
Leadership for Social Change at Tufts

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Students smiling at the camera.

Leadership for Social Change at Tufts

Are you ready to be the change you wish to see in the world? Welcome to the crossroads where ambition meets action, where your passion for progress ignites a journey of transformation. This is your opportunity to join the Leadership for Social Change program at Tufts University, a unique platform that molds tomorrow’s leaders today. In this blog, we dive deep into what makes this program an educational experience and a life-altering adventure. Get ready to discover how Tufts equips you with the tools, skills, and vision to lead social change, one step at a time!

What is the Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

Welcome to the Leadership for Social Change – Virtual Edition! This dynamic program is focused on developing the skills and knowledge necessary to drive positive change in society. It combines academic learning with practical experience, enabling students to understand the complexities of social issues and the leadership roles they can play in addressing them.

This summer, Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life is adapting to the challenges posed by the global pandemic by offering a virtual Pre-College Intensive program. Through various digital tools, this program aims to underscore our shared global interdependence and connection. This engaging, two-week virtual journey will connect students globally, equipping you with essential skills for effecting change, resilience-building techniques, and civic insights. You’ll learn to build networks, collaborate effectively, and step up as influential leaders poised to motivate and guide others.

A young student holding a globe.

Program Overview

The Leadership for Social Change (LSC) program, which carries academic credit, is designed for high school sophomores and seniors. It will introduce you to diverse strategies social change and civic leaders use to address societal disruptions, with this year’s spotlight on the systemic challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics you will delve into include educational disparities, community health issues, food justice, and public policy, among others. The goal of the program is to arm you with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and thrive as proactive agents of change in navigating these complex societal issues.

Created to foster deep reflection and questioning about the societal transformations triggered by the pandemic, the virtual format of this program also explores how our sense of community has evolved in the face of physical distancing. Moreover, the Leadership for Social Change Intensive will focus more intently on student-centered learning. This approach emphasizes the importance of community values and supports you in discovering and honing your unique abilities through project-based learning. Prepare to engage, learn, and transform – your journey as a change-maker starts here!

Why should you go to the Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

Get ready to immerse yourself in the critical areas of civic engagement, a journey where your academic interests and passions converge. This exploration, guided by Tufts University’s expertise, is an educational venture that will lead you to a path to understanding and involvement in crucial societal issues.

Addressing Educational Inequities and Neighborhood Segregation: Understand the complexities of educational disparities and how they intertwine with neighborhood segregation. Examine the challenges and opportunities in bridging these gaps, shaping a more equitable educational landscape.

Environmental Justice and Community Health: Step into the realms of environmental justice. Learn how environmental factors impact community health and explore strategies to foster healthier, more sustainable communities.

Public Policy and Government Insights: Gain insights into the workings of public policy and government. Discover how policies are crafted, implemented, and their impact on society. This area opens a window into the mechanics of governance and policy-making.

The Dynamics of Grassroots Social Movements: Explore the grassroots level of social change. Understand the birth and growth of social movements, the power of community mobilization, and the strategies that drive successful grassroots initiatives.

Throughout this journey, you will connect your personal interests with academic pursuits and also engage with and learn from Tufts faculty and community leaders actively making a difference. This is your chance to gain firsthand insights from experts, broaden your understanding, and see how you can contribute to meaningful change in these pivotal areas.

two female student looking at the laptop about Free Online Courses at Harvard

Program Outcomes

Earn One Tufts Credit (Pass/Fail): Successfully complete the program and earn a valuable academic credit from Tufts University.

Access to an Official Tufts Transcript: Receive an official transcript from Tufts University upon request, documenting your academic achievement.

Opportunities for Leadership Development and Networking: Engage in activities designed to develop your leadership skills and connect with a network of like-minded individuals.

Creation of Individual Action Plans: Develop a personalized action plan to address a specific issue in your local community.

Join a Passionate Community of Peers: Become part of a vibrant network of students who share a deep commitment to social change.

Get Inspired and Equipped for Change: Gain the inspiration and tools necessary to become an active, engaged civic leader who can effect meaningful change.

Program Structure

This program skillfully bridges your personal interests with academic pursuits, offering unique opportunities to interact with Tufts faculty and community leaders who are actively making a difference.

In this virtual setting of the Leadership for Social Change (LSC), you will harness your strengths and step into the role of a historian, documenting this extraordinary period for future generations of changemakers. The program includes:

Interactive Lectures and Panels: Participate in engaging lectures by Tufts faculty and insightful panel discussions with community leaders.

Mentoring and Group Discussions: Benefit from small-group mentoring and discussions led by student leaders from Tufts University.

Asian student studying for an exam.

Daily Screen Time

Balanced Screen Engagement: Expect an average of 4.5 hours of screen time daily.

Small Group Dynamics: You will be part of a small cohort, fostering a sense of community and allowing you to connect closely with peers. Each group, guided by a Tufts University student leader, will be your support network throughout the program.

Culminating Project and Ceremony

Final Project: In the program’s second week, you’ll delve into researching a social issue in your local community. This involves understanding its root causes, identifying key stakeholders, scrutinizing existing policies, and devising practical solutions.

Closing Ceremony: Showcase your project at the LSC closing ceremony, an event open to Tufts faculty, staff, and guests.

Reflection and Global Connection

This program aims to forge global connections among students, facilitate interactions with faculty, and help you craft plans for social change in your community. The current global circumstances present unique challenges, and through LSC, you will uncover your strengths, realize your leadership potential, and embrace your role as a future change-maker. The dedicated LSC staff will guide you in this journey of self-discovery and societal contribution.

A student looking happy while reading something in her laptop.

Comprehensive Program Experience

Virtual Social Engagements

In this virtual setting, students will have the exciting opportunity to engage in various virtual social activities with peers from different programs. Sign-ups for these events will open one week before they commence, ensuring ample time for you to plan your participation.

Program-Centric Activities

This program offers designated independent study times within virtual “Common Rooms,” “Studio Spaces,” or “Study Rooms.” These monitored spaces allow for collaborative work among peers, fostering an environment of shared learning and casual interaction.

Tufts Virtual Campus: A Digital Learning Environment

At Tufts, they are committed to making every aspect of the student experience memorable, and this extends to the virtual campus. Through a blend of digital tools, they recreate the essential educational and social environment you expect from Tufts University. The virtual campus is hosted on various software platforms, offering comprehensive access during your program, with two key platforms being:

Zoom: This platform enables a wide range of interactions, from lectures and webinars to breakout sessions, mentoring, phone calls, and chat sessions.

Canvas: Canvas acts as a collaborative hub for course materials, assignments, and grading. Most programs will utilize Canvas to host essential course elements like syllabi, readings, and review questions.

Academic Rigor and Flexibility

The virtual programs at Tufts are meticulously designed to mirror the academic rigor and teaching quality of their on-campus counterparts. These programs offer a unique blend of flexibility and interactivity, allowing you to engage with course materials at your own pace and utilize a broader range of resources to meet your educational objectives. This approach enhances your learning experience, providing the freedom to interact with the course content in a manner that suits your personal schedule.

a male student writing an essay to his notebook

Evaluating the Impact of Summer Learning on Academic Performance

Evaluating the impact of summer learning programs like Leadership for Social Change at Tufts on academic performance involves understanding how these experiences contribute to a student’s overall educational growth. Such programs can have a profound effect on students in several ways:

A. Cognitive and Academic Skills

Enhanced Knowledge: Specialized programs often delve deeper into subjects than standard school curricula, providing students with advanced knowledge and understanding.

Improved Study Habits: The structured environment of summer programs helps students develop disciplined study habits and time management skills.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Engaging in complex projects and discussions enhances critical thinking skills, which is beneficial for academic pursuits.

B. Personal Development

Increased Motivation and Engagement: Exposure to new and exciting topics can reignite a passion for learning, leading to increased motivation and engagement in regular academic studies.

Self-Confidence: Successfully completing challenging summer programs can boost self-esteem and confidence in academic abilities.

Cultural and Social Awareness: Programs focusing on social change expand a student’s understanding of societal issues, fostering a more holistic educational perspective.

Social Skills and Leadership: Collaboration and Teamwork: Working with peers in group projects develops teamwork skills, important for collaborative learning environments.

Leadership Skills: Leadership-focused programs cultivate leadership abilities, translating to improved participation and initiative in classroom settings.

Communication Skills: Enhanced communication skills from summer programs improve a student’s ability to articulate ideas and engage in academic discussions.

C. Long-Term Academic Benefits

College Preparation: Many summer programs are designed to prepare students for college-level work, giving them a head start in higher education.

Career Exploration: Exposure to various fields and career paths can help students make more informed decisions about their academic and career trajectories.

Network Building: Connections with peers, mentors, and educators can provide ongoing support and opportunities for academic growth.

D. Research and Studies

Studies on Summer Learning: Research has shown that structured summer learning programs can mitigate summer learning loss and even lead to academic gains, particularly in focused areas of study.

Longitudinal Impact: Long-term studies suggest that the benefits of summer programs, especially those focused on specific skills or subjects, can extend into future academic years, influencing overall educational trajectories.

E. Evaluation Methods

Academic Performance Tracking: Monitoring grades and academic performance before and after participation in a summer program can provide quantitative evidence of impact.

Self-Assessment and Feedback: Students’ self-assessments and feedback can offer qualitative insights into how they perceive the program’s influence on their academic and personal growth.

Teacher and Parent Observations: Feedback from teachers and parents can also help in evaluating changes in engagement, attitude towards learning, and performance in school.

Summer learning programs like Leadership for Social Change at Tufts can significantly contribute to a student’s educational growth, not only by enhancing academic skills but also by fostering personal development, social skills, and long-term academic and career planning.

How do you get into the Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

Here are the general requirements and eligibility criteria to join the program:

Grade Level Eligibility: This program is open to students who are entering grades 10 through 12 in high school. Whether you’re a sophomore just starting your high school journey, a junior delving deeper into your interests, or a senior preparing for the future, this program has something valuable to offer you.

International Student Participation

Open to All: The program extends a warm invitation to both domestic and international students to apply for and participate in pre-college programs. It’s a chance to join a diverse community of learners from different cultural backgrounds!

Ideal Extracurriculars for aspiring Leadership for Social Change at Tufts attendees

If you’re aspiring to attend the Leadership for Social Change program at Tufts University, engaging in certain extracurricular activities can significantly enhance your application and demonstrate your commitment to social change. Here are some ideal extracurriculars to consider:

Community Service and Volunteering: Participate in community service projects that address social issues. This could include volunteering at local shelters, organizing food drives, or working with underprivileged communities.

Student Government: Involvement in student government shows leadership skills and an understanding of organizational dynamics. It also provides an opportunity to initiate change within your school community.

Debate Team or Model United Nations (MUN): These activities develop critical thinking, public speaking, and negotiation skills. They also expose you to global issues and the complexities of international relations.

Social Justice Clubs or Organizations: Join or start a club focused on social justice issues such as environmental sustainability, human rights, or equality. This shows a direct engagement with issues of social change.

Youth Leadership Programs: Participate in local or national youth leadership programs. These programs often focus on developing leadership skills and understanding social change mechanisms.

Internships with NGOs or Nonprofits: Gaining practical experience with organizations working in the field of social change can be invaluable. It shows commitment and provides hands-on experience.

Cultural Exchange Programs: Participating in cultural exchange programs demonstrates an openness to diverse perspectives, a key component in understanding and leading social change.

Writing or Blogging on Social Issues: Start a blog or contribute articles on social issues to school or local publications. This showcases your ability to articulate ideas and engage with current social topics.

Artistic Endeavors with a Social Message: Engaging in arts (like theater, music, or visual arts) that convey a social message shows creativity in promoting awareness and change.

Peer Counseling or Mentorship Programs: Being a mentor or peer counselor shows empathy, leadership, and a commitment to supporting others, essential qualities for a career in social change.

The key is not just to participate in these activities but to demonstrate a genuine passion for social change and develop skills that will aid you in your future endeavors.

What subjects must I prioritize to make my application stand out in Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

To make your application stand out for the Leadership for Social Change program at Tufts University, it’s important to prioritize subjects that demonstrate your commitment to social issues, leadership potential, and academic rigor. Here are some subject areas to consider focusing on:

Social Sciences: Subjects like sociology, psychology, and political science provide a deep understanding of societal structures, human behavior, and governance systems, which are crucial for understanding and leading social change.

History: A strong background in history, especially in areas related to social movements and change, helps in understanding the context and evolution of social issues.

Economics: Understanding economic principles is essential, especially if you’re interested in issues like poverty, inequality, and sustainable development.

Environmental Science: If you’re interested in environmental aspects of social change, courses in environmental science can be highly relevant.

Global Studies or International Relations: These subjects are important for understanding global social issues, international politics, and the role of diplomacy in social change.

English and Communication: Strong skills in English and communication are essential for effectively articulating social issues and advocating for change.

Ethics or Philosophy: Courses in ethics or philosophy can provide a foundation in moral reasoning and critical thinking, important for leadership in social change.

Foreign Languages: Proficiency in a foreign language can be an asset, especially if you’re interested in international aspects of social change.

Leadership Studies: If available, courses in leadership studies can directly prepare you for roles in leading social change initiatives.

Creative Arts: Engaging in creative arts like theater, music, or visual arts can be a powerful medium to express and advocate for social issues.

In addition to these subjects, it’s important to maintain a strong overall academic record. Demonstrating a balance between academic rigor and a commitment to extracurricular activities related to social change will make your application stand out. Personal qualities like empathy, resilience, and a global mindset, often highlighted in essays and recommendation letters, are also vital.

How to Apply to Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

Applications for the program will be available starting December 1, 2023! Here’s a step-by-step Guide to the application process:

Step 1: Complete the Online Application

Essential Personal Details: Fill in basic personal information, including details of your parents/guardians and emergency contact. If you’re under 18, Tufts will reach out to a parent for permission to enroll.

Interest Statement: Craft a short statement (maximum 250 words) based on the provided prompt to express your interest in the program.

Letter of Recommendation: Nominate an individual (teacher, counselor, or mentor) to provide a recommendation. The admissions team will contact them directly for you.

Test Scores: Submitting test scores is optional unless needed to demonstrate English proficiency.

Finalize with Signatures: Complete the application with necessary warrants and signatures.

Step 2: High School Transcript Submission

High School Official Contact: As part of your application, you’ll provide the contact information of a high school official. They will receive an email with instructions on how to securely upload your transcript.

a female student writing to a piece of notebook

Step 3: Parental Consent and Letter of Recommendation

Parent/Guardian and Recommender Contacts: You will need to provide contact details for a parent/guardian and your chosen recommender.

Instruction Emails: Once your application is submitted, they will send emails to your parent/guardian and recommender with guidelines on completing the online permission or recommendation forms.

Summer 2024 Program Fees

  • Program Fee: $3,800
  • Non-Refundable Program Deposit: $550

Inclusions: The fee covers all scheduled program activities, awards 1 Tufts credit (on a pass/fail basis, pre-matriculation, provided the program is successfully completed), and encompasses daily activities.

How Hard Is It to Get Into Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

The selectivity of the program means that not every applicant will be admitted. However, with a strong academic record, evidence of leadership and community involvement, and a compelling application, you can increase your chances of being selected.

A woman typing in her laptop.

Your Tech Checklist for the Program: Everything You Need to Know

Hey there, future participants of our exciting program! Before you dive into this incredible learning journey, let’s make sure you’re all geared up with the right tech tools. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need to make the most out of your experience:

The Right Computer

For Mac Users: Ensure your Mac runs at least OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard). It’s all about compatibility!

For PC Users: If you’re on a PC, Windows 7/8/10 should be your operating system. Windows 10 users, don’t forget to download the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Stay Connected with a Smartphone

Social Media Ready: Any smartphone that lets you hop onto social platforms like Instagram is perfect.

Internet Access: Your Gateway to Learning

High-Speed Connection: A fast and reliable internet connection (think cable or broadband) is key. You’ll be accessing Zoom and Canvas daily, so steady internet is a must. If you need internet support, don’t worry! The program may offer internet hotspots for students with financial needs. Availability might be limited, so do check with them.

Webcam: Whether it’s built into your computer or an external device, make sure your webcam is set up and functioning.

Web Browser: Use any of these browsers, but make sure they’re up-to-date: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, or Safari.

Essential Software

Document Management: Programs that handle Word documents, spreadsheets, or PowerPoint files are essential. Think Microsoft Office, Open Office, or Google Docs.

PDF Reader: Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar for reading PDFs.

Remember, as long as your tech game is up to these standards, you’re all set to access everything the program offers. Each program might require specific software, but if you’re equipped as outlined above, you’re ready to roll. Here’s to a smooth, tech-trouble-free learning experience!

View of a student smiling at the camera.

When is the Deadline to Apply to Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

The last day to submit applications is May 1, 2024.

Building a Strong Network at Leadership for Social Change at Tufts: Strategies and Benefits

Building a strong network while attending the Leadership for Social Change program at Tufts University can be immensely beneficial for your personal and professional development. Here are some strategies to effectively build your network and the benefits you can expect from it:

A. Strategies for Building a Network

Engage Actively in Class Discussions: Participate and contribute thoughtfully in class. This not only helps you learn but also gets you noticed by peers and professors.

Join Relevant Clubs and Organizations: Involvement in campus organizations related to social change can help you meet like-minded individuals.

Attend Workshops and Seminars: Regularly attend additional lectures, workshops, and seminars. These events are great opportunities to meet speakers, professors, and other students.

Volunteer for Projects and Events: Offer your skills and time for various projects and events. It’s a hands-on way to collaborate and build relationships.

Utilize Social Media and Professional Networks: Connect with classmates, alumni, and faculty on platforms like LinkedIn. Join groups related to social change and participate in discussions.

Participate in Group Projects: Embrace group projects as an opportunity to work closely with a diverse set of individuals.

Network Beyond Campus: Attend local or national conferences, join professional associations, and engage in community events related to social change.

Seek Mentorship: Identify potential mentors among faculty, alumni, or professionals you meet. A mentor can provide guidance, advice, and connections.

Collaborate on Research or Publications: Collaborate with faculty or peers on research projects or co-author articles. This can strengthen ties and enhance your professional profile.

Organize Events: Take the initiative to organize events, such as panel discussions or networking nights. Being at the forefront of such activities puts you in a visible position.

B. Benefits of a Strong Network

Career Opportunities: Networking can open doors to internships, job offers, and other professional opportunities.
Broader Perspectives: Exposure to diverse viewpoints enhances your understanding of social issues and solutions.

Support and Collaboration: A strong network provides support for your ideas and projects, and opportunities for collaboration.

Mentorship and Guidance: Connections with more experienced individuals can offer valuable mentorship and guidance.

Long-term Professional Relationships: Building a network in college can result in lasting professional relationships that benefit your career over the long term.

Resource Sharing: A network often means shared resources, whether it’s knowledge, skills, or access to certain tools or platforms.

Leadership and Personal Growth: Engaging with a diverse network challenges you to develop your leadership and interpersonal skills.

Effective networking is about quality connections, not just quantity. It’s about building meaningful relationships where both parties can benefit. Being genuine, helpful, and proactive in your interactions is key to successful networking.

When Do I Find Out About My Application to Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

Complete Submission: Once you’ve submitted your application along with all necessary admission documents, your application enters the review phase.

Committee Evaluation: The Tufts Pre-College Programs review committee for the specific program(s) you applied to will then evaluate your application.

Possible Additional Steps: In some cases, they may request additional information or conduct a short interview to supplement your application.

Decision Timeline

Rolling Decisions: Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis.

Notification Timeframe: Typically, you can expect to receive an official email about your admissions status within 10 business days after Tufts has received all the required materials for your application.

Portrait of intelligent indian female student wearing glasses, taking notes in copybook on purple studio background.

Steps for Admitted Students

Initial Deposit: Upon admission, a $550 deposit is required within 10 days to secure your place in the program. This applies until May 15th or until the program reaches capacity.

Full Tuition Payment: After the program is filled, securing your enrollment is contingent upon paying the full tuition.

Complete Payment and Documentation

Balance Payment: Ensure you pay the remaining balance of your tuition by the specified deadline.

Finalize Enrollment Paperwork: Complete and submit all necessary enrollment forms and respond to any follow-up requests before the given deadline.

Where is Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

The program is based at Tufts University, renowned for its commitment to fostering leaders who make a difference. The Leadership for Social Change program, however, is purely virtual!

Side view of a woman typing in her laptop.

When Does Leadership for Social Change at Tufts Take Place?

The program will run from July 29th to August 9th, 2024.

How Long is Leadership for Social Change at Tufts?

The Leadership for Social Change program at Tufts University is a two-week pre-college summer program!

Preparing for College Studies after Leadership for Social Change at Tufts

If you’re interested in the Leadership for Social Change pre-college program at Tufts and are considering undergraduate degree programs that align with this interest, there are several fields you can explore. These programs will help further your understanding of social issues and equip you with the skills needed to effect change. Here are some undergraduate degree programs to consider:

Political Science: This program offers insights into political systems, governance, public policy, and the role of governments in social change. It’s ideal for understanding the mechanics of change at a policy level.

Sociology: Sociology focuses on the study of societies, social behaviors, and structures. It’s crucial to understand the root causes of social issues and how to address them.

International Relations: This field is excellent for students interested in global social issues, diplomacy, and the interplay between nations. It’s particularly relevant for those looking to impact social change on a global scale.

Public Policy and Administration: Degrees in public policy and administration are designed to prepare students for roles in crafting and implementing policies that drive social change.

Environmental Studies/Science: If your interest in social change is geared towards environmental issues, this program provides the necessary knowledge and tools to address environmental challenges.

Economics: Understanding economic systems and theories is crucial in addressing issues like poverty, inequality, and sustainable development.

Psychology: A degree in psychology can be invaluable for understanding human behavior, a key aspect of driving and managing social change.

Anthropology: Anthropology offers deep insights into cultural dynamics, an essential aspect when dealing with diverse communities and implementing change initiatives.

Nonprofit Management and Leadership: This specialized program focuses on the skills needed to effectively run and lead nonprofit organizations, which are often at the forefront of social change.

Social Work: A degree in social work is directly aligned with leading social change, with a focus on helping individuals, families, and communities.

Global Health: For those interested in the health aspects of social change, this program covers topics like healthcare policy, global health challenges, and health equity.

Human Rights: A program focused on human rights combines legal, ethical, and sociological perspectives, ideal for those who want to work towards social justice.

Communications/Media Studies: Effective communication is key in advocacy and public awareness campaigns, making this a valuable field for future social change leaders.

Women’s and Gender Studies: This program offers insights into gender issues and is significant for those looking to address gender-based disparities.

Ethnic and Cultural Studies: These programs provide an understanding of the challenges faced by different ethnic and cultural groups, which is crucial for inclusive social change.

When selecting a program, consider how it aligns with your specific interests in social change. Additionally, look for universities that offer strong support for student activism, opportunities for community engagement, and a curriculum that emphasizes practical skills alongside academic theory. This approach will ensure a well-rounded education that prepares you for effective leadership in social change.

Developing Essential Skills Through Summer Leadership Workshops

Participating in summer workshops like the Leadership for Social Change program at Tufts University can be a transformative experience, especially in developing essential skills such as communication, leadership, and critical thinking. Here’s how such workshops can help hone these skills and why they are important:

A. Communication Skills

Workshops and Seminars: These often include exercises in public speaking, persuasive writing, and effective listening, crucial for clear and impactful communication.

Group Projects: Collaborating with peers from diverse backgrounds enhances interpersonal communication skills, including the ability to understand and convey complex ideas effectively.

Presentations and Debates: Regular opportunities to present ideas and engage in debates sharpen articulation skills and the ability to construct and defend arguments.

B. Leadership Skills

Team Leadership Opportunities: Many workshops allow students to take on leadership roles in group activities, providing practical experience in leading teams.

Problem-Solving Exercises: Engaging in real-world problem-solving scenarios helps develop decision-making skills, a key aspect of leadership.

Mentorship and Networking: Interaction with mentors and networking with professionals can provide insights into effective leadership styles and strategies.

C. Critical Thinking Skills

Analytical Activities: Activities that require analyzing case studies or current events help in developing the ability to critically assess information and arguments.

Creative Problem-Solving: Workshops often include challenges that require creative solutions, fostering innovative thinking and adaptability.

Ethical Decision-Making: Discussions and exercises involving ethical dilemmas enhance the ability to consider diverse perspectives and the broader implications of decisions.

D. Importance of These Skills

Communication: Effective communication is fundamental in advocating for change, mobilizing support, and conveying complex social issues to diverse audiences.

Leadership: Strong leadership is essential for initiating and driving social change, inspiring teams, and managing projects effectively.

Critical Thinking: The ability to think critically is crucial for understanding and addressing the root causes of social issues, developing effective strategies for change, and adapting to evolving challenges.

E. Complementary Activities

Volunteering and Community Service: Engaging in community service provides practical contexts to apply and refine these skills.

Reading and Research: Extensive reading on social issues, leadership theories, and communication strategies can provide theoretical underpinnings to practical experiences.

Self-Reflection: Regular self-reflection on experiences and learning outcomes helps in internalizing and further developing these skills.

By actively participating in such workshops and complementing them with other enriching activities, students can significantly enhance their communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills – all of which are invaluable for a career centered around social change.

Final Thoughts

The journey to making a significant impact starts with a single step. This program is about learning the ropes of leadership and becoming a catalyst of change in an ever-evolving world. At Tufts, you’re not just preparing for the future; you’re shaping it. Gather up your application requirements and get ready to start on a path that challenges, inspires, and transforms!

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