
Tips for Crafting a Winning Letter of Intent for Dental School

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Group of students attending an online class.

Tips for Crafting a Winning Letter of Intent for Dental School

In the fiercely competitive landscape of getting into dental schools, a well-crafted letter of intent for dental school can be the pivotal factor that sets you apart from the sea of applicants. This guide will equip you with the essential tips and strategies to create a letter that captivates admissions committees.

Discover the power of showcasing your unwavering passion, highlighting your academic achievements, and aligning your goals with the dental school of your dreams.

By understanding the purpose and structure of a letter of intent, you will unlock the potential to leave a lasting impression and secure your place in the dental school of your choice.

What is a Letter of Intent?

What is a letter of intent? A letter of intent for dental school is a formal document crucial to the application process. It is a written statement expressing your sincere interest, dedication, and commitment to pursuing a dental education at a specific institution.

This letter serves as a platform for you to communicate your enthusiasm for dentistry, showcase your unique qualifications and experiences, and articulate why you believe the dental school is the ideal fit for your educational journey.

It allows you to go beyond the numbers and credentials presented in your application and deliver a more personal and narrative perspective of your candidacy.

Young woman typing in a table next to a window.

A well-crafted letter of intent can demonstrate your passion for dentistry, illuminate the motivation behind your career choice, and highlight the qualities that make you a strong candidate.

It is an opportunity to express your genuine interest in the dental profession, express your understanding of its challenges and responsibilities, and present your aspirations and goals for the future.

Overall, a letter of intent for dental school is your chance to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee and convince them that you are not only qualified but also deeply committed to pursuing a successful career in dentistry.

Should You Send Dental Schools a Letter of Intent?

When it comes to dental school applications, one question that often arises is, “Should you send dental schools a letter of intent?” While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, it is important to consider a few key factors before planning to write one.

Firstly, let’s understand the purpose of a letter of intent. A letter of intent is a formal document that expresses your genuine interest, dedication, and commitment to pursuing a dental education at a specific institution. It allows you to go beyond the traditional application materials and showcase your passion for dentistry, as well as your understanding of the dental profession.

So, should you consider sending a letter of intent? There are a few situations where it can be advantageous. One such scenario is if you have been waitlisted by a dental school. Being waitlisted means the admissions committee recognizes your potential but cannot offer you a spot immediately.

a female student sitting and appears to be thinking

In such cases, a well-crafted letter of intent can help you stand out and potentially increase your chances of being accepted. It allows you to reaffirm your interest in the program, provide updates on any recent achievements or experiences, and express your continued commitment to attending a specific dental school. A persuasive and thoughtful letter of intent can make a difference in securing a spot on the waitlist.

Another situation where sending a letter of intent can be beneficial is if you have received multiple acceptances from different dental schools and are still undecided about which one to choose.

In this case, a letter of intent can serve to express your strong preference for a particular institution. It gives you an opportunity to convey your genuine excitement about joining their program, explain why you believe it is the best fit for your educational and career goals, and perhaps even negotiate financial aid or scholarship opportunities.

Admissions committees take letters of intent seriously as they indicate your serious consideration of their program, and it may influence their final decision in your favor.

However, it is important to note that sending a letter of intent is not always necessary or recommended. If you have already accepted an offer from a dental school and are fully committed, sending additional letters may not be beneficial. It is crucial to honor the commitments you have made and act professionally throughout the application process.

Before deciding to send a letter of intent, consider the policies of the dental schools you are interested in. Some schools explicitly state whether they accept or discourage such letters, while others may not have specific guidelines. Prospective students must respect their preferences and follow any instructions provided.

In conclusion, sending a letter of intent can be advantageous in certain situations, such as being waitlisted or when deciding between multiple acceptances. It allows you to express your interest, commitment, and preferences for dental schools.

However, it is crucial to carefully evaluate your circumstances, consider the schools’ policies, and act professionally throughout the application process.

Remember, the decision to send a letter of intent should be based on thoughtful consideration of your individual situation and the potential impact it may have on your admissions prospects.

What to Include in a Letter of Intent for Dental School?

When crafting a letter of intent for dental school, it is important to include key elements that showcase your passion, qualifications, and alignment with the program.

Here are some essential components to consider on what to include in a letter of intent for dental school:


Begin with a captivating opening that grabs the reader’s attention and clearly states your intention to pursue dental school. Express your enthusiasm and genuine interest in the field of dentistry.

Personal Motivation and Interest in Dentistry

Share experiences, events, or individuals that inspired your passion for dentistry. Explain your personal journey and highlight key moments that led to your decision. Describe specific areas of interest within the field of dentistry and how they align with your long-term goals.

Academic Achievements and Qualifications

Discuss relevant coursework, academic accomplishments, and any honors or awards you have received. Demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence and your readiness for dental school. Highlight any research experiences or projects related to dentistry, showcasing your ability to contribute to the scientific and academic community.

Unknown student writing on her table.

Experiences and Extracurricular Activities

Describe your involvement in volunteer work, internships, or clinical experiences. Highlight experiences that have shaped your understanding of the dental profession, allowed you to work in a team, and develop communication and leadership skills.

Connect these experiences to the skills and qualities required in dentistry, emphasizing your ability to thrive in a dental school environment.

Fit with the Dental School

Conduct thorough research on the dental school’s mission, values, and unique programs. Explain why you believe the dental school is the ideal fit for your educational journey. Discuss specific aspects of the program that resonate with your goals and aspirations, such as their community engagement initiatives, research opportunities, or specialized tracks.

Show the admissions committee that you have carefully considered their program and envision yourself contributing to its success.


Summarize your key points and reiterate your enthusiasm for joining the dental school. Express gratitude for the opportunity to be considered and convey your commitment to making a positive impact in the dental field. Close the letter on a confident and optimistic note.

By including these essential elements in your letter of intent for dental school, you will present a compelling case for why you are an exceptional candidate, showcasing your passion, qualifications, and alignment with the program.

How to Write a Letter of Intent for Dental School?

Crafting a solid letter of intent for dental school is an essential part of the application process. It provides you with an opportunity to express your passion, qualifications, and alignment with the program.

However, knowing where to start and how to structure your letter can be overwhelming. Crafting a compelling letter of intent for dental school requires careful thought, preparation, and attention to detail.

Young woman studying in front of a laptop while sitting near a desk.

This step-by-step guide will provide you with the necessary tools how to write a letter of intent for dental school that showcases your unique qualities and boosts your chances of acceptance.

Research Dental Schools

Begin by thoroughly researching dental schools and exploring your options. The American Student Dental Association provides a list of accredited dental schools that you can refer to.

Review the list and familiarize yourself with the different programs and locations available. Consider factors such as curriculum, faculty, research opportunities, clinical facilities, and community outreach initiatives.

Additionally, delve deeper into each school’s mission, values, and culture to ensure it resonates with your own values and aspirations. Understanding the school’s culture and priorities will enable you to tailor your letter accordingly.

Plan Your Letter

Before diving into writing, outline the structure and key points you want to include in your letter. Consider the following sections: introduction, personal motivation, academic achievements, experiences, fit with the dental school, and conclusion. This will help you maintain a logical flow and cover all necessary aspects.

Personalize Your Letter

Make your letter personal and authentic. Highlight what motivated you to pursue dentistry, specific experiences that shaped your interest, and the qualities you possess that make you a strong candidate. Explain why you are passionate about dentistry and why you believe the dental school is the perfect fit for your educational journey.

Showcase Your Qualifications

Detail your academic achievements, relevant coursework, research experience, and any honors or awards you have received. Emphasize how these accomplishments have prepared you for the rigors of dental school and demonstrate your commitment to excellence.

Highlight Your Experiences

Discuss your clinical experiences, internships, volunteer work, or leadership roles in dental-related activities. Describe how these experiences have shaped your understanding of the field, developed your skills, and reinforced your commitment to a dental career.

Connect with the Dental School

Demonstrate your knowledge of the dental school’s programs, values, and initiatives. Explain how these align with your own interests and aspirations. Show that you have done your research and are genuinely excited about joining their program.

Professional Tone and Clarity

Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout your letter. Be concise and clear in your writing, avoiding jargon or unnecessary technical language. Proofread meticulously for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. A well-structured and error-free letter will showcase your attention to detail and professionalism.

Seek Feedback and Revise

After drafting your letter, seek feedback from trusted mentors, professors, or admissions advisors. They can provide valuable insights, suggestions, and identify areas for improvement. Revise your letter based on their feedback to ensure it is polished and impactful.

Conclude Strongly

As you reach the end of your letter, it’s crucial to leave a lasting impression. Summarize the main points you have discussed and emphasize your genuine eagerness to join the dental school. Express gratitude for the chance to be considered and convey your commitment to becoming a successful dental professional.

Wrap up on a confident and optimistic note, leaving the admissions committee with a sense of your enthusiasm and determination to excel in their program.

Writing a letter of intent for dental school requires time, effort, and thoughtful reflection. By following these steps and considering the unique aspects of your journey and aspirations, you can create a compelling letter that showcases your qualifications and convinces the admissions committee of your potential as a future dental student.

Remember to personalize your letter to the specific dental school, highlight your academic achievements and experiences, and demonstrate your genuine interest in dentistry. Maintain a professional tone, proofread meticulously, and seek feedback from trusted individuals.

A well-crafted letter of intent can significantly impact the admissions committee, conveying your commitment, enthusiasm, and readiness to embark on a successful dental education journey.

Approach the task with dedication, attention to detail, and a genuine reflection of your aspirations, and your letter of intent will undoubtedly strengthen your application and increase your chances of being accepted into the dental school of your dreams.

For students seeking guidance and support in crafting a powerful letter of intent for dental school, AdmissionSight is ready to help.

Our team of experienced admissions consultants understands the intricacies of the application process and can provide personalized assistance tailored to each student’s unique profile. From brainstorming ideas to structuring the letter, our experts can help students showcase their passion, qualifications, and alignment with the dental school of their choice.

With AdmissionSight’s assistance, students can maximize their chances of creating a standout letter of intent to increase their prospects of securing admission to their desired dental school.

Book an appointment for an initial consultation with AdmissionSight today!


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