
Amherst College Youth Camps

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Amherst College

Amherst College Youth Camps

If you’re a high school student on the path to your dream college, you’re likely searching for opportunities to stand out in the competitive world of college admissions. One such opportunity that might not have crossed your radar is the Amherst College Youth Camps. These camps offer a unique experience that can set you apart from the crowd and help you get into the college of your dreams.

In this blog, we’ll delve into what makes these camps special, why you should consider them, and how they can enhance your college application. From the various types of camps offered to the application process and success stories, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s explore how Amherst College Youth Camps can be a stepping stone toward your educational goals.

What are the Amherst Youth Camps?

Amherst College Youth Camps are immersive programs designed to provide high school students like you with unique learning experiences that can be instrumental in your journey toward your dream college. These camps are an excellent opportunity for you to explore your interests, develop essential skills, and ultimately bolster your college applications.

These camps cover a wide range of subjects and fields, from science and arts to humanities and more. They are typically held during the summer, offering you a chance to dive deep into your chosen area of interest when school is out of session. The camps are led by experienced instructors and mentors who are experts in their respective fields, ensuring that you receive high-quality education and guidance throughout your time at the camp.

One of the remarkable aspects of Amherst College Youth Camps is their commitment to fostering a collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment. You’ll have the chance to interact with like-minded peers who share your passion, allowing for meaningful discussions, creative projects, and the development of lifelong friendships.

Additionally, these camps often incorporate hands-on activities, workshops, and field trips that complement the academic curriculum. These experiences can not only enhance your understanding of the subject matter but also make learning enjoyable and memorable.

So, if you’re looking for a way to make your college application shine and simultaneously explore your passions, Amherst College Youth Camps offers an excellent platform to do just that. Whether you aspire to be a scientist, artist, or scholar, these camps can provide you with valuable insights and experiences that will set you apart on your journey to your dream college.

Amherst College offers a variety of youth camps that cater to different interests and age groups, providing a unique opportunity for you to explore new areas, develop skills, and engage with peers.

All external summer programs at Amherst College are hosted by third-party organizations, and some programs have affiliations with College staff or faculty. Amherst College provides facilities for these programs, but the management and publicity are handled by the third-party organizations​​​​.

Amherst College

Sports Camps:

1. Nike Basketball Camp: The camp offers an opportunity for players to showcase their abilities in front of Amherst College coaches and other collegiate coaches. It includes a variety of basketball-related activities and evaluations, with the schedule being similar to what was mentioned earlier. However, specific details like meal arrangements might vary, so it’s important to check the latest information on their website​​.

2. Nike Softball Camp: The camp for 2024 will be from July 14-17 and cater to girls aged 9-18. It offers both overnight and day camp options, with meals provided for overnight campers and lunch provided for day campers. The details of the camp activities, housing, and what to bring remain consistent with the previous description​​.

Squash Academy:

The Amherst Squash Academy offers sessions for beginners and elite players, aiming to develop a lifelong passion for squash. The camp provides elite-level instruction and focuses on creating a fun and educational environment. It’s designed for different age groups and includes individualized attention to improve your skills​​.

STEM Camps:

If you’re interested in STEM, Amherst College hosts tech camps that focus on coding, game development, robotics, and more. These camps are designed for different age groups and skill levels, providing a blend of learning and fun.

These camps are great opportunities to develop new skills, make friends, and get a feel for college life. Each camp has its specific requirements and schedules, so it’s important to check the details and prepare accordingly. Remember, these camps are not just about learning new skills; they’re also about having fun and exploring new interests in a supportive environment. 

How Hard Is It to Get Into These Camps?

Getting into Amherst College Youth Camps is a goal worth pursuing, but it’s essential to understand that, like any competitive program, it does require some effort and preparation. The level of difficulty primarily depends on your academic background, interests, and the specific camp you’re interested in. Here’s a breakdown of what you should consider:

Firstly, your academic performance and achievements play a crucial role. These camps often attract high-achieving students who excel in their studies. While there may not be strict GPA or standardized test score requirements, having a strong academic track record will undoubtedly work in your favor. It’s essential to demonstrate your passion for the subject area of the camp through your academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

Secondly, the competition can be fierce, as these camps are well-regarded and draw applicants from around the country or even internationally. The number of available spots can be limited, so it’s vital to submit a compelling application that highlights your qualifications and your genuine interest in the camp’s subject matter.

Furthermore, demonstrating relevant skills or experience related to the camp’s theme can give you an edge. If you’ve participated in related extracurricular activities, research projects, or have a portfolio showcasing your talents, be sure to include these in your application.

Who Can Participate in the Amherst College Youth Camps?

Understanding who can participate in the Amherst College Youth Camps is crucial, especially for students like you seeking enriching summer experiences. Here are the key points to consider:

1. Age and Grade Requirements: Many of the camps at Amherst College, such as sports camps, have specific age and grade requirements.

Nike Softball Camp at Amherst College (Summer 2024): Girls aged 9-18 are eligible to participate​​.

Nike Basketball Camp at Amherst College: This camp is co-ed and open to children aged 6-17​​.

Amherst Squash Academy:

  • Session 1 & 2: Rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, ages 14-19​​.
  • Session 3: Ages 8-14​​.
  • Session 4: No specific age group mentioned​​.

2. Skill Level Consideration: Depending on the camp, different skill levels may be accommodated. For sports camps, like basketball or softball, they often welcome a range of skills from beginners to more advanced players. You should assess your skill level and choose a camp that matches your experience and goals.

3. Interest in Specific Activities: Your interest in the specific activities offered at each camp is important. Whether it’s a sports camp focusing on basketball, softball, or tennis, or a camp with a focus on STEM or squash, you should choose based on your interests and what you hope to gain from the experience.

4. Gender-Specific Programs: Some camps may be gender-specific. For example, the Nike Softball Camp at Amherst College is specifically for girls. Ensure that the camp you are interested in is suitable for your gender.

5. Commitment to the Schedule: Camps typically have a set schedule, including check-in and check-out times, daily activities, and for overnight camps, specific accommodation arrangements. You should be ready to commit to the entire duration of the camp and adhere to its schedule.

6. Health and Fitness Level: Especially for sports camps, a certain level of physical fitness may be required. You should be in good health and physically able to participate in the activities planned. Some camps might also require a medical check or clearance.

Each camp at Amherst College has its unique set of requirements and offerings. It’s always best to check the specific details of the camp you’re interested in to ensure it aligns with your age, interests, skill level, and physical abilities.

Amherst campus from afar

How To Get Into Amherst College Youth Camps

Joining the Amherst College Youth Camps involves a series of steps. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process:

1. Choose Your Camp: First, identify which camp you’re interested in. Amherst College offers various camps, including sports camps like Nike Softball and Basketball Camps, and tennis camps by Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps. Each has specific age groups and focuses​​​​​​.

Since these camps are operated by third-party organizations using Amherst College’s facilities, each camp may have its own specific registration deadlines. It’s essential to regularly check the camp’s website or contact the organizers directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

2. Registration Process: Registration for these camps is usually done through their respective websites. For example, the Nike Softball Camp and Basketball Camp have their own registration pages on the US Sports Camps website. Make sure to fill in all necessary details accurately​​​​.

3. Understanding the Camp Schedule: Each camp has its own schedule, including check-in and check-out times. For instance, the Nike Softball Camp starts with check-in on a Sunday and concludes with check-out on a Wednesday. The Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps also have detailed schedules depending on whether you choose the overnight, commuter, or full day options​​​​.

4. Meeting Age and Skill Requirements: Ensure you meet the age and skill level requirements for your chosen camp. For example, the Nike Softball Camp is for girls aged 9-18, and the basketball camp may have similar age groups​​​​.

5. Preparation and Packing: Prepare for the camp by packing all necessary items. This includes sporting gear specific to the camp, like tennis rackets or basketball shoes, as well as personal items and appropriate clothing. Overnight campers will need additional items like bedding and toiletries​​​​.

6. Completing Required Forms: Fill out and bring any required forms, such as medical and liability forms. These are crucial for ensuring your safety and eligibility to participate in the camp activities.

Medical forms are used to collect information about your health history and current medications. This information is important for the camp staff to know in case of an emergency. Liability forms release the camp from liability in the event of an accident. It is important to read these forms carefully and understand what they mean before signing them.

7. Arranging Transportation: Plan your transportation to and from the camp, as most camps do not provide transportation services. It’s important to arrive on time for check-in and arrange for timely pick-up after the camp concludes​​​​.

8. Payment and Confirmation: Complete the payment process and ensure you receive a confirmation of your registration. It’s a good idea to keep a copy of this confirmation for your records.

9. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on your email and the camp’s website for any updates or changes to the camp schedule or requirements. Remember, each camp might have specific instructions or requirements, so it’s essential to read all the information provided on their websites and follow the instructions carefully.

How Long Do the Youth Camps Usually Last?

The duration of the Amherst College Youth Camps for 2024 varies depending on the specific camp:

1. Nike Softball Camp: This camp is scheduled from July 14-17, 2024. It offers both overnight and day camp options. For day campers, the camp runs from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm daily, with specific check-in and check-out times on the first and last days​​.

2. Nike Basketball Camp: The Nike Basketball Camp offers several sessions, each with different dates and times. For example, the Complete Skills sessions run from June 24-27, July 1-3, July 8-11, and July 15-18. The camp hours are typically from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for full-day campers. There is also an Elite Camp with specific check-in and check-out times over a weekend​​.

These are just a couple of examples, and the exact duration can vary for other camps. It’s important to check the specific details for each camp you’re interested in, as they may have different schedules and lengths.

A teenager holding a ball

How Can Attending the Camps Impact Your Future College Applications?

Here’s a detailed discussion on how attending Amherst College Youth Camps can impact your future college applications:

1. Exposure to Rigorous Academic Standards: Amherst College is known for its competitive and high academic standards. Attending their youth camps gives you a glimpse into this environment, preparing you for the academic rigor of college. The camp likely includes challenging courses and workshops that mirror college-level work, helping you develop crucial skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management. This exposure not only boosts your confidence but also demonstrates to college admissions committees that you’re capable of handling demanding coursework.

2. Enhanced Application Profile: Participation in Amherst College Youth Camps can be a significant addition to your college applications. It shows your proactive effort in pursuing educational opportunities beyond the classroom. Such experiences are often viewed favorably by admissions officers as they look for students who take the initiative and engage in learning opportunities that challenge them. Mentioning your experience at Amherst’s camps in your application can set you apart from others who have not had such exposure.

3. Development of Specialized Skills or Interests: If you attend a camp focused on a specific field or subject, it can help you deepen your knowledge and skills in that area. This is particularly beneficial if you plan to pursue the same or a related field in college. It shows admissions officers your dedication and sustained interest in a particular area, making your application more compelling.

4. Networking Opportunities with Peers and Faculty: Attending a youth camp at Amherst College allows you to network with peers who share similar academic interests and ambitions. You also get a chance to interact with faculty members and possibly even receive mentorship. These connections can be invaluable, offering insights into the college experience and even leading to recommendations that strengthen your college applications.

5. Insight into College Life and Amherst’s Community: By spending time on campus, you gain first-hand experience of college life and the specific atmosphere at Amherst. This experience can be articulated in your college essays, making them more personal and authentic. Demonstrating your familiarity with and enthusiasm for the college can be a persuasive aspect of your application.

6. Building a Stronger College Essay: The experiences and lessons learned at the camp can provide rich material for your college essays. You can reflect on how the camp influenced your academic interests, personal growth, or understanding of a subject. A well-crafted essay that weaves into your camp experiences can be a powerful component of your application, showcasing your reflections, growth, and readiness for college.

Remember, while attending such camps can be advantageous, it’s also important to balance these experiences with strong academic performance, well-rounded extracurricular involvement, and personal development. College admissions officers look for a holistic picture of each applicant, so it’s vital to excel in various areas.

students walk and chat on a college campus

What Are the Accommodation and Living Arrangements Like?

At Amherst College Youth Camps, you can expect comfortable and secure living accommodations that are designed to enhance your camp experience. While specific details about the youth camps’ accommodations weren’t directly available, we can infer from Amherst College’s overall housing approach that the focus is on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. Amherst College has a variety of residence halls and housing configurations, including suites, doubles, singles, and theme housing, which may extend to their youth camp offerings​​.

Amherst College boasts 34 residence halls, some of which are dedicated to first-year students. This diverse range of housing options likely extends to the youth camps, offering you a glimpse into the college life experience. The housing configurations may include options like suites, doubles, and singles, providing a range of choices to suit different preferences and needs​​.

The dining experience at Amherst College is notable for its focus on fresh, locally sourced food. The Valentine Dining Hall, which might be part of the youth camp experience, offers a variety of delicious dietary options. This commitment to quality food sourced from local farms, including their own Book & Plow Farm, ensures that you will have access to nutritious and tasty meals during your stay at the camp​​.

Community is a cornerstone of the residential experience at Amherst College. The campus features common spaces, including kitchens, which are central to residential housing. This design fosters a sense of community and provides spaces for you to interact, collaborate, and build friendships with fellow camp attendees. The residential halls are a blend of traditional and modern styles, providing a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment for you​​.

The Office of Residential Life at Amherst College includes a staff of deans, area coordinators, and student resident counselors, all dedicated to creating a rewarding residential experience. This support structure is likely to be a part of the youth camp experience as well, ensuring that you have access to the guidance and support you need during your stay​​.

Staying in the residence halls during the Amherst College Youth Camps gives you a unique opportunity to experience college life first-hand. This experience is invaluable in preparing you for what to expect when you transition to college. From learning to live with roommates to managing your daily routine in a campus setting, the experience at the youth camp will equip you with insights and skills that are beneficial for your future college endeavors​​.

Remember, while this information is based on the general housing and dining facilities at Amherst College, the specific arrangements for the youth camps might vary. However, it gives you a good idea of the standards and quality you can expect during your stay at the camp.

What Safety Measures Are in Place at the Camp?

Your safety at Amherst College Youth Camps is taken very seriously, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience for all participants. Here are some key safety measures and protocols in place:

1. Comprehensive Safety Policies and Procedures: Amherst College has stringent policies to safeguard minors, including you, when participating in any college-sponsored programs like the youth camps. These policies are meticulously crafted to prevent any form of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual. As a participant, you are protected under these policies, which are aligned with Massachusetts law to ensure your well-being and safety throughout the camp duration​​.

2. Strict Registration and Screening Process for Staff and Volunteers: Prior to any camp activity, there is a rigorous registration and screening process for all staff and volunteers. This includes a multi-state criminal background check and a national sex offender registry check, repeated every three years. Furthermore, individuals with high contact with minors undergo additional screening, like face-to-face interviews and reference checks, to ensure they are suitable for working with you and other young attendees​​.

3. Mandatory Training for Authorized Adults: All adults authorized to participate in the camp, such as counselors and staff, must complete specialized training modules. This training covers policy orientation and child abuse prevention, ensuring they are well-equipped to create a safe and supportive environment for you. Additional training may be provided as deemed necessary by the camp management​​.

4. ‘Rule of Three’ for Supervision: The camp adheres to the ‘rule of three’ for supervision, meaning there should always be at least three people present during any interaction, including at least one authorized adult. This policy minimizes the risk of any inappropriate behavior and ensures your safety at all times. Exceptions to this rule are clearly defined and strictly controlled​​.

5. Fire Safety Guidelines and Regulations: Amherst College has specific guidelines to ensure fire safety during the camp. You are expected to use stairs for evacuation during a fire alarm, and all building occupants, including you, should proceed to pre-designated assembly areas. Additionally, there are clear rules about prohibited items like open-flame devices and certain appliances in dormitories, ensuring your living spaces are safe from fire hazards​​.

6. Emergency Response and Accountability Systems: In case of emergencies, such as a fire, the college has an established procedure for reporting and responding to the incident. Faculty and staff are required to maintain an accountability system to keep track of all students, including you. This ensures that everyone is accounted for in case of an emergency evacuation. Fire extinguishers and other safety equipment are strategically located across the campus, and only trained individuals are authorized to use them​​.

These measures collectively ensure a secure environment at Amherst College Youth Camps, allowing you to focus on learning, personal growth, and making new friends, without worrying about your safety and well-being.

What Are the Networking Opportunities Available at the Camp?

At Amherst College Youth Camps, you’ll find that networking opportunities form a significant part of your experience. These camps draw students from a wide range of backgrounds, giving you the chance to broaden your social and professional circles. You’ll encounter peers with varying interests and goals, which can be a gateway to new ideas and future opportunities.

During your time at the camp, you’ll have the chance to interact with Amherst College’s faculty and staff. This interaction is more than just educational; it’s an opportunity to connect with professionals in your field of interest. These connections can offer valuable guidance and mentorship, providing insights into college life and career paths that may lie ahead. Moreover, the camp’s links to the college’s alumni network open doors to a broader community of successful individuals. Alumni often share their career experiences and paths, offering both inspiration and practical advice for your own journey.

Participating in group projects and teamwork is another key aspect of the camp. Through these activities, you’ll develop essential skills in collaboration and communication. These skills are vital not just for academic success but also for nurturing professional relationships. Additionally, the camp often presents opportunities for leadership roles or challenges. Taking on these roles allows you to demonstrate and enhance your leadership skills, helping you to connect with others who are equally keen on developing their capabilities.

Finally, Amherst College provides various resources, including career advising and services, which are accessible during the camp. These resources are there to support you in planning your academic and career trajectory. The connections and experiences you gain at Amherst College Youth Camps are more than just temporary; they can significantly influence your academic and professional life. It’s important to embrace every chance to interact with others, learn from their experiences, and share your own goals and aspirations.

What Should You Pack for Amherst College Youth Camp?

When preparing for the Amherst College Youth Camps, it’s important to pack thoughtfully to ensure you have everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Here are some detailed key points to guide you:

1. Essential Personal Items: Your packing should start with the basics. Bring bed linens for a Twin Extra Long bed (39″ x 80″), a pillow, towels, and your favorite toiletries. Don’t forget shower shoes, as they are essential for communal bathrooms. 

Also, pack a laundry bag or basket, along with high-efficiency laundry detergent – the good news is that washing machines and dryers at Amherst do not require payment to use. Remember your personal hygiene items, including a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and soap.

2. Clothing and Weather-Appropriate Gear: You’ll need a variety of clothing to match the diverse activities and the New England weather. Pack comfortable clothes for daily activities, including T-shirts, shorts, and jeans. Don’t forget a rain jacket or umbrella for sudden showers. 

Since evenings can get cool, include a sweater or hoodie. For colder months, a winter coat, hat, gloves, and boots are necessary. Also, bring at least one formal outfit for special occasions or events that might arise.

3. Electronics and Chargers: In today’s digital world, don’t forget your electronic devices. Bring your cell phone and laptop along with their respective chargers. Multi-outlet power strips are also a good idea, as they can help manage multiple devices. If you enjoy music, consider bringing a compact stereo system with earphones to enjoy your tunes without disturbing others.

4. Academic Supplies and Personal Items: Since you’re attending a youth camp focused on educational and personal growth, be sure to pack your school supplies. This includes notebooks, pens, pencils, and any other materials you might need for taking notes or participating in workshops. Also, bring personal items that make you feel at home, like photos, a small plant, or a favorite book.

5. Health and Wellness Essentials: Health should be a top priority, so pack any prescription medication you need, along with your health insurance card. It’s also wise to bring a small first-aid kit, which could include items like band-aids, pain relievers, and any personal medical supplies. Include a pair of glasses or contacts if you need them. Also, consider packing a small supply of KN-95 masks and hand sanitizer as health precautions.

6. Prohibited Items and Recommendations: It’s crucial to be aware of what not to bring. Amherst College prohibits items like personal microwaves, refrigerators, toaster ovens, candles, incense, hot plates, halogen lamps, and any large furniture or stereo systems. 

Also, while preparing your packing list, remember that the camp will provide certain amenities like a small refrigerator, microwave, garbage can, and recycling bin in each room. Laundry facilities are available, so there’s no need for quarters.

Remember, packing for the camp is not just about bringing the right items; it’s also about leaving unnecessary things at home to make your stay more comfortable and focused on the enriching experience Amherst College Youth Camps offer.

A woman counting her money.

How Can Parents Stay Informed and Involved?

Based on the information from Amherst College’s website, here’s how parents can stay informed and involved in the Youth Camps at Amherst College:

1. Communication Channels: Amherst College provides various communication channels for parents to stay updated about the youth camps. You can expect regular updates through emails, which may include newsletters, event announcements, and program changes. 

Additionally, Amherst College’s website serves as a central hub for information, offering details about camp activities, schedules, and contact information. Make sure to check these resources regularly to stay informed about what’s happening at the camp.

2. Safety and Supervision Policies: The college places a high emphasis on the safety and well-being of camp participants. As a parent, you should be aware of the Youth Protection Policy implemented by Amherst College. 

This policy includes stringent measures for child abuse prevention, including background checks for all staff and training in child abuse prevention. Understanding these policies can give you peace of mind about your child’s safety at the camp.

3. Involvement Opportunities: While the youth camps are primarily for students, there may be opportunities for parental involvement in certain events or activities. These could include open days, special presentations, or performances where parents are invited to attend. Keep an eye on the camp’s calendar for such events.

4. Emergency Procedures: Familiarize yourself with the camp’s emergency procedures and contacts. In case of an emergency, knowing whom to contact and how the camp will respond is crucial. The camp’s welcome packet or website should provide detailed information on emergency protocols and key contact numbers.

5. Parental Feedback and Queries: Amherst College values parental feedback and queries regarding the youth camps. There are designated channels, such as email addresses and phone numbers, where you can direct your questions or concerns. The college encourages open communication to ensure that your child’s experience at the camp is positive and enriching.

6. Social Media and Online Platforms: Follow Amherst College’s official social media accounts for updates, photos, and stories from the youth camps. These platforms often provide a glimpse into daily activities and are a great way to see what your child is experiencing at the camp. Additionally, these platforms can serve as a community space for parents to connect and share their experiences.

Remember, as a student, you can also help your parents stay connected and informed by sharing your own experiences and updates from the camp.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, your journey to your dream college is paved with hard work, dedication, and a willingness to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Amherst College Youth Camps offer an enriching experience that not only allows you to explore your interests but also presents a chance to enhance your college application.

Remember, the benefits extend beyond just the camp experience itself. The knowledge gained, skills honed, and connections made can open doors to a brighter future. So, if you’re looking for an edge in the competitive world of college admissions, consider Amherst College Youth Camps as a valuable addition to your toolkit.

Whether you’re passionate about science, the arts, or any other field, these camps provide a platform for growth and self-discovery. Take the leap, apply, and embrace the opportunities that await. Your journey to your dream college begins with the steps you take today, and Amherst College Youth Camps might just be the first stride toward your bright future.

Back view of volunteers.

How AdmissionSight Can Help You With College Admissions

AdmissionSight is a college consulting firm that provides personalized assistance to students throughout the college admissions process. Here are some ways that AdmissionSight can help you:

Admissions strategy: AdmissionSight can help you develop a strategic plan for your college application process. Our professional consultants can assist with identifying schools that are a good fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal goals and help you plan and prioritize your application strategy.

Application review: AdmissionSight can review your application and provide feedback on how to improve it. We can offer suggestions on making your application stand out and highlighting your strengths and unique qualities.

Essay coaching: AdmissionSight can help you craft compelling essays that showcase your personality, goals, and achievements. We can guide you through the essay writing process and provide feedback on your drafts to help you refine your writing.

Interview preparation: AdmissionSight can provide interview coaching to help you feel confident and prepared for college interviews. Our experts can offer tips on how to present yourself professionally and how to answer common interview questions.

Extracurricular planning: AdmissionSight can help you plan and develop your extracurricular activities to make them more impactful and meaningful. We can suggest activities that align with your interests and goals and provide guidance on demonstrating your leadership and initiative.

Overall, AdmissionSight can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the college admissions process to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice.

With a high success rate of over 75%, we have built a strong network in the past decade. Book an initial consultation today, free of charge!


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