Surviving High School as an Introvert
High school is a big deal! It can be an exciting time filled with new experiences and opportunities to learn and grow. But for some who are introverts and maybe a bit more reserved or shy, it can also be overwhelming.
You might feel like you’re always on the sidelines, watching from afar. But fear not! There are plenty of ways to survive and thrive in high school, even if you’re not the most outgoing person in the room.
In this blog, we’ll explore some practical tips and strategies to help you navigate the social landscape of high school and find your place in the crowd. So, let’s get started and make the most of your high school experience!
What is an introvert?
How do you know if you are an introvert? People often think that someone who is “reserved” is someone who is shy and doesn’t like being around other people. On the other hand, this is not the case. These people can enjoy spending time with other people just as much as extroverts, but they need to limit the amount of time they do so.
This is because social interactions wear them out while making extroverts feel more energized. The increase in dopamine that happens in the brain when people talk to each other can be too much for them.
Because of this, people with these personalities need times when they can recharge their batteries and be by themselves to feel healthy and happy. They also tend to prefer a smaller group of close friends over a larger social network. This is because they tend to think and feel more about themselves.
What is it like to be an introvert in high school?
Is it okay to be an introvert in high school? This can be hard, especially in a place where people like to talk, like a modern high school.
There are a lot of associations, friendships, and relationships that start, keep growing and changing, and sometimes even end.
When you’re a reserved type of person, you probably feel like an outsider, or like you don’t belong often. But that’s not how things turn out at all. Everyone has a different way of getting along with others and a different way of socializing in general.
There are a lot of things to do outside of school. In addition to the many different extracurriculars, these can include groups for the arts, sciences, academics, and hobbies. Having things in common with others can make it easier for you to talk to them and make you feel safer and even more confident in yourself.
Check out the programs at your school and in your neighborhood. If one or more of them sound interesting to you, sign up for them. And if you don’t find a group you want to join, you can always start your own!
Why is school so hard for introverts?
Why is school so hard for people who prefer to be alone? Both shy and outgoing students can find it hard to deal with the problems they face at school.
Keeping up with schoolwork, studying for tests, and working hard to get good grades can all cause stress, as can the feeling of being put under pressure to make and keep friends and fit in socially. But for more shy people, school can be even harder.
By the time they get home from school, they often feel mentally exhausted. Before moving on to the next exercise, task, or conversation, they need some time to rest and relax. They could lock themselves in their room for peace and quiet or just zone out and refuse to talk.
As they wait for their condition to improve, they may choose to read a book or use a technological device that helps them focus on a single subject. For reserved students, the hardest part is getting up the next morning and starting the routine all over again.
In a typical week, they don’t have enough time to recharge before the next school day. This is because they may have other social obligations, such as gymnastics practice, piano lessons, and so on.
They tend to like activities that let them be alone, and they are also more likely to be bothered by things like loud noises, bright lights, and people. Because of this, they may find it hard to focus in a noisy and busy school classroom.
Also, traditional classrooms often emphasize group work and outgoing participation, which can be hard for them to do in these kinds of activities. Because of this, they may feel frustrated and like they don’t belong, which makes it harder for them to concentrate and do well in school.
Surviving School as an Introvert
How can a shy person get through a school year? They have several options that can help them do well in school. Some of these are:
Identifying their strengths and interests
Reserved types of people should focus on their skills and areas of interest and look for activities and classes to help them use their skills and follow their passions.
Building meaningful connections
Instead of trying to keep up with a large group of people, they should focus on building strong relationships with a few close friends and family members.
They should speak up for their own wants and needs. For example, they could ask for a quieter place to learn or more time alone. Also, they should ask for more time for themselves.
Prioritizing self-care
They should make it a priority to take care of themselves by doing things like taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and doing things alone. This will keep them from getting too tired and allow them to recharge.
Seeking support
They may benefit from getting help from a teacher, counselor, or adviser who can help them deal with school and give them tips on how to do well. This help can come in the form of face-to-face meetings or online chats.
Embracing their introverted nature
They should be proud that they like to be alone and not be afraid of or feel bad about themselves because they are more reserved. It’s important to remember that introversion is a healthy trait and something to be proud of, not ashamed of.
Flexible learning environments
They might do better in learning environments that are flexible and allow them to work both in groups and on their own. They can also ask their teachers for different projects or assignments that will let them show what they can do in a more comfortable way.
Collaborating with classmates
They can work with other people on projects or responsibilities, but they should be careful to set clear boundaries and let others know when they need to be alone.
Finding allies
They can make friends at school with teachers and classmates who understand and like them for who they are and who can be there for them when they need help. These people can help them reach their goals.
Seeking extracurricular activities
They can pursue their interests in a less stimulating environment by doing extracurricular activities that match them and allow them to follow their inclinations.
They can learn resilience, confidence, and a sense of belonging in school by using these strategies to deal with problems and feel like they belong.
People who think of themselves as reserved need to remember that they deserve a good and satisfying educational experience and bring unique qualities and points of view to the table.
What are the best majors for introverts?
What are the best majors for introverts? If you tend to be quiet and shy, choosing what to study in college and what career to go into after high school graduation may seem like a huge task.
What happens if you choose a subject that requires you to do a lot of group work and talk with other people, but you don’t do well in those situations? What if the job you think you want requires you to be spontaneous and talk to people, but you’re not very good at either of those things? =
Worry no more because AdmissionSight has compiled a list of the best college majors that students can choose after finishing high school.
1. Computer Science
It is strongly suggested that you seriously consider becoming a computer scientist if you have the technical and logical skills to learn how to use hard computer programs and write for several hours daily.
This major not only gives graduates a good job and income after college, but it’s also a great choice for people who are good with people and people who like to be alone. Most of the time, you will have to do assignments for your major on your own, except for a few smaller projects that you will work on with others.
You’ll also find that computer programming is a very detailed job, where something as simple as a misplaced semicolon can cause the whole piece of code to fail. Because of this, it is best for people who are careful, self-controlled and don’t like to leave room for error.
2. Accounting
Accounting is a field that requires a lot of math and is great for people who like to work independently and are detailed and analytical. Most accounting students study on their own, learning how to make different financial documents, tax documents, and reports.
This makes it perfect for people who like to be alone. Accounting is also about understanding complicated financial ideas and putting them all together in a structured way without making any mistakes.
3. Marketing
Even though this might not seem like the best field of study for an introvert at first, this is not always the case. The most important part of marketing is figuring out how to present things in a way that people will like and that appeals to their senses.
It’s not nearly as important to understand how the product looks as it is to understand how the people buying it think. Even though there is sometimes group work, students majoring in marketing usually spend most of their time figuring out how to promote products independently.
They will also spend a lot of time studying how people conclude. So, students who prefer to be alone would benefit greatly from studying and working in this field.
4. Economics
Economics is a very broad field of study that can be used in many different ways. If you decide to focus on economics, you can take a more specialized path and become an expert in the complicated art of econometrics and other types of economic forecasting.
This would be the best way for someone who is shy and prefers to be alone. Students could also become economic historians or environmental economists. Both of these jobs require them to study the economic activity of past countries, regions, or even people to learn about economic models and how they work in the real world.
This route might be good for people who feel more at ease in quiet places. In either case, most of the work for an economics major is done alone or in small groups on methodical research projects. This means that an introvert who dislikes talking to people may also be happy with this major.
5. Art
When you build your masterpieces, you also need a lot of creativity and the ability to do things precisely. In addition, you will look at other works of art and learn about how they came to be. Because of these things, a person who is shy in both social and intellectual settings might find that majoring in art is the best choice.
6. Psychology/Counseling
Most colleges don’t have a major in counseling, but most do have a major in psychology, which covers many of the same topics as counseling. The main goal of the field of psychology is to understand the human mind and how it works.
It gives a deep understanding of how people work, not just from the brain’s and neurobiology’s point of view but also in terms of how and why people act and make decisions the way they do.
Also, most of this study of people is done alone or in small labs, so you won’t have to worry about working with many people if you choose this major. If you are a social extrovert who is good at thinking on your feet, this could be the right path for you.
7. Engineering
There are many different kinds of engineering, like aeronautical, automotive, electrical, and many more. Even at the upper-division level, the classes needed for each engineering subfield are often different.
However, the major always gives the same basic education. In science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), engineers do a lot of very specialized work that requires many math skills and a love for accuracy.
Also, most of the time, the work for these research projects is done either by an individual or a small group. A degree in engineering could be satisfying for an introvert who is good at STEM activities.
8. Public Policy
Public policy is the process of making and understanding the laws that control daily life, including how those laws affect each person. To understand the details of laws and rules, you need a lot of brainpower and to pay close attention to the details of the situation.
Also, it’s important to figure out how to close any legal loopholes that may exist and to think about all of a policy’s possible outcomes. A student who wants to study public policy would do well to have both a clear and thoughtful way of thinking.
9. Finance
If you choose to focus on finance, you will be entering a field of study where you will be expected to develop great analytical skills as you learn how to perfect techniques in business analytics, financial planning, and other fields with similar ideas.
When you major in finance, you’ll learn how to take a complete and accurate financial inventory of a client. Any mistake in math could cost the company a lot of money, so you need to learn how to do it right.
Because of this, if you are majoring in finance, you need to be careful and accurate with your work. Shy people who like to keep to themselves should consider choosing this major.
10. Biology/Chemistry
Both a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (or a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, if you want to combine the two) are degrees in which you study a specific area of science in depth and become an expert on research in that area.
To get a degree in a hard subject like Biology or Chemistry, you have to do a lot of work in labs with small groups. Working as a biologist or chemist in a lab usually involves even less interaction with other people.
So, if interacting with many people isn’t one of your strengths, and you already have the basic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) skills you need to do well in the major, this is most likely the right major for you.
Surviving high school as an introvert can be a challenging experience, but with the right guidance and support, it can also be rewarding. AdmissionSight is a great resource for high school students seeking personalized guidance and advice on navigating college admissions.
Our college admissions experts can provide you with one-on-one support to help you identify your strengths, passions, and goals and develop a strategy for achieving your dreams.
Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, we can help you navigate the complexities of the college admissions process and find a school that is the perfect fit for you. So, why wait? Book your initial consultation today!