
What You Need to Know About Princeton ACT Scores: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Students

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of students taking an exam.

What You Need to Know About Princeton ACT Scores: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Students

What is a good ACT score for Princeton?

What is a good Princeton ACT score? When we’re discussing the ACT scores that Princeton University looks for, it’s critical to understand that “good” is a relative term. However, let’s get more specific about what a competitive ACT score for Princeton might look like.

Composite Scores

The middle 50% of admitted students at Princeton typically have ACT scores between 33 and 35. That’s a high bar, considering the highest possible ACT composite score is 36. To put this in context, a score of 33 places you in approximately the top 2% of all test-takers nationally.

Keep in mind that this range represents the middle 50%, meaning that 25% of admitted students scored below 33, and 25% scored a perfect 36. So while a 33 or above is certainly a strong score for Princeton, students have been accepted with lower scores as well.

Section Scores

Along with composite scores, it’s also crucial to consider section scores. Princeton, like many other universities, also looks at your scores in individual sections. The sections of the ACT are English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science, each scored on a scale of 1-36.

Given the rigorous academic curriculum at Princeton, strong scores in all sections will make your application more competitive. Particularly, if you plan to major in a STEM field, high Math and Science scores are beneficial, while prospective humanities majors may want to aim for high English and Reading scores.


Princeton University also super scores on the ACT. Superscoring means the university takes your highest score from each section across all test dates and averages them to get your highest possible composite score. This policy is beneficial because it allows you to focus on improving one section at a time without worrying about how you fare on the others in a single test administration.

In general, a strong ACT score can certainly enhance your application, but it doesn’t guarantee admission. Similarly, a score lower than the average for admitted students doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be rejected. Each part of your application offers an opportunity to showcase your strengths, interests, and character.

Moreover, while there’s no definitive answer to what is a good Princeton ACT score, aiming for a score in the mid-30s will make you a competitive applicant. However, it’s just as important to focus on other parts of your application to present a well-rounded picture of who you are as a student and a person.

What is the Princeton ACT code?

What is the ACT code for Princeton? When you’re registering for the ACT, you’ll be asked for a code for the colleges to which you want your scores sent. The Princeton ACT code is 2588. This four-digit number ensures your scores land in the right place, essentially, Princeton’s admission office.

It’s important to enter this code accurately. Missteps here could mean your scores go astray, causing unnecessary stress and potentially delaying your application. So, double-check and then triple-check to make sure you’ve got it right.

Does Princeton require an official ACT?

Does Princeton require an official ACT? Princeton does require an official ACT score report. This policy ensures that all scores are verified, maintaining fairness in the admissions process. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many colleges and universities, including Princeton, have adopted test-optional policies.

Princeton’s test-optional policy means that applicants may choose whether or not to submit ACT scores as part of their application. This policy was initially implemented for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 admissions cycles. If you choose to submit test scores, they should be sent directly from the testing agency to be considered official.

unidentified student taking an exam inside a class

Meanwhile, even with the test-optional policy, many students still choose to submit their ACT scores, especially if they feel that their scores accurately reflect their academic abilities and could enhance their application. However, if your test scores do not represent your academic potential, taking advantage of the test-optional policy might be in your best interest.

Regardless of whether you submit test scores, remember that Princeton University uses a holistic admissions process. They consider many factors, including your academic performance in high school, the rigor of your course load, your extracurricular activities, leadership roles, letters of recommendation, personal essays, and more.

How important is the ACT score in Princeton’s overall admissions process?

How significant is the ACT score in Princeton’s admissions process? Princeton, like most Ivy League schools, emphasizes a holistic approach to its admissions process. This means they review all aspects of your application to comprehensively understand you as a person, not just as a student.

Your ACT score is undoubtedly an important piece of this puzzle, as it provides an objective measure of your academic abilities. It complements your GPA, showing your capacity to perform academically on a standardized scale.

Intelligent international students preparing for final exams at public park, using laptop and notebooks

However, it’s not the sole determining factor. Princeton also considers your high school coursework rigor, extracurricular involvement, recommendation letters, personal essays, and more. A high ACT score can boost your application, but it won’t guarantee admission. Conversely, a slightly lower-than-average score won’t automatically disqualify you if other parts of your application shine.

How does Princeton help prospective students boost their ACT scores?

How does Princeton support prospective students’ ACT score improvement? Princeton is deeply committed to helping prospective students succeed. While Princeton doesn’t offer specific ACT prep resources, they do provide a wealth of resources that can indirectly support your academic growth and test preparation.

For instance, Princeton’s comprehensive website offers a wealth of information about its academic programs, faculty research, and student life, which can give you insights into the intellectual rigor and holistic learning approach the University values. This can guide your preparation strategy as you aim to demonstrate the breadth and depth of your knowledge in the ACT.

Moreover, Princeton’s financial aid program is among the most generous in the country. The University is committed to making Princeton education affordable to all admitted students. If you need financial support to access ACT prep resources, you could potentially find that support through Princeton’s financial aid.

What should be your ACT strategy for Princeton?

What ACT strategy should you employ for Princeton? Given Princeton’s holistic admissions approach, it’s clear that more than a strong ACT score is needed. You must complement it with strong grades, challenging coursework, impressive extracurricular activities, compelling essays, and glowing recommendations. That said, a strong ACT score can significantly enhance your application.

How do you achieve this? Start by setting a realistic study schedule based on your strengths and weaknesses. Use official ACT prep materials, and consider investing in a reputable ACT prep course if you can. Practice with timed tests to get used to the pacing of the exam. Review your mistakes thoroughly to understand your weak areas and focus on improving them.

students taking an exam

Equally important, remember to take care of yourself during this process. Get enough sleep, eat healthily, and take breaks when you need them. The road to Princeton may be challenging, but you can put your best foot forward with determination, hard work, and a balanced lifestyle.

While Princeton University’s average ACT scores are high, remember that these scores are just one part of the admissions equation. A comprehensive, well-rounded application can sometimes outweigh a less-than-perfect test score. Also, remember that Princeton, like all universities, is looking for a diverse class. They value different experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives. So, be yourself, and let your unique story shine through in your application.

As you prepare for your ACT and work on your Princeton application, remember the importance of balance. Yes, strive for a high ACT score, but also invest time in other parts of your application. And above all, enjoy the process. This is a time of exploration and growth, a chance to discover more about yourself and your aspirations.

At AdmissionSight, we understand the intricacies of the college admissions process and how a strong Princeton ACT score can enhance your application. However, we also know that you are more than a test score. Our approach is to highlight your unique strengths and passions, turning them into compelling stories that resonate with admissions officers. Contact us!


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