
How Can I Join The Stockholm Junior Water Prize?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Four students smiling at the camera.

How Can I Join The Stockholm Junior Water Prize?

The competition is open to high school students aged 15 to 20 who are passionate about solving the world’s water problems and creating a sustainable future for all.

The Origin of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize

What inspired the creation of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize? The SJWP competition was established by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) in 1991. SIWI is an independent, international water research organization that works to promote water-related sustainable development and to help build capacity in water management.

The organization was founded in 1991 in response to the growing recognition of the importance of water and the need for a more coordinated and integrated approach to water management.

In the early years of the competition, the SJWP competition was limited to participants from Sweden. However, as the competition grew in popularity, the organizers realized that there was a need to expand the competition to a global scale.

Group of students walking next to a building.

In 1997, the SJWP competition became a global competition, and the first international competition was held in 1998. Since then, the competition has grown significantly, and it now attracts participants from over 50 countries around the world.

What makes the Stockholm Junior Water Prize unique?

Why is the Stockholm Junior Water Prize unlike any other? The competition, which was established in 1991 as part of the World Water Week in Stockholm, is unique in several ways, which sets it apart from other similar competitions.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what makes the SJWP competition unique and why it is considered to be one of the most important events in the water sector.

Focus on Young People

One of the unique features of the SJWP competition is its focus on young people. The competition is open to high school students from around the world, and it provides a platform for young people to showcase their ideas and solutions to the world.

a male and female college students standing at a doorway

This focus on young people is what sets the SJWP competition apart from other similar competitions, as it provides an opportunity for young people to contribute to the global discourse on water and environmental issues.

Emphasis on Innovation and Creativity

Another unique aspect of the SJWP competition is its emphasis on innovation and creativity. The competition encourages young people to develop innovative and creative solutions to water and environmental problems.

Participants are encouraged to think outside the box and develop environmentally sustainable and economically viable solutions.

This focus on innovation and creativity sets the SJWP competition apart from other similar competitions and helps to ensure that the solutions that are developed are truly unique and effective.

Focus on Environmental Sustainability

The SJWP competition also sets itself apart through its focus on environmental sustainability. The competition encourages young people to develop solutions that are environmentally sustainable, and it provides a platform for young people to raise awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability.

A forestry student working outside

The SJWP competition is an excellent opportunity for young people to learn about environmental sustainability and to contribute to the global discourse on the topic.

International Scope

In addition, the Stockholm Junior Water Prize is unique in its international scope. The competition is open to participants from around the world, and it provides an opportunity for young people from different countries to collaborate and share their ideas and solutions.

This international scope of the competition sets it apart from similar competitions and helps ensure that the solutions developed are globally relevant and applicable.

What are the levels of competition for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize?

The competition consists of multiple levels, each offering a unique experience for participants and highlighting the top talents in the field of water and environmental concerns.

two students looking at each other's laptop screen while sitting outside

In this part of the article, we will take a closer look at each of the SJWP competition levels and how they contribute to the overall experience of the competition.

First level

The first level of competition is the national competition. During this stage, participants from each country compete against each other to determine the best projects and solutions in their respective countries. The national competition is typically held at the beginning of the year and is organized by the national water organizations in each country.

The national competition is an important stage of the SJWP competition as it allows participants to showcase their ideas and solutions nationally and receive recognition and feedback from experts in the field.

Second Level

The second and final level of competition is the international competition. During this stage, participants from different countries around the world compete against each other to determine the best projects and solutions in the world.

The international competition is typically held at the end of the year and is organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute.

The international competition is the most important stage of the SJWP competition, as it allows participants to showcase their ideas and solutions globally and receive recognition and feedback from experts in the field.

How to join the Stockholm Junior Water Prize?

How can you participate in the Junior Water Prize in Stockholm? Suppose you are interested in joining this competition and showcasing your ideas and solutions in the field of water and environmental issues.

Smiling students looking at something on a laptop.

In that case, you will be happy to know that joining the SJWP is straightforward and accessible. We will take a closer look at the steps involved in joining the SJWP competition.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With the Competition

Before you can join the SJWP competition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the competition and its requirements.

You can do this by visiting the SJWP website and reading through the information and resources available on the site. You can also contact the SJWP organizers if you have any questions or need more information.

Step 2: Determine Your Eligibility

In order to be eligible to participate in the SJWP competition, you must meet certain requirements. These requirements typically include being a student between the ages of 15 (by August 1st of the competition year) and 20 and completing a water-related project that positively impacts the environment. You can find more information on the eligibility requirements on the SJWP website.

Step 3: Find a Local Sponsor

In order to participate in the SJWP competition, you must have a local sponsor who can support your entry and help you prepare for the competition. Your local sponsor can be a teacher, mentor, or any other individual knowledgeable about water and environmental issues and willing to support your entry.

Step 4: Prepare Your Entry

You will be able to begin preparing your submission for the competition as soon as you have acquired a local sponsor for your endeavor.

Your submission has to include a full explanation of your water-related activity, its influence on the surrounding environment, and the outcomes it has produced for you.

You should also add supplementary resources in the form of images, infographics, and videos in your presentation.

It is important that projects have as their primary objective the enhancement of people’s quality of life, whether it be through the management of water resources, the treatment of water and wastewater, or the improvement of water quality.

Water problems on a local, regional, national, or even global scale can be investigated through various projects. Every project must use a research-based approach and implement procedures that are recognized in the scientific community for testing, monitoring, and report generation. Statistical analysis is also required.

Step 5: Submit Your Entry

Because the entry deadline moves from year to year, it is essential to visit the Stockholm Junior Water Prize website to determine the most recent version.

All submissions have to be made through the online application, which may be found here: Application (WEF.org)

Step 6: Participate in the Competition

If your submission is selected, you will get an invitation to participate in the competition. During the course of the competition, you will most likely be required to give a number of presentations and participate in interviews.

During these activities, you will have the chance to discuss your ideas and approaches and will also be given comments and suggestions from professionals in the relevant field.

In the case of Florida, the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) SJWP State Coordinator will receive any qualified papers submitted for the state of Florida.

Each entry will be evaluated and scored by a minimum of three different judges. The participant whose entry received the greatest total score will be given first place and the chance to compete at the national level, the site of which is still to be determined.

The winner of first place is required to be available* to compete in the national competition held in the United States on June 16-19, 2022. The FWEA and the WEF will cover the costs of travel expenditures, including airline and hotel stays (but not meals).

*If COVID-19 prohibits a competition from taking place in person, a competition will take place online instead.

Important dates to remember:

  • April 15, 2023- All SJWP submissions for Florida are due.
  • April 30, 2023- The FWEA will contact all of the students who joined the competition to inform them of their standing.
  • May 5, 2023- The winners from each state will be disclosed.

How can you stand out in the Stockholm Junior Water Prize?

How to Make Yourself Stand Out in the Competition for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize By following these tips and strategies, you can become a standout participant in the SJWP competition and contribute to the global discourse on water and environmental issues.

Choose a Unique and Impactful Project

One of the most important factors in standing out in the SJWP competition is having a unique and impactful water-related project. This means choosing a project that addresses a real and pressing water-related issue and that has a positive impact on the environment.

To find a suitable project, you can conduct research and speak with experts in the field. You can also look at local, regional, and global water-related issues and think about how to contribute meaningfully to the field.

Present Your Results in a Compelling Way

Another important factor in standing out in the SJWP competition is presenting your results in a compelling and impactful way.

This means using visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and photographs, to illustrate your results and to help make your point. It also means having a clear and concise presentation style that showcases your ideas and solutions in the best possible light.

Be Well-Prepared for the Interview

A key part of the SJWP competition is the interview, where you will have the opportunity to answer questions and engage in discussions with experts in the field.

To stand out in the interview, it is important to be well-prepared and have a strong understanding of your project, its results, and its environmental impact.

You should also be prepared to answer questions about your ideas, solutions, and future plans in the field of water and environmental issues.

Build a Strong Network

Another important factor in standing out in the SJWP competition is having a strong network of support. This means having a local sponsor who can support your entry and help you prepare for the competition. It also means building relationships with experts in the field, other SJWP participants, and organizations that are working in the field of water and environmental issues.

Be Confident and Passionate

To truly stand out in the SJWP competition, being confident and passionate about your project and your ideas is important. This means having a deep understanding of the water-related issue you are addressing and a strong commitment to positively impacting the environment.

It also means being confident and engaging in your presentation style and being able to articulate your ideas and solutions in a clear and concise manner.

What do you get if you win the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition?

The SJWP competition offers significant rewards and recognition for its winners. This article will provide a detailed overview of the prizes available to participants in the competition.

Grand Prize

The Grand Prize is awarded to the winner of the SJWP competition and is one of the largest prizes in the world for water-related research by young people. The winner of the Grand Prize will receive a trophy, a certificate, and a cash prize of USD 15,000.

Travel and Accommodation

All participants in the SJWP competition, including the Grand Prize winner, will receive travel and accommodation expenses for the international final. This includes travel to the host city, accommodation, and meals during the competition.

Recognition and Visibility

One of the most important prizes in the SJWP competition is the recognition and visibility that participants receive. By participating in the SJWP competition, you will have the opportunity to showcase your research, ideas, and solutions in front of an international audience of experts, policymakers, and organizations in the field of water and environmental issues.

Networking Opportunities

The SJWP competition is a unique opportunity to network with other young water and environmental enthusiasts from around the world. This includes meeting and interacting with experts in the field, other SJWP participants, and organizations that are working in the field of water and environmental issues.

AdmissionSight is Willing to Help

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize is a valuable competition for young people who are interested in water and environmental issues. It provides a platform for young people to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions, develop their leadership and communication skills, and raise awareness about the importance of water and the environment.

By participating in the competition, young people gain valuable experience and make connections that can help them pursue careers in the water and environmental sector and positively impact the world.

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