
Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

A veterinarian cuddling a dog and smiling

Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University

Are you dreaming of a career where every day is an adventure filled with furry friends and fascinating science? Your search ends here! Tufts University’s Adventures In Veterinary Medicine (AVM) Program is the perfect destination for animal lovers and aspiring veterinarians alike.

If you have a passion for animals and cutting-edge veterinary science education, learning at Tufts brings new learning opportunities each day alongside seasoned professionals. In this blog, we are going to explore every nook and cranny of the AVM program, revealing why it’s the golden ticket for those aiming to dive deep into the veterinary field. Get ready to unleash your potential in a summer program that goes beyond textbooks and into the heart of real-world veterinary practice!

What is the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

The Adventures in Veterinary Medicine High School Program offers an exhilarating and enjoyable two-week journey for high schoolers to delve into the veterinary field. Seize this chance to immerse yourself in the world of veterinary medicine in a dynamic and rigorous setting, surrounded by fellow animal, health, and science enthusiasts.

Discover various specialty areas and key subjects in veterinary medicine with enlightening talks from Tufts‘ faculty, staff, and veterinary students. Plus, experience hands-on interactions with animals at the Cummings School Farm!

Program Highlights

Experience direct interaction with animals at the Cummings School Farm, where you’ll learn essential animal handling methods and conduct physical exams. Enhance your veterinary skills through practicing bandaging and suturing, interpreting x-rays, giving clinical examinations to dogs, and collaboratively tackling complex medical cases. Engage in hematology and anatomy workshops, encounter diverse service animals, explore a dairy farm and much more!

How To Choose From The Best Veterinarian Schools?

A Glimpse into Tufts’ Veterinary Medicine High School Program

The program officially kicks off with an orientation session on the first Monday. This essential meeting is where we’ll go over the full program agenda, discuss important policies and safety guidelines, and address any questions you may have.

Program Structure

The adventure starts right after your Monday morning tour. The program stands out for its unique blend of lectures, hands-on activities, and insights shared by Tufts’ own veterinary students about their journey into vet school. Here’s what you can expect:

In-Depth Lectures on Veterinary Specialties: Hear from faculty, staff, alumni, and current veterinary students from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. They’ll delve into their specialties and the various career paths in veterinary medicine. These lectures are typically in a large group setting, designed to include time for your questions and interactive discussions.

Field Trips and Clinical Skills: Explore local attractions like an aquarium and a zoo in the Boston area, and visit a functioning farm. Experience the Cummings School’s simulation center, where you’ll get hands-on with different diagnostic tools. Learn animal palpation with their clinical skills, beagles, and master large animal handling with our teaching horses and farm animals. You’ll also get a chance to explore the anatomy lab.

Medical Case Studies: In small groups led by a veterinary student, you’ll diagnose and develop a treatment plan for a sick animal patient, enhancing your problem-solving and clinical skills.

Career Awareness Sessions: Listen to real-life stories from veterinarians, veterinary students, alumni, and professionals in related health fields. These sessions are designed to help you visualize your future in the veterinary world, with ample opportunity for questions.

Capstone Project: Collaborate in small groups with current veterinary students to develop projects on contemporary issues in veterinary health.

Closing Ceremony

The program culminates in a showcase where you’ll present your Capstone projects. Held on the last day at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, this event welcomes friends and family to view your work and join in our closing celebration. The ceremony wraps up by 2 pm, with specific details and invitations provided later in the program.

an unidentified veterinarian holding a dog

Why Should You Go to the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

Participating in the AVM program at Tufts is a unique opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the veterinary profession. It’s not just about learning the science; it’s about experiencing the day-to-day life of a veterinarian. You’ll engage in activities ranging from hands-on animal care to interactive learning sessions with experienced professionals. This program is a valuable stepping stone for anyone considering a career in veterinary medicine. Here’s what you will gain by joining the program:

Exceptional Educational Journey: Start an academic adventure that is both enriching and enlightening, providing you with a robust foundation in veterinary medicine. This program is about experiencing the depth and breadth of the field in a way that resonates with your academic and personal growth.

Expanded Horizons in Veterinary Specialties: Step into the diverse world of veterinary medicine and discover its various specialties. From small animal care to exotic wildlife, the program offers you a panoramic view of the many paths you can explore in this dynamic field. Whether your interest lies in surgery, animal behavior, or emerging veterinary technologies, this program will broaden your understanding and ignite your curiosity.

Engaging and Personalized Culminating Project: Cap off your experience with a compelling project that allows you to delve deep into an aspect of veterinary medicine that fascinates you the most.

This is your chance to investigate and present on a topic you’re passionate about, be it marine animal health, veterinary epidemiology, or animal nutrition. This project is a personal exploration that lets you showcase your creativity, research skills, and growing expertise in veterinary medicine. It’s an opportunity to make your mark and set the course for your future in this exciting field.

Student taking a medical course

Hands-On Learning Experiences in Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University Pre-College Program: The Importance of Practical, Experiential Learning

If you are a high school student passionate about veterinary medicine and considering enrolling in the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University, you’re in for an exciting journey that prioritizes practical, experiential learning! Let’s explore the importance of hands-on experiences in this pre-college program and how they can shape your understanding of veterinary medicine.

Bridging Theory and Practice
While classroom learning is crucial, there’s no substitute for hands-on experiences when it comes to veterinary medicine. Adventures In Veterinary Medicine provides you with the unique opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Instead of merely reading about veterinary procedures, you’ll actively participate in them, gaining a deeper understanding of the field.

Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills
Hands-on experiences encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As you engage in tasks such as surgical observation, diagnostic procedures, and animal care, you’ll encounter real-world challenges that require you to think on your feet and find solutions. These experiences foster a mindset of adaptability and innovation.

Building Confidence
Working directly with animals and medical equipment can be intimidating at first. However, the more you engage in hands-on learning, the more confident you’ll become. The Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program is designed to provide a supportive environment where you can build your confidence in handling animals and performing procedures.

Gaining Practical Skills
Veterinary medicine demands a wide range of practical skills, from conducting physical exams to administering treatments. By actively participating in these tasks, you’ll acquire valuable skills that will serve as a foundation for your future studies and career. These skills can include animal handling, surgical techniques, laboratory procedures, and more.

Exposure to Real-Life Veterinary Scenarios
The veterinary field is diverse and often unpredictable. In this pre-college program, you’ll have the opportunity to witness and engage with real-life veterinary scenarios. This exposure can be eye-opening and help you understand the various aspects of veterinary practice, from routine check-ups to emergency situations.

Fostering Passion and Dedication
Hands-on experiences can ignite or solidify your passion for veterinary medicine. As you engage with animals and work alongside experienced professionals, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the field’s challenges and rewards. This firsthand exposure can inspire a lifelong commitment to the care and well-being of animals.

Preparing for Future Academic Pursuits
For those considering a future in veterinary medicine, the practical skills and knowledge gained during pre-college programs can be invaluable when transitioning to formal veterinary education. You’ll enter your college-level studies with a strong foundation and a greater level of readiness.

Networking and Mentorship
Hands-on experiences also provide opportunities to connect with professionals and mentors in the veterinary field. These connections can be instrumental in guiding your future career path and providing valuable insights and advice.

The Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning experiences for high school students interested in veterinary medicine. These practical, experiential opportunities not only enrich your understanding of the field but also prepare you for future academic and professional pursuits. So, if you’re passionate about animals and eager to immerse yourself in the world of veterinary medicine, this pre-college program offers a fantastic platform to start your journey toward a fulfilling career in veterinary medicine.

How Do You Get into the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

The program is open to students who will be entering 10th to 12th grade in high school or those who will have graduated high school in Spring 2024. You should have a satisfactory performance in your most recent science coursework.

When applying, you are expected to detail your experience with animals. This can encompass a wide range of activities such as volunteering at animal shelters, working in veterinary clinics, assisting in animal rescues, participating in 4-H clubs, caring for personal pets, or any other involvement that includes the handling, care, or study of animals.

This will prove your passion and commitment to the field of veterinary medicine, providing a glimpse into their hands-on experience with animals and understanding of animal welfare. Applicants should aim to describe the extent of their interactions, the variety of species they’ve worked with, and the skills or knowledge they’ve gained from these experiences.

Residential Participants: Those opting to reside in the dormitories or partake in the residential aspect of the program should be at least 15 years old at the start of the program and should not surpass 19 years of age before its conclusion.

International Applicants: The program is accessible to both domestic and international students. However, it is important to note that there is no visa sponsorship or financial aid available for international students for this program. Applicants for whom English is a second language will need to furnish proof of proficiency in English when applying as well.

View of students listening intently during a class.

Exploring Career Paths Through Pre-College Experiences: How programs like Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University can shape your future career choices

Pre-college programs like the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University can be transformative experiences that shape your future career choices. In this article, we’ll explore how participating in such programs can help you discover your path and open doors to exciting career opportunities in the field of veterinary medicine.

Hands-On Learning: One of the most significant advantages of pre-college programs like Adventures In Veterinary Medicine is the opportunity for hands-on learning. These programs often provide access to state-of-the-art facilities, labs, and real-world experiences. During your time at Tufts, you’ll gain practical insights into veterinary medicine through activities such as surgery observation, diagnostic procedures, and animal care.

Exposure to Various Veterinary Specializations: Veterinary medicine is a diverse field with numerous specializations, from small animal medicine to exotic animal care, research, and public health. Pre-college programs allow you to explore a wide range of these specializations, giving you a glimpse into the different career paths available within the field.

Networking Opportunities: Participating in a pre-college program provides you with access to a network of professionals, professors, and fellow students who share your passion for veterinary medicine. These connections can be invaluable as you progress in your education and career. You’ll have the chance to ask questions, seek advice, and build relationships with mentors who can guide you in your future endeavors.

Mentorship and Guidance: Pre-college programs often pair participants with experienced mentors who can provide personalized guidance. Mentors can help you navigate the complex world of veterinary medicine, offering insights into the educational path, application processes for veterinary schools, and career opportunities.

In-Depth Career Exploration: During your time in programs like Adventures In Veterinary Medicine, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the daily responsibilities and challenges veterinarians face. This firsthand experience allows you to assess whether a career in veterinary medicine aligns with your interests, values, and aspirations.

Strengthening Your College Application: Participating in a pre-college program demonstrates your commitment to your chosen career path on your college applications. Admissions committees often value such experiences as they show your dedication and readiness for higher education in veterinary medicine.

Confidence Building: Pre-college programs provide a supportive environment where you can develop confidence in your abilities. As you engage in hands-on activities and interact with professionals, you’ll gain the self-assurance needed to pursue your dreams in veterinary medicine.

A Head Start in Veterinary Education: By participating in a pre-college program, you gain exposure to foundational knowledge and skills that will be advantageous as you pursue your formal education in veterinary medicine. This head start can make your transition into college-level coursework smoother.

Adventures In Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University offers a valuable opportunity for high school students to explore and shape their future career choices in veterinary medicine. Through hands-on learning, exposure to specializations, networking, mentorship, and more, you’ll gain the insights and confidence needed to embark on a successful journey in this rewarding field. So, if you’re passionate about animals and considering a career in veterinary medicine, seize the opportunity to participate in pre-college programs and set the stage for a fulfilling career path ahead. Your adventure in veterinary medicine begins here!

How to Apply to the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

Step One: Fill Out the Online Form

You’ll need to provide the following details in the online application:

  • Your basic personal details, which should include information about your parents or guardians and a contact for emergencies. If you’re under 18, you need to reach out to a parent or guardian to seek permission for your enrollment.
  • Your program preferences, such as whether you’re interested in residential accommodation or would prefer to commute.
  • The contact details of one individual who will provide a Letter of Evaluation on your behalf. This person could be a teacher, counselor, or a personal mentor, and we will initiate contact with them directly.
  • Test scores are generally optional, but they are required if you need to demonstrate English language proficiency.
  • Confirmation of a passing grade in a recent science course.
  • A list detailing your experiences with animals.
  • A copy of your latest report card.
  • Necessary consents and signatures to validate your application.

Step Two: Submission of Your High School Transcript

As you navigate through the application, you will need to furnish the contact details of a high school official. They will be prompted via email with specific guidelines on how to submit your official high school transcript on your behalf.

Step Three: Acquiring Parental Consent and a Letter of Evaluation

Your application must include the contact details of a parent or guardian, as well as an individual who will provide a recommendation or evaluation. After you complete your application, they will each receive an automated email detailing the process for submitting the necessary online consent or evaluation form.

It’s important to understand that your application is only considered complete and ready for review once they have received all the documents and information required in the second and third phases from your school and the contacts you’ve provided.

Medical students gathered around a table.

Next Steps for Accepted Students

  • Once accepted into the program, students are required to take the following actions before it begins:
  • A deposit of $550 is due within ten days following the admission notification, continuing up until the final payment deadline on May 15 or until the program reaches capacity. Post this period, securing a spot in the program is contingent on the payment of the full tuition fee.
  • All necessary enrollment paperwork and any additional follow-up inquiries must be completed and submitted by the specified deadlines.

Failure to meet these requirements by the given deadlines will result in the student’s automatic removal from the program.

Overview of Program Fees and Financial Policies

Commuter Program Fee: $4,000, covering all activities, materials, weekday lunch, and certain excursions, excluding accommodation, other meals, transportation, additional fees, and personal expenses.

Residential Program Fee: $5,500, including all commuter benefits plus housing, all meals, linens, residential care, and airport transfers within set times, excluding travel to/from home, additional fees, and personal expenses.

Health Insurance and Vaccinations: A fee applies only if you don’t have valid U.S.-based health insurance and vaccinations for the program’s duration. Students are responsible for meeting all health insurance and vaccination requirements, and failure to comply with financial obligations may result in the withholding of grades/transcripts or program removal.

Financial Aid Information: Tufts Pre-College Programs offer limited need-based aid, aiming to support students who most need financial assistance to participate.

two medical school students facing in the camera

Aid Allocation:

  • No financial aid for Fall and Spring terms.
  • Summer aid is allocated monthly from February until the enrollment deadline, or funds are exhausted.
  • Financial aid decisions are communicated bi-monthly.
  • Advice for Applicants: Hold off the $550 deposit until you know your financial aid status if the assistance is crucial for attending the program.

Financial Aid Application Process:

  • Indicate interest in financial aid during the program application.
  • Complete the financial aid form via your student portal post-application.
  • Accept any awarded aid within ten days via the Financial Aid Award Form and deposit; full scholarships cover the deposit.
  • The awarded aid will be credited to your account, with any balance due post-award.

How Hard Is It to Get into the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

The Adventures in Veterinary Medicine program at Tufts University has a selective admissions process. Your unique experiences, academic achievements, and genuine interest in veterinary medicine will be probed by the admissions team. They are looking for passionate individuals who are eager to learn and contribute to the field.

Leveraging the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program: Resources for Academic Success

As you go on your academic journey in the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University, it’s crucial to make the most of the resources available to you. Tufts offers a wealth of academic support through its libraries, labs, and tutoring centers. Here’s how you can leverage these resources to ensure your academic success:

Utilize the University Libraries: Tufts University’s libraries are treasure troves of knowledge and resources. Whether you’re working on research papers, studying for exams, or simply seeking a quiet space to study, the libraries have got you covered.

Access to Extensive Collections: The libraries house a vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources relevant to veterinary medicine. Use the library catalog and online databases to find scholarly articles, textbooks, and research materials.

Librarians as Resources: Don’t hesitate to reach out to the knowledgeable librarians for assistance. They can help you navigate the library’s resources, provide research guidance, and even offer workshops on effective research techniques.

Make the Most of Laboratory Facilities: Laboratory work is a fundamental aspect of veterinary medicine. Tufts University provides state-of-the-art labs that offer hands-on learning experiences.

Attend Lab Sessions: Actively participate in laboratory sessions as they provide practical insights and reinforce classroom learning. Follow safety protocols and ask questions when you need clarification.

Collaborate with Peers: Working with fellow students in the lab can be beneficial. You can exchange ideas, troubleshoot together, and learn from one another’s experiences.

Seek Academic Support at Tutoring Centers: Tufts offers tutoring services to help students excel in their coursework.

Academic Advising: Take advantage of academic advising services to plan your course schedule, set academic goals, and ensure you’re on the right track for success.

Tutoring and Study Groups: If you find yourself struggling with specific subjects or topics, consider joining tutoring sessions or study groups. These resources provide additional guidance and peer support.

Time Management and Study Skills: Effective time management and study skills are essential for academic success. Tufts offers workshops and resources to help you develop these skills.

Time Management Workshops: Attend workshops that teach time management techniques, such as setting priorities, creating schedules, and avoiding procrastination.

Study Skills Assistance: Improve your study strategies by seeking guidance on note-taking, test preparation, and effective study habits.

Online Resources: Tufts University often provides online resources and digital learning platforms to supplement your education. These resources can be accessed from anywhere, enhancing your flexibility in studying and research.

Online Libraries: Access digital libraries and e-books to make research more convenient.

Online Tutoring: Explore online tutoring options for additional academic support when you can’t make it to campus.

Tufts University offers a wealth of resources to support your academic journey in the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program. By utilizing the university libraries, labs, and tutoring centers, you can enhance your learning experience, improve your academic performance, and set the stage for a successful career in veterinary medicine. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of these resources—they are there to help you thrive academically.

a female student looking at the camera smiling

When Is the Deadline to Apply to the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

The application process for the Tufts Summer Research Experience and the Adventures of Veterinary Medicine (AVM) program opens on December 1, 2023. It is recommended that you submit your applications early, as programs tend to reach capacity well before the deadline.

There are two primary deadlines for application submissions: the early priority deadline on February 15, 2024, and the regular deadline on May 1, 2024. All application materials must be submitted by these dates, respectively. For those who have completed the application process, the deadline for all payments is set for May 15.

Lastly, to secure your place in the program, make sure to submit all required enrollment forms by June 15. All deadlines are effective until 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

When Do I Find Out About My Application to the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

Decisions for the Adventures in Veterinary Medicine program are made twice, within ten days of February 15th and May 1st, and students will typically receive an official email informing them of their admissions status on those dates.

Medical student smiling at the camera.

Where Is the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

Participants will stay at the Tufts Medford campus, which will also host several small group sessions and lectures. The bulk of the program, including most hands-on activities, lectures, and labs, will take place at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, situated approximately 50 minutes away from the Medford campus.

The details of this year’s field trips are still in the planning stages and will be finalized based on the current pandemic guidelines and regulations.

When Does the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University Take Place?

Here are the program dates for the upcoming Summer 2024 sessions:

  • Session 1: July 7-19, 2024
  • Session 2: July 21- August 2, 2024

How Long Is the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program at Tufts University?

The duration of the AVM program can vary based on the specific track you choose. For this program, it will run for a few weeks, providing an intensive and enriching experience in the world of veterinary medicine.

The Role of Mentorship in Enhancing Your Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program Experience

Your experience in this prestigious program can be greatly enhanced through the invaluable guidance and support of mentors.

Personalized Guidance: At Tufts, you won’t just be another student lost in the crowd. Mentorship ensures that you receive personalized attention, allowing you to tailor your academic and career goals. Your mentor will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, guiding you toward opportunities that align with your interests.

Networking Opportunities: Tufts University boasts a rich network of experienced professionals and alumni in the field of Veterinary Medicine. Your mentor can connect you with these valuable contacts, opening doors to internships, research projects, and potential job opportunities.

Skill Development: Your mentor serves as a seasoned expert who can offer insights into the practical aspects of veterinary medicine. Whether it’s honing surgical skills, diagnosing complex cases, or navigating the latest advancements in the field, your mentor is your trusted guide.

A. Building a Strong Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Open Communication: Effective mentorship begins with clear and open communication. Don’t hesitate to express your goals and expectations. Your mentor will appreciate your enthusiasm and will be better equipped to provide the guidance you need.

Set Realistic Goals: Work with your mentor to set achievable short-term and long-term goals. This collaborative approach ensures that you’re continually making progress toward your aspirations.

Feedback is Key: Be open to feedback and constructive criticism. Your mentor’s insights will be invaluable in helping you refine your skills and knowledge.

B. The Benefits of Mentorship Beyond Academics

Emotional Support: College life can be challenging, and your mentor can provide emotional support during your time at Tufts. They understand the ups and downs of the veterinary program and can offer guidance on balancing academics and personal life.

Inspiration and Motivation: Your mentor has walked a similar path and can inspire you with their own success stories and experiences. Their journey can serve as a motivating force, propelling you to achieve your own goals.

Career Advancement: As you near graduation, your mentor can assist you in navigating the job market, refining your resume, and preparing for interviews. Their guidance can be instrumental in securing your dream job in veterinary medicine.

Mentorship is not merely a complementary aspect of your journey in Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University; it’s a cornerstone of your success. By actively engaging with your mentor, setting clear goals, and leveraging their expertise, you’ll elevate your educational experience and enhance your prospects in the world of veterinary medicine.

Preparing for College Studies after the Adventures In Veterinary Medicine Program

As you look ahead to furthering your education and pursuing degrees in the field of Veterinary Medicine, it’s essential to have a clear plan in place. In this guide, we’ll provide you with guidance on the next steps to take to achieve your academic and career goals.

Pursue a Bachelor’s Degree: If you haven’t already completed a bachelor’s degree, this should be your first step. Most veterinary schools require applicants to have a bachelor’s degree before applying. While you can major in a variety of fields, it’s advisable to choose a program that aligns with the prerequisites of the veterinary schools you plan to apply to. Common majors include biology, animal science, or a related field.

Gain Relevant Experience: During your undergraduate years, seek out opportunities to gain hands-on experience in the veterinary field. This can include internships, volunteering at animal shelters, or working at veterinary clinics. The more experience you have, the more competitive your application will be when applying to veterinary schools.

Maintain a Strong GPA: Your academic performance is crucial when applying to veterinary schools. Aim for a high GPA, particularly in science-related courses. Many veterinary programs have a minimum GPA requirement, so strive to exceed these standards to improve your chances of acceptance.

Prepare for the GRE: Most veterinary schools in the United States require applicants to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Start preparing for this standardized test well in advance to achieve a competitive score. Consider enrolling in GRE prep courses or using study materials to aid your preparation.

Seek Letters of Recommendation: Build strong relationships with your professors and supervisors during your undergraduate studies and veterinary experiences. These individuals can provide valuable letters of recommendation when you apply to veterinary schools. Choose people who can speak to your work ethic, dedication, and potential as a future veterinarian.

Research Veterinary Schools: Take the time to research and make a list of veterinary schools that align with your career goals and preferences. Consider factors such as location, program offerings, faculty expertise, and research opportunities. Each school may have slightly different admission requirements, so be sure to review their specific criteria.

Prepare a Strong Personal Statement: Your personal statement is your opportunity to showcase your passion for veterinary medicine and why you’re a strong candidate for the program. Highlight your experiences, motivations, and future career aspirations. Make sure to tailor your personal statement to each school’s specific requirements.

Submit Your Applications: Follow the application timelines and deadlines for the veterinary schools you wish to apply to. Ensure that all required documents, including transcripts, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and your personal statement, are submitted accurately and on time.

Ace the Interviews: If you’re invited for an interview, prepare thoroughly. Practice common interview questions and be ready to discuss your experiences and motivations for pursuing veterinary medicine. Show your enthusiasm and dedication during the interview process.

Financial Planning: Consider the financial aspects of your education. Veterinary school can be expensive, so explore scholarships, grants, and financial aid options to help fund your studies.

Remember that the path to becoming a veterinarian is a challenging one, but with dedication, perseverance, and careful planning, you can achieve your goals. Stay committed to your passion for veterinary medicine, and you’ll be well-prepared to excel in your future academic endeavors. Best of luck in your educational journey!

a veterinarian carrying a dog and a cat

Jumpstart Your Career in Veterinary Medicine

The Adventures In Veterinary Medicine program at Tufts University is more than just an educational experience; it’s a journey into the heart of animal care and medical science. By participating, you gain invaluable insights, hands-on experience, and a clearer vision of your potential career path in veterinary medicine. Whether you’re at the start of your academic journey or looking to pivot your career, the AVM program is a stepping stone to a fulfilling and impactful career. Take this chance to turn your passion for animals into a purposeful profession. The world of veterinary medicine awaits you!

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