
The Brown University Study Abroad Program

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Group of multiracial students smiling at the camera.

The Brown University Study Abroad Program

The Brown University Study Abroad Program stands as an iconic symbol of immersive education and cultural exchange, paving the way for students seeking an enriching global learning experience.

This program, launched by one of the most prestigious Ivy League institutions, introduces students to a world beyond their own, fostering personal growth and academic prowess in an internationally diverse landscape. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what the Brown University Study Abroad Program is all about, where you can go, and what you can expect academically and culturally.

Understanding the Brown University Study Abroad Program

Let’s take time to understand the study-abroad program at Brown University.

Program Overview

The Brown University Study Abroad Program is an incredible opportunity for students to broaden their horizons and gain a truly unique educational experience. The program offers a range of study options in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania. Students have the opportunity to study at premier educational institutions while experiencing a different culture and earning academic credit toward their Brown degree.

Studying abroad is an excellent way to gain a new perspective on your studies and the world around you. Immersing yourself in a new culture can provide a deeper understanding of different ways of life and can help you develop skills such as adaptability, independence, and intercultural communication.

Eligibility and Application Process

To be eligible for the Brown University Study Abroad Program, you must be a full-time student at Brown University and have completed at least one year of study. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for most programs. However, students who do not meet these requirements may still be eligible to apply and should consult with the study abroad office.

Group of students writing on their desks.

The application process includes submitting an application, a statement of purpose, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. The statement of purpose is an opportunity for students to explain why they want to study abroad and how it will fit into their academic and personal goals. The letters of recommendation should come from professors who can speak to the student’s academic abilities and potential for success in a study abroad program.

Applications are usually due in early December for the following academic year. It is recommended that students begin the application process early and work closely with the study abroad office to ensure that all requirements are met.

Types of Programs Offered

The Brown University Study Abroad Program offers a variety of study options to fit the needs and interests of every student. Semester-long programs are a popular option for students who want to spend a significant amount of time abroad and earn a full semester’s worth of credit. Summer programs are a great option for students who want to study abroad but have limited time during the academic year.

Year-long programs are available for students who want to fully immerse themselves in a new culture and gain a deeper understanding of the country they are studying in. Research programs are an excellent option for students who want to pursue independent research while abroad. Language immersion programs are also available for students who want to improve their language skills while experiencing a new culture.

The study abroad office at Brown can provide students with assistance in selecting the program that would be the best fit for their academic and personal goals. They can also help students navigate the application process and provide information on financial aid and scholarships.

The Brown University Study Abroad Program is an incredible opportunity for students to gain a unique and valuable educational experience. Studying abroad can help students develop skills that will benefit them throughout their academic and professional careers and can provide a deeper understanding of different cultures and ways of life.

Popular Study Abroad Destinations for Brown University Students

Brown University is a prestigious Ivy League institution that encourages its students to explore the world and gain a global perspective. Studying abroad is an excellent way to achieve this goal, and Brown University offers a wide range of programs in different parts of the world. Here are some of the most popular study-abroad destinations for Brown University students:


Europe is a popular study-abroad destination for Brown University students, and it’s not hard to see why. With its rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning architecture, Europe offers a unique and enriching experience for students. Brown University offers study abroad programs in several European cities, including Paris, London, and Berlin. These programs give students the opportunity to take courses in a variety of subjects, including history, art, and literature, while immersing themselves in a new culture.

For example, students who choose to study abroad in Paris can take courses in French language and literature, as well as art history and political science. They can also explore the city’s famous museums and landmarks, such as the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. Similarly, students who choose to study abroad in London can take courses in British literature and history, as well as theater and film studies. They can also explore the city’s vibrant cultural scene, including its theaters, museums, and art galleries.


Many Brown University students also choose to study abroad in Asia, which offers a unique and fascinating cultural experience. Brown University Study Abroad options are available in countries such as China, South Korea, and Japan, and they often focus on language immersion programs as well as courses in business and economics.

a group of college students walking side by side in a hall way

For example, students who choose to study abroad in China can take courses in Chinese language and culture, as well as business and economics. They can also explore China’s rich history and culture, including its famous landmarks such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.

Similarly, students who choose to study abroad in Japan can take courses in Japanese language and culture, as well as history and art. They can also explore Japan’s unique cultural traditions, such as tea ceremonies and martial arts.

Latin America

Latin America is a region that offers a diverse range of study-abroad options. Programs are available in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Peru, and they offer courses in subjects such as anthropology, history, and political science, while also immersing students in Latin American culture and language.

For example, students who choose to study abroad in Brazil can take courses in Portuguese language and culture, as well as environmental studies and social justice. They can also explore Brazil’s rich cultural heritage, including its music, dance, and cuisine.

Similarly, students who choose to study abroad in Argentina can take courses in Spanish language and culture, as well as history and literature. They can also explore Argentina’s famous landmarks, such as the Andes Mountains and the Iguazu Falls.


Africa is a continent that offers a unique and enriching study-abroad experience. Programs are available in countries such as Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania, and they often focus on language immersion and cultural studies.

For example, students who choose to study abroad in Ghana can take courses in Twi language and culture, as well as history and anthropology. With the Brown University Study Abroad Program, students can also explore Ghana’s vibrant cultural scene, including its music, dance, and festivals.

Similarly, students who choose to study abroad in South Africa can take courses in the IsiZulu language and culture, as well as political science and environmental studies. They can also explore South Africa’s rich history and culture, including its famous landmarks such as Table Mountain and Robben Island.


Oceania, which includes countries such as Australia and New Zealand, offers a unique study-abroad experience. Programs in this region often focus on environmental studies and indigenous cultures.

For example, students who choose to study abroad in Australia can take courses in Australian Aboriginal culture and history, as well as environmental studies and marine biology. They can also explore Australia’s famous landmarks, such as the Great Barrier Reef and Uluru.

Similarly, students who choose to study abroad in New Zealand can take courses in Maori language and culture, as well as environmental studies and outdoor recreation. They can also explore New Zealand’s stunning natural beauty, including its mountains, lakes, and glaciers.

Overall, studying abroad is an excellent way for Brown University students to gain a global perspective, explore new cultures, and broaden their horizons. With so many study abroad options available, there’s something for everyone.

Academic and Cultural Experiences

The Brown University Study Abroad Program is an exciting opportunity that offers students a chance to explore a new culture while earning academic credit. Brown University’s Study Abroad Program provides students with a variety of options for academic and cultural experiences.

Course Offerings and Credit Transfer

Brown University’s Study Abroad Program offers a wide range of courses that can be counted towards a student’s major or minor requirements, as well as fulfilling general graduation requirements. The study abroad office at Brown can provide students with more information about credit transfer and help them select courses that align with their academic goals.

View of a woman using a laptop while studying.

Studying abroad also provides students with the opportunity to take courses that may not be available at their home institution. For example, students interested in environmental studies may be able to take courses in sustainable development in Costa Rica, while students studying business may be able to take courses in international marketing in China.

Language Immersion Programs

Language immersion programs are a popular study abroad option that allows students to develop fluency in a foreign language while experiencing a new culture. Brown University’s Study Abroad Program offers language immersion programs in languages such as French, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese, among others.

Language immersion programs typically involve intensive language study, cultural immersion activities, and homestays with local families. These programs are a great way for students to gain fluency in a foreign language and experience daily life in a new culture.

Internships and Research Opportunities

Some study abroad programs also offer internship and research opportunities, allowing students to gain practical experience in their field of study. Brown University’s Study Abroad Program offers internship placements in areas such as business, education, or international development, while research opportunities may be available in areas such as environmental studies or public health.

Internships and research opportunities provide students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in their field of study while also experiencing a new culture. These experiences can be valuable for students who are interested in pursuing a career in an international setting.

Cultural Excursions and Activities

The Brown University Study Abroad Program is not just about academics; there are plenty of opportunities for cultural excursions and activities as well. Brown University’s Study Abroad Program offers field trips to local museums, historical landmarks, and festivals, providing students with an immersive cultural experience.

Some programs also offer homestays with local families, providing students with a unique opportunity to experience daily life in a new culture. Living with a local family can be a great way for students to practice their language skills and gain a deeper understanding of the local culture.

Overall, studying abroad through Brown University’s Study Abroad Program provides students with a unique opportunity to gain academic credit while experiencing a new culture. Whether students are interested in language immersion programs, internships, or cultural excursions, there are plenty of options available to suit their interests and academic goals.


Studying abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience, and the Brown University Study Abroad Program is designed to provide students with a range of options to explore the world while earning academic credit.

View of a woman using a laptop while sitting next to a table.

By understanding the program and exploring the various destinations and study options, students can design a study abroad experience that will be personally and academically fulfilling. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your study abroad journey today.

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