
MIT Women’s Technology Program 

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

MIT Women’s Technology Program

In the ever-evolving world of technology, diversity and inclusion have become essential pillars for innovation and progress. Recognizing the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) took a pioneering step by launching the Women’s Technology Program (WTP).

This program, founded in 2003, has empowered young women to explore their passion for technology, engineering, and computer science. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the Women’s Technology Program at MIT, its mission, curriculum, impact, and the inspiring stories of participants who have benefitted from this transformative experience.

Empowering Women in Tech: Exploring MIT’s Women’s Technology Program

The MIT Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is an intensive four-week summer educational program designed to introduce high school students to the world of engineering.

This experience includes hands-on courses, laboratory work, and team-based projects, and it takes place during the summer following the 11th grade.

WTP is specifically tailored for students who possess a strong enthusiasm for learning, have demonstrated their aptitude for excelling in mathematics and science during their high school studies, and have limited to no prior exposure to engineering.

This program is particularly focused on fostering a supportive and collaborative environment for women and aims to empower students belonging to historically underrepresented and underserved groups within the field of engineering.

MIT actively encourages applications from students who meet specific criteria, such as being the first in their family to pursue a college education, coming from high schools with limited access to STEM coursework and extracurricular activities, or identifying as African American, Hispanic, or Native American.

Explore the MIT’s Women’s Technology Program Curriculum

The MIT’s Women’s Technology Program curriculum is your key to mechanical engineering mastery. Here’s a sneak peek at what awaits:

Computer Science: Dive into the world of coding with Python. From data types to loops and functions, you will cover it all. You’ll tackle challenging exercises and daily programming tasks, culminating in an epic final project.

Electrical Engineering: Discover the wonders of electronics through engaging lectures, homework, readings, and hands-on projects. Experiment, design, and troubleshoot with our guidance, whether you’re on campus or learning from home.

Physics of Energy and Motors: Explore the fascinating realms of energy, motors, and power through lectures and hands-on projects. Get ready to build, innovate, and shine!

a female intern smiling while looking at the camera

MIT Women’s Technology Program – Mechanical Engineering

The WTP-ME, or Women’s Technology Program in Mechanical Engineering, is an exciting four-week residential summer program within the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.

It’s custom-crafted to introduce high school students to the fundamental concepts and principles of mechanical engineering during the summer following their 11th-grade year.

This unique program, which took shape in the summer of 2006, represents the second curriculum track of MIT Women’s Technology Program, drawing inspiration from the pioneering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science track introduced in 2002.

Women’s Technology Program in Mechanical Engineering takes a hands-on approach to education, with graduate students from MIT’s Mechanical Engineering department leading classes that delve deep into various subjects crucial to mechanical engineering. Participants gain insights into fluid mechanics, materials, statics, heat transfer, thermodynamics, and engineering design.

Through a combination of practical experimentation, analytical problem-solving, and the utilization of computer software for numerical modeling and computer-aided design, students get to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of mechanical engineering.

Each year, a select group of 20 participants is chosen from a pool of applicants from all over the country. These high-achieving 11th graders exhibit exceptional academic prowess in math and science.

While prior experience in physics or engineering is not mandatory, a willingness and capacity to engage with college-level material at an accelerated pace is expected.

WTP-ME is designed with a clear focus on nurturing students who are passionate about learning and who have demonstrated their ability to shine in math and science courses during their high school journey.

This program is a perfect fit for those who have little to no prior exposure to the fields of engineering or computer science and who have had limited opportunities to explore these captivating disciplines.

If you’re a high school student eager to dive into the exciting world of mechanical engineering, WTP-ME is the adventure you’ve been waiting for!

Explore the Diversity of Mechanical Engineering

WTP-ME aims to give you a taste of the incredible range of disciplines within Mechanical Engineering. From intense analytical and modeling work to the nitty-gritty of designing and building, this program covers it all. Through three daily class periods, you’ll get hands-on exposure to the multifaceted world of mechanical engineering and learn how engineers tackle real-world challenges.

Engaging Classes That Bring Engineering to Life

The classes are designed to provide analytical and hands-on experience across various engineering subjects. You kick off with fundamental topics in physics, like Newton’s laws and energy conversion, setting the stage for deep dives into subjects critical to mechanical engineers.

Expect to explore solid materials, fluid mechanics, idea generation, and system design and manufacturing. Plus, you’ll get to flex your design muscles with SolidWorks, a 3D modeling program, and master the mathematical tools that mechanical engineers rely on.

Get ready to unleash the power of Matlab, a numerical computing package used by engineers worldwide, for tasks ranging from data analysis to solving complex problems.

Interactive Learning at Its Best

The classes at WTP-ME are anything but boring! They’re interactive, packed with exciting demonstrations and engaging class projects that’ll have you learning while having a blast.

Showcase Your Engineering Skills

At MIT’s Women’s Technology Program- Mechanical Engineering, you’ll embark on two captivating capstone projects. One focuses on the analytical and modeling aspects of engineering, while the other challenges you to design and build machines for specific tasks.

You’ll dive into mathematical modeling during week three, working in pairs on your projects. Then, in the final week, you’ll team up in groups of four to create multi-step machines for our thrilling Rube Goldberg Challenge, where you’ll showcase your creations to the entire MIT community.

Meet the Pros and Explore the Field

Throughout the program, you’ll have the chance to connect with MIT faculty and industry engineers who will share their research and career journeys during lunchtime sessions. Plus, they will take you on tours of engineering firms, giving you a sneak peek into the daily life of an engineer.


Two Teenage Girls Having Conversation Using Sign Language

Who Should Apply for MIT Women’s Technology Program?

Are you in 11th grade, acing math and science, and itching to explore the world of mechanical engineering? Whether you’re new to this field or have just a dab of experience, you can absolutely join!

WTP-ME is all about hands-on learning, collaborative problem-solving, and a laser focus on mechanical engineering for four intense summer weeks.

Join the Women-Centric Revolution

At WTP-ME, they are all about empowerment. This program is designed to uplift students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in engineering. If you’re African American, Hispanic, Native American, or if you come from a low-income family, they strongly encourage you to apply. They are also supportive if you might be the first in your family to attend college or your high school doesn’t offer many STEM opportunities.

Expect a Challenge, Embrace the Adventure

Get ready for a fast-paced journey! Whether you are joining MIT’s Women’s Technology Program in person or virtually, you’ll tackle mechanical engineering concepts head-on.

Collaboration is this program’s superpower—working together, brainstorming, learning from mistakes, sharing ideas, and mastering the art of debugging (circuits and code) are all part of the thrilling WTP-ME experience.

Meet the Masters

MIT graduate students and bright undergrads from MIT and Wellesley will be your guides on this exciting journey. While you won’t be an MIT student, you’ll experience the joy of engineering and hard work as you dive into college-level material.

Discover the MIT Women’s Technology Program – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Are you ready for an electrifying journey into Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)?

MIT’s Women’s Technology Program in EECS (WTP-EECS) is your ticket to a four-week whirlwind of hands-on learning, labs, and thrilling team projects that’ll ignite your passion for tech, all in the summer following your 11th grade.

WTP-EECS is a vibrant community dedicated to empowering students like you, especially if you’ve been historically underrepresented or underserved in engineering.

Unleash Your Tech Superpowers in a Women-Centric Community

Prepare to be amazed as current MIT and Wellesley students or recent graduates guide you through thrilling classes and labs. Dive deep into the fascinating world of electrical engineering, computer science, and all things EECS.

Every year, WTP-EECS at MIT selects 20-40 participants from all over the nation who’ve demonstrated exceptional talent in math and science. Don’t worry if you haven’t tackled physics or engineering before; this program is here to help you conquer college-level material at your own pace.

Join a Movement, Be the Change

Women’s Technology Program at MIT-EECS was born out of MIT students’ concern about the underrepresentation of young women in engineering and computer science majors.

They noticed that despite having strong math and science backgrounds, many didn’t consider these fields for college. The culprits? Lack of pre-college computing experience, stereotypes, the need for role models, and wavering confidence. We’re here to smash those barriers!

Join the MIT Women’s Technology Program – EECS Revolution!

Since their inception in 2002, 725 students have embarked on this incredible journey. More than 65% of our alumnae have gone on to major in engineering or computer science, while another 22% have pursued science or math. The rest? Well, they’ve charted diverse paths thanks to the spark ignited by WTP-EECS.

Women’s Technology Program – EECS Curriculum

At WTP-EECS, they have crafted a curriculum that’s tailor-made for beginners. Dive headfirst into computer science and electrical engineering, even if you’ve never explored these subjects before. The classes are fast-paced, but they’re designed with YOU in mind. No prior engineering or computer science exposure? No problem!

Electrician engineer uses a multimeter to test the electrical installation and power line current in an electrical system control cabinet.

Application Process and Requirements

Get ready for an exciting adventure with the MIT Women’s Technology Program (WTP) in the summer of 2024! The application will be available in late November, and the deadline for submission is January 15.


Get ready to tackle short-answer questions about your coursework, activities, prior experience, and any standardized tests you’ve aced.

Plus, three essay questions are waiting for your creative touch. Each essay should be at least 275 words, maxing out at about 330 words (around 2000 characters).

High School Transcript 

Grades 9 through 10: Upload a PDF of your high school transcript for Grades 9-10. Unofficial transcripts or report cards are good enough. Just make sure it’s in English and contains your full name, school name, and, ideally, the school address.

Grade 11 Fall Report: Upload a PDF showing your Grade 11 fall grades. This could be for one quarter or the entire fall semester, depending on what you have. Again, unofficial transcripts or report cards are fine. Same deal: make sure it has your full name, school name, and preferably the school address.

If you’re still waiting for your fall junior year Grade Report or it doesn’t have your fall course grades yet, don’t worry! Let us know if you’re waiting for the fall grade report.

Step Up with Your Score Reports:

They want to see your test scores for all the tests you mentioned in the Test Scores Form question. Remember, they can’t magically fetch score reports from the College Board or ACT, so it’s up to you to provide them. No worries if you haven’t taken any of these tests; you can still apply to WTP!

You can upload your score reports in various ways. Whether they’re scanned from paper or captured from online screenshots, make sure your full name is visible on the pages or screenshots with your scores.

If possible, combine all your score reports into one awesome PDF document. It’ll make things easier for them to review.

If you happen to receive additional test score reports with major score improvements after submitting your WTP application, fear not! You can email them until March 1, and they will be added to your application. So, keep those achievements coming, and let your brilliance shine through!

Online Teacher References: We’re talking about those all-important teacher references, and guess what? They’re going digital! Here’s the lowdown:

They are looking for one math teacher and one science teacher who can vouch for your awesomeness. These are the folks who will complete an online form right within the WTP Application.

Your teachers have until January 22 to complete these Reference Forms. If they need extra time, they can still accept references submitted after January 22 up until March 1. Keep in mind it may take a bit longer for them to evaluate your application.

Send your teachers the link to our Guidelines for Teacher References so they know what’s coming. Once they’re on board, add them as a reference to your application, and they’ll receive an email invitation to complete the online form. It’s as easy as that!

Female teacher talking to her students.

Final Thoughts

Women’s Technology Program at MIT is a place where passion meets opportunity, where young minds are nurtured, and where dreams take flight. Through hands-on classes, collaborative projects, and interactions with inspiring mentors, participants embark on a transformative journey of discovery and growth. They leave WTP not just with newfound knowledge but also with the confidence to pursue careers in fields historically underrepresented by women.

This program is a testament to MIT’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, as it actively seeks out students from underserved communities and backgrounds, providing them with scholarships and support to ensure equal access to this life-changing experience.

As we’ve seen, WTP offers a dynamic curriculum, a supportive community, and a chance to make lifelong friendships. It’s a place where you don’t just learn about technology; you become a part of its exciting future.

If you’re a high school student with a passion for math, science, and technology, and you’re ready to embark on a journey of empowerment and exploration, consider applying to the Women’s Technology Program at MIT. Your potential is boundless, and with WTP, you’ll discover that the sky is not the limit; it’s just the beginning of your incredible journey in technology.

For more information about the college admissions process, seek guidance from experienced college admissions experts, such as the professionals available at AdmissionSight. With over a decade of experience helping students successfully navigate the challenging admissions path and gain admission to prestigious universities worldwide, we provide a priceless source of knowledge. Don’t hesitate to schedule your first consultation at your convenience.


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