
Tufts’ Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Tufts’ Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

Tufts University, located in Medford, Massachusetts, is a prestigious institution known for its rigorous academic programs and vibrant campus community. What is the Tufts acceptance rate and what are the factors that impact admission? Well, we’re here to provide you with a comprehensive overview of Tufts’ acceptance rate and shed light on the factors that contribute to the university’s highly competitive admissions process.

Two students talking to each other.

What is Tufts’ Acceptance Rate?

As of the most recent admissions cycle, Tufts University had an acceptance rate of 9.5%. This means that out of the thousands of applications received, only a small fraction of students were admitted. Tufts’ low acceptance rate is indicative of the university’s selective admissions process and the caliber of the student body it seeks to attract.

When it comes to admissions, Tufts University takes a holistic approach to evaluating applicants. The admissions committee carefully reviews each application, considering factors such as academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. This comprehensive evaluation process ensures that the university admits students who not only excel academically but also demonstrate a passion for learning and a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities.

With an acceptance rate of 9.5%, gaining admission to Tufts University is highly competitive. The university receives a large number of applications each year from talented and motivated students across the globe. The admissions committee faces the challenging task of selecting a diverse and accomplished incoming class from this pool of exceptional candidates.

Despite the competitive nature of the admissions process, Tufts University strives to create a supportive and inclusive community. The university values diversity in all its forms and seeks to enroll students from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Tufts believes that a diverse student body enhances the educational experience for all students, fostering a vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment.

Once admitted, Tufts students have access to a wide range of academic opportunities. The university offers more than 150 undergraduate majors and minors, allowing students to explore their interests and pursue their passions. From the humanities to the sciences, Tufts provides a comprehensive education that prepares students for success in their chosen fields.

Beyond academics, Tufts University offers a vibrant campus life. Students can engage in numerous extracurricular activities, including clubs, sports teams, and community service organizations. The university encourages students to get involved and make a difference both on campus and in the surrounding community.

Furthermore, Tufts University boasts a strong network of alumni who have gone on to achieve great success in various fields. From Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists to Nobel laureates, Tufts graduates have made significant contributions to society. As a Tufts student, you become part of this prestigious network, gaining access to valuable resources and opportunities that can shape your future.

Tufts University’s acceptance rate of 9.5% reflects its commitment to selecting a diverse and accomplished student body. The university’s rigorous admissions process ensures that only the most talented and motivated individuals are admitted. Once enrolled, students have access to a top-notch education and a vibrant campus life. Tufts University truly offers an exceptional college experience.

Tufts Early Action and Early Decision Acceptance Rates

Tufts University offers both Early Decision 1 (ED 1) with a deadline of November 1 and Early Decision 2 (ED 2) with a deadline of January 4. The university does not report the current Early Decision acceptance rates, but it is a binding option for students who have decided that Tufts is their first choice and that they will enroll if accepted. The university encourages students to apply for Early Decision 1 by November 15 or apply during the Early Decision 2 or Regular Decision rounds.

The specific Early Decision (ED) acceptance rates for the last five years at Tufts University are not readily available.

Trends in Tufts’ Acceptance Rates

Over the years, Tufts’ acceptance rate has become increasingly competitive. Just a decade ago, the acceptance rate was around 21%. This significant decrease in acceptance rate reflects the consistently growing number of applications received and the limited number of spots available in each incoming class.

Year Applicants Admittees Acceptance Rate
2022-2023 34,000 2,320 9.50%
2021-2022 34,880 3,139 9%
2020-2021 31,190 3,431 11%
2019-2020 23,127 3,469 15%
2018-2019 22,725 3,318 14.6%

One factor contributing to the rise in Tufts’ competitiveness is the university’s reputation for academic excellence. Tufts University is widely recognized for its rigorous academic programs and its commitment to fostering intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills among its students. As a result, more and more high-achieving students are choosing to apply to Tufts, leading to a greater pool of highly qualified applicants.

In addition to its academic reputation, Tufts also offers a vibrant and diverse campus community. With its prime location in Medford, Massachusetts, just a few miles outside of Boston, Tufts attracts students from all over the world who are drawn to the rich cultural and intellectual opportunities that the city has to offer. This diverse student body adds to the appeal of Tufts and further contributes to the increase in applications.

Furthermore, Tufts University has made a concerted effort to enhance its visibility and outreach efforts in recent years. The university has implemented various recruitment strategies, such as attending college fairs, hosting information sessions, and utilizing social media platforms to engage with prospective students. These efforts have not only increased awareness about Tufts among potential applicants but have also encouraged more students to consider Tufts as a top choice for their higher education.

Moreover, Tufts’ commitment to holistic admissions plays a significant role in the increasing competitiveness of its acceptance rates. The university takes into account not only an applicant’s academic achievements but also their extracurricular involvement, leadership potential, and personal qualities. This comprehensive evaluation process ensures that Tufts admits students who not only excel academically but also contribute to the vibrant and diverse campus community.

Despite the rising competitiveness, Tufts University remains dedicated to providing access to education for students from all backgrounds. The university offers a generous financial aid program that aims to make a Tufts education affordable for all admitted students, regardless of their socioeconomic status. This commitment to accessibility and inclusivity further adds to the appeal of Tufts and contributes to the increasing number of applications received each year.

Tufts’ Admissions Statistics

In this day and age, schools must offer their students the ability to experience a large range of different cultures and ethnicities within their student body. this not only leads to an improved experience at school, but it also offers important life lessons about equality, the value of diversity, and much more.

At Tufts, the school is proudly above average in ethnic, gender, geographic, and overall diversity. While 56.1 percent of the student body does identify as white, the school also has a large percentage of Asian, Hispanic/Latino, and Non-Resident Alien students.

Group of students dressed casually and sitting on the staircase on campus.

When it comes to gender diversity, a slight majority of students at Tufts are female, with 50.4 percent of the students identifying as female.

Tufts also has a fairly rich history when it comes to being home to international students who come to the United States to study. based on a highly reputable database about United States universities, Tufts ranked 71st out of 1,240 total schools in terms of how good they are for international students.

Tufts is home to students from a huge number of different countries all over the world including:

  • Australia
  • Bangladesh
  • Brazil
  • China
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Japan

SAT/ACT Scores for Tufts Admits

The mid-50% range for SAT scores of admitted students to Tufts University is 1460-1540, with a range of 720-770 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) and 750-790 for Math. For the ACT, the mid-50% range is 34-35.

It’s important to note that Tufts University has been amid a 6-year SAT/ACT test-optional pilot for undergraduate applicants, and for the Class of 2027, half of all applicants did not submit SAT or ACT scores, and 40% of admitted students did not submit SAT or ACT scores. This indicates that the university’s admissions process remains test-optional, and students have a choice about whether or not to submit SAT or ACT scores.

Remember, however, that Tufts University takes a holistic approach to admissions. While SAT and ACT scores are important factors, they are just one piece of the puzzle. Tufts recognizes that a student’s potential cannot be solely determined by test scores. The university carefully considers each applicant as a whole, taking into account their extracurricular activities, personal essays, letters of recommendation, and other unique qualities that make them a well-rounded individual.

At Tufts, the admissions process is designed to identify students who not only excel academically but also possess a wide range of talents, interests, and perspectives. The university seeks individuals who will contribute to the vibrant and diverse community on campus, fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity, collaboration, and innovation.

Therefore, while SAT and ACT scores provide valuable information about an applicant’s academic abilities, they are just one aspect of the comprehensive evaluation process at Tufts University. The university recognizes that true potential cannot be measured by a single test score but rather by a combination of factors that highlight a student’s unique qualities and potential for growth.

What is Tufts Looking For?

Tufts University seeks students who not only excel in the classroom but also exhibit intellectual curiosity, a passion for learning, and a desire to make a difference. The university values a diverse student body and actively encourages applicants with unique backgrounds and experiences to apply. Additionally, Tufts looks for individuals who will actively contribute to the campus community and engage in impactful research and community service.

  1. Academic Excellence:
    • Tufts University places a high value on academic excellence, offering a rigorous curriculum and a commitment to providing students with a challenging and stimulating educational experience. The university seeks students who not only demonstrate academic talent but also possess a genuine passion for learning. Tufts believes that intellectual curiosity is a crucial trait for successful students, fostering a lifelong love of knowledge and a desire for continuous learning.
  2. Diversity and Inclusivity:
    • Diversity and inclusivity are core principles at Tufts University. The institution recognizes that a diverse student body enhances the educational experience and prepares students for success in a global society. Tufts actively encourages applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented communities, first-generation college students, and international students. The university believes that a diverse campus community creates a vibrant and inclusive learning environment, where students learn from each other’s unique perspectives and experiences.
  3. Community Impact:
    • Tufts University values students who are committed to making a positive impact in their communities. The institution encourages applicants who have demonstrated a passion for community service and a desire to bring about positive change. Tufts believes that engagement in community service not only contributes to societal betterment but also cultivates valuable leadership skills and a sense of social responsibility. The university actively seeks individuals who have shown dedication to making a difference and who will continue to have a positive impact on campus and beyond.
  4. Research and Innovation:
    • Tufts University is renowned for its emphasis on research and innovation. The university encourages students to engage in impactful research projects across various disciplines. Tufts seeks applicants with a strong interest in research and an eagerness to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their chosen fields. The institution believes that research enhances the educational experience, prepares students for future careers, and fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

University students walking in the hallway.

How Hard is it to Get into Tufts?

With an acceptance rate of 9.5%, it’s clear that getting into Tufts University is highly competitive. Prospective students should be prepared to showcase their academic abilities, demonstrate their passion and involvement outside the classroom, and convey how they align with Tufts’ mission and values. While the admissions process may be challenging, Tufts University offers an enriching experience for those fortunate enough to be admitted.

Tufts University, located in Medford, Massachusetts, is renowned for its rigorous academic programs and commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. The university’s holistic approach to admissions ensures that each applicant is evaluated based on their unique strengths and potential contributions to the Tufts community.

When applying to Tufts, prospective students are encouraged to go beyond just their academic achievements. The admissions committee looks for individuals who have demonstrated leadership skills, a commitment to community service, and a genuine passion for their chosen field of study. Tufts values students who are not only academically talented but also socially conscious and actively engaged in making a positive impact in the world.

One aspect that sets Tufts apart from other universities is its emphasis on interdisciplinary learning. Tufts encourages students to explore different academic disciplines and take courses outside of their major. This approach allows students to develop a well-rounded education and gain a broader perspective on complex global issues.

Furthermore, Tufts University offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and organizations for students to get involved in. From sports teams to cultural clubs, there is something for everyone to pursue their interests and passions outside of the classroom. These extracurricular opportunities not only enhance the overall college experience but also provide students with valuable leadership and teamwork skills.

Tufts Popular Programs

Tufts University offers a diverse range of programs across various disciplines, catering to students with different academic interests. Some of the popular programs at Tufts University include:

  1. International Relations:
    • Tufts’ International Relations program is highly regarded, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of global issues, diplomacy, and international affairs.
  2. Biomedical Engineering:
    • The Biomedical Engineering program at Tufts focuses on the intersection of engineering and medical sciences, preparing students for careers in healthcare technology and research.
  3. Computer Science:
    • Tufts University’s Computer Science program covers a broad range of topics, including algorithms, artificial intelligence, and software development, reflecting the growing importance of technology in today’s world.
  4. Environmental Studies:
    • Tufts is known for its strong Environmental Studies program, offering students the opportunity to explore sustainability, conservation, and environmental policy.
  5. Community Health:
    • The Community Health program at Tufts addresses public health issues, preparing students to work in healthcare, community organizations, and public health research.
  6. International Business:
    • Tufts University’s International Business program equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of global business and economics.
  7. Psychology:
    • The Psychology program at Tufts provides a comprehensive study of human behavior, offering students insights into various aspects of the mind and behavior.
  8. Economics:
    • Tufts’ Economics program covers macroeconomic and microeconomic principles, preparing students for careers in finance, policy analysis, and more.
  9. Biological Sciences:
    • The Biological Sciences program at Tufts University offers a deep dive into the study of living organisms, providing a strong foundation for careers in research, medicine, and environmental science.
  10. Child Study and Human Development:
    • Tufts’ program in Child Study and Human Development focuses on understanding the development of children and adolescents and preparing students for careers in education, counseling, and advocacy.

These popular programs reflect Tufts University’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education with a diverse array of academic offerings. Students can explore their interests and passions while gaining valuable skills and knowledge in their chosen fields of study.

How to know which major is for you

Choosing a major can be a significant decision that impacts your academic and career path. Here are some steps to help you determine which major is the right fit for you:

  1. Self-Reflection:
    • Reflect on your interests, passions, and hobbies. Consider what subjects you enjoy studying and find intellectually stimulating. Think about activities that make you lose track of time or topics you enjoy discussing with others.
  2. Strengths and Skills:
    • Identify your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? Your strengths and skills can guide you toward majors that align with your abilities and talents.
  3. Career Exploration:
    • Explore potential careers associated with different majors. Research job prospects, industries, and the skills required for various professions. Consider talking to professionals in fields you find interesting.
  4. Take Introductory Courses:
    • Enroll in introductory courses in different disciplines. Many universities allow students to explore a variety of subjects before declaring a major. Intro courses can provide a taste of what each major entails.
  5. Talk to Academic Advisors:
    • Schedule meetings with academic advisors or career counselors. They can provide guidance, discuss your academic interests, and help you explore majors that align with your goals.
  6. Networking and Informational Interviews:
    • Connect with professionals in different fields through networking events or informational interviews. Gain insights into their career paths, daily responsibilities, and the educational background required for their roles.
  7. Internships and Volunteering:
    • Participate in internships or volunteer opportunities related to different fields. Practical experience can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day aspects of various professions.
  8. Consider Interdisciplinary Options:
    • Explore interdisciplinary majors that combine multiple fields of study. These programs may allow you to integrate your interests and pursue a unique academic path.
  9. Evaluate Coursework and Requirements:
    • Review the coursework and requirements for potential majors. Consider whether the classes are engaging and whether the major aligns with your long-term goals.
  10. Seek Guidance from Mentors:
    • Seek advice from mentors, teachers, or professionals in your network. They may share their experiences, offer insights, and provide valuable advice on choosing a major.
  11. Personal Values and Goals:
    • Consider your values and long-term goals. What kind of impact do you want to make in your career? Choose a major that aligns with your values and contributes to your life goals.
  12. Be Open to Change:
    • Keep in mind that it’s okay to change majors. Your interests and goals may evolve as you gain exposure to different subjects and experiences.

Prospective students need to explore the complete list of majors offered at Tufts and consider their personal interests and career goals when choosing a major. Additionally, students often have the flexibility to pursue interdisciplinary studies and customize their academic paths.

View of a man raising his hand.

How will I know if Tufts is for me?

To determine if Tufts University is the right fit for you, consider the following factors:

  1. Academic Environment: Tufts is a highly selective university with an acceptance rate of 9.5% for the Class of 2027. The mid-50% range for admitted students’ SAT scores is 1460-1540, and the ACT score range is 34-35. The university’s admissions process remains test-optional, with around 40% of students choosing not to submit ACT or SAT scores.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: Tufts University is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community. The admitted class is the most diverse in the university’s history, with 50% of U.S. citizens being students of color. Additionally, students from various socioeconomic backgrounds and geographic locations are represented in the student body.
  3. Location and Campus Life: Situated just five miles outside of Boston, Tufts University offers a vibrant campus life and the opportunity to engage with the rich cultural and professional resources of the Boston area.
  4. Financial Aid: Tufts University has committed to meeting the full demonstrated need of all admitted students and has budgeted $25.8 million in need-based grants for undergraduates, reflecting its dedication to making education accessible.
  5. Student Support and Resources: The university offers a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities, with a student-faculty ratio of 10:1 and an average graduation rate of 94%.

Ultimately, determining if Tufts is the right fit for you involves considering your academic goals, personal values, and the resources and support that the university offers. Visiting the campus, speaking with current students, and researching the academic programs and extracurricular opportunities can also provide valuable insight into whether Tufts is the right fit for you.

Tufts Admission Requirements

Tufts University has a holistic admissions process that considers various factors when evaluating applicants. While the university doesn’t specify strict cutoffs for GPA or standardized test scores, the following are key components considered during the admissions process:

  1. Academic Transcript:
    • Tufts evaluates an applicant’s high school academic performance, looking at the rigor of coursework, grades earned, and trends in academic achievement.
  2. Standardized Test Scores (Optional):
    • Tufts University has adopted a test-optional policy, allowing applicants to decide whether to submit standardized test scores (SAT or ACT). This policy recognizes that academic potential is demonstrated in various ways.
  3. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Tufts requires two letters of recommendation from teachers who can speak to the applicant’s academic abilities, character, and potential for success in a university setting.
  4. Essays:
    • Applicants are required to submit essays that provide insights into their personality, experiences, and aspirations. Tufts values thoughtful and well-crafted responses that allow the admissions committee to understand the applicant beyond academic achievements.
  5. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Tufts considers an applicant’s involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and any special talents or accomplishments outside of the classroom.
  6. Demonstrated Interest:
    • Tufts University may consider demonstrated interest, such as campus visits, interactions with admissions representatives, and participation in information sessions or events.
  7. Diversity and Inclusivity:
    • Tufts actively seeks a diverse student body and values applicants who contribute to the diversity of the campus community. This includes students from underrepresented communities, first-generation college students, and international students.

Prospective applicants need to review the specific admissions requirements on Tufts University’s official website, as policies may be subject to change. The holistic approach to admissions reflects Tufts’ commitment to understanding applicants as individuals with unique qualities and potential contributions to the university community.

Tufts Interview Process

The Tufts University interview process for college admissions is an optional evaluative interview conducted by members of the Tufts Admissions Network, who are alumni volunteers, or by senior student interviewers. The interview is not a required element of the undergraduate admissions process, but it can provide an opportunity for the admissions committee to learn more about the applicant and for the applicant to share thoughts and ideas beyond what is in their application.

The interview typically lasts between 30 and 45 minutes and should feel more like a conversation rather than a question-and-answer session. It is conducted in a public setting or an office with the door open, and parents are not allowed to sit in during the interview.

Interested applicants can request an interview via a form found in the Tufts Status Portal after submitting their application. However, due to the ratio of applicants to interviewers, not all interview requests can be guaranteed.

a male student using his laptop

The interview has virtually no impact on the chance of admission, but it is an opportunity for the applicant to ask questions and learn more about Tufts. If an applicant requests an interview and does not have a successful match, the admissions office will be in touch to let them know.

The interview report must be submitted through TAAP Online, and it is advised that all interview volunteers submit reports within 72 hours of an interview. The interview is one of many pieces to an application, and the absence of one will not be a negative factor in the application process.

Key Application Deadlines for Tufts

Tufts University has different application deadlines depending on the program and application type. For undergraduate applicants, Tufts accepts the Common Application, the Coalition Application, and the QuestBridge Application. The application deadlines for the 2022-2023 academic year are as follows:

  • Early Decision I: November 1, with notification by mid-December
  • Early Decision II: January 4, with notification by early February
  • Regular Decision: January 4, with notification by April 1
  • Transfer Admission: March 18, with notification in May through mid-June

For graduate programs offered by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the application deadlines vary by program. The deadlines for the Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) program, for example, are as follows:

  • Spring (January start): October 10, with notification by November 15
  • Fall (late August start): Early Notification – November 10, with notification by January 1; Scholarship Priority – January 10, with notification by April 1; Round 3 – February 20, with notification by April 1; Round 4 – April 1, with notification by May 1

It’s important to note that international applicants have different deadlines for some programs, and late applications will only be reviewed when openings remain after all applications received have been reviewed. Additionally, Tufts University encourages applicants to apply early and to ensure that all required materials are received before the deadline.

Tuition Costs at Tufts for 2023-2024

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition and fees at Tufts University vary by program. Here are the estimated costs for different programs:

  • Undergraduate Program:
    • Tuition: $66,358 per year
    • Housing: $9,622 per year
    • Food (Meal Plan): $8,038 per year
    • Mandatory Health and Wellness Fee: $1,090 per year
    • Activity Fee: $396 per year
    • Health Insurance (waivable): $4,080 per year
    • Total (Without University Health Insurance): $85,504 per year
  • Graduate Programs:
    • MALD, MA, LLM, PhD Tuition: $55,424 per year
    • GMAP Tuition: $71,416 per year (includes residency room and board)
    • Health Service Fee (est.): $1,058 per year
    • Health Insurance (est., waivable): $4,100 per year
  • Medical School (DPT):
    • Tuition and Fees for the 2023-2024 academic year are not explicitly provided in the search results. However, for the 2022-2023 academic year, the DPT program‘s tuition and fees were listed as $49,070 for the year.

It’s important to note that these costs are estimates and may be subject to change. Additionally, the total cost of attendance includes not only tuition and fees but also room and board, books and supplies, and personal expenses. Tufts University is committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of every admitted student, and it provides need-based financial aid to help students afford the cost of attendance.

Several factors come into play when considering tuition costs at Tufts. Here are key considerations:

  1. Program Type: The tuition and fees for undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs may differ. For example, the tuition for the Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) program is $55,424, while the tuition for the Graduate Program in Applied Nutrition (GMAP) is $71,416, which includes residency room and board.
  2. Housing and Meal Plans: The cost of housing and meal plans can vary depending on the campus and the type of accommodations chosen. Housing costs for a typical first-year undergraduate student in residence on the Medford/Somerville campus range from $9,622 to $11,384 per year, depending on the residence hall and meal plan.
  3. Health and Wellness Fees: Mandatory Health and Wellness Fees, Health Insurance, and Health Service Fees may apply to students, depending on their enrollment status and coverage. The Mandatory Health and Wellness Fee is $1,090 per year, while the Health Insurance is $4,080 per year (waivable).
  4. Activity and Transportation Fees: Some programs may have additional fees, such as the Activity Fee ($396 per year) or Transportation Fees (varies depending on the program).
  5. Financial Aid: Tufts University is committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of every admitted student, regardless of citizenship status. Financial aid packages are composed of grants, student loans, and work-study funding.
  6. Net Price: The net price is the average cost of the university after aid and scholarship funds are discounted. For the average student receiving need-based aid, the net price at Tufts University is $30,336.

It’s essential to consider these factors when evaluating the total cost of attending Tufts University, as they can significantly impact the overall expense.

Teenage schoolboy sitting at classroom and doing exam with his classmates.

Tufts Scholarships

Tufts University offers various scholarships and fellowships for both undergraduate and graduate students. Here are some key points about Tufts scholarships:

  • Undergraduate Scholarships and Fellowships: Tufts offers resources to prospective and current undergraduate students who wish to obtain funding for their education. These scholarships and fellowships can help reduce the cost of attendance and provide financial support for students.
  • Graduate Scholarships and Assistantships: Tufts offers resources to prospective and current graduate students who wish to obtain funding for their education. These scholarships and assistantships can make graduate education more affordable and provide professional opportunities.
  • Tufts National Merit Scholarship: Students who are National Merit finalists may receive an award from the National Merit Scholarship from an NMSC Corporate Sponsor, or Tufts University. The NMSC will determine the type and amount of the student award, and no student is allowed to apply for this scholarship directly.
  • ROTC Scholarships: Tufts students participate in ROTC through units at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Scholarships may include funding towards tuition costs and, in some cases, monthly stipends. Four-year full-tuition and partial scholarships are available.
  • Tufts Grants: Tufts grants are always the largest source of grant aid received by Tufts undergraduates. Tufts grant amounts range from $1,000 to more than $75,000. About forty percent of Tufts undergraduates receive institutional Tufts grants.
  • Scholarships and Aid for Graduate Students: Tufts offers several scholarships and aid opportunities for graduate students, including tuition scholarships, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships.

To apply for scholarships and fellowships, students should complete the Financial Aid application process. The Financial Aid office reviews information reported on the CSS Profile, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and federal tax returns to determine a student’s financial need.

Student Life at Tufts

Tufts University offers a vibrant student life with a welcoming and multidimensional community. Students have the opportunity to explore new interests, forge lifelong relationships, and broaden their horizons through various on-campus events, clubs, organizations, and activities in Greater Boston.

Tufts University is committed to the physical, social, and emotional health of every student, and it provides dedicated healthcare professionals to help students. The university offers a wide range of academic support and resources to meet students’ unique needs, including advising, tutoring, and accommodations.

Tufts University is also committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and it offers various programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion. Students can find parties and social events if they want to, but Tufts is not known as a big party school. The university offers various scholarships and fellowships to help reduce the cost of attendance and provide financial support for students.

Academics at Tufts

Tufts University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various schools and colleges. The academic environment at Tufts is founded on collaboration rather than competition, and it combines the resources of a world-class research university with a close-knit community.

three students in the walkway

Undergraduate Programs:

Tufts offers a diverse range of majors and minors for undergraduate students. The university is known for its commitment to collaboration and inspiring faculty and fellow students.

Graduate Programs:

Tufts University’s graduate program offerings include over 100 master’s degrees, 55+ doctoral programs, and 40+ certificate programs across ten schools. Graduate students gain deep knowledge, real-world experience, and professional resources to achieve their goals, working closely with faculty and peers in their respective fields.

Some of the notable academic programs at Tufts include:

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Business and Management
  • Computer Science
  • Data and Mathematics
  • Dental Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Human Services
  • Education
  • Public Health
  • Veterinary Medicine

Tufts University is committed to the physical, social, and emotional health of every student, providing dedicated healthcare professionals to help students. The university also offers a wide range of academic support and resources to meet students’ unique needs, including advising, tutoring, and accommodations. Tufts is dedicated to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and it offers various programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Tufts University offers a vibrant campus life with a diverse range of clubs and extracurricular activities that cater to a wide array of interests. Here are some specific examples of clubs and activities at Tufts:

  1. Beelzebubs (The Bubs):
    • The Beelzebubs are Tufts’ oldest all-male a cappella group, known for their outstanding musical performances and collaborations.
  2. Tufts Daily:
    • The Tufts Daily is the university’s student-run newspaper, providing opportunities for students interested in journalism, writing, editing, and photography.
  3. Tufts Dance Collective (TDC):
    • TDC is a student-run organization that promotes dance on campus. It offers a variety of dance styles and welcomes students of all skill levels.
  4. Tufts Mountain Club (TMC):
    • TMC organizes outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and camping. It’s a great option for students who enjoy adventure and the outdoors.
  5. Engineers Without Borders (EWB):
    • EWB at Tufts engages students in projects that address global challenges, combining engineering skills with a commitment to community service and social responsibility.
  6. Tufts International Relations Program (IRP):
    • IRP hosts events, lectures, and discussions related to international affairs, providing a platform for students interested in global issues.
  7. Tufts Robotics Club:
    • This club brings together students passionate about robotics, providing opportunities for collaboration, hands-on projects, and participation in robotics competitions.
  8. Tufts Culinary Society:
    • For students who enjoy cooking and exploring different cuisines, the Culinary Society organizes cooking classes, food tastings, and culinary events.
  9. Tufts Dance Marathon:
    • This annual event raises funds for Boston Children’s Hospital. Participants engage in hours of dancing and activities while contributing to a charitable cause.
  10. Tufts Debate Society:
    • The Debate Society offers a platform for students to engage in lively debates on various topics, enhancing their critical thinking and public speaking skills.

These are just a few examples, and Tufts University boasts a wide range of student-led organizations covering interests from the arts and sciences to community service and leadership. Students have the opportunity to explore their passions, collaborate with peers, and contribute to the vibrant and inclusive community at Tufts.

Two football players tackling each other to get a hold of the ball.

Notable Tufts Alumni

Tufts University has a notable alumni community that has made significant contributions to various fields. Here are some notable Tufts alumni:

  1. Pierre Omidyar (Class of 1988):
    • Founder of eBay, Omidyar is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and one of the pioneers of online commerce.
  2. Hank Azaria (Class of 1987):
    • An Emmy Award-winning actor, Azaria is known for his voice work on “The Simpsons” and his roles in films such as “The Birdcage” and “Godzilla.”
  3. Tracy Chapman (Class of 1986):
    • A Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter, Chapman is known for hits like “Fast Car” and “Give Me One Reason.”
  4. Meredith Vieira (Class of 1975):
    • An acclaimed journalist, television host, and producer, Vieira has worked on programs such as “The View,” “Today,” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.”
  5. Dan Levin (Class of 1994):
    • As the Chief Operating Officer of Box, Levin has played a key role in the growth of the cloud storage and collaboration platform.
  6. Peter Gallagher (Class of 1977):
    • A versatile actor, Gallagher has appeared in films such as “American Beauty” and TV series like “The O.C.”
  7. Michael Bloomberg (Class of 1964):
    • The founder of Bloomberg LP and former Mayor of New York City, Bloomberg is a prominent business leader and philanthropist.
  8. Eileen Myles (Class of 1971):
    • A renowned poet, Myles has published numerous collections of poetry and essays, contributing to contemporary American literature.
  9. Trisha Meili (Class of 1980):
    • Known as the “Central Park Jogger,” Meili is an author and motivational speaker who survived a brutal assault in Central Park.
  10. Hernando de Soto Polar (Class of 1963):
    • A Peruvian economist, de Soto is known for his work on economic development and property rights.

These alumni represent just a small portion of the accomplished individuals who have graduated from Tufts University. Their diverse achievements span the fields of business, entertainment, music, journalism, technology, and more, reflecting the university’s commitment to fostering excellence and leadership in its graduates.


Tufts University’s acceptance rate of 9.5% reflects the selective admissions process and the caliber of students that the university seeks to educate. As prospective students consider their options, they should bear in mind Tufts’ holistic approach to admissions, which values not only academic excellence but also extracurricular involvement, personal essays, recommendation letters, and demonstrated interest. While the admissions process may be highly competitive, those admitted to Tufts can expect to join a vibrant and intellectually stimulating community that fosters personal and professional growth.

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College Admissions

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