
MIT vs Brown University: A Comprehensive Analysis

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Students walking around the school campus.

MIT vs Brown University: A Comprehensive Analysis

When it comes to picking a college, it’s important to consider all of your options. Two top-tier institutions, both known for their excellence in academics, are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Brown University. Both universities offer unique experiences for students, but which one is right for you? In this article, we will delve into a comprehensive analysis of MIT vs Brown and compare them in various categories, including location, admissions, tuition, student life, academics, faculty, student performance, extracurricular activities, diversity, alumni networks, and future outlooks.

Group of students working together and talking.

Location and Campus: How do the two universities compare?

MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the heart of the Boston metropolitan area. It has a vast, urban campus that is compact and easy to navigate. Brown University, on the other hand, is located in Providence, Rhode Island, a smaller, more laid-back city that combines a historic atmosphere with vibrant nightlife. Its campus is spread out over an area that is twice as large as MIT’s, featuring both traditional and modern architecture.

Both universities offer various outdoor spaces for students to relax and unwind. MIT has many green patches throughout the campus, and Brown University boasts plenty of green spaces as well. Additionally, both universities are located in areas with plenty of cultural and entertainment options. While MIT is in a more bustling part of town, Brown is in a quieter area if you’re looking for a more relaxed college experience.

Another notable difference between MIT vs Brown is their proximity to other academic institutions. MIT is located in the heart of the Boston metropolitan area, which is home to several other prestigious universities, including Harvard and Boston University. This provides students with ample opportunities for cross-registration and collaboration with students from other institutions. Brown University, on the other hand, is located in a smaller city with fewer academic institutions nearby. However, it is still within driving distance of several other universities, including the Ivy League institution Yale University.

Admissions Requirements: What it takes to get accepted into MIT vs Brown

MIT and Brown are known for their selectivity and competitiveness in the admissions process. MIT’s acceptance rate is only around 7%, while Brown’s acceptance rate hovers around 9%. Both universities require strong academic achievements, as well as stellar test scores – particularly in math and science – for admission.

Brown University is known for being more holistic in its admissions process, looking at factors such as extracurricular activities, community involvement, and writing skills when considering candidates. In contrast, MIT tends to place more emphasis on test scores and academic achievements. Both universities value individuals who can demonstrate their passion and dedication in their areas of interest.

Aside from academic achievements and test scores, both MIT and Brown also consider the applicant’s personal qualities and characteristics. MIT values creativity, innovation, and leadership potential, while Brown looks for intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, and a commitment to social justice. Both universities also consider the applicant’s fit with their respective communities and cultures.

It’s important to note that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to either university. The admissions process is highly competitive, and both universities receive far more applications than they can accept. Applicants should strive to stand out by showcasing their unique strengths and experiences and by demonstrating a genuine passion for their chosen field of study.

Tuition and Financial Aid: The Cost of Attending MIT vs. Brown

Attending either MIT or Brown will come with a hefty price tag, with both universities being some of the most expensive in the country. Both universities offer financial aid to students in need.

The total cost of attending MIT, including tuition, room, and board, is around $75,000 per year. Brown University costs around $73,000 per year, which is slightly cheaper than MIT. However, the cost of these universities can be offset by their generous financial aid programs. MIT meets the full demonstrated need of all admitted students and provides more than $160 million in need-based scholarships annually. Brown University also provides robust financial aid, including merit-based scholarships and need-based grants.

Students working on something while lookin at a laptop.

It is important to note that the cost of attending these universities may vary depending on the program of study. For example, MIT’s engineering programs may have additional fees and expenses compared to Brown’s liberal arts programs. Additionally, both universities offer work-study programs to help students offset the cost of attendance by working part-time on campus.

Another factor to consider is the potential return on investment. Both MIT and Brown are highly respected universities with strong alumni networks, which can lead to lucrative job opportunities after graduation. It is important for students to weigh the cost of attendance against the potential long-term benefits of attending these prestigious universities.

Student Life: What to Expect as a Student at each university

MIT and Brown University offer different lifestyles and environments for their students. MIT students are known for their rigorous course loads and intense academic schedules. The university places a significant emphasis on research and encourages students to participate in independent research opportunities with faculty members. Social activities on campus include attending various hackathons and other competitions.

Brown University, on the other hand, emphasizes a diverse and inclusive community with a strong arts culture. Students are encouraged to explore and take classes in various subjects, not just in their field of study. Brown also has a more active social scene, with various activities ranging from attending concerts and performances to participating in student-led activism groups.

Additionally, both universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs for students to get involved in. MIT has a strong focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, with many clubs dedicated to startups and technology. Brown, on the other hand, has a wide range of clubs and organizations, including a student-run radio station and a community service organization. Both universities also have a strong athletic program, with opportunities for students to participate in varsity, club, and intramural sports.

Academics: A side-by-side comparison of the academic programs at MIT vs Brown

Both universities are known for their excellence in academics and offer a wide range of programs for students to pursue. MIT is particularly strong in science, engineering, and technology. The university also offers high-quality programs in management, economics, and social sciences.

Brown University, on the other hand, is recognized for its liberal arts curriculum. The university offers strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The university emphasizes its students’ overall well-being by offering open curriculum programs that allow students to create their academic path. At Brown, students design their programs of study, freeing them from major prerequisites and giving them more flexibility in crafting their undergraduate experience.

Additionally, both universities have a strong commitment to research and innovation. MIT is home to numerous research centers and institutes, including the Media Lab and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Brown University also has a strong research focus, with centers such as the Brown Institute for Brain Science and the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. Both universities provide students with opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries in their respective fields.

Faculty and Research Opportunities: Which university has the better faculty and research opportunities?

MIT and Brown both have world-class faculty and research opportunities for their students. At MIT, students have an opportunity to collaborate with faculty researchers and undertake independent research at various research labs. MIT has a vast network of over 1,400 faculty members who are leading experts in their respective fields.

Brown University has more than 1,500 faculty members and a strong focus on involving undergraduate students in its research initiatives. The university has a unique approach to research, with collaborations with faculty from various departments and an emphasis on interdisciplinary research opportunities for students. Brown University is home to unique research initiatives such as the Humanity-Centered Robotics Initiative and the Brain Science Program.

Student Performance and Career Outcomes: Analyzing the Success of Graduates from both universities

Students from both MIT and Brown University have excellent career prospects after graduation. MIT graduates often get lucrative job offers from companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Goldman Sachs. Similarly, Brown graduates end up working for top companies and organizations across various industries, including Amazon, J.P. Morgan and Teach for America.

Male student reading a likely letter on a library.

Additionally, graduates from both universities go on to pursue graduate studies at prestigious institutions. Graduates from both universities are well-rounded, with skills that are attractive to employers in a wide range of fields.

Furthermore, both MIT and Brown University have strong alumni networks that provide valuable resources and connections for graduates. These networks offer mentorship opportunities, job postings, and networking events that can help graduates advance in their careers. Graduates from both universities also have access to career services and counseling, which can assist them in finding job opportunities and navigating the job market.

Extracurricular Activities: The different clubs, organizations, and sports teams available at MIT vs Brown

Both universities offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations for students. MIT has a robust athletic department, with 33 varsity teams in various sports. The university also has a thriving arts and music scene, which includes groups that produce musicals, plays, and other productions.

Brown students have access to over 300 recognized student organizations, including various athletic clubs, performing groups, and pre-professional clubs. Brown also recently constructed a $78 million athletic complex featuring a new aquatic center, weight room, and fitness studio. The university promotes a healthy work-life balance and encourages students to take advantage of their surroundings.

Additionally, both universities offer a variety of community service and volunteer opportunities for students. MIT has a Public Service Center that connects students with local organizations and non-profits, allowing them to give back to the community while gaining valuable experience. Brown has a similar program called the Swearer Center, which offers service-learning courses and connects students with community partners.

Furthermore, both universities have active political and social justice groups on campus. MIT has a Political Science Association and a Women’s and Gender Studies Student Association, while Brown has a Social Justice Center and a Queer Alliance. These groups provide a platform for students to engage in meaningful discussions and activism on important issues.

Diversity and Inclusion: How do MIT vs Brown stack up in terms of diversity and inclusion on campus?

Both universities emphasize creating a diverse and inclusive campus community. MIT has over 20% of its students are international, with over 100 countries represented on campus. MIT has also launched initiatives such as the Bridge Program to support students from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM fields. Additionally, the Institute supports numerous student organizations, such as the Black Students Union and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.

Brown has similar programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion on campus. The university has undergone efforts to recruit more students from underrepresented backgrounds, resulting in its current undergraduate student body being one of the most diverse it has had in its history. Brown’s dean of the college also identifies diversity, equity, and inclusion as one of their strategic priorities, making it a key consideration in both academic and community development.

Despite these efforts, both universities still face challenges in achieving true diversity and inclusion on campus. MIT has faced criticism for its lack of diversity in faculty and staff, with only 4% of its faculty being Black or African American. Brown has also faced criticism for its handling of incidents of racism and discrimination on campus, leading to student protests and demands for change.

However, both universities continue to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable campus community. MIT has recently launched the Inclusive Innovation Challenge, which awards prizes to entrepreneurs who are using technology to create economic opportunities for underrepresented communities. Brown has also implemented a new diversity and inclusion action plan, which includes initiatives such as increasing support for first-generation and low-income students and expanding diversity training for faculty and staff.

Alumni Network: The strength of each university’s alumni network

Both universities boast a strong alumni network that spans the globe. MIT has over 135,000 alumni worldwide, with over 90 alumni clubs in 44 countries. The Institute’s alumni network includes numerous Nobel laureates, astronauts, and successful business people.

College students talking about internships.

Brown University has a tight-knit alumni community, with over 75,000 active alumni worldwide. The university provides numerous opportunities for graduates to remain connected to the university, including regional clubs, networking events, and career services. Brown’s alumni community also includes various community leaders, successful entrepreneurs, and renowned scholars.

Furthermore, both universities have established mentorship programs that connect current students with alumni in their respective fields. These programs provide invaluable guidance and support to students as they navigate their academic and professional journeys. MIT’s mentorship program called the Alumni Advisors Hub, has over 3,000 alumni volunteers who offer career advice and networking opportunities to current students. Brown’s mentorship program, called the BrownConnect Mentoring Program, pairs students with alumni mentors who provide guidance on career exploration, job searching, and professional development.

Future Outlook: Predictions for the future of each university based on recent developments

MIT and Brown are both looking towards the future, with numerous initiatives and programs aimed at enhancing the student experience. MIT is looking to create a more sustainable future through the Sustainability Initiative, which will seek to address environmental challenges through cutting-edge research and interactive education initiatives.

Brown University is focused on becoming a leading research university in the field of data science. The university established the Data Science Initiative, bringing together faculty from various departments to advance data-intensive research and education on campus. Additionally, Brown University is working towards becoming carbon-neutral by 2040 through its Climate and Sustainability Action Plan.

Furthermore, MIT is also investing heavily in artificial intelligence (AI) research and education. The university recently launched the MIT Intelligence Quest, a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at advancing the science and engineering of both human and machine intelligence. This initiative will bring together researchers from across the university to tackle some of the most pressing challenges in AI, such as developing new algorithms and improving the ethical and social implications of AI technology.

Overall Comparison: Summing up which university comes out on top in this analysis

Both universities offer unique experiences and opportunities for their students. MIT is better suited for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The university’s approach to academic rigor and research lends itself to students wanting to explore the forefront of scientific research. However, the academic environment can be challenging for some.

Ivy League students gathered around a room preparing for an activity.

Brown University, on the other hand, is better suited for students who are interested in a more liberal arts-oriented education. The university offers unique opportunities to create your own major and experiment with various academic interests. The university also promotes a more well-rounded experience, with ample opportunities for socialization and community involvement.

Ultimately, deciding between MIT vs Brown University comes down to your personal preferences and academic ambitions. Both institutions have their strengths, and both would provide outstanding educational experiences for anyone who attends them.

It is worth noting that both universities have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. MIT has made significant strides in recent years to increase the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. Brown University has also taken steps to promote diversity and inclusivity, including implementing a need-blind admission policy and offering resources for first-generation and low-income students.

Another factor to consider is the location of each university. MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is part of the greater Boston area. This location provides students with access to a thriving tech industry and numerous internship and job opportunities. Brown University, on the other hand, is located in Providence, Rhode Island, which offers a more laid-back and artsy atmosphere. The city is known for its vibrant arts scene and culinary offerings.



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