
Exploring the Classics at Johns Hopkins University

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Plato's statue

Exploring the Classics at Johns Hopkins University

Are you interested in exploring the fascinating world of classical literature, culture, and history? Look no further than Johns Hopkins University, where the Classics program is one of the best in the country. In this article, we will provide you with an in-depth look at the Johns Hopkins Classics program, including its history, professors, student life, and future prospects.

Why Johns Hopkins University is the Best Place to Study Classics

Johns Hopkins University stands out as an excellent place to study classics for several reasons. Most notably, the university’s Classics program is highly regarded, with a long history of excellence in scholarship and teaching. Additionally, Johns Hopkins is located in Baltimore, a city with a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant intellectual community, making it an ideal place to explore the classical world.

Johns Hopkins hospital

Furthermore, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins offers a wide range of courses, from introductory classes to advanced seminars, allowing students to tailor their education to their interests and career goals. The program also provides opportunities for students to participate in research projects and study abroad programs, giving them hands-on experience in the field and exposure to different cultures.

A Brief History of Classics at Johns Hopkins University

The Classics program at Johns Hopkins University has a long and illustrious history. Founded in 1876, it is one of the oldest departments of its kind in the United States. Over the years, the program has attracted some of the most influential scholars in the field, including Moses Hadas, who authored several works on Roman poetry and culture, and James Allen, a renowned expert on ancient Egyptian language and mythology.

Throughout its history, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University has maintained a strong focus on interdisciplinary studies. Students are encouraged to explore the connections between ancient literature, history, philosophy, and art, and to apply these insights to contemporary issues. This approach has led to groundbreaking research in areas such as the reception of classical texts in modern literature and the role of ancient ideas in shaping political thought.

In recent years, the Classics program has also embraced new technologies and pedagogical approaches. Students now have access to digital resources that allow them to explore ancient texts and artifacts in new ways, and the department has developed innovative courses that incorporate experiential learning and community engagement.

These efforts have helped to ensure that the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University remains at the forefront of the field, and continues to attract talented students and scholars from around the world.

The Top Professors in the Classics Department at Johns Hopkins University

The Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is home to some of the most distinguished scholars in the field. Among them are Richard J. Tarrant, an expert in ancient Greek literature, and Joshua Katz, a specialist in the history of linguistics. These scholars, along with several others, have contributed significantly to the field of Classics, not just through their research and writing, but through their teaching as well.

The Benefits of Studying Classics at Johns Hopkins University

Studying Classics at Johns Hopkins University offers a wide range of benefits to students. For one, the program offers students the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics, including ancient philosophy, mythology, literature, and history. Additionally, students in the Classics program have access to resources such as the university’s world-class libraries and research facilities, which provide a rich and stimulating academic environment.

A woman taking an exam

Furthermore, studying Classics at Johns Hopkins University can also provide students with valuable skills that are highly sought after in a variety of industries. These skills include critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and effective communication, which are all essential for success in any career. In fact, many Classics graduates go on to pursue careers in fields such as law, medicine, journalism, and education, among others.

What You Can Expect from a Classics Degree at Johns Hopkins University

A degree in Classics from Johns Hopkins University is a prestigious and highly respected credential that can open many doors in the world of academia and beyond. Graduates of the program have gone on to pursue careers in fields such as law, education, museum curation, and publishing, among others. In addition to broadening one’s knowledge and critical thinking skills, a degree in Classics from Johns Hopkins can provide students with the opportunity to hone their writing and research skills as well.

Furthermore, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins offers a unique interdisciplinary approach to the study of ancient civilizations. Students have the opportunity to explore not only the literature and language of ancient Greece and Rome, but also their history, art, philosophy, and religion. This comprehensive approach allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the ancient world and its influence on modern society.

Additionally, the Classics department at Johns Hopkins is home to renowned scholars and experts in the field. Students have the opportunity to work closely with these faculty members, engaging in research projects and participating in seminars and conferences. This close mentorship and collaboration can provide students with invaluable networking opportunities and can help them to develop their own research interests and career goals.

Student Life in the Classics Department at Johns Hopkins University

The Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is a tight-knit community of students and scholars who share a passion for the ancient world. In addition to attending classes and participating in research projects, students can get involved in various clubs and organizations, such as the Classics Society, which hosts events and activities that celebrate the rich culture and history of the classical world.


One of the most popular events hosted by the Classics Society is the annual Classics Symposium, which brings together students, faculty, and guest speakers from around the world to discuss topics related to the ancient world. The symposium features a series of lectures, panel discussions, and workshops, and provides students with a unique opportunity to engage with experts in the field and learn about the latest research and discoveries.

Another way that students can get involved in the Classics program is by participating in study abroad programs. The department offers a variety of study-abroad opportunities in countries such as Greece, Italy, and Turkey, where students can immerse themselves in the culture and history of the ancient world and gain valuable hands-on experience in archaeological excavations and other research projects.

The Role of Research in the Classics Program at Johns Hopkins University

Research plays an essential role in the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University. The program offers students numerous opportunities to engage in research projects and independent studies, working closely with faculty members to explore various facets of the classical world. The university’s exceptional research facilities and libraries provide students with access to a wealth of primary source materials, allowing them to conduct research at the highest level.

Furthermore, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University encourages students to present their research findings at academic conferences and publish their work in scholarly journals. This not only provides students with valuable experience in presenting and publishing their research but also contributes to the wider academic community’s understanding of the classical world. The program also hosts guest lectures and seminars by leading scholars in the field, providing students with the opportunity to engage with and learn from experts in the field.

How to Get Involved in Classics Clubs and Organizations at Johns Hopkins University

Getting involved in Classics clubs and organizations at Johns Hopkins University is easy and highly recommended. The Classics Society, for example, hosts a wide range of events and activities, from movie screenings and trivia nights to lectures and symposia. Students can also get involved in other clubs and organizations, such as the Archaeology Club or the Hellenic Society, which focus on specific areas of classical study.

multi national students studying together

Additionally, students can participate in Classics-related research projects and internships, which provide hands-on experience in the field. The Department of Classics at Johns Hopkins University offers various research opportunities, including the chance to work with faculty members on their research projects. Students can also apply for internships at local museums and archaeological sites, where they can gain practical experience in the field of Classics.

Opportunities for Study Abroad in the Classics Program at Johns Hopkins University

Study abroad programs are an excellent way to deepen one’s knowledge of classical culture and history. Johns Hopkins University offers several study abroad opportunities for Classics students, including programs in Rome, Athens, and many other cities throughout Europe. These programs allow students to immerse themselves in the culture and history of the ancient world, gaining a deeper understanding of the people and events that shaped our world today.

In addition to the study abroad programs, the Classics Program at Johns Hopkins University also offers a variety of on-campus opportunities for students to engage with the ancient world. These include guest lectures by renowned scholars, museum visits, and archaeological digs.

Students can also participate in the Classics Club, which organizes events and activities related to classical culture and history. These on-campus opportunities provide students with a well-rounded education in the Classics, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Career Paths for Graduates of the Classics Program at Johns Hopkins University

Graduating with a degree in Classics from Johns Hopkins University can lead to a wide range of career opportunities. Many graduates of the program go on to pursue careers in fields such as law, education, publishing, and museum curation, among others. Furthermore, the skills and knowledge gained from a degree in Classics, such as critical thinking, research, and writing, are highly transferable and can be applied to many other fields beyond classical studies.

One potential career path for Classics graduates is in the field of archaeology. With a strong foundation in ancient history and culture, graduates can pursue careers as archaeologists, working to uncover and preserve artifacts and historical sites. Additionally, Classics graduates may find success in the field of international relations, using their knowledge of ancient civilizations to inform their understanding of modern global politics and diplomacy.

Another potential career path for Classics graduates is in the field of journalism. With a strong background in research and writing, graduates can pursue careers as journalists, using their skills to report on current events and issues with a historical perspective. Additionally, Classics graduates may find success in the field of marketing and advertising, using their knowledge of ancient rhetoric and persuasion techniques to create effective campaigns and messaging.

Alumni Success Stories from the Classics Department at Johns Hopkins University

Many alumni of the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University have gone on to achieve great success in their chosen careers. For example, Anthony Grafton, a distinguished historian of science and philosophy, earned his Ph.D. in Classics from Johns Hopkins before going on to write numerous books and articles on the history of knowledge and scholarship. Similarly, Sarah Ruden, a noted translator of ancient literature, earned her BA in Classics from the university before embarking on a successful career as a writer and translator.

Another notable alumnus of the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is David Simon, the creator of the critically acclaimed television series, The Wire. Simon earned his BA in Classics from the university before pursuing a career in journalism and later transitioning to television writing and producing. His background in Classics has been credited with influencing the complex and nuanced storytelling in his work.

The Future of the Classics Program at Johns Hopkins University

The Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is committed to continuing its tradition of excellence in scholarship, teaching, and research.

The department is actively engaged in exploring new areas of study and research, such as digital humanities and cross-cultural comparison, to ensure that its students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. With its long and distinguished history and its commitment to innovation and excellence, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is sure to remain a leader in the field for years to come.

Additionally, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity in its curriculum and community. The department recognizes the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives and voices in the study of ancient civilizations and is actively working to expand its offerings in this area.

This includes partnering with scholars from underrepresented groups and offering courses that explore topics such as race, gender, and sexuality in the ancient world. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is not only preparing its students for the future but also contributing to a more equitable and just society.

Tips for Applying to the Classics Program at Johns Hopkins University

If you are interested in applying to the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of being accepted. First and foremost, make sure you have a strong academic record and a passion for the classical world.

Additionally, take advantage of any opportunities to study classical languages, such as Latin and ancient Greek, as these skills will be highly valuable in the program. Finally, be sure to reach out to faculty members and alumni of the program to learn more about what it’s like to be a student in the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University.

Another important factor to consider when applying to the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University is your writing skills. The program places a strong emphasis on critical analysis and effective communication, so it’s important to demonstrate your ability to write clearly and persuasively. Consider taking writing courses or participating in writing workshops to improve your skills.

It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the research interests of the faculty members in the Classics program. This can help you tailor your application materials to align with their areas of expertise and demonstrate your potential as a valuable contributor to the program. You can find this information on the program’s website or by reaching out to faculty members directly.


In conclusion, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University offers students a rich and rewarding academic experience. With its long history of excellence and its commitment to innovation and growth, the department is sure to remain a leader in the field of classical studies for years to come.

Whether you are an aspiring scholar, writer, or researcher, a degree in Classics from Johns Hopkins University can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen field, while also deepening your understanding of the ancient world and its continuing impact on our lives today.

View of Johns Hopkins University

Furthermore, the Classics program at Johns Hopkins University offers a wide range of courses that cover various aspects of classical studies, including literature, history, philosophy, and art. This diversity allows students to explore their interests and develop a well-rounded understanding of the ancient world.

Moreover, the department has a strong commitment to research and scholarship, with faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. This provides students with opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research and contribute to the ongoing conversation in the field of classical studies.

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