
What are the Best Majors at Johns Hopkins?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of a pathway in Johns Hopkins building.

What are the Best Majors at Johns Hopkins?

What are the best Majors at Johns Hopkins? The Johns Hopkins University is a prestigious private institution of higher learning in Baltimore, Maryland. As per U.S. News and World Report, it ranks as the country’s ninth-leading university, trailing closely behind renowned Ivy League counterparts such as Yale and Stanford.

Johns Hopkins University, which is most well-known for its robust STEM programs, outstanding student experiences, and groundbreaking research, receives close to 40,000 applications every year. Undergraduates at Hopkins are engaged students who pursue their passions regardless of academic disciplines, uncovering novel ways to mix their interests as they forge their paths.

View of Johns Hopkins building.

At its Homewood campus, the university presents 52 majors and 50 minors, and without a set core curriculum, students have the liberty to delve into and blend their academic passions. Because Johns Hopkins University provides its students the autonomy to pursue their educational interests, students often find a path forward that is singularly their own.

Discovery is essential in the Hopkins undergraduate journey. The following are some of the best majors offered at Johns Hopkins University.

Public Health

As one of the flagship majors at Johns Hopkins, Public Health Studies equips students with deep insights into public health. This is achieved via mandatory courses at the Homewood campus and elective subjects at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, accessible on-site or remotely. Key learning outcomes include:

  • Recognizing the pivotal role and historical evolution of public health in society.
  • Grasping major public health areas’ essential principles and experimental bases and understanding their interconnectedness, especially in disease prevention.
  • Exhibiting proficiency in analyzing experimental data using lab equipment and empirical methods.
  • Showcasing adept problem-solving skills in the social sciences, employing critical analysis, complex idea synthesis, and varied data interpretation.
  • Displaying competence in computer usage for data gathering, statistical evaluations, and accessing health-related databases and journals.
  • Communicating both verbally and in writing.


Neuroscience studies at Hopkins offer an overarching and specialized look into cellular and molecular, cognitive, computational, or systems neuroscience. The discipline delves into how information is processed within and between nervous system cells and topics like action potentials, synaptic transmission, and the molecular underpinnings of genetic neural disorders.

Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical Engineering (BME) concentration at Hopkins is an interdisciplinary nexus of engineering, mathematics, physics, and life sciences. These engineers innovate to comprehend, diagnose, and counter diseases.

Their contributions span surgical robotics, artificial organs, medication delivery, and more. The department provides specializations like Biomedical Data Science, Computational Medicine, Immunoengineering, and Neuroengineering, to name a few, all aiming to transform patient care.

Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology

Johns Hopkins’ Biology Department offers rigorous undergraduate programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or a combined five-year Bachelor/Master program. This program steers students towards a multifaceted understanding of biology, encompassing molecular, cellular, and organismal dimensions.

Graduates should be primed for success in graduate studies and professional schools and possess a deep knowledge of cellular processes, eukaryotic cell organization, and the anatomy and physiology of organisms, among other core concepts.

International Relations and Affairs

Bachelor of Arts candidates in Worldwide Studies gain insights into global political, economic, historical, and cultural landscapes by drawing from diverse academic spheres. Students can tailor their studies based on their interests within the broader context of international studies.

JHU’s reputation for research and academic rigor extends across many disciplines, so while these are some standout programs, it’s essential to understand that the university offers excellence in numerous fields. Prospective students should consider their passions, career goals, and the academic environment they thrive in when choosing a major.

How Do You Decide on Your Major?

Selecting a major from the myriad options at Johns Hopkins or any other institution can pose a challenging decision for prospective college students. A recent poll suggests that 61% of college alums would choose a different major if given the chance to return to their studies.

Group of students studying in a bench.

Yet, not all graduates feel this sense of regret upon obtaining their degree. Below are vital factors to ponder when deciding on a major and guidance on choosing the right institution after finalizing that decision.

Evaluate Your Strengths

Begin by jotting down your achievements and interests. Once done, seek feedback from close family and friends about their perceptions of your strengths. Often, an external perspective helps highlight talents and qualities we might overlook.

Don’t forget to include topics you’ve always been curious about but never delved into deeply. Also, consider skills or hobbies you once excelled in but haven’t pursued recently.

Explore Potential Careers

Identify professions that align with your list of passions and strengths. For example, a love for music could lead to roles as a music teacher, club promoter, or a position in a music-focused nonprofit organization. Once you’ve listed potential jobs, consider shadowing professionals in those roles.

This provides insights into the daily tasks and can help gauge your interest. If in-person observation isn’t feasible, reaching out to professionals through platforms like LinkedIn for a discussion can be invaluable.

Forecast Potential Income

Many professions have their growth and earnings data maintained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can explore fields that intrigue you to understand employment prospects by visiting their website.

With a list of appealing careers, the site can also help determine which ones predict positive growth and offer salaries aligning with your future lifestyle aspirations. While salary shouldn’t be the sole factor in your decision, it’s crucial to consider. Understanding potential earnings can guide decisions regarding investments in further education.

Envision Your Post-College Life

Think about your desired lifestyle after graduation. If plans include starting a family, living in a bustling city, or traveling extensively, ensure your chosen profession can support these aspirations.

Assess Your Academic Commitment

All majors demand different levels of dedication. Reflect on the time you’re willing to commit to your education and your dedication level as a student.

Further, investigate if your chosen field mandates advanced degrees after your undergraduate studies. Determining early on if you’ll need a master’s or professional degree helps make informed decisions about your undergraduate major.

Why is Choosing a Major So Crucial?

The choice of your major is the cornerstone upon which your future is built, a decision that will influence not just your college years but the trajectory of your entire professional life. At a prestigious institution like Johns Hopkins, the stakes are even higher.

The best majors at Johns Hopkins offer a blend of rigorous academics, groundbreaking research opportunities, and a network of accomplished alums. These factors combine to create a potent brew that can propel you into a fulfilling and lucrative career. But choose unwisely, and you risk not only years of dissatisfaction but also the potential for limited career growth.

The Impact of selecting a major on career opportunities

The major you choose is more than just a collection of courses; it’s a ticket to specific industries, job roles, and career paths. For instance, a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins could open doors to cutting-edge research in medical technology, while a major in Public Health could lead you to roles in policy-making or healthcare management.

The best majors at Johns Hopkins are designed to equip you with specialized skills and knowledge that are highly sought after in the job market. They also offer many internships, research projects, and networking events that can give you a leg up in the fiercely competitive job market.

In essence, your major acts as a lens, focusing your education and skills toward a specific career path, and the sharper the focus, the brighter the opportunities that lie ahead.

How the right major can align with personal interests and long-term goals

Imagine waking up every day excited to go to work, where what you do aligns so perfectly with who you are that it doesn’t even feel like a job. That’s the power of choosing a major that aligns with your interests and long-term goals.

At Johns Hopkins, the range of majors is vast enough to cater to many interests, whether you’re drawn to the complexities of the human brain or the intricacies of global politics. The best majors at Johns Hopkins offer academic rigor and avenues for personal growth and self-discovery. They allow you to delve deep into subjects you’re passionate about while offering the flexibility to explore interdisciplinary fields. This alignment creates a sense of purpose and direction in both your academic journey and your subsequent career.

Financial implications of selecting a major

Let’s talk numbers, shall we? The financial implications of your major selection are far-reaching and should not be taken lightly. Tuition fees, student loans, and other educational expenses are substantial investments, and the ROI (Return on Investment) depends significantly on your chosen field of study.

Majors like Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, among the best majors at Johns Hopkins, often lead to high-paying jobs straight out of college, making it easier to pay off student loans and achieve financial stability.

Conversely, some majors may offer intrinsic rewards but have a longer path to financial security. Therefore, it’s crucial to weigh the earning potential of your chosen field against your educational investment to make an informed decision.

What Makes Johns Hopkins Unique in Terms of Academic Offerings?

When you think of Johns Hopkins, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s the institution’s storied history, or maybe it’s the groundbreaking research that has its roots in its hallowed halls.

But what truly sets Johns Hopkins apart in terms of academic offerings is its unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. The university is not just a place to acquire knowledge; it’s a breeding ground for new ideas and a catalyst for change.

The best majors at Johns Hopkins are not merely academic programs; they are immersive experiences that challenge conventional wisdom and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Whether interested in the humanities, the sciences, or anything in between, Johns Hopkins offers a rich tapestry of academic pursuits designed to be intellectually stimulating and practically relevant.

The university’s focus on research and innovation

Johns Hopkins is synonymous with research and innovation. It’s not just about learning what’s already known; it’s about exploring the unknown. The university’s commitment to research is evident in its state-of-the-art labs, extensive funding, and faculty comprising some of the brightest minds in their respective fields.

This focus on research permeates all academic programs, making even the best majors at Johns Hopkins not just a series of courses but a journey of discovery. Students are encouraged to engage in research projects, often working alongside professors on initiatives that have real-world implications.

This hands-on approach enriches the learning experience and provides invaluable skills that are highly sought after in the job market.

Interdisciplinary approach to education at Johns Hopkins

In today’s complex world, problems don’t come neatly packaged within the boundaries of a single academic discipline. Johns Hopkins University promotes interdisciplinary education, encouraging students to think beyond narrow fields.

Whether you’re studying Public Health, Computer Science, or any of the other best majors at Johns Hopkins, you’ll find opportunities to collaborate with departments across the university. This interdisciplinary ethos is embedded in the curriculum, allowing students to tailor their educational journey to align with their interests and career goals.

The result is a holistic education that equips students with a diverse skill set, making them well-suited to tackle the multifaceted challenges of the modern world.

Availability of unique majors and courses that are hard to find elsewhere

What if your interests don’t fit neatly into a traditional academic box? Johns Hopkins has you covered. The university offers a range of unique majors and courses that are hard to find elsewhere.

From specialized programs in fields like Cognitive Science and Environmental Engineering to niche courses that explore the intersections of technology and society, the academic offerings are as diverse as they are specialized.

These unique programs are among the best majors at Johns Hopkins, offering students the chance to delve into uncharted territories and emerge with a skill set that sets them apart in the job market.

What are Your Chances of Getting Into Johns Hopkins?

What are my chances of getting into Johns Hopkins? According to U.S. News, only 11% of applicants get accepted into Johns Hopkins University, making its admissions process incredibly competitive. This means only about 12 in every 100 applicants secure a spot, leaving 88 to face rejection.

View of Johns Hopkins building painted in red and white.

Given the university’s relatively small student population, securing admission into this esteemed institution is a challenge. Academic excellence is paramount. A GPA aligning with or exceeding the average at Johns Hopkins and high SAT scores are crucial.

Your impact within your community and your dedication to your passions matter. The activities you highlight should align with the overall narrative of your application. For instance, if you’re passionate about music therapy and play the cello, volunteering in community music programs may resonate more than a short stint in soccer.

Johns Hopkins is also interested in personal qualities that can enrich their community. The admissions team often asks, “What unique qualities does this applicant bring?” Highlight hobbies and elucidate how they could amplify the university’s culture.

Strategize from early in your high school journey. Forge meaningful relationships with teachers and mentors, excel academically, and pursue passions genuinely. Start crafting an application story that resonates with who you are and what you aspire to achieve.

Johns Hopkins’ supplemental essays offer a chance to showcase your personality. Start early, revise diligently, and ensure your application tells a compelling story. While there’s no formula for guaranteed admission, staying authentic and focused on your academic goals remains pivotal.

Suppose you need help choosing among the best majors at Johns Hopkins or help putting the finishing touches on your college applications at AdmissionSight. In that case, we have over ten years of experience guiding students through competitive admissions.

AdmissionSight can help you put your best foot forward when applying to college this fall. Contact us today for more information on our services.


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