkins vs Emory University to help you make an informed decision.

Location and Campus Features of Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

Both Johns Hopkins and Emory universities are located in the eastern region of the United States. Johns Hopkins is situated in Baltimore, Maryland, while Emory University is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Johns Hopkins is set on a historic, picturesque campus with Gothic architecture, while Emory is known for its stunning green spaces, beautiful gardens, and state-of-the-art facilities. It’s safe to say that both universities offer students an unparalleled collegiate experience in their unique settings.

Additionally, Johns Hopkins University is renowned for its world-class medical programs and research facilities, including the Johns Hopkins Hospital, which is consistently ranked as one of the top hospitals in the country. Emory University, on the other hand, is known for its strong liberal arts programs and its commitment to social justice and community engagement. Both universities offer a wide range of academic programs and extracurricular activities, ensuring that students have access to a well-rounded education and a vibrant campus life.

Admission Requirements at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

Facing the daunting task of applying to these universities? Let’s break their admission requirements down, shall we? Johns Hopkins and Emory are both highly selective. To apply to Johns Hopkins, a prospective student must submit an online application, standardized test scores, transcripts, essays, and two teacher evaluations. Emory’s application process is similar, with the addition of an optional interview, an activities resume, and a graded written paper. Both universities consider extracurricular involvement, community service, academic achievements, and leadership qualities in evaluating candidate “fit.”

a female student studying in a library

It is important to note that both universities have different requirements for standardized test scores. Johns Hopkins requires either the SAT or ACT, while Emory accepts either of these tests as well as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or three SAT Subject Tests. Additionally, Emory offers an Early Decision option for applicants who are certain that Emory is their top choice school. This option requires students to apply by November 1st and receive a decision by mid-December. Overall, it is crucial for prospective students to thoroughly research and understand the admission requirements of each university before applying.

Academic Programs Offered by Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

Academically, Johns Hopkins and Emory have different focuses. Johns Hopkins is known for its esteemed medical, engineering, and natural sciences programs, while Emory is revered for its humanities, social science, and business programs. John Hopkins is well-regarded for its research opportunities, with a variety of labs and institutes across various disciplines. In contrast, Emory’s liberal arts curriculum offers a well-rounded education, and the university prides itself on being a research-focused institution. In terms of student interaction, Johns Hopkins has an average class size of 22, with a strong emphasis on personalized attention. Emory, on the other hand, has a larger student body, with an average class size of 25.

Johns Hopkins University offers a wide range of academic programs, including public health, international studies, and education. The university’s public health program is one of the best in the world, with a focus on research and practical application. The international studies program is also highly regarded, with a strong emphasis on global issues and cultural understanding. Additionally, the education program at Johns Hopkins is known for its innovative approach to teaching and learning, with a focus on preparing teachers for the challenges of the 21st century.

Emory University, on the other hand, offers a variety of unique academic programs, such as film studies, environmental studies, and African American studies. The film studies program is one of the best in the country, with a focus on film theory, history, and production. The environmental studies program is also highly regarded, with a focus on sustainability and environmental justice. Additionally, the African American studies program at Emory is known for its interdisciplinary approach, with a focus on the history, culture, and experiences of African Americans.

Tuition Fees and Financial Aid Options at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

As with most higher education choices in the United States, tuition fees can be an intimidating factor when considering universities. The cost of attendance at Johns Hopkins is $60,480. The cost of attendance at Emory is $57,948. However, both universities are generous with financial aid and scholarships, with Emory offering full-need scholarships to accepted students and Johns Hopkins committing to need-blind admissions.

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It is important to note that financial aid options at both universities extend beyond scholarships. Both Johns Hopkins and Emory offer work-study programs, which allow students to work part-time on campus to help cover the cost of attendance. Additionally, both universities offer need-based grants and loans to eligible students. It is recommended that students explore all financial aid options available to them before making a final decision on which university to attend.

Student Life: Housing, Dining, and Extracurricular Activities at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

In terms of student life, both universities offer students a robust college life with ample opportunities for academic, artistic, and athletic endeavors. Housing options on both campuses vary, with freshmen at Johns Hopkins living on-campus in shared suites or single rooms and Emory offering traditional and suite-style living. Dining options include a variety of meal plans, including vegetarian and vegan options. Extracurricular activities are varied and numerous, with both universities hosting a variety of clubs, organizations, and student-run initiatives. In particular, Emory is renowned for its arts and service organizations, while Johns Hopkins has an active Greek life and student government.

Additionally, both universities prioritize the mental and physical health of their students. They offer counseling services, health clinics, and recreational facilities to ensure that students have access to the resources they need to maintain their well-being. Emory has a state-of-the-art fitness center, while Johns Hopkins has a wellness center that offers yoga and meditation classes. Both universities also have a strong commitment to community service, with opportunities for students to volunteer locally and internationally. Overall, students at both universities can expect a well-rounded college experience that fosters personal growth and development.

Faculty and Research Opportunities at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

Both Johns Hopkins and Emory are home to renowned faculty members, with faculty-to-student ratios of 1:6 and 1:9, respectively. Faculty at Johns Hopkins and Emory are highly respected in their respective disciplines, with many achieving significant research milestones, getting published across a range of journals, and receiving accolades from national and international institutions. Research opportunities abound at both universities, with Johns Hopkins being a leader in biomedical research and Emory having a robust research infrastructure spanning the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

a female biomedical engineer working with a specimen inside a laboratory

In addition to their strong faculty and research programs, both Johns Hopkins and Emory offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and resources for students. From student organizations and clubs to community service opportunities and athletic programs, students at both universities have access to a vibrant campus life. Additionally, both universities have extensive libraries and research facilities, providing students with ample resources to pursue their academic interests and passions.

Career Services, Internships, and Networking Opportunities at Johns Hopkins and Emory University

Career services are vital to helping students succeed in the job market post-graduation. Both universities provide a wide range of services to students, including resume building, interview preparation, job search assistance, and networking opportunities. Johns Hopkins and Emory organize career fairs, career-development workshops, and counseling sessions with alums, academics, and industry professionals to assist students in identifying career paths. Additionally, both universities offer exciting internship opportunities in various departments, which provide students with valuable experience in their respective fields.

Furthermore, both universities have established strong connections with various companies and organizations, providing students with ample networking opportunities. These connections often lead to job offers and career opportunities for students. Students can also take advantage of mentorship programs, where they can connect with professionals in their field of interest and gain valuable insights and advice.

Student Diversity and Campus Community at Johns Hopkins and Emory University

When selecting the right university, it’s essential to consider the diversity of the student population and the campus’ general community. Johns Hopkins has a student population that’s almost evenly divided between domestic and international students, while Emory has a more significant percentage of domestic students. Both universities pride themselves on their diverse student bodies and offer a range of programs, clubs, and activities that promote inclusivity, equity and celebrate differences in culture, religion, and race.

Happy millennials friends walking together outside of university

Additionally, both universities have established multicultural centers that provide resources and support for students from diverse backgrounds. At Johns Hopkins, the Center for Social Concern offers programs that focus on social justice and community service, while Emory’s Office of Multicultural Programs and Services provides cultural events, leadership opportunities, and academic support for underrepresented students. These centers serve as safe spaces for students to connect with others who share similar experiences and to learn about different cultures and perspectives.

Campus Safety Measures at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

The safety of students is paramount to both Johns Hopkins and Emory Universities. Both universities have their security departments and have established protocols to ensure campus safety. Additionally, 24-hour security coverage is provided at both universities, with a campus security escort service for students who feel unsafe while walking around at night.

Johns Hopkins University has implemented several technological measures to enhance campus safety. The university has installed a network of security cameras throughout the campus, which are monitored by the security department. The cameras are strategically placed in high-traffic areas, such as parking lots, residence halls, and academic buildings. In addition, the university has a mobile safety app that allows students to quickly and easily report any safety concerns to the security department.

Emory University has taken a proactive approach to campus safety by offering self-defense classes to students. The classes are taught by certified instructors and cover a range of techniques, including basic strikes, kicks, and blocks. The university also offers a bystander intervention program, which teaches students how to recognize and intervene in potentially dangerous situations. These programs are designed to empower students and give them the tools they need to stay safe on campus.

Campus Sustainability Efforts at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

Universities must play a role in environmental stewardship. Both Johns Hopkins and Emory universities have sustainable initiatives in place, including renewable energy sources, a focus on reducing carbon emissions, and waste management programs. Emory is a leader in campus sustainability, with awards from various sustainability advocacy groups for its green initiatives and programs.

male cashier handing out goods to female customer

Johns Hopkins University has also made significant strides in campus sustainability. In 2019, the university announced its goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve this goal, the university has implemented several initiatives, including the installation of solar panels on campus buildings and the use of geothermal energy for heating and cooling. Additionally, the university has implemented a composting program and has reduced its water usage through the installation of low-flow fixtures.

Both universities also prioritize sustainable transportation options. Emory has a bike share program and offers incentives for carpooling, while Johns Hopkins has implemented a shuttle system that runs on biodiesel fuel and has electric vehicle charging stations on campus. These efforts not only reduce carbon emissions but also promote healthy and active lifestyles among students and staff.

Student Testimonials: Experiences at Johns Hopkins vs Emory University

What do students have to say about their experiences at Johns Hopkins and Emory? At Johns Hopkins, students value the personalized mentoring, research opportunities, and prestige of the institution. At Emory, students praise the culture of community and the numerous resources for personal and academic growth.

However, there are some differences in the student experiences at these two universities. At Johns Hopkins, students often describe a competitive and intense academic environment, which can be both challenging and rewarding. On the other hand, Emory students tend to emphasize the supportive and collaborative nature of their academic community, which fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

Prospective Student Checklist: Tips for Choosing the Right University for You

Choosing the right university is an immense decision that requires thorough research and reflection. Here are some tips for determining the perfect fit for you.

  1. Consider what you want to study and review the curricula or programs offered.
  2. Research the campus culture and the types of clubs and organizations available.
  3. Visit the campus in person or virtually to get a sense of the environment and facilities.
  4. Speak to current students, alumni, or professors to learn about their experiences.
  5. Investigate the financial aid opportunities and the cost of attendance.
  6. Consider the location and community, as this can significantly impact your overall experience.
  7. Reflect on your goals and priorities when it comes to personal growth, academics, and career prospects.

In conclusion, selecting the right university is a highly individualized process. Johns Hopkins and Emory are both exceptional universities that offer unique programs and resources for students. Consider what’s important to you, and use this article as a guide to help find the right fit for you.


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