
UPenn Law School Acceptance Rate

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Books piled on a table.

UPenn Law School Acceptance Rate

What Are the Requirements For UPenn Law School?

The University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School‘s admissions procedure is extremely selective, as reflected in the UPenn law school acceptance rate last year. Over 6,000 applications were submitted for the roughly 250 openings in the JD first-year class.

About 126 undergraduate universities and colleges across the country, numerous foreign nations, and a wide spectrum of intellectual, racial, cultural, professional, and socioeconomic backgrounds are represented among the applicants for the Class of 2025 of UPenn’s Carey Law School.

For admission to Penn Carey Law, there is neither a pre-law educational prerequisite nor even a particular recommended path of study. Its legal education is built on a foundation of moral fortitude, intellectual maturity, and depth of knowledge. As a result, Penn Carey Law aspires to enroll students who have a track record of exceptional academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, and strong writing, oral communication, and analytical abilities.

Importantly, UPenn also looks for people who, because of their varied origins, professional experiences, and whatever difficulties or impediments they may have faced, will enrich the Penn Carey Law community and, ultimately, the legal profession.

Two law students studying on a table full of books.

What are the requirements for UPenn Law School? When all the following items are submitted by the deadlines listed in the application instructions, an application will be deemed complete and placed in the queue for consideration by the admissions committee:

  • A completed application form with an electronic signature
  • An application cost of $80 or
  • An approved fee waiver from Penn Carey Law or LSAC (To learn more about fee waivers, please review the FAQs or the Application Instructions)
  • Credential Assembly Service Law School report
  • Official score reports for all standardized test scores (LSAT, GRE, or GMAT)
  • Two letters of recommendation (must be submitted through the LSAC Letter of Recommendation Service)
  • Transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • Curriculum vitae or resume
  • Personal statement

How Many Years Is A UPenn Law Degree?

The JD program is typically mentioned while discussing law schools because it is the first degree required to practice law. The JD program at UPenn Law is created to teach students how to be ethical, responsible lawyers and critical thinkers.

So, how many years is a UPenn law degree? Students pursuing the JD degree at the University of Pennsylvania Law School must complete 86 credits for six semesters (which equates to 3 years since UPenn utilizes a semester-based academic calendar) while living on campus, along with one professional responsibility course, six credits of experiential learning, and one scholarly research and writing project.

Four students holding their books while smiling at the camera.

For other law programs offered at Penn Carey Law School, such as LLCM (Masters in Comparative Law) and LLM (Masters of Laws), it usually takes one year for full-time students to complete these advanced study courses.

How Much Does It Cost To Go To Law School At UPenn?

After securing your spot in the UPenn law school acceptance rate, you’ll need to check on the cost of attendance. Now, how much does it cost to go to law school at UPenn? Regardless of the number of courses they are enrolled in, students are charged the full-time fee, as mentioned above.

While representing the costs charged to your student account, tuition and fees do not always accurately reflect the whole cost of your program. The 2023-2024 academic year costs are listed below, covering living expenses, as well as the cost of books and other expenses.

Tuition $71,266
General Fee $3,802
Clinical Fee $688
Learning Support Fee $1,178
Housing $14,400
Dining $5,160
Transportation $944
Personal Expenses $1,784
Books and Supplies $2,500
Health Insurance (if required) $4,210
Total $105,932

More information is shown below on each budgetary item:

Tuition: This represents the overall cost of attending law school full-time. Annual adjustments are made to tuition and costs.

General Fee: The general fee goes toward supporting the Student Health Service, Placement Service, graduate student activities, recreational facilities, the University’s physical development, and other services that aren’t directly related to particular courses.

Learning Support Fee: The Learning Support Fee is used to pay for a wide range of technologically oriented services, such as photocopying materials, course portals, electronic research tools in libraries, and ITS support.

Room & Board: The room and board allowance is based on a nine-month average for a shared off-campus residence. Please visit Penn Residential Service or Off-Campus Services for more details about housing.

Health Insurance: All full-time students are obliged to give information about their insurance coverage each year and to have health insurance that covers both in-patient and outpatient medical care.

Miscellaneous: General personal expenses, entertainment, laundry, telephone service, and transportation, including regular in-city travel expenses, are all included in this amount.

Clinical Fee: This charge entitles you to use the University Student Health Services (SHS), which includes limitless nursing and medical consultations.

What Is the Acceptance Rate For UPenn Law School?

UPenn Law is a private law school located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is now ranked #4 in the nation according to the 2023 US News & World Report rankings of the top law schools in the US. You might wonder, “What is the acceptance rate for UPenn Law School?”

For the Class of 2025, there were 6,8163 applicants who submitted applications, and 664 received admissions offers. Eventually, a 1L class of 246 students enrolled at Penn Carey Law School.

Two students attending an online class.

The University of Pennsylvania Law School is among the most selective law schools in the nation and one of the toughest to get into, with a UPenn law school acceptance rate of 9.7%.

The newest cohort of law students at the Law School includes students from 33 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other nations, such as Canada, China, Ethiopia, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, and more.

Renée C. Post, the Law School’s Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, stated, “The Class of 2025 is comprised of strong and impactful advocates, students who are committed to their communities and to making the world a better one for all.”

In the class, 55% of the students identify as female and 56% as persons of color. There are 65 undergraduate majors represented, with 27% coming from the STEM fields. In addition to the diverse backgrounds the students bring to the Law School, the class represents 126 different undergraduate schools, totaling 250 different colleges and universities among the entire JD student body.

The Class of 2025 is comprised of 75% of students who are out of college for one or more years and 12% of students with advanced degrees. First-generation college graduates make up 13% of the incoming cohort, and first-generation students pursuing professional school degrees make up 35%. A few of them are also first-generation Americans.

The average undergraduate GPA for the Class of 2025 was 3.90. Meanwhile, the median score for LSAT is 172. Your prospects of admission are undoubtedly considerably greater if your stats fall within that range since 75% of the class had an LSAT score at or above 173 and a GPA at or above 3.96.

Moreover, global citizens who are dedicated to enhancing their local communities via their careers, scholarship, and service make up the UPenn law school. They include educators, including former AmeriCorps members and Teach for America and Fulbright Scholars. They have experience in the American Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force. They have also established nonprofits and have overseen advocacy initiatives.

How Can You Increase Your Chances Of Getting Into UPenn Law School?

One query that applicants frequently ask is, “How can you increase your chances of getting into UPenn Law School?” In the admissions process, the Admissions Committee considers a wide range of factors, including the applicant’s written expression samples, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities, professional and life experiences, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, and the student’s academic record (standardized test writing sample, personal statement, and optional essays).

It’s important to note that the Admissions Committee based its judgment on all information provided on behalf of each applicant.

Students sitting on the steps of a school building.

Although a candidate’s academic record and scores on standardized tests are important considerations, they are not the only tickets to being part of the UPenn law school acceptance rate. Penn Carey Law School does not use an admissions index or have numerical “cut-offs” for the application process.

In order to ensure that you are putting your best self on display and to help reduce some of the stress associated with the application process, here are some ways to become a more competitive applicant for law school:

Getting Ready for Law School While in Undergraduate Studies

Establish a Solid Academic Foundation

For law school, there are no prerequisite courses. The rigor of your academic curriculum and training in critical thinking, analysis, and writing will be considered by the admissions committee. In your undergraduate career, try to show initiative in the classroom.

  • As you proceed through college, enroll in a more challenging, upper-level curriculum.
  • Seize the chance to push your academic limits by engaging in independent study, an honors thesis, or graduate-level coursework.
  • Establish a rapport with your lecturers by showing up for office hours and looking for chances to show that you are interested in the material being covered.

Engage in Extracurricular, Leadership, and Service Activities

In a service career like law, you’ll want to leave a lasting impression on the community. Given its metropolitan setting, Penn provides countless possibilities to participate in campus extracurricular activities and community service projects.

Additionally, there are lots of pre-law students active on campus. Whether you decide to spend your time writing for a student publication, participating on a sports team, or singing in an a cappella group, you must show leadership and dedication to your chosen activities.

Organize Your Gap Year Plans (if applicable)

Before enrolling in law school, many candidates decide to take one or more gap years to gather experience. Your choice of law school will rely on your own objectives. The candidates have taken advantage of their free time to work, volunteer, pursue fellowships, or finish their graduate degrees. Even while some students could opt to work in a legal profession, law schools do not require or favor it.

Before Applying to Law Schools

Get Ready For The LSAT

Anyone who works in the admissions department of a law school will tell you that your GPA and LSAT score are the most significant components of your application.

In general, law schools are most interested in your commitment to learning, aside from the fact that having a high LSAT score can boost your chances of being awarded financial aid. When you’re a student, put your best effort into your coursework and, when the time comes, effectively study for the LSAT.

Improve Your Reading, Writing, and Speaking Skills

In any professional setting, the ability to read and write will always be helpful, but in law school, these abilities are extremely crucial. Any personal essays and open response responses must reflect your finest writing in order to make an impression on the admissions committee.

Make sure your essay is free of grammar and punctuation issues by reading it aloud, asking a peer to review it, and revising it yourself. It often takes six to eight revisions to create a personal statement that is truly successful, therefore, it is crucial to be patient during the writing process.

In addition, interviews are also part of the admission requirement, but not all schools conduct interviews. During a law school interview, it gives admissions committees for law schools a chance to learn more about applicants and assess if they have the necessary personality to practice law.

As part of the review procedure, the Admissions Committee does not conduct evaluation interviews. However, applicants are highly encouraged to attend one of UPenn Law’s information sessions, which are provided at various times throughout the year, to learn more about the Law School, the University campus, and Philadelphia.

Establish Meaningful Relationships with Mentors

For any application, letters of recommendation are essential. With your instructors, advisors, and any other mentors you may have, create genuine connections.

A fantastic method to build a solid relationship with a faculty member who might later send you a recommendation is to get involved in research that allows you to collaborate with them directly. Visit faculty members during office hours to establish a personal connection that will enable mentors to speak candidly about your character and intellectual prowess.

Show Interest in the Legal Profession

Getting work experience in the legal industry would only help your application, and it will also better prepare you for the courses in law school. These are all excellent strategies to strengthen your application: join your school’s mock trial team, contact a law firm or a state agency and ask about potential internships, and help a professor with undergraduate legal research.

Improve Your Resume

A crucial component of your law school application is your resume. Put your best foot forward and include experiences that are relevant to attending law school. Keep in mind that admissions officers prioritize quality over quantity: they are more interested in a hard-working student who is committed to their extracurricular activities and spends their time engaging in fulfilling activities related to their career than they are in having a lot of jobs in the legal field.

In the end, getting ready for law school can be a time-consuming process, so be sure to allow yourself enough time to do everything. Make a list of the actions you must do before clicking “Submit,” and establish a timeframe to make sure you don’t go behind. Apply all the strategies to your application to law school to give yourself the best chance of getting into the UPenn law school acceptance rate. Now, if you still need a professional’s help, AdmissionSight can help.

AdmissionSight has guided students in applying to an institution they are eagerly interested in, be it a college or graduate school. Start by setting up an initial consultation with us to discuss your application further.


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