
Rice University Diversity Statistics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Rice University Diversity Statistics: An In-Depth Overview

Discover Rice University’s diversity statistics and vibrant student body! Rice, located in Houston, Texas, is a private research university founded in 1912. It offers programs across eight schools, with notable strengths in engineering, science, humanities, and business.

Its 300-acre campus is known for its beautiful, Byzantine-style architecture. Rice is involved in significant research activities, contributing to advancements in various fields. The university also has a residential college system that supports a close-knit community.

Rice competes in NCAA Division I athletics, with teams known as the Owls. It’s committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, providing a welcoming environment for all students. This blog will explore the diversity statistics of Rice University, offering a thoughtful analysis of its inclusive community.

How many students attend Rice University?

As of the fall of 2022 diversity statistics, Rice University is home to 4,494 undergraduate students and 4,085 students pursuing graduate degrees. In total, there are 8,579 students enrolled at Rice University, all seeking various degrees.

Rice University also provides options for distance learning, with online degree programs available. A total of 511 students have chosen to enroll exclusively in these online programs.

For Class 2027, Rice University received 31,059 applications, out of which 2,447 were admitted, resulting in an overall admission rate of 7.9%. For the early decision process, 2,953 applicants applied, 486 were admitted (16.5% admission rate), and 470 enrolled. In the regular decision cycle, there were 28,106 applicants, with 1,961 admissions (7.0% admission rate) and 655 students choosing to enroll.

Rice University Undergraduate Population

In the fall of 2022, Rice University was attended by 4,485 students who were all pursuing undergraduate degrees according to the recent diversity statistics.

Rice University boasts a low undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio of 6-to-1, ensuring personalized attention and a supportive learning environment. The university also features a unique residential college system designed to enrich students’ lives in multiple dimensions, including intellectually, emotionally, and culturally.

This system encourages active participation through a variety of activities such as social events, intramural sports, student-led plays, lecture series, courses, and involvement in student government. As a result of these efforts to enhance student life and provide value, Rice University is consistently recognized as one of the top private universities in terms of quality of life and overall value.

Rice University Graduate Population

In fall 2022 diversity statistics, Rice University had 4,085 students enrolled in its graduate programs, all pursuing advanced degrees. Graduate students represent approximately 48.7% of the total student body at Rice University.

The university reported a graduation rate of 2.5% for first-time, full-time students in the academic year 2021–2022. This data highlights the size of Rice’s graduate student body and provides insight into the outcomes for its students during that period.

Rice University is renowned for its strong graduate programs across various fields, with particular acclaim in engineering, business, natural sciences, architecture, music, and humanities and social sciences. Key highlights include:

  • Notable for bioengineering, chemical and biomolecular engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and materials science.
  • The Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business is famous for its MBA and Executive MBA programs.
  • Recognized for excellence in physics and astronomy, biosciences, and chemistry.
  • Offers innovative graduate programs in architecture.
  • The Shepherd School of Music attracts talented individuals with its Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts programs.
  • Known for interdisciplinary research in history, English, and political science.

These programs are celebrated for their research opportunities, faculty expertise, and the success of their graduates, reflecting Rice University’s commitment to quality education and practical application.

Rice University International Student Population

At Rice University, international students make up about 13% of the total number of students according to its recent diversity statistics. The Office of International Students and Scholars at Rice has reported significant growth in the international student community, with an increase of 7.6% over the past five years and a substantial rise of 45% over the past decade. By 2020, the international student body at Rice came from 98 different countries and regions, showcasing the university’s diverse and global community.

Rice University Gender Distribution

Rice University had 4,494 undergraduate students enrolled, with a slight majority of male students at 51% compared to 49% female students in the fall of 2022.





49% 36%
Male 51%


On the other hand, the graduate student population shows a more pronounced gender disparity, with about 64% male students and only 36% female students. This indicates that the graduate programs at Rice University have a higher proportion of male students when compared to the undergraduate level, where the gender distribution is more balanced.

Rice University Age Distribution

At Rice University, a significant portion of the student body, specifically 47.99%, is within the traditional college age range of 18 to 21 years old. This is lower than the national average, where 60% of college students are in this age group.

Age Range

Undergraduate Graduate


Under 18

64 0 64
18-19 2,042 0



1,854 59 1,913
22-24 270 1,111



14 1,515 1,529
30-34 2 706



0 309 309
40-49 0 269



1 56 57
Over 64 0 13



0 0 0
Total 4,247 4,038


Despite this, Rice University’s age diversity score suggests that it successfully attracts students from a broad spectrum of ages, not just those who are traditionally expected to be in college. This indicates that Rice is an appealing option for students of various ages, contributing to a diverse and inclusive campus environment.

Rice University Diversity Statistics and Racial/Ethnic Demographics

Being located in Houston, a city known for its vast cultural diversity, is a crucial aspect of the educational experience Rice University offers. As the fourth-largest city in the United States, Houston is home to communities that speak over 145 languages, positioning Rice students at the heart of one of the most culturally varied cities in the country. This urban setting enriches the learning environment with a wide range of perspectives and experiences.





2,532 30.56%
Asian 1,664


Black/African American

574 6.93%
Hispanic 978


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

7 0.08%
American Indian/Native American 5


Two or more

279 3.37%
Unknown 137


Rice University has long been dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, as reflected in its statistics through the years. As the university’s resources have expanded, it has successfully cultivated a vibrant and diverse student body. The racial and ethnic composition of the student population includes a significant representation from various groups, with notable numbers of White, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic, and other students contributing to a rich multicultural community.

In its commitment to further promoting diversity and inclusion, Rice has implemented several initiatives. Notably, in 2021 diversity statistics, Rice University introduced a new general education requirement focused on the analysis of diversity, making it a core part of the undergraduate curriculum. This ensures that all students engage with and understand diverse perspectives as an integral part of their education. Rice has taken steps to diversify its faculty through fellowship programs and has supported research on diversity and equity issues, both within Houston and nationally.

These efforts highlight Rice University’s ongoing commitment to building an inclusive environment that reflects the complex social fabric of Houston and the broader world, preparing students to thrive in a diverse global society.

Rice University Racial/Ethnic Diversity Among Faculty

Rice University has been making significant strides to diversify its faculty by introducing a variety of programs and policies aimed at increasing the presence of underrepresented groups within its teaching staff.

According to the diversity statistics, Rice University has made progress by doubling the number of African American or Black faculty from 2% to 4% and increasing Hispanic faculty from 6% a decade ago to 8% now. These efforts are part of Rice’s broader commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which also includes research initiatives focused on these topics both locally and nationally.







Black or African American





Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander



To further its goal of diversifying faculty, Rice is actively searching for new faculty members, with 55 active searches underway to help keep the student-to-faculty ratio at 6-to-1. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion plays a pivotal role in these efforts through a dedicated working group that focuses on faculty recruitment and development. This group organizes training for search committee chairs and annual workshops aimed at supporting underrepresented postdoctoral scholars.

Rice also collaborates with other institutions, such as Northeastern University, to offer the Future Faculty Workshop. This initiative is designed to prepare postdoctoral scholars, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM fields, for leadership roles in academia.

Moreover, Rice has established guidelines to ensure recruitment efforts are inclusive and supportive of career development for staff from underrepresented groups. The university’s recruitment and affirmative action guidelines are specifically designed to create a diverse and inclusive faculty, aligning with Rice’s commitment to equity in employment practices.

Rice University Geographic Diversity

Rice University is recognized for its geographic diversity, ranking 190th among 2,183 institutions as reflected in its recent statistics report.

A significant portion of the student body, 51.23%, comes from states outside of Texas, while 12.58% are international students, hailing from various countries around the globe.

The university’s campus is a meeting point for students from 40 different U.S. states and 90 countries worldwide, emphasizing its commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. This mix of domestic and international students contributes to a rich cultural and educational experience, with Rice aiming to enroll a varied class each year.

Geographic Location



Outside of Texas


In Texas


The distribution of enrolled students is as follows: 13% international, 52% from outside Texas, and 35% from within Texas itself. Rice’s dedication to geographic diversity is part of its broader goal to foster a multicultural community among its students, faculty, and staff, drawing from more than 60 countries for its undergraduate and graduate populations.

Rice University Financial Diversity

Rice University is deeply committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive environment, with a particular focus on economic diversity among its students. The university actively supports first-generation college students through a mix of academic programs, social support initiatives, and one of the nation’s most generous financial aid programs, known as the Rice Investment.

This program significantly reduces, and in many cases eliminates, tuition costs for many talented students, aiming to make higher education accessible to all, regardless of their financial background.

In its pursuit of a diverse student body, Rice prioritizes enrolling a mix of the most talented students from various backgrounds across the United States and beyond. The university’s efforts include a strong emphasis on equity-based approaches and significant investments in research concerning diversity and equity, both within the Houston community and nationally.

At the Rice Business School, the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion spearheads initiatives to ensure a welcoming, valued, and respected atmosphere for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other members of the Rice Business community. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to encourage collaboration and foster a sense of belonging among all community members.

Rice’s commitment extends to offering a wide range of financial aid options to underrepresented groups, including need-based aid, merit-based scholarships, and specific programs for international students. By meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need for eligible students without relying on loans, Rice University aims to make education affordable for everyone.

Rice is a founding member of the QuestBridge partnership, welcoming over 400 QuestBridge scholars to campus since its inception. This partnership further exemplifies Rice’s dedication to providing opportunities for talented students from diverse economic backgrounds.

Through The Rice Investment, scholarships, grants, and partnerships like QuestBridge, Rice University is making strides toward making higher education more affordable and accessible, demonstrating a steadfast belief in the importance of investing in talent from all walks of life.

How diverse and inclusive is Rice University?

Rice University emphasizes creating a welcoming and diverse environment for its community. Rice University champions the importance of diversity across its student body, recognizing that a mix of perspectives enhances the overall educational experience. With students from over 60 countries, Rice seeks to enroll highly talented individuals from varied backgrounds, reinforcing its commitment to broadening the diversity of its campus.

To underscore this commitment, Rice University has introduced initiatives like a new general education requirement focused on improving diversity statistics, which aims to deepen students’ understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives. The university also provides financial aid options, targeting students from underrepresented groups and first-generation college attendees, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder access to education.

At the Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice offers a free course titled “Introduction to Diversity in the Workplace.” This course explores the significance and benefits of diversity and inclusion in professional settings, offering strategies for effective recruitment and retention of diverse talent. Furthermore, Rice’s Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion works to create a culture where every community member, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, feels valued and respected.

Rice’s actions extend to its employment practices as well, with policies in place to guide the recruitment of staff from underrepresented groups and to promote affirmative action in hiring. These efforts reflect Rice’s foundational belief in the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion, showing its dedication to evolving and strengthening these efforts to maintain an inclusive environment that celebrates diverse knowledge, thoughts, and experiences.

Is diversity important at Rice University?

Rice University employs a thorough review method to assess each applicant. This process takes into account not only the academic achievements of students but also their life experiences. The university appreciates the diverse range of backgrounds students come from, including differences in socio-economic status, culture, geography, race, ethnicity, and education, recognizing the unique perspectives each student contributes.

To make it easier for potential students to explore what Rice has to offer, the university organizes programs like VISION, which allows prospective students to visit during open house events in both fall and spring. The Owl Arrive program provides selected new first-year students with essential items like bedding and supplies for their dorm rooms, making their transition smoother and helping them feel more comfortable from the start.

Rice collaborates with various organizations, including College Greenlight, Exploring Educational Excellence, College Horizons, and Coalition for College, aiming to attract students from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds. The university also works closely with community-based organizations to ensure it connects with potential students in their own environments.

The student body at Rice mirrors the diversity of Houston, fostering a sense of belonging and community on campus. Rice is committed to a culture of care, encouraging students to build strong, supportive communities with one another. This approach has contributed to Rice being recognized by the Princeton Review in 2023 for its outstanding Race/Class Interaction.

Rice boasts one of the largest Pride celebrations in Texas, emblematic of the state’s ethos that ‘everything is bigger in Texas.’ This celebration is a testament to Rice’s inclusive culture, where students find a sense of belonging regardless of their background or identity.

Clubs at Rice University that promote diversity

Rice University hosts a variety of clubs and organizations dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusivity within its campus community.

Multicultural Center

Rice University is home to a Multicultural Center, a dedicated space where students can participate in conversations and activities aimed at increasing cultural awareness and mutual understanding. This center organizes educational, cultural, and social initiatives designed to support student achievement and foster a welcoming atmosphere for individuals from various backgrounds.

The primary goal of the Multicultural Center is to nurture a diverse community within Rice, encouraging students to explore cultural identities, challenge biases, and learn about the impact of systemic oppression.

The center is committed to broadening individuals’ cultural perspectives, promoting the value of different cultures, and addressing issues related to prejudice and inequality. Alongside the Multicultural Center, Rice University supports numerous cultural student organizations, including the Black Student Association, the Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice, and the South Asian Society. These groups regularly gather to honor and delve into their respective cultures, contributing to the vibrant multicultural tapestry of the campus.

Rice’s dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion is evident through its proactive measures to create an inclusive environment and its research efforts focused on understanding and addressing diversity and equity challenges both within the university and the wider Houston community.

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 

Rice University’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) plays a vital role in fostering an inclusive environment on campus. This office organizes and oversees various programs and initiatives aimed at supporting the academic and social success of students from all walks of life, ensuring they feel a strong sense of community and belonging.

The DEI is committed to building a diverse community at Rice, focusing on raising awareness about cultural diversity, addressing biases, and shedding light on the issues of systemic oppression.

Through its diverse range of programs, the DEI seeks to broaden understanding and appreciation of different cultures, encourage discussions on prejudice, and promote knowledge about systemic challenges faced by underrepresented communities. In addition to the efforts of the DEI office, Rice University boasts several cultural student organizations, including the Black Student Association, the Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice, and the South Asian Society. These groups provide regular opportunities for students to celebrate their heritage and learn about other cultures, enhancing the multicultural landscape of the campus.

Rice’s dedication to creating an equitable and inclusive campus is evident through its strategic support for initiatives that advance diversity and equity. This includes conducting research to better understand and tackle diversity and equity issues both within the university setting and in the broader Houston area, underscoring Rice’s deep commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Black Student Association (BSA)

At Rice University, the Black Student Association (BSA) plays a crucial role in offering a welcoming and supportive space for Black students. The BSA organizes a variety of events, including Soul Night, the Black Excellence Gala, and activities during Black History Month, aimed at celebrating Black culture and heritage. The association is dedicated to promoting the growth and networking of the Black community within Rice and the broader Houston area, offering social events and regular meetings for its members.

Furthermore, Rice University is home to other cultural student organizations such as the Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice and the South Asian Society. These groups convene regularly to honor and delve into their respective cultures, contributing to the rich tapestry of diversity on campus.

Rice’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment is evident in its support for initiatives that encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion. This includes backing for programs that seek to enhance understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures, as well as investing in research focused on diversity and equity issues, not just within the university, but also in the wider Houston community.

Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice (HACER)

The Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice (HACER) serves as a key organization for Hispanic and Latinx students at Rice University. Founded in 1972, HACER aims to provide a welcoming community for those of Hispanic/Latinx background as well as individuals interested in exploring and appreciating Hispanic/Latinx culture.

Through a variety of events and activities, HACER celebrates the rich heritage and cultural contributions of Hispanic communities. As a vital component of Rice University’s cultural student organizations, HACER plays an essential role in enriching the campus’s diversity and fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity.

Rice Chinese Student Association (CSA)

The Rice Chinese Student Association (CSA) stands as a central community hub for Chinese American and Chinese International students, along with anyone at Rice University with an interest in Chinese culture. This association dedicates itself to enhancing awareness of the social, cultural, and political facets of Chinese heritage and current issues.

It offers a space for students to connect their interest in Chinese culture through various activities and events, including celebrations of Chinese holidays and cultural performances. As the oldest and most extensive Asian organization on the Rice campus, the CSA also strives to foster unity among Asian organizations, working collaboratively towards shared objectives.

One of the highlight events organized by the CSA is the Lunar New Year Celebration, which draws a large crowd including students, faculty, and members of the wider community. The CSA encourages support for its events, aiming to strengthen the presence and appreciation of Chinese culture within the Rice University community.

View of people talking in a meeting.

Civic Duty Rice

Civic Duty Rice is an initiative at Rice University focused on encouraging students and young individuals in the Houston area to become actively involved in civic education and community service efforts. This group is dedicated to fostering a community among Houston’s youth that is enthusiastic about civic engagement and taking action on social issues. Operating as a nonpartisan entity, Civic Duty Rice aims to bring about systemic change both within the university and the broader society by motivating college students to engage in political activism, voter registration, and civic education.

To tackle and eliminate obstacles that hinder civic participation in marginalized communities, including communities of color and low-income areas, Civic Duty Rice collaborates with both local and national organizations. The organization is structured around two key committees: the Houston Engagement Committee (HEC) and the Rice Engagement Committee (REC). These committees spearhead various initiatives aimed at boosting civic engagement on the Rice campus and throughout the Houston community, including organizing events and voting initiatives, as well as partnering with various groups and clubs.

The overarching goal of Civic Duty Rice is to inspire students to contribute positively to their communities while highlighting the importance of active civic involvement and education.

Is Rice University The Right Fit For You?

Deciding if Rice University aligns with your educational and personal goals involves a detailed evaluation of what you seek in your college experience. Here are some considerations with examples to guide your decision:

Diverse Academic Programs

Rice University’s academic offerings cover areas from engineering and science to humanities and music, but they are also deeply interconnected, thanks to the university’s commitment to interdisciplinary education. This means if you’re passionate about blending fields, like merging engineering principles with sustainable environmental practices, Rice’s adaptable curriculum is designed to support such innovative educational paths.

Rice’s commitment to interdisciplinary studies extends to initiatives and programs that encourage students to tackle real-world problems through collaborative, cross-disciplinary research. Whether you’re drawn to the arts, intrigued by the complexities of the natural world, or motivated by the challenges of social justice, Rice offers a dynamic educational environment where your diverse interests can flourish together.

Faculty Engagement

Rice University’s commitment to faculty engagement goes beyond having Nobel laureates and leading researchers; it fosters a collaborative atmosphere that encourages students to work directly with these experts. This hands-on approach is particularly beneficial for students with specific interests, such as nanotechnology, who can gain invaluable experience by working alongside distinguished professors at the Smalley-Curl Institute.

Rice’s faculty are deeply involved in mentoring students, guiding them through research projects that push the boundaries of current knowledge. This mentorship extends across disciplines, offering students in fields from the humanities to the sciences unique opportunities to engage in pioneering research and scholarly work.

Whether you’re aiming to contribute to groundbreaking scientific discoveries or to explore the depths of human knowledge and creativity, Rice’s environment of close faculty engagement provides the support and resources necessary for profound academic and professional growth.

Research and Innovation

Rice University’s dedication to advancing research and fostering innovation is showcased not only through its cutting-edge facilities like the BioScience Research Collaborative but also through a wide array of research initiatives across various disciplines. Students at Rice have the unique opportunity to engage in hands-on research, tackling some of the world’s most pressing issues.

From groundbreaking work in cancer research to pioneering projects aimed at developing sustainable energy solutions, the university provides the necessary tools and support for students to explore their research interests.

Rice’s collaborative research environment encourages interdisciplinary studies, allowing students to work across traditional boundaries to find innovative solutions to complex challenges. This commitment to research and innovation is an integral part of the Rice experience, preparing students to become leaders in their fields and make significant contributions to global knowledge and society.

Student-to-Faculty Ratio

With its low ratio, Rice ensures personalized learning experiences. This setting is perfect for students seeking mentorship and a tailored academic journey.

Residential College System

Rice University’s residential college system is a cornerstone of student life, creating a vibrant and cohesive community that extends beyond academics. Inspired by the collegiate models of Oxford and Cambridge, this system divides students into smaller, diverse communities, each with its own distinct identity, culture, and traditions.

This unique setup fosters a strong sense of belonging and support among students, faculty, and staff who are affiliated with each college. Beyond the fun and camaraderie of traditions like the Baker 13 or Willy Week, the residential colleges host a variety of academic, cultural, and social programs that enrich students’ experiences. These programs range from informal study sessions and mentorship opportunities to cultural dinners and speaker series, all designed to stimulate intellectual curiosity and personal growth.

The residential colleges serve as a living-learning environment where students from different backgrounds and disciplines connect, learn from one another, and build lasting relationships, making Rice’s campus life truly unique and memorable.

Commitment to Diversity

Rice’s multicultural center and numerous cultural associations reflect its dedication to creating an inclusive environment. The active presence of organizations like the Black Student Association and the Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice exemplifies this commitment.

Clubs and Organizations

Rice University boasts an impressive selection of more than 300 student-led groups, such as the Rice Investment Club and the Rice Owls Solar Car Team. These organizations offer students the opportunity to delve into a wide range of interests beyond their academic studies, allowing them to engage in diverse activities and pursue their passions.

Athletic Programs

For those interested in athletics, Rice offers competitive Division I sports, club sports, and intramural activities. Whether you aim to compete nationally in track and field or join a club soccer team, there’s a place for you.


Situated in the heart of Houston, Rice students benefit from the city’s cultural richness, from the Houston Space Center to the vibrant arts scene. The city’s economic landscape offers internships and job opportunities with Fortune 500 companies, startups, and healthcare giants in the Texas Medical Center.

Professional Growth

Rice University’s location offers a unique advantage for students looking to grow professionally, situated close to key sectors such as energy, technology, and healthcare. This proximity opens up numerous opportunities for internships and networking, including the chance to connect with Rice alumni who are influential leaders within these industries. This environment acts as a springboard for students to gain practical experience and build professional relationships that can aid in their future careers.

Young woman using a laptop in a bench.

Financial Aid

Rice University’s commitment to financial accessibility is further emphasized through its comprehensive financial aid programs, which aim to ensure that a Rice education is attainable for students from all economic backgrounds. The Rice Investment, a notable example, represents a bold step towards reducing financial barriers, offering generous aid packages that cover tuition, room, board, and fees for eligible families with incomes across various brackets.

This initiative not only meets 100% of demonstrated financial need without the burden of loans but also encourages a more diverse range of students to apply, confident in the knowledge that financial constraints will not hinder their educational journey.

Beyond The Rice Investment, Rice provides a variety of scholarships, grants, and work-study opportunities tailored to the needs and merits of its students. This holistic approach to financial aid underscores Rice’s dedication to cultivating a talented, diverse student body by making premier higher education more inclusive and accessible.

Alumni Network and Future Prospects

Rice’s alumni network spans globally, with graduates excelling in diverse fields, from Pulitzer Prize-winning authors to astronauts. This network can be a valuable resource for mentorship and career opportunities.

Choosing Rice University means more than just selecting a place to study; it’s about opting for a holistic experience that blends academic rigor with personal growth, set within a vibrant community and a dynamic city.

Assessing how these factors align with your goals, values, and interests will help determine if Rice is the right fit for you. Visiting the campus, engaging with current students, and exploring Rice’s myriad offerings in depth can further aid in making an informed decision.

Final Thoughts

Rice University’s commitment to nurturing a diverse and inclusive environment is evident through its extensive range of programs, student organizations, and deep-rooted institutional pledges. The statistics we’ve explored at Rice paint a picture of a university that not only values diversity in numbers but also deeply integrates this diversity into the fabric of its academic and social life.

With a multicultural student population hailing from more than 60 countries and forward-thinking initiatives designed to boost cultural, socioeconomic, and academic diversity, Rice University shines as a leading example of inclusivity in the realm of higher education. As Rice continues to build on these efforts, it sets a high standard for what it means to be a truly inclusive academic institution in the 21st century.


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