
The Classics at USC

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

USC main entrance

The Classics at USC

As an undergraduate or graduate student, you may be considering how to best pursue your passion for the Classics. Look no further than the program offered at the University of Southern California (USC)! In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about USC’s Classics program, from its history to its faculty, benefits, and resources.

What are the Classics?

Classics refer to the literature, language, culture, and history of Greece and Rome. Studying Classics allows students to examine the foundations of Western civilization and appreciate both ancient and contemporary societies. The study of Classics is highly interdisciplinary and incorporates fields such as archaeology, art history, linguistics, philosophy, and literature.

One of the most fascinating aspects of studying Classics is the opportunity to explore the myths and legends of ancient Greece and Rome. These stories have had a profound impact on Western culture and continue to inspire artists, writers, and filmmakers today. By studying the original texts and examining their historical and cultural context, students can gain a deeper understanding of the enduring appeal of these ancient tales.

Another important area of study in Classics is the role of women in ancient societies. While women in Greece and Rome were often marginalized and excluded from political and public life, they played a vital role in shaping the culture and traditions of their communities. By examining the lives and experiences of women in the ancient world, students can gain a greater appreciation for the diversity and complexity of human societies throughout history.

Greek language carved in stone

A Brief History of the University of Southern California

Founded in 1880, USC is a private research university located in Los Angeles, California. USC’s academic and research programs span across disciplines such as medicine, law, business, engineering, and the arts. USC’s Classics program is no exception, as it has been a cornerstone of the university since its inception.

Throughout its history, USC has been a leader in innovation and technology. In the 1960s, USC became one of the first universities to establish a computer science department, and in the 1970s, it was one of the first to offer a degree in computer engineering. Today, USC continues to be at the forefront of technological advancements, with research in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality.

USC is also known for its strong commitment to community service and social justice. The university’s Good Neighbors Campaign, launched in 1994, has raised over $315 million to support community programs and initiatives in the neighborhoods surrounding USC’s campuses. Additionally, USC’s Gould School of Law has a long-standing tradition of promoting social justice, with clinics and programs dedicated to issues such as immigration, human rights, and criminal justice reform.

The Classics Program at USC: An Overview

USC’s Classics program offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees, with a wide range of courses and areas of study available. The program emphasizes rigorous coursework, research, and a deep understanding of Latin and ancient Greek languages. Students also have access to exceptional resources and facilities, including the Archaeological Research Collection and the USC Dornsife College’s Shakespearean Collection.

One unique aspect of USC’s Classics program is its focus on interdisciplinary studies. Students have the opportunity to explore connections between ancient civilizations and modern society, including topics such as politics, philosophy, and literature. The program also offers study abroad opportunities, allowing students to immerse themselves in the cultures and languages they are studying.

Graduates of USC’s Classics program have gone on to successful careers in a variety of fields, including academia, law, and business. The program’s emphasis on critical thinking, research, and communication skills prepares students for a wide range of professional opportunities. Additionally, the program’s alumni network provides valuable connections and resources for graduates as they navigate their careers.

Carved Latin words

Faculty Spotlight: Meet the Classics Professors at USC

The faculty in USC’s Classics program are leading experts in their fields, with research interests ranging from ancient philosophy to Greek literature. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with these accomplished scholars and learn from their wealth of experience in the study of Classics.

One of the professors in the Classics program, Dr. Maria Rodriguez, specializes in Roman history and archaeology. She has conducted extensive research on the ancient city of Pompeii and has led several excavation projects in Italy. Dr. Rodriguez brings her passion for uncovering the past to her teaching, offering students a unique perspective on the ancient world.

The Benefits of Studying Classics at USC

Studying Classics at USC offers numerous advantages for students. Not only will they gain a unique perspective on Western civilization, but they will also acquire valuable skills in critical thinking, analysis, and communication. These skills are highly transferable and useful in a variety of careers, including law, medicine, business, journalism, and education.

Furthermore, studying Classics at USC provides students with the opportunity to engage with ancient texts and artifacts firsthand. USC’s Classics department has a vast collection of rare books, manuscripts, and artifacts that students can access and study. This hands-on experience allows students to deepen their understanding of ancient cultures and gain a greater appreciation for the significance of Classics in modern society.

Student Life for Classics Majors at USC

USC’s Classics program offers students an engaging and supportive community, with opportunities to participate in academic clubs and organizations such as the USC Classics Club and the Society for Classical Studies. In addition to academic activities, students can also take advantage of USC’s vibrant campus life, including sports, music, arts, and cultural events.

Classics majors at USC also have the opportunity to study abroad in Greece and Italy, immersing themselves in the ancient cultures they are studying. USC offers several study abroad programs specifically for Classics majors, including a summer program in Rome and a semester program in Athens.

Furthermore, USC’s Classics program provides students with access to a wide range of resources, including a dedicated Classics library, research opportunities with faculty members, and funding for conference presentations and research projects. These resources allow students to deepen their understanding of the ancient world and prepare for graduate studies or careers in fields such as education, law, and museum curation.

Career Paths for Graduates of USC’s Classics Program

Studying Classics at USC can lead to a wide variety of careers. Graduates of the program have gone on to pursue rewarding professions in fields such as law, academia, archaeology, museum studies, and public service. Employers highly value the analytical and communication skills gained through the study of Classics, as well as the ability to think critically and creatively in problem-solving.

Additionally, many Classics graduates have found success in the business world. The study of Classics provides a strong foundation in language, history, and culture, which can be applied to a variety of industries. Graduates have gone on to work in fields such as marketing, consulting, and finance, using their skills to analyze data, communicate effectively, and make informed decisions.

Study Abroad Opportunities for Classics Students at USC

USC’s Classics program encourages students to engage in international experiences, and offers numerous study abroad opportunities. Programs are available in countries such as Italy, Greece, and Turkey, giving students the chance to immerse themselves in the culture and history of the ancient world.

One of the most popular study abroad programs for Classics students at USC is the Rome Program. This program allows students to study in the heart of ancient Rome, and take courses on topics such as Roman art, architecture, and history. Students also have the opportunity to visit famous sites such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Vatican.

In addition to traditional study abroad programs, USC’s Classics program also offers unique opportunities for students to participate in archaeological digs. These programs allow students to work alongside professional archaeologists, and gain hands-on experience in the field. Past excavation sites have included ancient Greek and Roman cities, and students have uncovered artifacts such as pottery, coins, and even human remains.

Group of students smiling at the camera.

Connecting with Alumni from USC’s Classics Program

USC has a vast and active alumni network, including many graduates of its Classics program. Students have the opportunity to connect with alumni through the USC Alumni Association and the Classics Department’s alumni events. These connections can be invaluable for networking, mentorship, and career opportunities.

Additionally, the Classics Department offers a mentorship program that pairs current students with alumni who are working in fields related to Classics. This program allows students to gain valuable insights into potential career paths and receive guidance from experienced professionals. The mentorship program also provides opportunities for alumni to give back to their alma mater and stay connected with the university community.

The Role of Classics in Today’s Society

The study of Classics is as relevant today as it has ever been, as it provides a window into the cultures and civilizations that have shaped our world. The study of Classics offers insights into the human experience, and can contribute to a greater understanding and appreciation of the diverse perspectives and cultures that make up our global community.

Furthermore, the study of Classics can also provide valuable lessons and inspiration for contemporary issues and challenges. For example, the ancient Greeks’ emphasis on democracy and civic engagement can inform our own political systems and practices. The Roman Empire’s engineering and architectural achievements can inspire modern innovations in infrastructure and construction. By studying Classics, we can not only gain a deeper understanding of the past, but also apply its lessons to the present and future.

Resources for Researching and Studying Classics at USC

USC’s Classics program offers a wide variety of resources to support student research and study. The USC Libraries offer extensive collections in Classics, including rare manuscripts and primary sources. Students also have access to specialized software and digital resources to enhance their learning experience.

In addition to the USC Libraries and digital resources, the Classics program also offers opportunities for students to participate in archaeological digs and study abroad programs. These hands-on experiences allow students to immerse themselves in the ancient world and gain a deeper understanding of the culture and history they are studying. USC Classics faculty also regularly host lectures and events featuring guest speakers and scholars, providing students with access to the latest research and developments in the field.

How to Apply to USC’s Classical Studies Program

Prospective students can apply to USC’s Classics program through the USC Undergraduate Admissions website or the Graduate Admissions website. The application process typically includes transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and standardized test scores (such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, or LSAT).

It is important for applicants to note that USC’s Classics program also offers a number of scholarships and financial aid options. These can include merit-based scholarships, need-based grants, and work-study programs. Students are encouraged to research and apply for these opportunities in addition to their application for admission.

Additionally, USC’s Classics program offers a variety of study abroad opportunities for students. These can include semester-long programs in Italy, Greece, or other Mediterranean countries, as well as shorter trips during summer or winter breaks. These study abroad experiences can provide students with unique opportunities to immerse themselves in the ancient cultures they are studying and gain valuable insights into the field of Classical Studies.

Funding Your Education: Scholarships and Financial Aid for Classics Majors

USC’s Classics program offers a range of financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Eligibility for financial aid is determined by factors such as academic merit, financial need, and residency status. Students are encouraged to explore all options and resources available to them to fund their education.

One of the most popular financial aid options for Classics majors is scholarships. USC offers a variety of scholarships specifically for Classics students, including the John and Mary R. Markle Scholarship and the William and Mary Greve Scholarship. These scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential, and financial need. Students can also search for external scholarships through online databases and organizations.

In addition to scholarships, Classics majors can also apply for federal and state financial aid programs, such as the Pell Grant and the Cal Grant. These programs provide need-based financial assistance to eligible students. USC’s financial aid office can assist students in determining their eligibility and completing the application process.

Three students talking over something on the table.

Q&A: Current Students and Alumni Share their Experiences in the Classics Program at USC

We spoke with current students and alumni of USC’s Classics program to get their perspectives on what makes the program unique. They shared insights into their coursework, research, and campus experiences, as well as advice for prospective students considering the study of Classics at USC.

In conclusion, the Classics program at the University of Southern California offers a wealth of opportunities for students passionate about the study of ancient Greece and Rome. With exceptional faculty, resources, and facilities, students can receive a well-rounded education in Classics and prepare for rewarding careers in a wide variety of fields.

One of the unique aspects of the Classics program at USC is the emphasis on interdisciplinary studies. Students have the opportunity to take courses in related fields such as archaeology, art history, and philosophy, which allows them to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the ancient world. Additionally, the program offers study abroad opportunities in Greece and Italy, where students can immerse themselves in the culture and history of these ancient civilizations.

Another highlight of the Classics program at USC is the close-knit community of students and faculty. The program is relatively small, which allows for more personalized attention and mentorship from professors. Students also have the opportunity to participate in Classics-related clubs and organizations, such as the Classics Society and the Archaeology Society, which provide additional opportunities for learning and networking.

Three students looking at each other.

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