
Send Your Kid to an Ivy League School: Here’s Why

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Female student smiling at the camera while in a library.

Send Your Kid to an Ivy League School: Here’s Why

As a parent, you naturally and rightfully want the best for your child when it comes to education. You’ve spent years making sure homework was completed on time, tests were studied for, projects were done timely, and grades were maintained.

Whether your child is nearing the end of high school or just making the transition from grade school, you might already be thinking about college. With the Ivy Leagues consistently being mentioned as the best institutions of higher learning in the United States, you’re just wondering if these schools live up to the hype. In other words, should you send your kid to the Ivy League?

Young woman attending a social event.

For some parents, this seems like an obvious “yes” due to the sheer esteem and prestige surrounding these universities. For others, there’s skepticism about the educational offerings especially given the high price tags associated with the Ivies.

With your child’s academic and professional opportunities at stake and a considerable investment for parents in the conversation, this is an important question that everyone should be asking – whether you’re a skeptic or a supporter. To help clear the air, we’ll explore why the Ivy Leagues are a worthwhile investment along with some justifications for this conclusion.

Are Ivy League schools overrated?

Record low acceptance rates, highly competitive admissions processes, rising tuition costs, and a general feeling of exclusivity have all contributed to a growing idea that the Ivy Leagues are all overrated.

There’s no doubt that parents, in conversations with fellow parents or even teachers about college, have heard someone say, “don’t send your kid to the Ivy League.” Is this statement justified? Does it hold some inherent truth? Or is it simply an empty comment made by people who are unfamiliar with the Ivy League and what they offer? Or maybe it comes from a place of jealousy and envy?

In reality, the Ivy League schools are not overrated. No matter how many people you hear poo-pooing these universities, the statistics simply don’t lie. If getting an excellent education, spending time with like-minded people, and successfully preparing for professional life is something you’re looking for in a school for your child, the Ivy Leagues are the best of the best. And, despite their relatively older age when compared to other colleges, the Ivies continue to prove their dominance over and over again.

Reasons why you should send your kid to an Ivy League

Well, okay. You’ve heard yet again that Ivy Leagues aren’t overrated, but this isn’t the first time right? So, what’s different this time around? Why should you be convinced just because somebody else tells you that the Ivies are worthwhile?

We’ve got two good reasons! First and foremost, AdmissionSight specializes in college admissions. That means we’re experts in this field, especially when it comes to Ivy League schools. So we know what we’re talking about. Secondly, we don’t expect you to automatically believe us. That’s why we’ve outlined some of the main reasons you should send your kid to an Ivy League school.

Reason 1: Student satisfaction is high

Student satisfaction is a critical metric to use when determining the overall value of a school. Even if all other components are considered perfect, a low satisfaction rate should raise red flags. After all, what’s the point of attending a supposedly great university that no students seem to enjoy? We can’t think of a good reason either.

Smiling young woman using a laptop while sitting on a chair.

That’s why you’ll be happy to know that seven colleges of the eight included in the Ivy League have earned a spot in the top 10 private institutions of higher learning for student satisfaction. More specifically, seven of the eight universities earned a 97% to 98% student satisfaction rate.

It’s not incredibly surprising to hear given these schools are considered the very best colleges in the entire country, if not the entire world. Still, seeing these numbers helps to illustrate a salient point for those wondering if they should send their kids to an Ivy League school: the very people who are intended to benefit from the education give these schools an incredibly high rating.

While other factors definitely should be taken into consideration, these numbers shouldn’t be forgotten in the decision-making process. Keep in mind that these satisfaction ratings are higher than those of public universities.

Reason 2: Financial aid availability

There’s no denying that college tuition rates have been on the rise in the United States. For many students, taking on student loans in order to pay for a college education has become a reality. With this atmosphere of potential debt and rising prices, many parents are skeptical about an Ivy League education given their steep tuition rates.

Is having a world-class education worth the trade-off of investing a significant amount of money? In order to answer this question accurately, parents must first have accurate knowledge of the financial aid offered by many of these universities. In reality, many of these schools give robust aid to students.

Although the average cost of tuition and associated fees for Ivy League universities was $56,425 in 2019, the average price per year of public education for out-of-state students was $38,330. While that might seem like a considerable difference, it’s important to take into account the difference in educational offerings.

Furthermore, Ivy League schools offer considerable and generous financial aid scholarships. In fact, in 2014-2015, the Ivy League schools offered $40,654 worth of financial aid scholarships on average per student.

Reason 3: Alumni network connections

Ivy League schools are known for their committed, passionate, and enduring alumni networks. If you’ve ever seen a movie or TV show where someone is able to land a high-level job or get into a super competitive graduate school because of someone they know who attended the same college, you’ve seen an example of these alumni connections in action.

Despite being overused in Hollywood, the benefits of these networks are hard to overstate. You’ve always heard that networking is key to getting jobs and excelling in your professional life. Well, attending an Ivy League school gets you into some of the most prestigious and well-connected networks.

A professor assisting a student in a computer lab.

There’s a sense of pride that graduates of these world-class universities share that creates a special bond that lasts a lifetime. While every college graduate has something to be proud of, there’s a special sense of camaraderie that takes place when students successfully make it through one of the countries’ toughest application processes and, subsequently, an even more difficult curriculum.

This sense of community carries on well-after graduation, and alumni continue to look out for each other in the graduate school, the professional realm, and beyond. When you send your kid to an Ivy League school, you’re accessing this wonderful network.

Reason 4: Peerless staff and fellow students

The saying about being an average of the four people you spend the most time with has some relevance in terms of a college education. Students who are surrounded by like-minded students who are intelligent, eager to learn, and constantly improving their academic capabilities are more likely to continue developing as well.

The same is true when thinking about the faculty such as teachers and counselors who are another integral component of a student’s college experience. Those staff members who are highly specialized and successful will only work to further improve your child’s academic progress and personal development.

Although the exclusivity and competitiveness of an Ivy League school might deter some parents from encouraging their kids to apply, others will see the value in this prestige. The best universities in the world are going to naturally attract the most qualified, talented, and hard-working students.

The same is true when speaking of the teachers that are hired at these universities who are keen to maintain their statuses. If you send your kid to an Ivy League school, you can rest assured that the people they’ll be surrounded by – both teachers and fellow students – will continue to encourage and support their academic development.

Reason 5: Abundance of resources

Another key way to measure the offerings of a college is in the number and quality of resources available. Ivy League colleges, with their excellent funding programs, have the capacity to pay for some of the best resources students will be able to find at any university.

From state-of-the-art research equipment and large libraries overflowing with books to Broadway-worthy performance theaters and much more, students have the funding needed to reinforce their current knowledge, develop further growth, and foster a sense of curiosity and exploration.

While there are some wonderful state colleges with competitive offerings, it’s tough to compare these with the world-class resources provided by Ivy League institutions. If you ever have a question about the cost of tuition, just think about what it must cost one of these universities to keep their offerings at this level of excellence.

It’s also important to note that each Ivy League school has its own unique offerings and strengths. For example, applicants who want to pursue visual arts should look to Brown University. Those wanting to pursue the humanities would be better off at Yale or Columbia. That’s why it’s critical to thoroughly research each school.

Reason 6: Name recognition

There’s a common joke among the Ivy League naysayers that the only thing good about an Ivy League education is the name of the university on the diploma. What’s ironic about this jab is that “the name” actually matters quite a bit.

There’s a lot of value behind what might seem like a simple name. While admission into the Ivy League network is one of the automatic perks of graduation – as we discussed before – there are other advantages to the name. When your child has Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or any other of the eight Ivies listed at the top of his or her resume, it can help secure a prominent position.

Young woman attending an online class.

Even before hitting the job market, these names can help students land great internships, generous grants, and other wonderful opportunities. Whether an employer realizes it or not, seeing the name of an Ivy League school grace the pages of an application automatically makes the individual imbue the applicant with a higher sense of capabilities and strong suits.

While there’s no guarantee a person who graduated from an Ivy League school will have all of these attributes, there’s certainly a correlation that employers have noticed and continue to act on.

Reason 7: Higher starting pay

When considering a child’s college choices, not many parents think so specifically about what their kid will start earning after graduation. Not only do many people not even realize the connection between starting pay and college graduation, but some parents are more concerned about the immediate implications about where they send their kids to school.

Still, when the time comes, it will certainly be a matter of great import to your child how much they’re able to earn after graduation, especially if where they attended makes a difference. But does it really matter? The answer to that vital question is a categorical yes! Let’s dive deeper.

Group of students smiling at the camera.

According to Investopedia, a student graduating from an Ivy League, public, or private school can expect to average a starting salary of $85,676, $79,927, and $55,062, respectively. That’s a $30,000 dollar difference between public and Ivy League schools, and still a $5,000+ difference for private schools.

Ask anyone who’s been working for more than a year and they’ll tell you without a doubt that they wish they would’ve started with a higher salary. It’s even an important consideration for parents determining whether investing in an Ivy League school pays off in the end. And, according to these statistics, the payoff starts right away.

Final Thoughts: Does attending an Ivy League school really matter?

So, you’ve heard a bunch of reasons why we think you should send your kid to an Ivy League school. But, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter where your kid goes to school?

As long as they have a college-level education, is there a tangible difference between an Ivy League university and a standard state college? Wouldn’t my son or daughter be just as well off by attending a reputable state university? Is the price of an Ivy League education justified by what it offers?

As easy and convenient as it would be to say that your child can attend any university and receive relatively the same opportunities, the reality is quite different. Attending an Ivy League school really does matter. It makes an actual impact on the quality of education your child receives, the connection they have later on in their lives, and the professional opportunities that will be available after graduation and further along their professional career path.

If you or your child is seriously considering the Ivy League, it’s definitely worth pursuing in greater depth to determine for sure whether this path is worthwhile or not. Given your circumstances.

Get more advice on Ivy League admissions

If you’re looking for more advice about Ivy League schools, their admissions processes, and whether or not they’re worthwhile, AdmissionSight is the best resource. With years of experience and countless success stories, we have a thorough understanding of the value that these Ivy League universities can provide.

Our specialty lies in helping students prepare for the Ivy League by taking the right high school courses, participating in the right extracurriculars, perfecting their applications, and much, much more. While some admissions counselors take a broad approach, we’ve honed our services to line up with what the best Ivy League schools need.

As a parent, you want to know for sure that your child is on their way to a great university. As a student, you want to make sure that this school lines up with your personal goals, interests, and strengths.

From pre-high school consultation and academic planning to application guidance and essay editing services, we have the skills and tools to help you drastically increase your chances of getting into the Ivy League. All of our services are highly personalized to make sure they work for you. Feel free to contact AdmissionSight to learn more about what we offer and how students can benefit from it.



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