
Everything You Need To Know About Athletic Recruiting

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a hurdle jump athlete running

Everything You Need To Know About Athletic Recruiting

Let’s talk about everything you need to know about athletic recruiting. It happens when a college employee or representative invites a high school student-athlete to play sports for their college.

Many high school athletes hope to continue competing in their sport in college, whether it is at Division I, II, or III institutions. Students should be aware of the fundamentals of the athletic recruiting process before determining whether or not they want to pursue it. Student-athletes can be recruited to play a variety of sports, from football and basketball to swimming, baseball, softball, and more.

Recruitment involves both parties, just like the standard college search process does. In order to discover the greatest fit, students must learn as much as they can about specific athletic departments and universities, and those institutions must advertise themselves effectively in order to make students aware of their athletic offerings.

a young woman interviewing a male athelete

Without interested student-athletes, a coach cannot develop a team, and these athletes cannot be engaged without being familiar with the formal recruitment procedure.

Before considering whether or not sports recruitment is right for them, students should be aware of the following.

You are not necessarily being actively recruited just because a coach sends you a letter.

For some students, receiving a letter from a coach kickstarts the athletic recruiting process. These letters can be typewritten and formal at times, or they can be informal and personable. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that thousands of letters are sent to high school athletes each year by coaches and teams.

Imagine them as college brochures. Right after you took the SAT or ACT, your mailbox was stuffed with them. These initial letters also fit into that category. Getting athletes interested in a particular college is frequently just a marketing and sales ploy. Keep in mind that you are not being actively recruited until a coach contacts you, extends an official invitation to join the squad or arranges a visit.

Social media is the same.

In addition to transforming college athletic recruiting, social media has also had a significant impact on athletic recruitment. On the coach’s end, social media is an excellent approach to inform potential players about the mission, goals, and other aspects of their program.

Regarding who is permitted to approach particular athletes and when this also added a convoluted layer to the recruitment process. Never assume someone is a coach or a team representative just because they claim to be one on social media. Once more, the hiring process is not official until you receive a call from a coach, an invitation to a visit, or an offer.

Social media buzz shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Use social media instead to advertise yourself, and discover more about a coach, the team, and the institution. Keep your social media accounts tidy and post pictures and videos of your sporting events. Coaches have been known to discontinue recruiting particular players as a result of the athletes’ abusive or inappropriate social media posts.

Not all coaches will approach you.

The most recent estimates place the number of high school athletes in the US at over 7.8 million. That is a large number of students to keep up with, and it would be nearly difficult for coaches to do so. If you’ve made the decision that participating in your sport in college is important, it’s up to you to take charge of the recruiting process.

sports equipment

  • Speak with your high school coach first to receive a realistic assessment of the level at which he or she believes you could compete in college.
  • List the colleges you believe would be a good fit for your academic and athletic ability based on your conversations with your coach and college advisor.
  • Contact the athletic directors at those institutions. Send a list of your sports accomplishments, along with, if appropriate, game or tournament footage.
  • Learn about NCAA recruitment guidelines and deadlines since they can differ in each sport!
  • Sign up with the NCAA Clearinghouse/Eligibility Center so they can confirm your eligibility to participate in varsity college sports.

You can start the athletic recruiting process by taking a few of the actions listed above. You can always ask for advice from college advisors with experience leading athletes through the recruitment process if you’re unsure of how to begin.

Scholarships and offers to join teams don’t usually entail free tuition.

Many parents and students see participation in college sports as a pass to free education. The NCAA reports that “NCAA Divisions I and II schools give more than $2.9 billion in athletics scholarships yearly to more than 150,000 student-athletes,” although those are not always full-ride awards. Schools in Division III don’t even give any athletic scholarships. The quantity of athletic scholarships that a school may award has a cap, and frequently, they only cover a portion of the tuition.

If athletic recruiting is important to you, you should be aware that not every scholarship offer will come with a full ride. Additionally, you must be strategic about the teams you target if obtaining a scholarship is your primary objective for pursuing athletic recruitment.

Academics should not be disregarded.

If you don’t have the required GPA or exam results, even if you are a star athlete, a coach won’t be able to ensure that you will be admitted to the institution. You must still meet the college or university’s admission requirements even if you receive an offer and a scholarship.

athletes running in the oval field

In order to increase your chances of being accepted, make sure you’re doing well in your classes and achieving your desired SAT or ACT score. If you’re having trouble, think about hiring a tutor or test prep specialist to help you raise your grade point average.

Fitness is also important.

When it comes to recruiting athletes, the value of being fit enough cannot be emphasized enough. If a successful program extends you an offer, but the team, school, or coach are not a good fit for you, it’s possible that you won’t enjoy the experience.

On the side of the coach, the same holds true. Athletes who are a good fit for their squad, the institution, and the program’s principles are those they seek to recruit. Your athletic recruitment process will be a lot more satisfying if you can identify the reasons why a program is a good fit for you and show how you fit into the program.

Even without the additional complexity of athletic recruiting, navigating the college admissions process may be challenging. Our counselors at IvyWise have a lot of experience recruiting and coaching student-athletes through the sports recruitment process.

College athletic recruiting

So about College Athletic Recruiting, it is the process through which college coaches expand their roster each off-season by bringing in prospective student-athletes. Typically, a coach will give an athlete who is about to enter their junior year of high school or higher an athletic scholarship at the conclusion of this procedure.

There are several situations, mainly at lower-level universities, when there can be no sports scholarship offered and the player must pay tuition, housing, and textbook costs out of pocket or with financial aid.

Schools must abide by regulations during this recruiting process that specifies who is allowed to participate when recruiting may occur, and the circumstances under which recruiting may be carried out. To the greatest extent possible, recruiting regulations aim to limit encroachments on potential student-athletes privacy.

NCSA Recruiting

Now let’s talk about NCSA Recruiting. An organization that connects middle school and high school student-athletes with college coaches is called NCSA Recruiting Next College Student Athlete (NCSA). NCSA instructs student-athletes in middle and high school about the college recruiting procedure.

Former college athletes, coaches, and scouts make up the NCSA Athletic Recruiting team. Student-athletes and their parents can learn about the college recruiting from NCSA Athletic Recruiting, which was ranked in the top 20 of Crain’s Fast Fifty in both 2013 and 2012.

Each student-athlete has their own recruitment profile created by NCSA Athletic Recruiting. The student-athlete can construct a public page to showcase his or her skills on this profile. Scouts from NCSA Athletic Recruiting assess student-athletes’ athletic ability and academic performance. The scouts use this data to compile a list of institutions that each student-athlete can reasonably consider attending in order to make the team and qualify for financial assistance.

NCSA Athletic Recruiting helped over 4,000 high school seniors in 2008. Over 7,000 eighth graders joined the NCSA network in 2011. The network welcomed over 1,400 seventh-graders that same year. Over 60,000 student-athletes have benefited from NCSA Athletic Recruiting’s use of specialized technologies to help them secure $2.4 billion in grants, subsidies, and scholarships.

College recruiting process

The most important is the college athletic recruiting process. You may be asking when it’s appropriate to begin considering university athletic recruitment. According to the NCSA, the greatest way to increase your chances of success is to begin the recruitment process as soon as you can in high school.

View of sports equipments placed on the floor.

Although some aspiring athletes already know what college they want to attend, it’s OK to make this choice and begin the sports recruitment process as a junior or a sophomore. Just keep in mind that if you begin later, you’ll probably need to put in more effort and accept playing for a lower tier.

The recruiting funnel can be used to better understand the collegiate athletic recruiting procedure. From the viewpoint of the coach, it describes the fundamental steps of the athletic recruiting process.

To assist you in better understanding how each step of the process affects you as a potential athletic recruit, we’ll go through everything in greater detail for each level.

Step 1: Potential participants enter the funnel

College coaches often start the recruiting process by looking at thousands of potential athletes from a variety of sources, including media websites, third-party recruitment, referrals, emails, and extracurricular camps and showcases.

Depending on the scope of the program, 800 to 8,000 prospective recruits might be given consideration for the next level.

Step 2: Coaches start the preliminary evaluations

College coaches find recruits who meet the qualifications during the initial evaluation. They assess potential hires using their recruitment profiles, and they make their choice of candidates by taking into account factors like weight, height, position, extracurricular activities, and academic standing, among others.

Step 3: Potential Fits are contacted by letter

At this point, coaches will start contacting potential athletes with letters, questionnaires, and invitations to tryout camps. You’ll probably hear from us via a letter of general interest, an invitation to a camp, or a request to fill out a recruitment questionnaire. The software will determine whether you receive one or more of these.

After that, the list is whittled down to between 500 and 3,000 potential athletes, depending on the size of each program.

Step 4: Evaluations Continue With a Smaller Class

Following the conclusion of the initial contact, college coaches select the applicants and carry out a full review of their character, academic performance, and athletic ability.

Coaches get in touch with you during this process, as well as your high school coaches and any other recommendations. To see how you perform, they may occasionally invite you to attend special camps or travel to watch you compete.

At this point, coaches hope to reduce the number of recruits from 300 to 20. This figure varies depending on each program’s classification and sport. Identifying the best prospects is essential in athletic recruiting.

Step 5: Coaches Extend Offers to Recruits

You are probably going to get a few offers if you’ve made it this far in the hiring process. College coaches anticipate that by this time, their athletic prospects will have made commitments.

You can be chosen from a pool of up to 200 to 300 prospective athletes for larger divisions and programs. In order to fill the roster, coaches will start with the players at the top of the list and work their way down.

Step 6: Signing Participants

The last stage in this procedure is for coaches to sign athletes and confirm that they satisfy the program’s academic standards.

The following timeline is provided by the NCSA for the recruitment process:

  1. The participant verbally agrees.
  2. The athlete receives an official written offer from the coach.
  3. The athlete accepts the offer.
  4. The athlete has to keep up with the requirements to remain in the program (this will include the completion of core courses and meeting the GPA standards)

So what are you waiting for? Take the first step on your epic journey. The professionals at AdmissionSight are here to guide you through the college admissions process. Let’s talk about your future.






College Admissions

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